How Does Your Garden Grow

Dishes_on_table French Husband tells me that our home is not the same without me. "It is quiet and empty…" then he quickly back tracks and says, "Well maybe not empty since a hodge podge of things are piling up on the table, on the counters, on the stairs, on the floors…"

Chelsea mentioned that when she came home from University last weekend that the first thing she noticed were the floors… "Mom I could have planted a garden on them."



33 responses to “How Does Your Garden Grow”

  1. Oh no! But at least now you know how much you are really missed!
    Hopefully they will throw a ‘cleaning party’ before you come home!

  2. ahh well, perhaps the floors aren’t *dirty* they’re just *antiqued*?
    haha Sounds like they miss you 🙂

  3. Hopefully French Husband will hire a cleaning lady to thoroughly clean,& catch up on laundry, etc. before you come home. Probably wouldn’t hurt if he got someone in regularly even twice a month While you are still in the US!!! We will pray to send cleaning angels their way 🙂

  4. Love you my darling one~
    Big hugs
    Love Jeanne
    Will return after May 5th
    Off to see our daughter in BC.
    Love you will continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers
    Love Jeanne

  5. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    cleaning is not the most important part of view , you do /are so much else …but that is right you also clean …

  6. Miss Sandy

    Perhaps that is French Husbands intention, to grow you a beautiful carpet of flowers for your return to Eden.
    I think you will be thrilled to sweep away every crumb. You will embrace every piece of dirty clothing. You will cherish each dirty dish and you will enchant us with romantic tales of toil Cinderellaesq in style, where you will be swept off your feet by your handsome Prince and be attended by a certain young knave and a pretty maid. Your reunion tale will be glorious and I look forward to hearing it.

  7. Laughed out loud at that last line! 🙂

  8. bleeding espresso

    Well indoor gardens are *in* aren’t they? 😉

  9. LOL Corey, sounds like a Man-House alright 🙂 I’m sure they miss you, not because of tidying up, or clean clothes, or fragrant meals, but just because you’re you – Mom, Wife, Femme Extraordinaire.

  10. My Melange responds

    At least you know you are missed…and that you will have lots to keep you busy when you return 😉

  11. Your frenchmen must certainly be missing you, Corey! And by the words you wrote, not only you, but also your tidiness and organization skills! “Men! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them!”
    Love and BIG hug for you*

  12. Rosemary

    See how much your are needed, and wanted!!

  13. Corey, they miss you! ….the house is quiet and empty….. I can hear you all miss each other.
    I am thinking of you! My prayers continue for you and your family!

  14. Can you imagine the cleaning frenzy at your home just before you come home? At least you know you are missed in many ways.

  15. Oh Corey (heehee) Even when I leave my family for one night, I come home to at least a day’s worth of cleaning! lol But I am sure French Husband would have it all nice and tidy for you upon your return home. =)

  16. Sounds like my place!

  17. JanePoe (aka Deborah)

    Just catching up dear Corey. Loved the image of a garden growing on the floor 😉
    “And all people live, Not by reason of any care they have for themselves, But by the love for them that is in other people.”
    ~Leo Tolstoy
    Sending you strength, peace and love. xx, JP/deb

  18. oh! That is too funny. Seems very familiar – makes me want to get up and clean!

  19. Massilianana

    Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
    Great!Fresh nice green natural grass looks sooo much better than plastic one…;-) And if you are lucky ,some pâquerettes will grow too ! Just imagine : FH picking daisies right off the salon ‘s floor to bring to you for breakfast in bed ,asking ” Will you teach me how to use the vacuum cleaner , later on ? You know I am scared of it , like Tom in Tom and Jerry’s cartoons…”…Lovely , yes !
    They miss you alright !

  20. Massilianana

    Ha ! Ha ! Ha !
    Great!Fresh nice green natural grass looks sooo much better than plastic one…;-) And if you are lucky ,some pâquerettes will grow too ! Just imagine : FH picking daisies right off the salon ‘s floor to bring to you for breakfast in bed ,asking ” Will you teach me how to use the vacuum cleaner , later on ? You know I am scared of it , like Tom in Tom and Jerry’s cartoons…”…Lovely , yes !
    They miss you bien sûr!

  21. Elizabeth

    Nothing like a dirty house to remind us of our worth eh? I used to wonder if that was all I was good for: cleaning?? Argh!!

  22. kristinco

    Oh, Corey ton univers est si reposant que j’aime m’attarder un peu chez toi ! Amitiés

  23. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Oh no!! Tell them to buy flower seeds. LOL

  24. What a cute story….I am sure French husband will hire a cleaning lady before your return!!! I know what my house looks like when I get back after just a few days….one can only imagine!!! Still keeping you in my prayers and sending your family love.

  25. Miz Booshay

    uh oh.

  26. Alison Gibbs

    Oh Corey, Men !!!! Incredible. At least he can see how busy you normally are.
    Thinking of your Dad and hoping he is resting comfortably

  27. Oh dear. Well, I’m sure the boys will do their best to sweep up the garden in the house before your return…and perhaps FH will meet you at the airport with a bouquet of flowers? 🙂

  28. Corey, your family and home are missing you. ((hugs))

  29. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Too funny! Wouldn’t it be cool if we could literally plant flowers on our floors? There is a plant store that is my favorite, it’s very old and the floor is dirt. As you’re walking through the aisles there are plants growing out of the dirt floor from seeds that were dropped years before, and moss in the shady areas. It’s very enchanting, almost like being in a tropical forest. I told my husband I wanted to do the living room that way, you should have seen the look on his face! 🙂 Marva

  30. I’m sorry you’re so far from your husband and children…that’s so difficult.
    But Chelsea’s take on the situation at home is so cute!
    I’ll be using that phrase from now on!
    Take care…

  31. Well, I suppose it would be useful to plant herbs on the kitchen floor to cook some herbed eggs to fill up the crepes.

  32. MaryBEth

    LOL- i have to say I am so amazed that your beautiful family is coping so well without you- you all are so deserving of praise during this ongoing challenge.
    Is there a Mrs Doubtfire you can call?

  33. Sans the dirt…the piles of things in your home have to be gorgeous!

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