Applying Healing Balm


Applying Healing Balm

Standing at my father’s bedside I often imagine the *prayers being sent. I imagine them floating above him waiting to be placed on the area where he needs the most healing. Believing that to be true I hear myself saying at times, "May the prayers being said today bring healing peace to my father’s lungs." Then I sense the prayers streaming in towards his lungs.

When I had cancer years ago I felt prayers being sent my way. I could sense them as strongly as the clothing wrapped around me. It was one of the most amazing feelings to sense something invisible to the naked eye as tangible.

Have you had a similar experience?

*Prayers also positive thoughts.


48 responses to “Applying Healing Balm”

  1. Multitudes of prayers are being sent your way~
    Love and hugs and many blessings for everyone.
    Love Jeanne

  2. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    when something is strong and make/ send with love, faith and attention , it doesn’t matter if it is virtual or invisible you can catch it and carry near by your heart or your soul.
    In tough moments , I can share this same feeling.
    I am with you

  3. Corey,
    You came to my dreams last night…do you remember?

  4. The power of prayer certainly can be felt…I am still sending many your way Corey!!! Keep your faith and courage!!!

  5. My Melange

    I don’t believe I have felt that, but I hope you feel the positive thoughts I am sending you and your Dad.

  6. Miss Sandy

    I carry that sense of wonder with me everyday as I sense the very presence of God. I cannot see Him but I know He is there. I too have felt wrapped in prayer and yes I too believe it can be focused and healing. Praying you will be warmly cloaked in healing prayers directed exactly where your father needs each and every day.

  7. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    I have heard that when you pray to the Blessed Mother that she sends an angel to sit on the shoulder of the person that you are praying for…and I believe that! You have so many angels sitting with you right now…all is in GOD’s hands. Praying for you and yours with all my heart dear Corey.

  8. “Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”

  9. Prayer is AMAZING and I have seen it do miraculous things. I hope it is enveloping you and your family like a big, warm blanket…

  10. I have been the recipient of such loving prayer, as your father is now. I remember
    those days as being some of the most peaceful of my life even though I was, like
    you, battling Cancer. Strange the paradox of knowing you’re in a fight, but sure that you are protected by the love that abounds.
    I send love to you and your Dad in the form of prayers and simple positive thoughts.

  11. Alison Gibbs

    The power of thought is a postive thing.
    Take care and rest

  12. Wendi Kelly

    Yes, I have had this feeling- many times.
    One time, a feeling of a gentle breeze brushing my cheek and sweeping over me in a room of still air and no windows.
    Prayer is real. Thoughts have power. Thoughts are sent out as energy and God can do amazing things with all that loving energy!
    Bask in the comfort of all of those prayers today. I hope for you a warm day of prayers.

  13. the farmers wife

    I did Corey.
    Health care givers will tell you the dramatic difference between patients who have faith, a positive attitude and prayers behind them and those that don’t. Sometimes it’s the difference between life and death.
    I was diagnosed with Lupus. It was suspected for several years and I knew the possible consequences of the disease. But when they finally confirmed the diagnosis it hit me like a brick wall. I sat in the car and cried, for about 5 minutes. And then suddenly I felt a calm come over me and I prayed, “Now what? What can I do?”
    The answer came as quickly, “Now you live. Now you live without fear. You take chances. You fly.”
    And I did.
    My prayers continue to be with you and your family.

  14. I have felt the power of prayer before, and I believe our thoughts and prayers are real and tangible. Sending more of them, towards you and your dad~xo

  15. Sending prayers for your dad, you and your family, Corey~xo

  16. Blessings and peace being sent to you and your family.
    My dad’s birthday was April 22nd. He would have been 90. We lost him in 1977. He is still loved and present in many ways!

  17. Jenny McH

    Postive thoughts and wishes to you, your Father and Mother. Calming & gentle as a soft breeze, these thoughts wing their way to you.

  18. Catherine

    Still including you and your father in my daily Rosary. May God bless you and offer you a renewed spirit. ~Catherine

  19. I certainly believe in miracles and I believe that prayers (positive thoughts) do make a difference.
    Sending more your way (for your father and all the rest of you who care so deeply for him). I know they’ll find their way to the destination that will make a difference.

  20. A good friend of mine has Lupus, and she strongly believes in prayer. She was in her hospital bed, very sick, and she insists that she could ‘feel’ the prayers wash over her. I believe in the power of positive thoughts, and love. So, today I am sending you both, hoping that they reach you and your sweet dad, and that they surround you like a warm blanket.Take care, my ‘unmet’ friend. I know you are tired and missing home.

