Where does one begin…
My father asked me, "What should I do? What would you do Corey?"
The words that came from my heart ached my mind causing my back to tighten and my legs to wobble.
A decision was taken based on my words.
Had I known life was like this I would have lived it more wildly somewhere along the line. That is not to say that I regret how I have lived, but more-so to say that I have been silly at times not to have jumped and splashed in the puddle- to take advantage of the life I have been given.
My father in the misery of these 87 days in the hospital has shown me that he holds life strongly, preciously in his hands. His will to live astounds me. I would and have given up in far far less of a stressful situation.
When the decision came to either go back into the ICU for more aggressive treatments (that cannot be done in the DCU the section of the hospital that he is presently resting)… My father was asked what he wanted to do.
He turned to me and asked, "What should I do? What would you do Corey?"
I told him what I would do, and he nodded acceptingly. Oh God, how my father’s asking and accepting willingly my response has haunted me, and yet made me feel the loving trust my father has placed on me.
Photo: All the photos on my blog since February 3rd have been photos I have had on stock. These were of last summer: The Honda 90 Ride.
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