Example Sheds a Light

_mg_0642 My friend Shelley who has ALS knows what it means to fight for her life. She is of sound mind, and though her body is beautiful and young, she cannot move any part of it. Her husband Eric, her rock and her foundation, is her life support here on earth. Caring for her, and making everyday as beautiful as it can be. You have heard the expression live your life as if it is your last day…. Shelley and Eric do just that.

Shelley shows me time and time again that life is what you make it. She faces death every moment, but she does not let it take her breath away in fear. Instead she lives in its shadow and dances with light.

_mg_0670_2 When my days at the hospital are too heavy, when I begin to crack from the pressure, when I feel the unfairness of life and doubt that God could have any hand in any of this, I think of Shelley and Eric. I have never heard them complain, nor utter one word about unfairness. Their example sheds a light on faith, love and hope. Their courage to face death every single day and still live their lives with joy slaps me right back into reality… A reality that life is what you make it.                

My father is ill. I am tired and I miss home. But at the end of the day I look around and can say I have lived it lovingly and I have given it my best… and that makes these sad days worthy of the smile I feel.

Thank you Shelley and Eric for showing me how to live life on the right side of the track.


Note: Thank you for the loving responses you sent to me yesterday. It is a healing balm to have such prayer and good thoughts surrounding my family and I.


28 responses to “Example Sheds a Light”

  1. Ed in Willows

    I have known Eric for almost 40 years. He has always put Shelly’s needs ahead of his own. He has done it because of the love they share. Together, they are shining examples of how to live life.
    “There is no such thing in anyone’s life as an unimportant day.”
    Alexander Woollcott

  2. Dearest Corey,
    words fail me. I try to put myself in your shoes, yet can’t, even though I have witnessed both my sister and my father slowly slowly slip away when they were both way too young. So I should know what you feel, but it seems impossible. Just know that I am thinking of you, of your vigil and your love for your loved ones on the coasts of two different oceans. I went to the opera last night. It was the most perfect production I have ever seen of “La Traviata”. I was pondering how humankind finds the means to express such sadness through utmost beauty. There must be a connection between the beauty and the sadness of life. I wish you to see and enjoy immense beauty to give you the strength to go through sadness. I know you do.

  3. Corey,
    Day by day, you and your family are in my prayers. I used some of the beads from the necklace that I made the rosary from to make a necklace tonight, and I again thought of your family, and stopped and prayed for all of you. Your strength, even in the midst of exhaustion, is wonderful. I wish I could just sit with you there, not talking, but just giving you rest.

  4. Your friends sound so inspiring…and so do you, Corey. I hope it brings you some comfort to know, even though you may be tired and heartaching, when you share your journey here, you give inspiration to others as well, through your writing and beautiful photos – you show us how to ‘give the day it’s best,’ even when the day is less than best…Thank you for that. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  5. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    They are an example and so are you !

  6. Sometimes the most difficult circumstances in life bring out grace and beauty when we least expect it. I have seen that in you too! Take care, Nel xx

  7. “The only disability in life is a bad attitude!”
    – Scott Hamilton
    God bless your dear friend and your loving Father and Mother and all of you.
    Blessings for your family
    both near and far.
    Prayers continue for everyone
    I love you

  8. Ellen Cassilly

    I’m so glad that you wrote about Shelley today. I was thinking about her all day yesterday and wondering how she was getting along. We send love and insight to you. E&F

  9. My Melange

    That is what friends are for…..

  10. Shelley is a good friend in mind and spirit!!

  11. I remember your posts about Shelley and thank you for reminding me of how to value life and good health. They must be an amazing couple.
    Yesterday, I printed your post to share with dh at the breakfast table – we were overwhelmed by your strong words, wanting somehow to help you feel better, take away your pain, fly you home in seconds to your French family waiting patiently, tell you your father will be OK for a while without you. Yes, easy to comprehend your ‘wearing thin’ so you must take care of you. Of course only you know how to do this Corey and you will make the right decisions.
    Meanwhile, tell your father we continue to pray for him.

  12. La Donna Welter – Fellow ZNE Member

    Thank you Corey for showing me how to live life on the right side of the track.
    La Donna

  13. berriehead

    Strength like that teaches all of us how to live upright. Still here Corey girl* still thinking of you & praying. I came across a beautiful album a few days ago Robert Plant & Allison Krauss (the led zep rocker wow!) this last song is absolutely beautiful follow the link and give it a listen..the lyric is sad but the ending gives us great hope. xo

  14. wow… such inspiration i receive daily from visiting here

  15. Miss Sandy

    Thank you for sharing your incredible friend, Shelly, with us. I needed to hear about her perseverance and strength in the face of adversity. I think you too are a shining example of how to live. In my thought and prayers.

  16. I’ve been wondering if you’ve seen Shelley. Once again your words inspire us, just as Shelley and her husband inspire you. Thank you for sharing her with us. Today I intend to hold the two of you in the Light wrapped in each other’s arms.

  17. Brenda Kula

    Oh, that again was beautiful writing! Are you a writer by profession? I ask because I was a professional writing major in college. And from what I’ve just read in the past few days (I just found you yesterday), your writing is as mellifluous as fine music. I commend you on your strength. (We do tend to summon up some when we have to, don’t we!) And again, I will keep you and your family, and your friends you wrote about today, in my thoughts. Just put one foot in front of the other. That’s all you can do.

  18. Rosemary

    It just shows us there are amazing people on this earth.
    I often wonder about her Corey.
    She is also in my prayers.

  19. misschrisc

    I’m so sorry Corey. It always helps to have examples of strength and courage when we´re reaching our breaking point. Don´t lose faith.

  20. rochambeau

    Makes me cry. Makes me touched. Makes me happy. Makes me wise. Thank you and thank Shelley and Eric for being the kind of people you are.

  21. Corey, I wish you a replenishment of strength and light.

  22. Hi Corey, I wanted to let you know that my husband is having serious health issues and his doctor has advised him not to travel at this time. This means we won’t be coming to Paris on May 7th. I know that you are still in California with your family and wanted to thank you for the offer of visiting with you in the South of France during our trip. I continue to remember you & your family.

  23. It’s always unfortunate that something tragic must make us realize what is really important and how we must live for the moment, for today. With no regret…with only love, with only happiness and with total grace. You and certainly your friends are showing us what is important and how to live our lives gracefully.
    You are an inspiration Ms. Corey! I’m only sorry that you must be experiencing this difficult time and that your father must endure so much. You and your family are in my heart and my prayers!

  24. Elizabeth

    Life holds some awfully hard places; I am so sorry you are in one of them right now. But I am sure you will not regret having had this time with your dad either. I hope they are at least able to keep his pain down. Praying that the FATHER will meet every need he and you and your family have!! And that HIS love surrounds you!!

  25. Elaine L.

    Your friend Shelly is a truly amazing woman as is her husband. So many men would not have the strength of spirit and mind to stand by their wives during such a horrific challenge.
    God Bless them Both!

  26. (((love * hugsss))))))
    constant prayers always Precious Corey

  27. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Shelly is such an inspiration for all of us! I feel ashamed of the tiny little things that get on my nerves when I think of all she is going through. I guess God gives us these troubles so we can appreciate when we have it good. Marva

  28. Betty C.

    Dear Corey,
    I haven’t been by for a while because I took a holiday to Paris and also took a break from Internet for a while. But I have thought of you plenty of times and am hoping that YOU are hanging in, holding on, and taking care.
    I’ll be back a little more often now.
    Lots of love from Aveyron,

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