  21. Auberne’ Fox-Hughes

    I will be praying today for healing Corey. Love Clarice

  22. Prayer is powerful.
    The spirits of love are among us like birds who set at our windowsills.
    Look for the birds today Corey. And there you will find my love.

  23. Donna Ohmes McCulloch

    Yes, Dear Corey, I have known the healing power and warmth and love and giftedness of other’s prayers. Remember the story of the afternoon at the Abbey when a group was gathered around a woman for prayer? I heard the Lord ask me to go and pray for her as well. I went to her and knelt down placing my hand on her knee. They were praying for the woman’s eyes. As I began to pray with my eyes closed I “saw” in my third eye and sensed and felt an angel swish past me and place a nest of robin’s eggs in the woman’s lap. I reflected on what that might mean. I remembered that Archangel Raphael was sent to bring healing to the eyes of Tobias and he used part of a fish to bring healing. That was a natural means and the robin’s eggs are naturally a sign of Spring Time and New Life. I shared what I had “seen” as well as my reflection with the woman. The next day after Mass when it came time for the retreatants to give witness to what God had done for them, the Lady shared that the night before all of the pain of all of the years combined came back into her eyes, and the only thing that kept her going was the “vision” of the angel bringing her the nest of robin’s eggs. The pain would come, & she would cling to the vision, the pain would come and she would cling to the vision and in the morning her eyes were healed.
    A year or so later I went through a dark night of the soul in which I was unable to see or sense or feel the Presence of my Lord. After being in this dark night for about six months, a retreatant brought a gift to me of a plaque that she had painted. It was a picture of a nest of robin’s eggs with the words “Praise the Lord” on it. I felt the Lord saying to me that I was going through a spiritual blindness and that there would be a Spring Time. I needed to cling to the vision of hope and healing as did the woman I had prayed for. For me, the dark night lasted for three whole years.
    What kept me going were the loving prayers of countless friends and angels, including yourself, and the vision of the angel now bringing ME the nest of robin’s eggs. After three long years one morning I awoke and I knew my dark night was over. I awoke singing the song “Awake from your slumber, arise from your sleep, a new day is dawning for all those who weep, the people in darkness have seen a great light for the Lord of our longing has conquered the night.” I realized that the Lord did not take me OUT of the night but gave me the victory THROUGH the night. As I went for my morning walk that the side of the path was a Robin’s Egg!
    Thanks be to God for calling me to pray for the woman in the chapel and for sustaining me through those years. Thanks be to all of those including yourself who prayed for me. I would never have made it through otherwise.
    And now my dear sister in answer to your request of me which came to me in the night, you and your father and family are included each and every day in my prayers. I am asking Archangel Michael to strengthen you and support each of you in this hour, keeping your faith strong and I am asking Our Lord Jesus and His Blessed Mother to flood your father with Healing Light and Love. I am asking for angels of Love to shower you and envelop you each and every moment of the day and the night!
    How wonderful that you are there to direct all incoming prayers in the areas you know are of greatest physical need. We trust that your guardian angels are directing all of the incoming prayers to the greatest spiritual needs for your father and family.
    I know that our prayers are effective and am so pleased that you are able to actually feel them winging their way to you. I love your gift of “seeing” and the beauty and illumination that you share with everyone on your blog. You are such a loving and specially talented soul of Light! I love you Corey dear and hold your Victory and your father’s Victory in my heart and in my Vision!! Lovingly, Donna Marie

  24. “Whatever blesses one blesses all.” (Psalms)
    “God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” (Psalms – I think).
    I am a strong believer in the power of prayer! =)

  25. I had a scary health episode last year and could really feel the power of loved ones’ prayers. Now everything is all right and I give thanks every day. I send prayers and positive thoughts for you and your family daily and hope your Dad starts feeling much better very soon.

  26. Yes. Sometimes I *feel* the hands or presence of my grandmothers, great-aunts, great-grandmothers (that I never even met) protecting me, guiding me, giving me strength to get through certain situations. I am going in for surgery on Tuesday, and I expect that I will feel them then. I am sure their presence is accompanied by prayers. I love the picture of the miraculous medals; I too have many as well as prayer and holy cards from those who came before me. It is an unintentional collection that I keep.

