April 29, 2008

My father’s mother and father were standing at heaven’s gate with their arms outstretched, smiling, calling their son’s name, "George George come we have missed you!" Their faces full of light, their hearts bursting with joy! Behind them stood his family who have gone before him: Uncle Daniel, Uncle Elmer, Uncle Jules and Aunt Frannie, Aunt Marie, Aunt Velma, Uncle Harold, Uncle Ed, Uncle Al, Uncle Joe, Uncle Edmund, Uncle John, Baby John, my mother’s parents Frances and John, his nieces and nephews Beverly, Michael and Jonathon… and so many others…. smiling, laughing, running towards him.

Then I saw us… Standing by his bed. His eyes memorizing our faces, his heart holding us with a song singing good bye, tenderly.

Oh beautiful life.

Oh beautiful death.


We stood by his bed through out the night, in prayer, in silence, letting him go.

I had my hand on his heart and felt his last heart beat.

Oh Joy

Oh heaven with your gate wide and welcoming!

Dad, Oh Dad, I saw you as a child running, running into your families welcoming arms!


344 responses to “April 29, 2008”

  1. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Corey, thank you for sharing your most intimate moments with us… I am crying, as I have been following you so closely through these past few months…!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, you have given your dad the ultimate gift, your presence, dedication and undying love through the end..!! Love,

  2. Oh Corey,My thoughts are with you and your family.God Bless.

  3. Oh my; I’m weeping. But this is the way we have to see them go, isn’t it? It is the great sigh and release. Bless your family and you. My prayers go out to you.

  4. God’s grace and peace be with you and your family, Corey. How joyful to think of your Dad in heaven with his family. He is no longer in pain or tormented by his ailments, but standing in the glory of God. God is good.

  5. annieelf

    Dearest Corey. I chilled but am warming now as I sing a prayer for you and your family. Love, Annie

  6. I think I hear the angels singing…
    “May the circle be unbroken
    By and by, LORD, by and by.
    NOW the circle is unbroken
    In the sky, LORD, in the sky.”
    For this sweet family and for this precious life, LORD we do give thanks.

  7. You are grace, and you clearly came by that virtue honestly.
    I will pray for your dear Father’s communion in Heaven and the peace that will be his.
    You are the daughter I wish I could be.

  8. Susan Murphy

    Dear Corey,
    May your time with your dad be a blessing to you in the days to come and help you find solace even though your heart may be breaking.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  9. Having lost both parents within 15 months, I understand your pain… I also understand that there is some comfort in knowing they no longer suffer any pain… Vida x

  10. Corey,
    I have just caught up having been away from the computer for a week and I immediately started praying for peace for you and all of your family. I hope you feel God’s arms around you right now and though it is hard to remember to rejoice in this situation, I pray that you hear the angels singing your dad home. We love you Corey!

  11. stephanie s

    oh dear corey, what beautiful words. my heart aches for you and your family… know that i am thinking of you…

  12. For so many weeks you have stood by your father’s side, and now you have been privileged to be with him as he passed from this life on earth–a beautiful moment you will never forget. My sympathy, thoughts, and prayers are with you and your family. And while you are going through this difficult journey, we are reminded, through at least two magazines featuring your gorgeous work this month, that you will smile again.

  13. Shelley Noble

    May God bless him, always. And you, your entire family on both shores, all shores, here and there.
    Another passage of life well lived.
    My love.

  14. Thesong that came to mind with your post is “I’ll Fly Away”. God bless you and your family and especially your Dad.

  15. Violetlady

    Corey, my heart goes out to you. God blessed you with the honor of allowing you to be there at your father’s side as his journey ended.

  16. YOU and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you take the next step in this journey you began with your father some time ago…and I thank you also for sharing this difficult/beautiful/heartwrenching time with us all. We are all better people for having ‘lived'(not truly)through it along with you. thank you so much corey…and God bless you and yours.

  17. As your father has passed on to true Glory, I pray for comfort for you and your family Corey.
    xo Roberta

  18. I feel your pain…your heartache…I feel your joy! And your father is free from pain…free to run…free to dance! God is good…all the time!
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. God bless you and your family during this time. Your father ran into the loving arms of our Savior and I KNOW He said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
    And you were blessed to be able to participate in his passing. Even through your tears, you will have peace.
    Sending you hugs, my deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to you and to your family.

  20. Debbie in CA : )

    I sit here at keyboard with tears … tears of joy for your father, sorrow for your loss. He’s surely at the table of All Blessing with my son and all that have gone before them. We will one day receive an invite and join them — for today we carry on …
    My dear friend, words fail me and so I pray. Your blog of “prayers” has touched me deeply as it echoes Foucauld’s apt definition of prayer: “Prayer is the cry of our hearts to God. So it must be something perfectly natural, perfectly genuine, the expression of the deepest things in our heart.” Rest now, sweet friend and valiant daughter.

  21. What a beautiful picture of your father’s homegoing. God bless and comfort you and your family, Corey.
    Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
    ~Psalm 116:15

  22. Dear Corey,
    I am not sure if you are aware of how many people are reading you. I got to you by chance, I can’t remember how, past January. I couldn’t forget you since then, and come back reading you often. You’ve kept strong all this time no matter how weak you’ve felt, supporting your father. That’s real love, isn’t it? Now take the time you need for yourself.
    Dios te bendiga a ti y a tu padre, un abrazo desde Madrid.

  23. kelly snelling

    peace be with you, corey. prayers and blessings to you in this difficult time. sending hope, kindness, thoughts of family, and love to you and yours from across the sea. Godspeed to your Dad on his journey home.

  24. Dear Corey, your father ran into the loving arms of our loving Lord and Savior and I KNOW He spoke these words to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”
    And you were blessed to be a part of his passing. Each step was a journey and a lesson that you were priveledged to witness. What a wonderful daughter you are! My heartfelt sympathy and deepest condolences go out to you and your family.

  25. God be with you and your family, wherever they may be.

  26. what precious times you’ve shared…….
    be at peace now……
    love to u all
    as memories keep u strong…….!

  27. Dear Corey,
    My thoughts have been with you all these past weeks, even if my words have failed me. You are a beautiful soul, and having learned more about your father I can see where it comes from. I am glad that you were able to spend these last precious weeks with him, you two were clearly very close. May his soul always be with his loved ones.
    Warmest wishes,

  28. Tamara Straight Poop

    Dear Corey and family,
    May blessings and peace be with you…thank you for sharing this experience with all of us. For almost six weeks I have been going through my own turmoil, having had a son who was stillborn, on Good Friday.
    Through your words I have learned that there is peace and healing on the other side, even through the tears. Your words have comforted me, knowing that you and your family, including your father, celebrated his life and accepted his passing with great grace and gratitude for the experience.
    Your father knows he was loved – and I believe our son did too – and in the end, that lasts forevermore.
    My heart goes out to you and yours. If I could wrap you in my arms for a moment, I would. So consider yourself hugged…

  29. Dear Corey, your visions always touch my heart, none more so than this one. May our dear Lord be with you and your family, and keep this vision fixed in your hearts as you go through the grieving process. I am thankful for the awesome testimony you and your father have shared with us. Many prayers surround you. God bless you all.

  30. All my love… all day, more than ever, you’ve been in my thoughts… all my love to all of you… Your precious father is free…

  31. Lisa Oceandreamer

    I have tears, I can remember my own moments like this. I have read all your posts, your grace and strength and love as you sat vigilantly by his side has touched me greatly.(although I have not commented to each one) There are no words for loss. There are only moments of celebrating a life well lived and a life WELL LOVED. But there are no words for loss.
    I send you and your entire family my heartfelt sympathy. You are an amazing group who I know will carry one another (especially your Mom)through the next days.
    Love and hugs,

  32. Corey, I’m so sorry.

  33. Dear Corey,
    Your life and heart bear witness to the love of this man! God is good! May the Lord’s angels surround you all with grace and peace during this next season of grief. Peace. Suz.

  34. Corey, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Your words were just beautiful and so peaceful and touched me so. How blessed was your dad to have you by his side knowing how much you loved him.
    God Bless you and your family. Thinking of you.

  35. Corey, thanking about you, y

  36. And with your final heartbeat
    Kiss the world goodbye
    Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory’s side, and
    Fly to Jesus
    Fly to Jesus
    Fly to Jesus and live!
    Because of your enduring faith you can see even through your heartache that your father lives in the glory of Heaven. What a comfort it is to know that when we lose someone we love. May you and your family find rest and comfort in each other and the memories you have of your father’s life, and may you celebrate his beautiful life.

  37. Heather-roo

    Beautiful Corey, only a heart as vast and crystalline as yours could so clearly hold and pass on the Light who draws us into Life.
    I will continue to hold you and your family in my heart, and thank God for you. You are a constant amazement and blessing.
    Love always,

  38. Marguerite

    Dear Sweet Corey,
    What a beautiful description of your father’s journey. He has flown away from those who love him here to those who have welcomed him home.
    May God be with all of you and give you comfort in the knowledge that he is at peace and free from pain.

  39. Connie W

    May God be your comfort during this time.
    I’m so sorry.

  40. What great faith. What a Beautiful story. I am so thankful that I too will have loved ones waiting for me, when it is my time.


  42. Dear Corey,
    My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I hope together in love you bring comfort to each other.

  43. You are blessed to have had such a loving father. He was blessed to have such an amazing daughter. My tears and love to you and yours.

