My father’s mother and father were standing at heaven’s gate with their arms outstretched, smiling, calling their son’s name, "George George come we have missed you!" Their faces full of light, their hearts bursting with joy! Behind them stood his family who have gone before him: Uncle Daniel, Uncle Elmer, Uncle Jules and Aunt Frannie, Aunt Marie, Aunt Velma, Uncle Harold, Uncle Ed, Uncle Al, Uncle Joe, Uncle Edmund, Uncle John, Baby John, my mother’s parents Frances and John, his nieces and nephews Beverly, Michael and Jonathon… and so many others…. smiling, laughing, running towards him.
Then I saw us… Standing by his bed. His eyes memorizing our faces, his heart holding us with a song singing good bye, tenderly.
Oh beautiful life.
Oh beautiful death.
We stood by his bed through out the night, in prayer, in silence, letting him go.
I had my hand on his heart and felt his last heart beat.
Oh Joy
Oh heaven with your gate wide and welcoming!
Dad, Oh Dad, I saw you as a child running, running into your families welcoming arms!
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