  27. Hello Corey..checking in this morning to catch up and let you know I’m still here praying for you all. At the moment we’re feeling the healing embrace of prayers from many.
    J has shown such Faith and strength through this journey we’re taking. I have Faith also, but he is the one facing this new event in his life, first hand. I’m constantly amazed by his Faith and it makes me love him even more.
    You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. yes dear corey, I was going to pray for a couple, while riding in the car on my way there I felt a divine presence, the car was filled with a warmth and light,a supernatural light I said to my husband that was driving if he felt it? yes was his reply,He said I don’t know what it is but it sure is wonderful,at that time I felt a hand on my forehead,didn’t see the hand but was touched by it,Oh! such peace and love in that touch,I was taken to another realm of perfection knowing that what ever happened in this life that It would be worth it all to be with God someday, no words can describe it, I truley believe he touched me my life has not been the same since, praying for that touch from the master savior, for your father,

  29. Miss Corey…I already left a comment, but I just can’t stop thinking of you today. Sending more love and good thoughts your way.

  30. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Corey – this is so wonderful that so many of us are praying for you, your father and your family! And it’s wonderful that you can feel it! There’s an old saying “If God brings you to it, God will get you through it.” That thought has helped me through some incredibly hard times. Big hugs, Marva

  31. Sort of similar..sort of, I think I know what you mean. When I have something that hurts or has bothered me in the past my husband will direct his thoughts and focus to that area and it feels good, sort of warm. Whether it’s because my focus is on it or not it feels good. Trick of the mind? I don’t think it’s all that. It’s sort of the same feeling when my feet are cold, the best heat that can truly sink into them is NOT any kind of heating pad but my husbands legs.
    Wishing your father all the positive thoughts. I’m not sure where you want them directed so I imagine them circling around and going inwards, for the whole body.

  32. Hi Corey..
    Prayer is a very powerful thing and when others add their prayers to yours, it becomes even more powerful and enveloping.I continue to add an extra Rosary in my daily prayers for your dad. I always ask the Blessed Mother and Holy Spirit to give you some peace and comfort as well as to your mom.

  33. Deborah P

    I’m so glad that you can feel the prayers coming toward you and gain comfort from that.

  34. Rosemary

    No I haven’t Corey, but I can imagine it.
    It must be a wonderful feeling.
    I’m sending more your way.

  35. Prayer is powerful; perhaps we can direct the thoughts and prayers of others to specific places . . .

  36. Farmlady

    Dear Corey,
    I had breast cancer when I was 39 yrs. old. When I went in for the first operation I was afraid and unsure of what was ahead. Everyone called to say they would be praying for me and to my young,skeptical way of thinking, I really didn’t believe any of the praying would make a difference.
    Well…., when I was being wheeled in to the pre-op I swear, to this day, I heard voices and they were praying for me. I felt no fear, no pain…, just peace and I knew that everything would be all right, no matter what happened.
    I’m 63 this year and I got to see my children grow up and have children of their own. Life is a gift and should be lived in each moment. Now I value prayer and use it daily. It matters not that the person you pray for hears your prayer. God does and he take care of the rest.
    You love your father so much and you are a wonderful daughter. He knows that.
    Just be there. There’s no way but through this. Then; we suffer and learn and continue on until it is our time to leave. It is the way of all beings. It’s the hardest letting go that we have to do when we love someone.
    I have profound admiration for your expression, in writing, of what is happening. My prayers are with you.

  37. I certaily felt sustained during my son’s illness by the prayers of many people.
    While he was hospitalized there was a woman who worked there who would come during her breaks/lunch hours, etc. and pray for my son. One day she brought a friend and they moved their hands just above his entire body while they prayed for him to have no pain. It was so remarkably beautiful, and your thoughts reminded me of that day.
    What a surprise to open my new issue of Romantic Homes and find some of your beautiful photos and words. Your Godmother’s home looks so enchanting!
    Well done, Corey!

  38. I know what you mean. i’ve felt the power of prayer in my life, and yes, sometimes it is so real you feel you can reach out and touch it. I know prayer works and even if the answer isn’t the one I’d choose, it’s a comfort to know I can rest in God’s grace and love that surround me.

  39. Alison Whittington

    Corey, I know I haven’t been commenting much lately, but I want you to know I read your blog every single day, and I am always thinking of you and of your dad.
    As for sensing the invisible, on my wedding day, I felt the love of a hundred plus people washing over me like a wave as I walked up the aisle. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before and incredibly tangible. It sounds like what one might expect on a wedding day, nothing unusual, but it WAS extraordinary. I felt it physically, as if all of these friends and family and guests I barely knew were touching me and holding me up and carrying me. So strange, so surprising and so exhilarating.