  44. I have been following your journey and have experienced so many of the same challenges that you have been going through. I understand the mixed emotions of wanting your father here and yet knowing how hard it is to see him suffer, knowing there is a better place waiting for him. I can only offer my deepest sympathies and prayers for you and your amazing family, and thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.

  45. Although I’ve never commented before, each day I’ve read your blog and stood in awe in the magic and beauty of your words as they described a life well-lived and well-loved. I thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts, knowing how difficult it must have been at times, and proving once again how connected we all are in the joys and sadnesses of our lives. Blessings to you and your family.
    “In one of the stars I shall be living
    In one of the them I shall be laughing
    And so it will be as if all the stars were
    laughing wehn you look at the sky at night”
    –The Little Prince
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  46. You beautiful, inspiring, loving person…thank you for sharing so intimately with us. I am sitting here weeping with you, tears of joy and sorrow, and remembering the pain of loss of my own dear father. Bless you and yours.

  47. you have shown your commitment and love to your father…your family…and every day i awoke to your blog hoping and sending you silent wishes.
    thank you for sharing such a tender part of your life.
    i don’t know when i started reading your blog – it seems a daily part of my life now.
    your pictures and words speak volumes about the love your family holds.
    be well and continue your generous and loving spirit – it resonates loudly.

  48. Beautiful good bye. Bless you Corey for sharing this intimate time~~this is part of life. I send my love to you and your family. I say prayers for you all and I praise God for I know your father will be welcomed just as you wrote. Even more loving and wonderful~~

  49. I am so thankful that you were able to spend this precious time with your father. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

  50. Tammy Lucik

    What a wonderful impact your father made on the world…YOU! All of my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May your father rejoice with his loved ones on the other side. Take solice in knowing that you all helped him to this final place with such love and compassion.
    With Sympathy,

  51. Corey,
    I am sorry for your loss, but greatful for the glimpses you have shown us… of your pain, courage and fortitude.
    May your father’s soul, and the souls of all the departed, Rest in Peace.

  52. I wish every Dad in this world could have a daughter like you,
    And if only every little girl,
    could have a Daddy just like yours,
    What a wonderful world this would be…

  53. Dear sweet friend;
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I believe your dad lives on and on for eternity in spirit.
    You will look into his eyes again one day.
    Until then he will watch over you and be safe in your heart always.
    Please extend my sympathies to your family as well. xo

  54. Corey,
    You are astounding and inspiring. I weep for the loss of your father. At the same time, you are so deeply blessed; with family, with spiritual insight and oh, so much love.
    Your father will always be with you and may the beautiful memories of him, which you share with your family, strengthen you all in the days and weeks to come.

  55. collette

    Dearest Corey~
    May God’s love and infinite wisdom continue to guide you, comfort you and live in you.
    I’m in tears, happy tears of joy to see your soul so full of God’s love. I cannot think of a better way to celebrate your father’s life.
    I believe wholeheartedly that those gates are welcoming indeed. I know Jesus is holding His hands out to your father and your father fell to his knees in awe of Our Lord. He will spend the rest of eternity knowing nothing but God’s love and I know this will bring you comfort during this difficult time.
    Your dad was an amazing man. It’s not hard to see why you are such an amazing woman.
    Love to you Corey.

  56. Liz Ness

    Oh, I’m so sorry for your loss. May His blessings continue to fill your heart and help you through this transition.

  57. My deepest sympathies.

  58. Amy Wald

    I’m sorry for your loss. It takes great courage and love to give a loved one permission to go – blessings to you and your family!

  59. Peace.

  60. vintage moon studio

    Dearest Cory – May God hold you all in the palm of his hand and bring you peace. I keep you in my prayers. Sending much love – Deb

  61. Oh, Corey, I am so sorry to read this, and yet it is such a beautiful picture and I am so thankful with you that his suffering is over. I pray that memories bring you comfort and real peace in the days ahead. You and yours are in my prayers.

  62. Paula Bogdan

    Oh, honey, I am so very very sorry. What an incredible gift you gave him these past weeks. And what an incredible gift that both of you gave all of us as you told your stories, most especially this final one. He will be with you; I promise you that. One day, I’ll send you the story of butterflies and my mom. God keep you and yours. All my love and prayers.

  63. Chris Kalina

    Your strength throughout these many days has been inspiring. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in this most difficult time.

  64. Oh Corey ~ I’m sorry to hear this news. I’m so glad that he was surrounded by his wonderful, loving family here as he left and is greeted by more loving family as he arrives to Heaven’s gates! He has a new body now! Wishing you much comfort and love ~ I wish I could give you a big hug, xxoo, Dawn

  65. angela marie

    Corey ~ my heart and prayers are with you on angels wings.

  66. God Bless you dear Corey

  67. Alison Gibbs

    Dear Corey my thoughts are with you and your family. It is so hard to let go at the end. You know it is right but it hurts so.
    Take care.

  68. Cheryl in California

    Dearest Corey,
    Condolences to you and your family. Death is and ending and a beginning…God is in control of both.

  69. Dearest Corey, you have been in my thoughts all day and now I know why. My thoughts and prayers are with you still.

  70. I’ve been thinking about you lately, though I don’t know you and only from this little blog here, but this has struck a chord with me.
    I wish you peace.

  71. Melanie Fonseca

    Peace be with you

  72. Jo Quatannens

    As you walk through this valley of the shadow, know that your dear father is standing in the light of God’s love — for him, this is not an ending, but a beginning.

  73. Kristin Wight

    I’m sorry and sad to hear the news. We’re thinking of you.

  74. I am so sorry for your loss, I have been following your Dad’s illness quite closely. My Grandpa passed last month at 87 yrs old. We’ll be going to his service this weekend and I will think of you and your beautiful strengths and fragility to help me get through the sadness.
    In sympathy,

  75. Corey, I’m so touched at the peace and love you conveyed by writing about this entire experience, but this post is your most beautiful and touching and heartbreaking all at once. I hope your family has peace and comfort in this time of separation.

  76. the farmers wife

    God had his plan all along and you were a patient servant. How wonderful that he trusted you and just yesterday, wasn’t it…asked for your advice. “What should I do Corey?” Your decision caused pain for you and then God intervened and called your father home at the hour that was appointed, even at the hour he was born.
    Corey, you will look back on this as a beautiful gift. I know this for a fact. I know alot of people cannot believe it but there is such as thing as a beautiful death. Is this a watershed in your life? It’s certainly one of those defining moments.
    Much love to you and your family in the days ahead. May your reunion with your own family be precious.

  77. My Dear Corey, My heart goes out to your and your Family. Your Father has meant so much to so many…he accomplished in spades what we are put here on Earth to do…to Love and be Loved.
    I am embracing You and Your Family in my Heart and celebrating with you your Fathers life…a life well lived and well loved.
    Your Friend, Mo’a

  78. My heart is with you, Corey…

  79. tears on my cheeks for you and your family, prayers and love and hugs.

  80. Oh Corey. My heart breaks for you and your family, especially your mother. I’ve been a witness to your words each day, and I admire your strength and your father’s courage. There is blessed comfort in knowing that he’s under the shelter of His wings now. God bless you for the angel you’ve been these past few months. ::Jill

  81. Corey, Ever since I had the good fortune of stumbling upon your blog, I’ve been inspired and in awe of your extraordinary writing skills. I am so sorry about everything that you and your family have had to go through, but glad that your father is at peace now. Your words are very moving and I wish you and your family nothing but the best.

  82. Corey, I am sure you know what is in my heart. May you and your family find peace and comfort.

  83. I am so sorry.
    I have lurked on your blog for months, daily checking it to see how your father was doing.
    I sighed audibly when I read your post.
    I, too, have lost my father (to cancer) and in the midst of losing my mother to brain cancer. Death has a sting, but can also be so wonderful.
    I just wish it was so for the left.
    Peace be with you sister.

  84. How wonderful and amazing you are to open your heart wide to the vast array of feelings that came with your father’s illness and passing. I can’t imagine a more beautiful death, to be lifted on the love and prayers of all who love him here and to be received by all who love him there. And what a privlege to hold his heart (in so many ways) and journey right to the very edge with him. I don’t think there can be a greater love or bond than that. Blessings and peace to all of you who gave so much of yourselves to this journey. Beauty surrounds you all. In love and gratitude for the depth of your sharing. Olivia

  85. My dearest Corey, my heart is with you and your Maman and all your family. My deepest condolences. I have to say no one had a more spiritual send-off than your Papa. He will be shining his light on you all. An extra strong hug for your Maman. xoxoxo

  86. Corey, I am sure you know what is in my heart. May you and your family find peace and comfort.

  87. Tears on my face as I read this. Forever more I will think of my father doing this – running to his mother and especially his beloved father (when he died 15 years ago). Your writing has been so moving and loving these past few months – you will only need to look here to remember the nights you spent with your father and the loving memories you have recorded.
    My thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.

  88. Jenny Rebecca

    Bless you, bless you, bless you.
    Jenny Rebecca

  89. Wendi Kelly

    Oh Corey.
    I don’t know what made me break away and check tonight. I have clicked on here several times today. It has been as if you have never left my mind.
    Oh my dear, will it seem crass if I tell you that you have peeked into Heaven and seen the future of us all?
    Oh, but if you are not ready for that, and if only your heart is breaking, then know that my tears are splashing on my keyboard and my fingers find it hard to type, and I will not spellcheck this post through the flood of tears that are blinding me.
    I send you my prayers, my past so like your own, and my future, which,for you, by the power which transcends all understanding, will get better.
    All my love.

