Swing High

Img_0045_3 A steady stream of family and friends pour in giving us their hearts to float on…

We pass through these days with memories of my father coming to the surface, we hold each like a treasure from the bottom of the sea, a ripple of joy extends, it is healing.

My five year old niece Molly was on the swing set in the back yard, swinging back and forth giggly cute. Suddenly she looks at me seriously, drags her feet bringing the swing to a stand still… She jumps off, comes up to me and says, "Aunt Coco are you sad that Vo died?" I responded that I was very sad. With that she says, "I think you need a hug."

Her hug was like a sweet life jacket in these days of swelling emotion.


86 responses to “Swing High”

  1. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Children can be so grown up when we least expect it.

  2. Rachael

    Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Di Overton

    So sorry to hear your sad news Corey. When my father died suddenly we celebrated his life and it made each and every one of us stronger. As you know I am not a religious person but I do believe – what will remain of me should be lessons learned and passed on to future generations. I am sure your father has passed his lessons on to your huge family and they can use them as they live their lives.
    I like nothing better than to dream of my father, it is like being given a great big treat.
    My love to you and all your family.

  4. collette

    A child’s love can wipe away the deepest hurt. God certainly gave us an extra special blessing by giving us childhood. We live ours and it goes so quickly but fortunately we the blessings are passed on into our adult lives when those precious, innocent lives touch ours.
    Thinking of you Corey and many prayers for all your family.

  5. collette

    A child’s love can wipe away the deepest hurt. God certainly gave us an extra special blessing by giving us childhood. We live ours and it goes so quickly but fortunately we the blessings are passed on into our adult lives when those precious, innocent lives touch ours.
    Thinking of you Corey and many prayers for all your family.

  6. collette

    A child’s love can wipe away the deepest hurt. God certainly gave us an extra special blessing by giving us childhood. We live ours and it goes so quickly but fortunately we the blessings are passed on into our adult lives when those precious, innocent lives touch ours.
    Thinking of you Corey and many prayers for all your family.

  7. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your mother and brother as you celebrate your father’s life in the rosary and eucharist. Also, as you remember with family and friends.

  8. Here is another hug (((Corey)))
    Love to you and your family!

  9. Julie Ann

    Children don’t stop for anything, they will hopefully give you so many smiles in the days and weeks ahead. Big hug, Jx

  10. Wandering Chopsticks

    Corey, I’ve been thinking of your post about driving along the backroads with your father last summer. I think his spirit is looking down on everyone he loves, roaming over the land, watching everyone.

  11. My prayers and doa for you and your family, amin…

  12. Marybeth

    a tender child
    can read our hearts
    with no words spoken
    and respond from the infinite source of love
    that flows unfettered by adult thoughts
    God Bless Your precious niece
    ((( hugs, prayers,love)))

  13. My thoughts are with you and your family during this sad time. ((((hugs))))

  14. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    so sweet and touching , Genuineness of a child is just what we need in these sad and difficult moments !
    I’m thinking of you . You are also in my arms , on my shoulder

  15. I’m sending all the love and hugs I have to you and your family at this time, Corey.

  16. What can be sweeter or more sincere than a hug offered freely from a child?
    And, isn’t it amazing and uplifting? So much love floating to one another from a world of keyboards. Praying for God’s Peace to continue to pour upon your family, Sher

  17. A child’s love, words and smiles can help us through a difficult times. I had two special little girls that got me through a rough time…sending love and prayers to you and your family. I wish I could give you a hug!

  18. pauline

    Floating on the love of family and friends – such a perfect description of what happens when we ourselves are in a heightened emotional state. We are all like small children when we lose a parent. Hugging each other is such a comfort. Sending virtual hugs, TICA.

  19. Wendi Kelly

    Here are some more hugs for you and your family Corey. We are all with you still.

  20. Alison Whittington

    The love of your family is evident in everything you write about them. Thank you for sharing it with us, Corey.

  21. Ahhh, the pureness and innocence of children – they seem to sense exactly what we need, espeically in times of sorrow.
    Thoughts are with you Corey as you navigate this unknown territory….losing a parent is never easy at any age. I will continue to pray for you and your family during this time.

  22. Children’s hugs are magically healing. I’m happy to know you have so much family around and so many friends near and far.
    You are in my thoughts.

  23. My Melange

    I think you need another one….
    I am sure the service will be a celebration of your fathers wonderful life.
    Thinking of you

  24. Shannon

    Sweet Molly ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m happy you have loads of family surrounding you.