  40. There is no doubt. We cannot do it without His help.
    No way.
    Keep praying. It is a lifeline.

  41. Hi Corey,
    Yes, of course. A feeling of warmth, light and calm.
    Prayers to you and your family.

  42. Bonjour chère Corey, connaissez vous le livre de Pema Chôdron” Entrer en amitié avec soi même”, cette femme, d’origine américaine, mère de deux enfants, est devenue moniale boudhiste. Elle est l’un des principaux disciples du maître tibétain Chôgyam Rimpoché, qui lui a confié en 1986 la direction de l’abbaye de Gampo, monastère en Nouvelle Ecosse (canada).
    Ses pensées parlent au coeur avec une grande simplicité. Bien qu’étant de religion catholique, ce livre m’a éblouie et je le relie souvent…
    Lorsque ma mère respirait très mal, il y a plusieurs années,et que j’étais à 300 km d’elle, je me concentrais sur l’inspiration, et sur l’expiration j’envoyais par la pensée de l’air iodé dans ses poumons,( je vis tout près de l’océan atlantique)… elle m’a dit plus tard que cela l’avait aidé à dégager ses poumons encombrés.
    Nous autres pauvres tout petits humains, nous devons croire aux mille petits signes positifs qui jalonnent nos heures et nos jours et ne jamais désespérer tant qu’il y a du souffle. Bon courage ma belle, passez une bonne journée.

  43. Yes, when my husband was going through treatment for cancer. People asked ‘what can we do for you?’ and my answer was to please pray. There were so many people praying for him, it was tangible. Our children were young and their schoolfriends prayed, the whole class, the whole school, all those parents, friends from church, friends and family – you could FEEL that force lifting and healing. Thank you God for people who send prayer to our aid.

  44. When my husband had cancer, we had many people praying for him, and for me, it had the incredible effect of somehow taking away my fear. I am normally a worrier who stresses out over small things, yet I had a true sense of peace that all would work out, and it did. (He is fine now, praise be to God). I think that heartfelt prayers have a way of expanding beyond the one who overtly needs them. I always pray that the Lord will anoint the sufferer with His healing oil, applied exactly where it is needed. The power of prayer is so awesome!

  45. babelfish

    This is such a wonderful way to look at the power of prayers, healing balm…so poetic.

  46. sometimes i think the invisible things we sense are the truest and most important things in life: prayers, God, love, friendship, peace. they often affect us more, and in more lasting ways, than the tangible things.

  47. betheanne

    the intangible,unseen,formidable power of prayer is real and somehow when most needed, palpable- finally medicine is realizing that while often not quantifiable by scientifically sound methods -prayer is beyond a doubt REAL!! In a 2006,book I was asked to write a small chapter about the medicine and spirituality-called  “The Arts: A Nondenominational Tool for Reconnecting Spirituality & Medicine”, Oxford Press chapter 20 of Christina Puchalski, MD’s A time for Listening and Caring End of Life Issues.
    Interestingly,it was prefaced by the Dali Lama who,among others, has joined Dr. Herbert Benson,(of Harvard’s Mind,body, Medicine) to explore further these amazing questions and feelings about spirit and healing and life and passing on to our other home…all this to say, it is a good book made for all readers for precisely this juncture of decision making and it is done in a way to honor the whole person,not just the physical, through this extraordinary journey!
    my prayers abound for you and your dad and family!

  48. When my son was just hours old, born 5 weeks too soon, we were told he probably would not make it through the night because his lungs were collapsed due to numerous tears in them and his CO2 levels were dangerously high. Back in my room alone, I started yelling at Jesus, begging him to place his hands on my sweet baby and heal his lungs, reciting bible verses of all those he had healed by the laying on of his hands…crying out to him…over and over again, all night long. I could picture his hands on Evan in my mind. I KNEW he was with him. I asked him to send all his angels to surround him and protect him through the night. Again I could see it, see them all around him, even though I was nine flights up from the NICU…I knew it was happening. Exhausted, I feel into a deep sleep. When I awoke in the very early morning, I called down to the NICU and they told me that his lungs had started to inflate, that the tears in them were healing and the CO2 levels had dropped. When I went to visit my son after this phone call, in his bassinet was a small card size picture of Jesus, smiling. It was not there the night before. I know he left it as his calling card. Telling me that : “see, all you have to do is ask and I am always with you”. I have that pictured in my sons baby book along with the story of how Jesus healed him that night. I know, God willing, our prayers will heal your father.

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