  90. Hi Corey. I’ve been reading your posts and thinking of you and your dad & your mom often during thes days that you’ve been in California. I’m sorry that your dad could not get better but I’m glad for all you’ve been to each other and for all the love you’ve shared through this time. I am sad along with you today…

  91. La Framéricaine

    Dear Corey,
    Please accept my sincerest condolences in the loss of your daddy.
    I have never really found anything that helped me through the great losses in quite
    the way that music does, so I am leaving some songs here for you and your family.
    I’ll listen to them for you and think of the vigil that your family has stood for these many long days and nights and the memorial to the life of your father that is to come.
    “I’ll Fly Away”
    Alison Krauss and Gillian Welch
    Some glad morning when this life is o’er,
    I’ll fly away;
    To a home on God’s celestial shore,
    I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away).
    I’ll fly away, Oh Glory
    I’ll fly away; (in the morning)
    When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
    I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away).
    When the shadows of this life have gone,
    I’ll fly away;
    Like a bird from prison bars has flown,
    I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away)
    I’ll fly away, Oh Glory
    I’ll fly away; (in the morning)
    When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
    I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away).
    Just a few more weary days and then,
    I’ll fly away;
    To a land where joy shall never end,
    I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away)
    I’ll fly away, Oh Glory
    I’ll fly away; (in the morning)
    When I die, Hallelujah, by and by,
    I’ll fly away (I’ll fly away).
    “Poor Wayfaring Stranger”
    Emmylou Harris
    I am a poor wayfaring stranger
    Travelling through this world of woe
    But there’s no sickness, toil or danger
    In that bright land to which I go
    Well I’m going there
    To meet my mother
    Said she’d meet me when I come
    I’m only going over Jordan
    I’m only going over home
    I know dark clouds
    Will gather ’round me
    I know my way
    Will be rough and steep
    But beautiful fields lie just before me
    Where God’s redeemed
    Their vigils keep
    Well I’m going there
    To meet my loved ones
    Gone on before me, one by one
    I’m only going over Jordan
    I’m only going over home
    I’ll soon be free of earthy trials
    My body rest in the old church yard
    I’ll drop this cross of self-denial
    And I’ll go singing home to God
    Well I’m going there
    To meet my Savior
    Dwell with Him and never roam
    I’m only going over Jordan
    I’m only going over home
    “One Of These Days Lyrics”
    Emmylou Harris
    I won’t have to chop no wood
    I can be bad or I can be good
    I can be any way that I feel
    One of these days
    Might be a woman that’s dressed in black
    Be a hobo by the railroad track
    I’ll be gone like the wayward wind one of these days
    One of these days
    it will soon be all over cut and dry
    And I won’t have this urge to go all bottled up inside
    One of these days I’ll look back and I’ll say I left in time
    Cause somewhere for me I know there’s peace of mind
    I might someday walk across this land
    Carrying the Lord’s book in my hand
    Goin’ cross the country singin’ loud as I can
    One of these days
    But I won’t have trouble on my back
    cuttin’ like the devil with a choppin’ axe,
    Got to shake it off my back, one of these days
    One of these days it will soon be all over cut and dry
    And I won’t have this urge to go all bottled up inside
    One of these days I’ll look back and I’ll say I left in time
    Cause somewhere for me I know there’s peace of mind
    There’s gonna be peace of mind for me, one of these days

  92. Teresa ~ French Poppy

    Dearest Corey,
    My sympathies to you and your family. In the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, God Bless you all.

  93. Friend,
    Heartfelt thoughts of condolence to you and your family.

  94. ((((HUGS))))

  95. Miz Booshay

    Oh Corey.
    He is with our tender Jesus.
    The angles are singing.
    May you find comfort in your love and memories and the promise of eternity.
    With love,

  96. My deepest sympathy and condolences for you and your family at this time Corey.Thank you for sharing this most personal journey with us these past months.Etenal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in the peace of the Lord.

  97. Clifford

    I’ll say a prayer for you and your family tonight.

  98. Oh Corey, I am so sorry. I feel so blessed to have shared in this journey through your writing. I am grateful. Thank you.

  99. Toni in Tyler

    My heart is heavy knowing your great loss. You have given much of yourself these last few months, not only to your Dad and Mother, but to us as well. Thank you for letting us into your most sacred of moments.
    Much love…

  100. Be assured he has received the ultimate healing. Wonderful tune sung by John McCutcheon: “The Great Storm is Over”:
    Hallelujah! The Great Storm is over,
    Lift up your wings and fly!
    Your father’s storm is over and he is home free! God bless you and your family during these difficult days. Love, Melissa

  101. Dearest Corey,
    I’m so sorry for your loss, but rejoice with you that your Dad is now in the arms of the Savior and reunited with his loved ones who proceeded him in death.
    You have painted an exceptionally beautiful picture here today of what our arrival in heaven will be like. When my Son was so ill he spoke lovingly , more than once, about being with his Grandparents again.
    You, lovely lady, and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please extend the deepest sympathy of this stranger to your Mother.
    Virtual hugs to you, Corey.

  102. I check in everyday. I was praying so hard for a miracle.
    I can barely see to type. The streaming tears are clouding my vision.
    May God give you all the strength you need and cocoon you with his love.

  103. Arrivederci Sig. George. La pace è con voi.

  104. Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.

  105. Carolyn Mallin

    Dear Corey,
    I’ve been reading your writings of your journey. Your words have touched me and I just wanted to send my deepest condolences to you and your loving family. Peace and prayers for all of you.
    Carolyn Mallin

  106. “. . . your cause of sorrow must not be measur’d by his worth, for then it hath no end” W. Shakespeare
    With deepest sympathy.

  107. Patty W.

    Corey…I have followed your poignant journal for weeks now, and have been so moved by your words. God is waiting to wrap His arms around your precious Father. Trust that. Love to you and your family.

  108. danasmith

    I’m so sorry, Corey. I’ve been there. I sat in the Andrews Air Force Base Hospital ICU unit everyday for 5 months while my Father struggled to live and lost the battle. I found out I was pregnant with our first child in that very hospital during those months. While I haven’t taken each step that you have in your Dad’s final days….I’ve taken similar ones. I’m just so sorry for you loss. When we lose our Parents we lose our past…they are the only ones who knew us “when”.
    You’re in my my prayers.
    Dana in Virginia

  109. Dear Corey,
    When I first read about your father being in the hospital, I had no way of knowing, that I very soon would be spending the last days with my father. He died two weeks ago after being in the hospital 17 days. He was aware that I had come to his bedside the first few days, and for that I am thankful.
    I, too, had a vision of the great reunion with those who have gone before him. He is with his savior and I can’t wish him back, but I will miss him.
    When you come to mind in the days ahead, I will lift you and your family in prayer. I am thankful for the prayers being said for my own family.
    Sharing the same loss,

  110. Corey, my deepest thoughts, prayers and sympathy are with you and your family. When you feel up to it, listen to this song. After following your journey, laughing with you, crying with you, as I read your postings about your father and can see your memories so vividly it almost feels as though I’ve been right there with you…this song seems so fitting to me for you at this time.
    (Go Rest High On That Mountain)
    God Bless.

  111. Corey, I am so sorry, but I am pleased to know that you have had this time with him and with the rest of your family. He was blessed to have you with him and I am sure it made his transition easier.

  112. In a roundabout way, I’ve come to check on you daily. I went through a journey with my Daddy as he was so ill and is now back with us although at a much slower pace. I marveled at your strength and it made me realize my own during unending days spent at a hospital. You were so far from home, yet couldn’t return until your Daddy did. What sweet, pure peace with absolutely no regrets will come of this. What strength and joy. And what a lesson for me when the time finally comes for my Daddy too. You are a beautiful soul. You are a beautiful soul.

  113. Farmlady

    Dear Corey.
    May your father go “from mourning into morning”
    Love, Connie

  114. Dorian Fletcher

    Dearest Corey,
    My heart goes out to you and your family during these difficult days. Thank you for sharing these very private moments with us. It is a journey that we can all relate to.

  115. Christi from Charm & Grace

    Sending prayers for strength for all of you — especially those of you who have tirelessly kept vigil by his bedside for all these days — that your legs will at least make it through the next few days, and then that you’ll be able to really rest and relax and remember. Memories are treasures.
    Sending virtual hugs your way,

  116. Corey, we are with you, in pain and in rememberance, and in joy of your fathers blessed life.

  117. Corey, Thank you for showing us how to love, how to grieve,how to reach to heaven. I hope you feel the warmth of our gratitude, friendship, and support for you. I went to my computer tonight and read that an earthquake hit northern california in an rural area called willow creek… and immediately came to check your blog…. how serendipitous…. much love to you and your sweet sweet family…. and to the very brave George Amaro. xoxo

  118. My thoughts and prayers are with you…snug in your pocket.
    Through your words I’ve seen your wonderful Father on his Journey. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family, Corey.
    I’m thinking also of your Mother tonight and praying for her.
    Bless you and yours.
    amy rue

  119. Corey,
    My heart is sad today for you and your family. Tears have filled my eyes and I am so touched by your sharing of your journey. What a dear heart you have. Peace and blessings be with you all. You have precious memories.

  120. What a testament to a well lived and loved life. Corey, I have been thinking of you and your family these last few days as you’ve shared with us. May God surround you with the same love and care that you’ve shown your father. Prayers sent to you. Laurie

  121. poppy fields

    My thoughts are with you and your family.

