Rain, sun, earth, seed, root, stem, flower, fallen petal…
We are one and the same at different moments throughout the day.
Stories Collected While Living in France
Rain, sun, earth, seed, root, stem, flower, fallen petal…
We are one and the same at different moments throughout the day.
Amen to that~
Beautiful flowers and words.
I love you
continued prayers for you all~
“The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.”
– Theodore Rubin
Je n’ai pas besoin de dictionnaire pour comprendre vos photos…par contre j’aimerai bien en trouver un de qualité pour comprendre vos pensées, je n’ai trouvé qu’altavista qui déforme les mots. si vous connaissez un autre dictionnaire dites le moi afin que je puisse apprécier vos textes si beaux, je le sens…
voila mon adresse
A beautiful, thoughtful post, in the midst of great turmoil. My prayers are with you . . .
How true Corey.
I wanted to share with you a favorite quote of mine:
“In all things it is better to hope than to despair.”
-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Wishing you a hopeful day today….
You are most poetic.
I am thinking about you.
Happy to hear your Mother with her fallen petal is better, we were so worried! You are in our prayers and thoughts,Rene’
I could not stop thinking of you yesterday….. wondering if you are alright. Sure, sure, you will say ‘yes, I am fine…’ but you know what I really mean.
much love….
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.~~Dee
You are in my thoughts and prayers without ceasing these days. To think I know you only through the pages of this poetic ponder spot … my heart goes deeper and says, “Nay, we know deeply through the shared experience of loving one who drifts.” Rest, sweet friend.
Beautiful! Still praying for you in your time of trial!
as always you touch my very soul with your words. I continue to pray for you.
blessings and love
Still waiting for spring to move into our part of the world, so seeing your flowers brings a much-needed smile. Thank you! 🙂
I think of you and your dad and family here in france and stateside when I drive along the now poppy speckled roads – I was in Lourdes before the tourist season and there too, I sent a prayer for you and your family- I sent it onward to the Blessed Mother asking for peace and relief from any discomfort and fears which accompany illness, I also send you hugs!
Like you too ,I am a former cancer patient myself and more than a doc,I can recall the smells ,the sights, the feelings of these “new normals” which mark the hours !It is really an abnormal/surreal space of life at a hospital where we spend hours in care, in hope,in a tremendous intensity and yet, there is a sense of abandonment to all that is unknown, except within the language of love and touch and prayer!This is a wild landscape which can only parallel the minuscia of other peoples normal lives!!!blessings!
I can smell the fragrance of their delicate beauty…
Mmmm, lovely post! It reminds me of Scripture that says we are many parts but one body, many parts with different functions, all necessary, needful, and interchangeable.
I think today I felt and witnessed exactly what you so beautifully describe.
I was rain, as I sat in a memorial service this morning with weeping heart for a family who lost a loved one.
I witnessed the sun beaming, hearing how the rays of her life impacted and touched others with the warmth of compassion, caring, and love.
I was earth, in rotation seeing all the aspects of her life through the words of those who knew her best.
I was blessed enough to be a seed, that was planted close enough to her to be nourished and nurtured into growth.
I was saw her roots, as I felt the deep trendils of her legacy of faith in God grounded in her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.
I was stem, standing to support her beloved family in their time of mourning.
I was flower, witnessing the full bloom of a well lived, rich, and beautiful life.
I witnessed a fallen petal from one of God’s best and brightest creations as it drifted from this life into the palm of the Savior.
As you say, one and the same at different moments throughout the day.
Thank you for blessing me so today! Still lifting you to the Father.
Though by the end of the day….I am usually wilted 😉
It is 8 at night, getting dark and thinking of you in the hospital at your dads side. Wishing you strength. Love Clarice
Today i visit you and read about your Father’s illness.
I go back and read all your entries on this journey you are on.
I feel saddened for him, you and your extended family.
I send you my warmest wishes and prayers…may Love give you continued Strength and Peace, and Comfort.
Respect and hugs,
xo Kali
I think of you and your family daily, Corey. I wish for you continued love and support, I wish for your mother courage and strength, and I wish for your father comfort and peace. You are cradled in the thoughts and prayers of friends near and far, close in distance or only near in heart.
oh sooo beautiful- I had like thoughts as I focused my lens upon the barely open Pomegranate Blooms this weekend. Mother Nature places yet another cushion beneath my hurting parts.
Your portrait of your precious Chelsea is breath taking Dearest Corey.
Sending constant prayers and Love on a gentle ,warm desert wind
It touched my heart reading that “não chora”… Your Father is a wise and sweet, special men.
Give him what you always gave him, in portuguese “um sorriso”… a smile.
Keep praying for you all.
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