  122. *hugs*

  123. carolyn mohr

    What a blessing that you were able to be with him throughout the entire time. What a precious, patient and loving angel/daughter that you have been. Take comfort in that…May God give you and your family much needed strength in the up and coming days.

  124. Barbara Sydney Australia

    Dear Corey,
    May you be blessed with the love and care your Father has received from you.
    My sincerest sympathy to you all, be certain he is watching over you now.

  125. Dear Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Your writing showed how much you and your family loved your father, and I am sure he felt blessed by that. And blessed to be able to love you all in return.

  126. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    My heart and prayers go out to you and your family Corey.
    He walks with Angels.

  127. I just don’t know the words for times like this. Wishing you lots of courage, inner strength and love so you can deal with the immense loss of your father.

  128. Rosemary

    I am so very sorry for your great loss.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your family at this sad time.
    It has been a long journey.
    May God bless you, and your family.
    Your friend,

  129. ladyhead

    oh corey. i may not be the person who has left comments in your sweet blog, but i assure you, you were in my thoughts everyday as i read your blog about the last days of your dad. i know how you love him and i feel for you. i know how it feels to loose a dad. i am praying for you and your family.

  130. margaret

    Dearest Corey
    My thoughts are with you and your family, may the good grace and wisdom of your father help you through this time.

  131. Catherine

    Words cannot express my very deepest sympathy to you and your family at this time. I have been keeping you all in my prayers. Now your father is “home” and at peace.
    Love and hugs to you all

  132. Catalina

    My love to you and your family Corey.
    So beautiful what you wrote here all this time and specially here Corey. Your father as a child, be born again. He will meet my father as well , and then they will talk about their little girls 🙂
    A big hug Corey

  133. I read it and I cried , I think for you and your family .I can imagine and feel your big loss .
    I hope in Heaven he will meet my grand father , my uncle , my friends …and so many that we lost and that will talk about us.
    Big hugs to you all.

  134. Corey,
    My heart swells for your father, and at the same time, breaks for you.

  135. Elaine L.

    Corey, I am deeply touched by your beautiful description of your father’s last hours.
    Just as family and friends eagerly gather to welcome new life into this world, so I believe it is when we enter into the next.
    God Bless you and your family.

  136. Dear Corey,
    I’m sending lots of hugs for you and your family. What a wonderful way to see it. Your father is with the other part of your family and without pain. He is surronded by same love and devotion and feels comforted.
    My prayers are with you and your family, Erika

  137. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Bless you and your family.

  138. Marie-Noëlle

    “Maman, Mr Amaro is on his way.
    He’s had a long and tiring journey.
    Put the percolator on and have a few cans of beer ready, please…
    And take an easy chair out for him.
    Thank you!”

  139. Marie-Noëlle

    Sending flowers, sweet thoughts and loving words to your mum …

  140. Marie-Noëlle

    Sending pastel flowers and sweet thoughts + loving words to your mum.

  141. Mountain Dweller

    Lots of hugs Corey, we are thinking of you.

  142. Dear Corey
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss and my thoughts are with you and your family. Take strength from the wonderful and full life your Dad had and was able to share with you all. Your Dad will always be with you Corey. He will be in your heart and in your mind.
    Thinking of you

  143. Oh Corey, I’m sending all my love to you and your family – you’ve had such a long vigil and given your Dad so much love at the end of his life and at the beginning of his new journey. Now I hope you can rest in the glow of his love still coming to you from where he is now. Rest and sleep and breathe easily now.

  144. Julie Ann

    Hello dear Corey
    I was away for the day yesterday and only this morning learn of your dear father’s passing. Regardless of the prolonged human sufferring that gladly he is now spared it is never the right time to say goodbye to Daddy. Be proud you have been beside him and done everything you could do to give him comfort. Now for the missing bit which never goes away but the cliche is true, one learns to live around it. Mummy to take care of now too as she will feel as if half is missing. Love & prayers to all of you, God Bless, Jx

  145. WillowGrace

    Peace be to you and your loving family as you honor your beloved father during these sorrowful times. I’ve checked in daily, praying with concern and sympathy yet embraced by your humanity and humility. Blessings and comfort to you and all those you love.

  146. sepia art studio

    your father was blessed to have such a wonderful family who took care of him, until he flew away.
    i can imagine how hard this time has been for you, how sad, heartbreaking it is to let go someone dear.
    sending much of love and strength for you and your family.

  147. I’m so sorry for your loss Corey. Your father was truly blessed to have such a loving and close family.

  148. Di Overton

    My love to you and all your family at this sad time.

  149. Bill ~ Loving Her Beautiful & Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    Hello, Corey,
    All our love and blessings to you. Both of us are mourning and rejoicing with you. We’re so glad that your father had family by his side at the end of this life here, and that he will be so richly welcomed by the rest of his family in his new life there.
    Peace and rest to you and your family.
    BILL & Nancy

  150. Wandering Chopsticks

    Oh Corey, I am so very sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  151. la vie d’un homme est comme une goutte d’eau qui glisse sur la vitre…
    je vous embrasse affectueusement.

  152. un être cher qui s’en va c’est tout une partie de son enfance qui disparait avec l’être qu’on aime.
    J’ai perdu mon père il y a 20 ans, mais aujourdhui, il est plus présent que jamais dans mon coeur.Pour vous , à chaque fois que vous penserez à lui, ce sera des souvenirs de joie, plus tard… pour le moment c’est surement difficile pour vous, et je pense bien à vous.

  153. bleeding espresso

    Thinking of you and your family. Ironically, yesterday my mom celebrated her 62nd birthday–I can’t wait to hug her extra tight when she comes to visit me in June.

  154. Christine

    Corey, I’m so sorry for you loss. My love and thoughts to you and all your family. So lucky was he to have a wonderful family.
    Much love Christine

  155. berriehead

    crying in my coffee:( … Such beautiful words Corey… that very scene has played out in my own mind several times in my life…such comfort in knowing they are free from earthly pains & reunited with those loved ones that have gone before.
    So Welcome home George Amaro!
    Corey? Do you think there are
    Harleys in Heaven?
    & God?
    please send your loving ways to Corey her Mama, her brothers and sisters, and all those on earth who must go on without George. xo

  156. Dearest Corey, it has been such a privilege to have been allowed to follow this journey with you and your family. Blessings to all of you.

  157. Corey:
    Be at peace. Your family is in my thoughts.

  158. Alison Whittington

    All my love, Corey, all my love. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  159. Garland Lewis

    Corey, you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers for these many months of anxiety. I will continue to think of you in your own healing. God bless you and yours.

  160. christine

    Dear Corey – A beautiful life, a beautiful death made possible by you and your family’s love. This journey you have taken was in God’s hands and he showed you the way. You and your father took it with dignity and grace. My prayers to the Amaro clan continue.

  161. Dear Corey,
    now that the journey is ended for you as well may you be comforted in the scripture that declares that “the Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking” and that “blessed are the mourners, for the shall be comforted.”
    Keeping you and your dear ones in my prayers.
    Maria in NY
    Ps.34:18 and Matt.5:4

  162. Peace in a life well lived. Love and gratification in a beutiful family. Sorrow is deep and memories are sweet.Breath in an breath out. My prayers are with you and your loving family.

  163. Peace be with you and your family.

  164. Lorie M.

    Oh Corey, what a tribute to your Dad. God bless you and your family right now. Thank you for sharing your family with us.

  165. michelleb.

    Prayers are being sent to your mother, to you, to your family.
    michelle b.

  166. Yesterday, when I saw no new post, I knew in my heart something had happened. May the peace be with your Daddy and with you all. I gather with you in this moment in spirit.
    God bless*

  167. Oh Corey…tears, tears, tears, tears, tears, tears, tears, tears, tears, tears are falling down my cheeks for your loss…but hope that one day you will feel joy in knowing you will feel your daddy’s hand on yours again…we all will…that is what God promised us. Bless you and the little girl that is missing her big, strong daddy right now. XOXO…Suze

  168. My heart is breaking for your loss,,and I also smile, as I see George flying down a country road on his Honda with wings, lauging and young, feeling wonderous beyond words. He is saving a place on the back of his bike for his family that one day will follow. There is comfort in knowing they will be there to greet us when our time comes. I thank God for loving arms around your family, and for you Corey, for reminding me each day about loveing each minute, “where ever I am”.

  169. Oh Corey, I too felt something was amiss yesterday. I am so sorry for your loss. As Christians I am so thankful that we have the reassurance that our loved ones are in a better place, safe in the hands of God. I love what you wrote because I am sure that’s how his transition was, glorious.
    I leave you with another favorite quote of mine:
    They whom we love and lose
    Are no longer where they were before.
    They are now…
    Wherever we are.
    -Saint John Chrysostom
    Stay well Corey. My thoughts are with you and your family…

  170. My heart feels for you. I embrace you and your family. Love, M.

  171. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Corey – Oh sweet lady, I loved what you wrote, your dad has gone on to a much better place where there is no pain or suffering. And it’s okay to miss him, you will. It’s so hard to lose a parent, they’ve always been there for us….. but he will be with you whenever you need him. As I write this the tears are welling up in my eyes, it has been a long journey and you, your mother and family have been so very patient and loving. My prayers continue for you in the days ahead. Marva

  172. Oh Corey. I dreaded the day I’d come and find this. I’m so so sorry for your loss. I send my sympathies to your family as well.
    What a gift to have felt his last heartbeat. Tuck it away in a safe, loving place.

  173. Oh my, Corey.
    I have been away for some days and just caught up on your blog.
    I’m so sorry for your loss, I’m sending my hugs to you and your family.
    You have been so strong, so faithful, and I believe you did the best you could do to be at your father’s side until he passed to the other side. He surely has felt the love surrounding him, and the letting go as a last act of love and faith.
    He is with God, and God is with you. Always.

  174. Lynette Forrest

    I knew when I saw the date that your wonderful Dad had passed. And I have tears. Please accept my deepest sympathy. You and your family will be in my thoughts the next few days as you come to grips with all that has happened. You have shared a most intimate journey and you have shared it well. Sincerely, Lynette

  175. Dear Corey, what a privelage it has been to follow your journey. Peace, love and light to your family.

  176. Dear Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss, and grateful for your treasured moments and years with him. What a beautiful death, with your hand on his heart. How is your Mother? I am sending her and all of your family lots of love. I know that you will all be blessed in the upcoming days. I hope that you have some special surprises in store for you from your father. I DID. It is true, now he can be with you in France. I have known my dad here with me in Australia.
    What a great blessing. Not even death can separate us from the Love which is Ours in Christ Jesus.
    I send my deepest sympathy and heartfelt Love dear Corey,
    Donna Marie

  177. Others have said it all. What a joy to each other you were and are, Corey. What a beautiful post.

  178. I am sending prayers and love to all of you. What a blessing you and your family have been to your Father. You painted such a lovely picture with your words, my tears were accompanied by smiles of joy. Gayle

  179. La Donna Welter – Fellow ZNE Member

    Oh Corey,
    I sit here crying.
    I can not find the words that will my heart.
    La Donna

  180. Corey, I am among the unseen mourners standing close to you, praising God for His Grace and Welcoming Arms. I am envisioning His Arms encircling your family, his face leaning close to all of you giving you warmth and Peace.

  181. Darling Corey, my heart aches for you, but is happy for your dear father. To be free of the shackles of pain and discomfort, to once again to be with his parents, he is happy.
    May your family find comfort in knowing they shared his last moments.
    Love to you all..

  182. I am so sorry.. what time your dad has been but his loving family was there with him.
    Will your husband and children be able to come to CA now?

  183. I’ve not commented before but I’ve been reading your blog for awhile and knew the day would come that you would post of your father’s passing. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  184. Catherine

    I shall continue to keep you, your father, and your entire family in my daily Rosary.
    May God give all of you strength and peace in your time of need.

  185. My Melange

    My dear friend Corey,
    Words cannot express what I feel today for you and your family, though your words are always magic.
    I think of you with a heavy heart, though am happy that your Dad is resting peaceful with family and friends he hasn’t seen in years.
    One day you will be reunited.
    God Bless You All

  186. herhimnbryn

    Dearst Corey, Corey’s Mama and family,
    He is on a new journey, with loved ones waving him farewell and loved ones waiting for him.

  187. Leslie Garcia

    With tears in my eyes…God Bless you all!
    With love in my heart… Peace to you all!
    With Thanksgiving for you… GOD is Good!
    Rest now dear Corey…YOU DID a Good job my friend. Your Dad is now home…and watching over you all…
    Prayers always,

  188. Lorraine

    Blessings and warm hugs to you and your family.

  189. Deb Smithson

    Dear Corey … I have been reading your words each morning for a couple of years. You are such an inspiration, a pillar of strength and goodness. I stand here in the circle of warmth that surrounds you now … my thoughts are with you and your family. Deb Smithson

  190. Dear Corey,
    My heart goes out to you and your family…
    Your dad reminded me so much of my own dad who went to heaven almost 10 years ago.
    He too asked me what he should do, I realize now he was asking would I be OK….
    Take care and remember that the definition of Heaven is” a perfect dwelling place.”

  191. Dear Corey, Once you go back to your daily life, back with your husband and children, you will appreciate and treasure these precious last moments with your dad. Those memories are the ones that will give you the strength to go forward.
    My deepest sympathy to you, to your Mom and family.

  192. You have been so brave to share this with us all. Love and prayers. Deb xx

  193. Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss – my dad left us 6 years ago and not a day goes by that I don’t miss his humor and advice. Its a missing that goes on forever. But the joyful memories bring some peace. Gather your family in your arms and find solace in each other’s love.

  194. Danielle Muller

    Dearest Corey,
    Thinking of you and your family today. Thank you for sharing your journey with us…you are indeed a special soul. May the Lord shower His love on you today, caressing your face and wiping your tears.
    Love and Blessings,
    Danielle Muller

  195. You and your family are in my prayers. Your father is at peace and so shall you be.

  196. Dear Ones — Corey and Family —- my heart hurts for all of you, and, being on this journey through your daily reflections, I know what a gift his life and his death have been for you. Surely his light is shining down on all of you. Though I didn’t know your Dad, except through your love of him, this poem by Mary Oliver reminds me of him.
    Now is my father
    A traveler like all the bold men
    he talked of endlessly
    and with boundless admiration
    over the supper able,
    or gazing from his white pillow –
    book on his lap always, until
    even that grew too heavy to hold.
    Now is my father free
    of all binding fevers,
    Now is my father
    traveling where there is no road.
    Finally, he could not lift a hand
    to cover his eyes.
    Now he climbs to the eye of the river,
    he strides through the Dakotas,
    he disappears through the mountains,
    and though he looks
    cold and hungry as any man
    at the end of the questing season,
    now is my father walking the wind,
    sniffing the deep Pacific
    that begins at the end of the world.
    Vanished from us utterly,
    now is my father circling the deepest forest
    then turning in to the last
    red campfire burning
    in the final hills
    where chieftains, warriors and heroes
    rise and make him welcome,
    recognizing, under the shambles of his body
    a brother who has walked his thousand miles.
    Love to you, dear Corey.

  197. Corey,
    Letting go after fighting so hard, it is a release and a relief for him to be out of pain. I know that feeling watching my own dad. For me it has been 12years, but there is not a day I don’t think of him in little ways, that is the way that I know he is always with me.
    Your father will always be with you too.
    You and your family are in my thoughts

  198. Thinking of you.

  199. Gardengirl

    Corey, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time. The posts you wrote during the past several weeks have been so full of love and strength. Your Dad was blessed to call you daughter and you embraced that title with such honour. Blessing to you and your loved ones.

  200. We are all holding you even closer in our prayers today, there’s an awful lot of love here for you and your family Corey 🙂
    We are all so grateful to you for sharing this journey with us and hope we have been a source of comfort and support through this difficult time xxxxx

  201. You have endured this with such grace. Peace and God’s blessings to you all.

  202. Wishing you and your family comfort, rest, strength, love, healing laughter, happy memories to restore you, faith and finally, peace.
    Blessings to you all,

  203. My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. {hugs)

  204. Peace to you and your family Corey.
    May the love of your family and friends help heal your heart.
    Your Dad lives on in all of our hearts thanks to your beautiful postings during this difficult journey.

  205. gretchen

    Love, hugs and prayers to you and your family; I hold you all in my heart, xo, gretchen

  206. Rosie in the UK

    Dear Corey, you have all bourne this trial so bravely, your dad most of all. He is at peace now watching over you all. My deepest sympathies to you and your mum and family.

  207. Oh, Corey, You said that so beautifully. You ahve such a gift. You see life and death so accurately, such a blessing. I cried remembering my father’s death. Running as a child. Keep your perspective, your truth, reality and keep telling others. It is a gift. Thank you for blessing me so much this morning.

  208. How does one write tears?
    Peace be with you, Corey
    And with your Mum,
    And with your brothers
    And all your family, everywhere.
    Such a long vigil. Such a privilege.

  209. Dear Corey,
    My thoughts are with you and your family! My
    father died last Thanksgiving…to read your
    words has comforted me in my grief. Peace be with you….Andrea

  210. My heart aches for you, but my beliefs tell me that you will see him once again.
    God bless you and your family during this difficult time.

  211. Josephine

    Dearest Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
    With deepest sympathy,

  212. Toni Brown

    Sobs. My father and I experiencing yet another wrenching, agonized distance along with feeble (sometimes cruel) attempts at dialogue. Your father’s death a reminder how fragile ALL is; may I pray to him for his wisdom in reaching out to MY father? I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I am grateful to you, as ever, for allowing me, a total stranger, to follow this life/death path with you. Sometimes there is no other way to learn, no other means of receiving this guidance. I also know that I will miss your father … his example of faith alone has become a touchstone for me. I feel very very — full — for you, that you got to be there through all of this, that you felt his last heartbeat, that you shared a vision and were part of it as well.

  213. Ed in Willows

    Corey – Your dad is at peace now and you can go on knowing that he loved you very much. You and your family are in my thoughts. I’ll see you soon. Big warm huggs – Ed

  214. penny willoughby

    Dear Corey,
    You opened so many hearts with your honest and loving story of your dear Father. Today hearts around the world ache for you and yours. May God bless all of you. With Love, Penny

  215. penny willoughby

    Dear Corey,
    You opened so many hearts with your honest and loving story of your dear Father. Today hearts around the world ache for you and yours. May God bless all of you. With Love, Penny

  216. Meleen Dupré

    dear corey,
    you and your family have been blessed by angels…my prayers go out to you.

  217. Miss Sandy

    Oh my dear Corey, my heart hurts greatly for you and your family. My prayers will not cease now that your father’s journey is done as you all still have miles to travel in learning to live without him. You have been brave through this journey, a true inspiration, thank you for sharing your heart and life, even the most intimate of moments of goodbye. I have learned much from you and from you father and mother as well. May the Lord bless and keep you. May His face shine upon you. May He comfort you and be gracious to you in your time of grief. In deepest sympathy.

  218. Christine

    Prayers are with you and your family.

  219. Genevieve

    Thank you for letting us accompany you on your journey. Bless you and your family and…
    here’s a hug (( )).

  220. Lynda ~ Hedgerow Hollow

    Dearest Corey,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You have shared so much of your father that his memory will be with us as well as with you. God bless.

  221. Deborah P

    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you this morning. What a wonderful welcome he had! I hope that when grief overwhelms you, that picture will return as a shining blessing. As with the other commenters, I fully believe that he is still with you, loving you and looking over you.

  222. Amylia Grace

    Dearest Corey,
    What a beautiful way to honor the crossing over to eternal life. My love to you and your family; may each person be soothed and comforted in the realization that life is eternal and that your love knows no limitation.
    Just look at all the people whose lives have been touch forever by you, your father and your family. Thank you for sharing such tender moments and lovely people with us all. You are a blessing to each one of us, and we love you, though most of us have never met you face-to-face–the meeting of the spirit and the heart runs deeper than that.
    I hold George in my heart now and forever, thanks to you.

  223. Just Plain Jane

    God bless you, each and every one.
    My condolences.

  224. Blessings, Corey, to you and all your family. You’re certainly in my and everyone here’s thought and prayers.
    God Speed!

  225. I hold you and your family in my prayers and pray that perpetual light will shine upon your Dad. You are surrounded by love.

  226. Karen from Wisconsin farmland

    Let it not be death but completeness,
    Let love melt into memory and pain into songs.
    Let the flight through the sky end in
    the folding of the wings over the nest.
    Let the last touch of your hands be
    gentle like the flower of the night.
    Stand still, O Beautiful End, for a
    moment, and say your last words in silence.
    I bow to you and hold up my lamp to light you on your way.
    Rabindranath Tagore
    From deep in my heart, my condolences and
    Thank You.

  227. My prayers go up to the ear of Heaven for you during this time. What a wonderful life…you are blessed, dear one.

  228. Yes, remember always what a blessing you have been to him. What a beautiful expression of those last moments you have painted. A huge hug to you from a stranger who has been following your journey.

  229. Corey, how beautiful for you all… I will start a rosary right now for you and your family…

  230. christine

    I’ve been reading each day Corey and my thoughts are with you and your family. Christine xx

  231. That’s exactly how it should be for everyone. Blessings,Kim

  232. Terri B in Oregon

    My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Your love has shown him the way to eternal happiness.

  233. Corey,
    MayGods peace find your heart!
    We love you,
    rel, and Diane.

  234. misschris

    Oh Corey…*tears*

  235. Elizabeth

    How moving it is to have been included in these last few weeks with you and your Dad! Thank you for sharing. God bless you all.

  236. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  237. Ann @ Holy Experience

    Dearest Corey….
    He’s labored well and has delivered into the real life, the one everlasting. You’ve been a faithful midwife, Corey.
    He runs and we dance with the angels.
    Well done, good and faithful servant.
    I send love, dear, dear Corey….

  238. How could I say Goodbye
    All I wanted to do was cry
    The sun was shining outside so bright
    In my heart it felt like night
    God’s peace came to our rescue
    He sent an Angel to take you
    I held your hand
    And watched you go to a faraway land
    Now I can smile
    Knowing we part for a while
    God had a plan
    When He created man
    He planned for you to be my Father
    I would have no other.
    written by my friend Carol,in her resent loss.
    Gentle and sweet was your Dads homecoming,thanking you for all your shares,Love Rene

  239. Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you all could be with your dad in those last moments and experience more than loss, but also the joy of him being received!
    You will certainly be in my thoughts. Thank you for allowing us, strangers, to walk this out with you.

  240. Godspeed George….and angel wings of support around you and your family Corey..

  241. shannon in oregon

    may you all find peace.
    much love.

  242. Thank you for sharing your journey, your father was very lucky to have you by his side~have peace.

  243. Leslie in SD

    Dearest Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. But I am grateful for all you have shared with us. You have shown all of us how grief & suffering can be handled with grace, beauty & love. I believe you are a truly beautiful person, inside as well as out. I will continue to keep you & your family in my prayers & I pray that God’s comfort will continue to surround you & family at this time. I only regret I cannot be with you to give you the hug & love you deserve, in person.
    With love, Leslie

  244. Leslie in SD

    Dearest Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. But I am grateful for all you have shared with us. You have shown all of us how grief & suffering can be handled with grace, beauty & love. I believe you are a truly beautiful person, inside as well as out. I will continue to keep you & your family in my prayers & I pray that God’s comfort will continue to surround you & family at this time. I only regret I cannot be with you to give you the hug & love you deserve, in person.
    With love, Leslie

  245. Dearest Corey,
    Your father is home now and in perfect peace.
    My love and tears and prayers to you and yours.

  246. Sharon at American Harvest

    With sincere sympathy for your loss, Corey. Knowing that your father is with our Heavenly Father will bring you great comfort in your family’s time of need. Thank you for the many blessings you bring to us, your readers, your friends.

  247. Cassondra W.

    My thoughts are with you and your family. Your words are beautiful, and touched many through your difficult journey. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  248. Elizabeth

    You and yours are in my heart…your dear father is at peace and you were at his bedside as he flew away to a most welcoming reunion. You will be invited there someday; earthly body gone, spirit soaring, as your father has soared.
    If I were with you I would hug you through the tears…shed them as you need for they are a healing balm. Peace be yours, Corey.

  249. Rest in peace George.
    Rest is peace for you and your family Corey.

  250. Dear Corey,
    I know how empty the space seems that your Dad so lovingly filled. Just look inside and he is there.
    “It must feel strange not to have someone by your side and yet to find them in spirit within you.” A sweet, wise friend told me this, and it brought me comfort.
    “The pain passes, but the beauty remains.” Pierre Auguste Renoir
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    Rest, peace and happiness be with you.

  251. Sending love with tears and holding all of you close through thought and prayer. He is safely home.

  252. Dearest Corey, This has been a long painful, joyful, bittersweet journey. Your beloved father is at peace. Thank you for sharing this crossing with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  253. Dearest Corey, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad that your father no longer suffers – he was very brave through his long struggle. I’m also glad you were able to be there at the end. Thank you for sharing your journey through this, with us. Love, Pam

  254. Denise S.

    Corey my heart goes out to you and your family.I went through losing my Dad a little over a year ago. You were so fortunate that you got to spend time with him and he could communicate with all of you. It was not to be in our families case.
    Godspeed George Godspeed.

  255. Dearest Corey, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad that your father no longer suffers – he was very brave through his long struggle. I’m also glad you were able to be there at the end. Thank you for sharing your journey through this, with us. Love, Pam

  256. Oh Corey: Nothing can prepare you for that final moment. Losing a parent,especially such an incredible person such as your father, hurts. Please accept my deepest most sincere sympathy. I just feel how unbelieveable your father must have been because I have gotten to know a little of you. I am so sorry.

  257. Peace to you and your family, Corey. I am thinking of you.

  258. Thank you Corey for sharing your fathers journey.We have been blessed.xxx

  259. Oh Dear Corey, although I have never commented on your blog before, I cannot let this pass and not tell you how very sorry I am for you to experience the loss of your beloved Father. My prayers are being sent on behalf you and your family. God bless you all and grant you peace.
    Sara in Indiana.

  260. Dear Corey,
    My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
    Sending you my love and healing for the difficult days ahead.

  261. Marjorie

    “And if I go, while you’re still here… Know that I live on, vibrating to a different measure -behind a thin veil you cannot see through. You will not see me, so you must have faith. I wait the time when we can soar together again -both aware of each other. Until then, live your life to its fullest. And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart …I will be there”
    ~Author Unknown
    God Bless you and your family, Corey

  262. Corey I am so sorry for your loss, but it is wonderful to know that your beloved Dad us at peace. You and yours will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. {{hugs}}

  263. Present Past Collection

    What a beautiful legacy he left..in you. Prayers for you and your family. Blessings of peace.

  264. stefania

    My dear Corey, I embrace you! You are a great person,I understand your sorrow and I think your words are wonderful! Whit love! Stefania

  265. Julie B.

    Corey, I mourn your loss and my heart breaks for you, but I celebrate heaven’s gain! Your lovely father is whole and healed and in the company of loved ones just beyond the veil!

  266. Heidi Woodruff

    I’m so sorry to read of your father’s passing. You were there for him when he really needed you. May God bless and comfort you and your family.

  267. Maija Lepore

    I am so sorry for your loss. I was with my mother when she died, and I have experienced the horror and joy being with the person you love most as they move to another world.
    I wish you peace and hope. Maija

  268. AnyoneCanQuilt

    You and your family have been on my mind and in my prayers since you began this journey. You have opened yourself up with such beauty and vulnerability. Opened yourself up to people that you’ve never met, but who now feel such a closeness to you. Thank you, Corey. I know you gave your father a sense of home while you waited lovingly at his bedside. May he rest peacefully knowing that he focused his life on what was really important, the wonderful family he was blessed with. God bless you all.

  269. Clichy Rose

    Corey, you describe so beautifully the rejoicing at Heaven’s Gate and you’ve put to words feelings I could not find words to express since I lost my brother to cancer when he was just 22 and I was 20. Somehow, following you on your journey with your Dad has helped me process the sorrow and joy of death even after twenty-seven years of mourning my loss. Bless you and your family. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. You’ve touched my soul.

  270. Wonders Never Cease

    May God wrap his arms around you! You’re in my prayers!

  271. Dear Corey,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find solace in the many colorful memories you have of your dad. I lost my 80 year old father in January and in some strange way your daily blogging about your journey with your father has been very theraputic for me. Thank you for all your beautiful words! Peace to you and your family.

  272. Corey,
    I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    God Bless.

  273. amalee issa

    May his soul and the souls of all the Faithful Departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
    “A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone
    at my side says She is gone
    Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all. She is just as large now as
    when I last saw her. Her diminished size and total loss from my sight is in
    me, not in her.
    And just at the moment when someone at my side says she is gone there are
    others who are watching her coming over their horizon and other voices take
    up a glad shout There she comes!
    That is what dying is. An horizon and just the limit of our sight.”
    Lift us up, Oh Lord, that we may see further
    Bishop Brent

  274. rochambeau

    God Bless you, your mother and your family Corey.
    Your father is set free.
    He knows the secret.
    He will always be with you.
    Now in a new way.
    I will continue to pray for you and your family.

  275. liannallama

    oh, sweet soul! I am so glad you could be there with him for this time. I’m glad you felt the blessing of his last minutes here. (((HUGS))) to you and prayers for him and your family.

  276. Massilianana

    Bõa viagem , Daddy Amaro !
    Corey , lots of love to you and your family .

  277. He will live forever in your heart. x

  278. Miss_k_p

    Oh, Corey…..I am so sorry to hear of your Father’s passing. Sending both you and your Mother best wishes on angel wings.

  279. diXymiss

    At a time like this, words seem woefully inadequate. You have shared this journey with such love, grace and transparency. No doubt, many hearts have been stirred, inspired, captivated by the story of this loving man and his beloved family. Prayers for peace to envelope you and grace to carry you and your family through the coming days.
    Hugs from a stranger who cares,

  280. tears are in my eyes.
    what a beautiful way to pass on to the other side, with such warmth & love…what a lucky man your daddy is!
    you are a magical woman and your words are chewy and delicious.
    my prayers are with you & your family.

  281. Oh Corey ~ there is so little I can say.
    I hope you can feel my hugging you across the miles.
    Your dad was a very lucky man to have such a daughter.

  282. Dancing Kitchen

    My deepest sympathies to you and your family.

  283. Clarice

    Dear Corey, I am sorry for your lost. But also glad your father is not suffering anymore and is with his Father. I am so glad you were able to be with him in his last moment, what a blessing. I am still praying for you during this time.
    Love Clarice

  284. Oh Corey, I am so sorry for your loss. This has been a deeply moving journey that you have shared with honesty and openness. Thank you, and my deepest sympathy is with you and your family.

  285. I am so sorry for the loss of your father Corey, but knowing that he is now at peace and no longer suffering does help a little. That you were there for the long haul, helping and loving him, being with your mother at her time of need, is what counts. You are an amazing woman.
    We send our deepest condolences, and blessings to you and all your family.
    Mary & Bob .

  286. So very sorry for your great loss.

  287. Corey, since I have been away on vacation I haven’t kept up. I am so sorry to hear your dad is gone. You will have the most wonderful memories of your life with him as I have of my father. My thoughts are with you & your family. No matter how prepared we think we are we never really are.

  288. Corey, My sincere condolences to you and your family on your loss. Your Father will live on in your and other peoples memories of him, and in the many ways he made you what you are today. Hopefully in time this will give you comfort. My thoughts are with you at this difficult time.

  289. paris breakfasts

    Peace be with you and your family, Corey

  290. Lorrie Orr

    May God’s loving arms wrap around you all and hold you close with comfort and peace.

  291. CanadianCarrie

    Your father was one lucky man, to have such a loving family! My thoughts are still with you and your family as you grieve. I’m sure French Husband and your children will have felt like they were there to say goodbye, you write so beautifully about the last couple of months you spent with their grandfather, helping him move through to the other side!

  292. mary ann

    take comfort in knowing that you were by his side until the very end…& that he was surrounded by loving family.
    sending you strength & courage during this very difficult time…
    xoxo mary ann

  293. There are no words to express the loss of a loved one. Nothing I say will make you feel better. Taking us through your father’s illness has made him known to many people who never got to actually meet him in person. What a gift to your father!

  294. Christa Geyer

    Corey, I am terribly saddened to read of your father’s passing. My thoughts and prayers remain with you and your family. May God continue to provide each of you with strength and courage during this most difficult time.

  295. Corey, I say through tearful eyes that your dream was more than a dream. I think that’s the way it really, really was, for your dad.
    What a gift to you, a dream like that! And so now it is my turn to say something that was said to me after my mother’s death: that I am sorry for your loss, your mother’s, and all of your family’s; but I am not sorry for your dad.
    Thank you so much for sharing this important passage in your life with your readers.

  296. Daisy Cottage

    I am so very sorry. You have shared so beautifully about your precious father. There are no words. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I, too, had my head on my dad’s chest as his heart beat its’ final beat. It is a moment that I will never forget.
    Be good to yourself and take it a day at a time.

  297. Towards Paris

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  298. Beverly

    I’m so sorry to hear of your father’s passing. I know that times are rough for your family right now, but take comfort in the thought that times are no longer difficult for your father…he’s healed.

  299. Dearest Corey, my deepest and heartfelt condolence to you and your family. The next couple of days, weeks, months are going to be tough…but know that your dear Dad is now in a better place. He is once again with his loved ones that have passed, and no longer in pain. He is with you now in spirit and loving memories. ((hugs))

  300. Karen Eropkin

    Dear Corey, I know exactly how you feel; my own precious dad passed away last week after a brief illness. Little did I know when you started out your journey with your dad’s hospitalization several months back, I would be walking along the same path. It’s surreal to know my father is gone because he’s always been there. However, I take comfort in the thought that he is looking down upon me and that someday we will meet up again. I hold your heart in my of my hands. May God bless you and keep you during this difficult time. Love, Karen, Fresno, California

  301. Elizabeth

    I feel quite certain this is how my loved ones were seeing things as they left this old world. Thank you for sharing your heart and thoughts so well. May the FATHER continue holding you all in HIS hands as you adjust to the empty place where your father was. It really won’t be so awfully long till you are all together again…not in terms of Eternity. Blessings on you all!!

  302. Lisa-Vet

    God Bless, You and Your Family.. Big,Big Hugs..Lisa-Vet.

  303. Judy Morphis

    May God hold you and your family in His arms during this time. What a beautiful loving legacy your family has shared with us all.

  304. With my eyes full of tears, I started reading the message….. the road had to go this way (too much suffering)…but the child in me…well, you’d rather take another road if there was choices..
    Corey my heart goes out to you. I’m so very sorry!
    Love Muriel

  305. Corey, oh Corey – My heart, my thoughts, my prayers are with you. Blessings and peace to you and your family, my friend. Much love~XOXO

  306. Donna O.

    I can’t wait to hold you sweet one – hold you tightly around your neck this strong woman.Who is also this little girl missing the man she had her first crush in. I believe in my heart that he went ahead earler in case anybody needed him there . He was the brave one.

  307. Corey I am so sorry for your family and for you, I am very sad today to learn that your papa has gone away. Mes plus sincères condoléances à toi et à ta famille.

  308. susanna

    Ohhh Corey, I’m so sorry. This is heartbreaking. You’re right – your father did have a beautiful life and a beautiful death. To be surrounded by so much love at the end of his life, knowing that he would be going into Pure Love with everyone he has missed over the years…I think most of us would want that for when our time comes. Wish I could give you a big hug this morning.

  309. Cherrye

    🙁 I’m so very sorry for your loss.

  310. I just found you through Angela Marie ~~ I too join all your friends in sharing my deepest sympanthy. I too have lost my parents ~~ but praise God, they too are in heaven.

  311. Dear precious Corey, tears of sorrow flow from my eyes and from my heart. My family has traveled this road before with my grandmother, standing by her bedside, waiting for that last moment on earth before eternity in heaven. Life does go on; these are not just words to those here on earth, but life goes on in heaven with those who have gone before us. My love to all of you!

  312. So sorry Corey. I have been following your journey and cried for you and your family. May you now find peace. Hugs, Peggy from PA

  313. I’m so sorry Corie. What a beautiful sight to see his family around him as he closed his eyes on earth and opened them to his family in heaven. And what beautiful sentiments from around the world are the words and prayers of those who hold you and your words dear. May God put his arms around you and your family, especially your mother, at this time.

  314. Cris in Oregon

    I too have followed your journey and cried for your family. My deepest sympathy for all your sorrow. How wonderful you were able to be there for & with him.

  315. Dearest Corey, I cannot convey in words how my heart feels for you but my tears tell their own story. I hold you in my thoughts and prayers and thank you for the privilege of sharing in such a precious journey. Joyous memories and heartfelt sorrow. Such bitter sweet times. I pray God’s blessing and comfort over you and your family and friends. Take care, Love Nel xo

  316. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Ah, Corey, my dear, I missed one change and everything changed.
    I wish I could wrap my arms around you. Can you taste the saltiness of my tears?
    May the Angels lead him to Paradise; and may the martyrs greet him and lead him into the holy city of Jerusalem. Amen.

  317. Alexandra

    Your dad has gone home to our Father. He’s at peace, and I pray for strength and peace for you and your family during this time of grieving. Praying for the repose of his soul. ((hugs))

  318. Corey, you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have really been touched by your dedication to your Dad…what a great blessing you must have been to him during this time. God bless you and your family.

  319. Betty @ Country Charm

    I’m sure on the other side his loved ones were shouting, “here he comes, here he comes!”
    God bless you and your family as you face the days without him but have so many sweet memories to take out and relive time and time again……Betty

  320. AmandaMay

    Dear Corey, What a beautiful way to pass on. My heart goes out to you and your family. Amanda

  321. babelfish

    Dear Corey,
    You and your family are in my thoughts.
    So sorry to hear of your loss, our heavenly father reaches out with open arms. Give thanks for a life well lived, and a loving family.x
    Sending lots of love!!

  322. Dear Corey, we were away for a few days and I just now read about your father. My condolences to you and your family, I’m so sorry.

  323. Andrea in Indiana

    What a wonderful description. I’ve read your blog on and off for so long, never leaving a comment but enjoying your beautiful photography and lyrical writing.
    This post is so touching and tender I just wanted you to know you have many more friends than you know and you’ve touched so many lives, as I’m sure your dear Father did too.
    You are in my prayers.

  324. Carolyn

    Dear Corey,
    May your faith find you peace, and your love of family provide you strength. It has been a privilege to sit beside you as you wrote your father’s journey and allowed us all to read your thoughts. I send you love. Bless you and all your family.

  325. Villa Anna

    Dear Corey,
    I have been offline for a week and out of touch.
    My condolences to you and your family. It is a gift however that you were able to say goodbye in such a beautiful way – I’m sure you know he’s not very far away and in a truly wonderful place.
    God Bless
    Anna 🙂

  326. Laurence

    My deepest sympathy to you and your family Corey. Toutes mes meilleures pensees a toi et a ta famille.

  327. Toutes mesprofondes condoléances Corey . I haven’t stop by for a while …
    You have given him so much .

  328. Lori Witzel

    I am so sorry…my heartfelt condolences.
    The song “I’ll Be Seeing You” drifted through my mind in response to the news and your post, and so I’m sending it from the heart of Texas to you.

  329. Barbara

    I said on the last email I would pray for your dad and I did, and I will pray for you and your family to ease daily through this life transition.
    I am easing through this transition too since Feb. from the loss of my mother.
    I pictured my mom as well, seeing all her family members and as it was sad to see her go, the homecoming she was about to step through made it more endurable. She missed her grandma her grandpa her Uncle Ad, he ate his peas with a knife, cousins, and so on. With heartfelt sympathy

  330. Bronwyn

    I am sorry for your loss.
    These are beautiful posts, especially this one.

  331. Linda Harre

    Oh Corey……I weep with you and for you! Having lost both my parents the scene is too familiar………I send to you my love and any comfort that might come to you knowing that people all over the world are praying for you in this hour of sorrow. What a wonderful and lucky father he must have been to have such an adoring daughter……tender hugs from St. Louis….Linda

  332. Your fathers journey continues and he is free – really free! From a believers and a bikers perspective that means a lot.
    Ultimate blessings to you and your family.
    Hugs, Cat

  333. Dear Corey,
    I posted a comment to your webpage but did not see it there, and don’t want you to think that I have not acknowledged your father’s passing. Isn’t that peculiar, that I think you would notice, even with the nearly 400 comments you have already received? Silly, but I want to be sure you hear this message, even if my comment is there and this letter means I am repeating myself.
    I know there isn’t anything I can say that will make this any easier for you, but I want to say it anyway … that beautiful dream wasn’t just a dream. It was very real, and a gift to you.
    Hold onto that. It doesn’t make the change any easier to bear, because it feels like loss for you and your family, but it helps you be happy for your dad, and that makes a difference as you move through your grief.
    I’ll say what was said to me by a friend who can communicate with people “in spirit” after they’ve left their bodies: I am sorry for your loss, but I am not sorry for your father, because if what my friend tells me, and your dream, are true, then he is in a WONDERFUL place.
    And — my mom has given me signs that she is still around at times. I bet your dad will too. I hope so. I know how important he is to you.
    Dear Kathy and each and everyone of you who have left a comment,
    I have read and re read the words of friendship, courage and love you have sent to me and my family. Your compassion and thoughtfulness is a healing balm for me. Thank you is simply not enough, I am overwhelmed by each and every note left here.
    Thank you for showing my family and I the heart of God.

  334. La Framéricaine

    Dear Corey,
    You exist in a state of grace, as do all of your loved ones. The words that come from
    your heart and mouth will always be the right words to honor your daddy.
    Hopefully, you will be able to hear and see this song:
    La Martiniana
    Niña, cuando yo muera
    No llores sobre mi tumba,
    Cántame un lindo son
    ¡Ay mamá!
    Cántame la sandunga.
    Niña, cuando yo muera
    No llores sobre mi tumba,
    Cántame un lindo son
    ¡Ay mamá!
    Cántame la sandunga.
    No me llores, no, no me llores, no,
    Porque si lloras yo peno,
    En cambio si tú me cantas
    Yo siempre vivo, yo nunca muero.
    Lucero de la mañana,
    El rey de todos los sones,
    Canta la Martiniana: ¡Ay, mamá!,
    Que rompe los corazones.
    Lucero de la mañana,
    El rey de todos los sones,
    Canta la canta Martiniana: ¡Ay, mamá!,
    Que rompe los corazones.
    No me llores, no, no me llores, no,
    Porque si lloras yo peno,
    En cambio si tú me cantas
    Yo siempre vivo, yo nunca muero.
    Si quieres que te recuerde,
    Si quieres que no te olvide,
    Canta sones del alma , mamá!
    Música que no muere.
    Si quieres que te recuerde,
    Si quieres que no te olvide,
    Canta mil sones del alma , mamá!
    Música que no muere.
    No me llores, no, no me llores, no,
    Porque si lloras yo peno,
    En cambio si tú me cantas
    Yo siempre vivo, y nunca muero
    En cambio si tú me cantas
    Yo siempre vivo, y nunca muero
    “God is alive. Magic is afoot.”

  335. La Framéricaine

    For your mamma, Corey:
    “If You Get There Before I Do”
    Colin Raye
    I read a note my grandma wrote back in 1923
    Grandpa kept it in his coat and he showed it once to me
    He said boy you might not understand
    But a long, long time ago
    Grandma’s daddy didn’t like me none
    But I love your grandma so
    We had this crazy plan to meet
    And run away together
    Get married in the first town we came to and live forever
    But nailed to the tree where we were supposed to meet instead
    I found this letter
    And this is what it said
    If you get there before I do
    Don’t give up on me
    I’ll meet you when my chores are through
    I don’t know how long I’ll be
    But I’m not gonna let you down
    Darling wait and see
    And between now and then ‘til I see you again
    I’ll be loving you, love me
    I read those words just hours before my grandma past away
    In the door way of a church
    Where me and grandpa stopped to pray
    I know I’d never seen him cry in all my 15 years
    But as he said these words to her
    His eyes filled up with tears
    If you get there before I do
    Don’t give up on me
    I’ll meet you when my chores are through
    I don’t know how long I’ll be
    But I’m not gonna let you down
    Darling wait and see
    And between now and then ‘til I see you again
    I’ll be loving you, love me
    Between now and then ‘til I see you again
    I’ll be loving you, love me

  336. That was the most beautiful thing I have ever read. What a wonderful tribute to your father. He has been blessed.

  337. I had surgery last Tuesday, and just got back to reading missed postings today. So very sorry to hear of your father’s passing.
    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  338. lulu sparkles

    I will keep your family in my prayers corey.

  339. Islandsparrow

    Dear Corey
    I’ve been away in the UK and just learned of your father’s death. I am so sorry. Thank you for allowing us such a tender glimpse into your life and his. I am lifting you and your family in my prayers.
    with love

  340. Dear Corey, with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart, I have just read of your sweet father’s passing. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am sure you know by now, God is always there with you, and through Him, you will have the grace, the strength, and the courage to carry on.
    God bless,

  341. Dear Corey,
    Your father was such a blessed man to have you for a daughter, and most certainly, you are who you are in great measure because of him. I’ve been away from blogging for a few weeks because a dear friend of mine has been diagnosed with cancer, and this post touches my heart so very deeply. Thank you so very much for your tender, creative and hopeful presence here. You are a treasure, sharing her treasures so freely.
    love, Susan

  342. Anastasia

    i am so deeply sorry for your loss…My deepest condolences to you and your extended family Corey…your father is now at peace and beaming from our beautiful heaven above!
    Thankyou for sharing your thoughts and memories about your father even during such a difficult time…

  343. Redness

    Dearest Corey apologies for the lateness of writing. My heartfelt condolences and prayers to you and your beautiful family. Your generosity leaves me speechless, with Love and Gratitude. xxx

  344. I just found your blog today, via Mary’s (Across the Pond)
    I’ve been browsing here for hours and just wanted to add my deepest sympathy. I, too, was “Daddy’s Girl” and lost my Dad 5 years ago, on April 10. But his spirit continues to constantly hover beside me.
    May your dad always be with you and may the memories comfort you in your loss.

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