  25. constance lefevre forehand

    “out of the mouths of babes” how sincere.

  26. La Donna Welter – Fellow ZNE Member

    May the angels hug you, be they here on earth or from heaven.
    La Donna

  27. Still in our thoughts and prayers through these days of sadness dear Corey. Know you are wrapped gently in the love of your family and friends – this will help cushion you from all the bumps and prevent drowning in the sorrow of such a great loss.
    Be strong and hold the precious memories close.

  28. The love of family and friends…balm for the soul always. I send you my love, too.

  29. dkmp9293

    Dear Corey–
    From the mouth of babes…they instinctively know the right thing without really knowing how much it means to us. Sending you my continued prayers and hugs. So very sorry for your loss.

  30. christine

    Leave it to the kids who know so well…..a warm hug from boston.

  31. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Don’t hugs feel wonderful? Here’s another one being sent over cyberspace. Feel better dear lady. Marva

  32. Miss Sandy

    I send you a hug wrapped in prayer.

  33. Suzanne

    God bless you my dear Corey.
    Love and hug*

  34. berriehead

    Those braids:) what a sweetie pie little girl .. I imagine their will be a constant flow of family and friends for the coming days. Please please look out for your mama when the hustle is over and the quiet comes. Today I’m thinking of her most of all lately.
    “Your Long Journey”
    Allison Krause lyric
    God’s given us years of happiness here
    Now we must part
    And as the angels come and call for you
    The pains of grief tug at my heart
    Oh my darling
    My darling
    My heart breaks as you take your long journey
    Oh the days will be empty
    The nights so alone without you my love
    And when God calls for you I’m left alone
    But we will meet in heaven above
    Oh my darling
    My darling
    My heart breaks as you take your long journey
    Fond memories I’ll keep of happy ways
    That on earth we trod
    And when I come we will walk hand in hand
    As one in heaven in the family of God
    Oh my darling
    My darling
    My heart breaks as you take your long journey
    sending love…sending prayers. xo

  35. Molly definitely takes after her Aunt Coco~~sweetness and a kind heart run in your family. May you and your family be comforted by Him. Love and prayers.

  36. I think God uses children to love us sometimes because their love comes directly from the heart – just like His. If I were you, I’d stick close to all the little ones and send them directly over to your mother. May you find love in unexpected places, Corey. You’re in my heart.

  37. At times, it seems the eyes of children can see right into our souls, cutting through the brave face and stiff upper lip. What a darling your Molly is with her braids and generous hugs–just the first of many hugs to come I think.

  38. I think that children are so necessary after a death in the family. We made sure to take ours to all the family funerals because those grieving found so much solace in their antics… and they were much more willing to hug them ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. When my dad died my little nieces and nephews gave my grieving mother constant kisses and pats and hugs.
    Children are so tender and sweet.
    I send my thoughts to you and your family…

  40. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    How sweet… Nothing better than a child’s hug, so genuine and pure!! Take care! Um grande beijinho!!

  41. Deborah P

    Children, as others have said, get right to the heart of things. My grandmother died years ago when my youngest niece was 3 years old. Keri had run in and out of “Grandmama Great’s” house since she could walk, but was very matter of fact about it. She said, “whenever I want to talk to Grandmama Great, I’ll just walk outside and look up at the sky.”
    Grandmama was the grandparent I was closest to and was my last grandparent living, so her death was a life change for me as well as the loss of a loved one. Keri’s words reminded me (and still do) that even if I cannot see my loved ones gone ahead, they are still with me and I can still talk to them.
    Your father is still with you and your family and will continue to be.

  42. susanna

    Aw, just what you needed, Corey.

  43. Elizabeth

    A wonderful hug from a child is so healing…thank you dear Molly for being there for Aunt Coco. I send my hug, too and healing wishes for this tumultuous time. I’m thinking of your mother and wishing her strength. One of my first thoughts this morning was of her beautiful garden, and how that will be a healing gift during the coming days.
    Be well, dear Corey.

  44. Rosemary

    She is so sweet. How comforting for you Corey.
    Thinking of you,

  45. Thank goodness for childrenโ€ฆthey keep us groundedโ€ฆkeep us smilingโ€ฆwhen we need it the most.
    Be Blessed today!

  46. Corey,
    I see it runs in the family:
    Compassion and kindness!

  47. My deepest sympathies, Corey. May you find peace and comfort in all the happy memories.
    Prayers are with you and your family.

  48. babelfish

    Molly is wise beyond her age, a hug and loving family brings much healing. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers – I am glad you have loved ones to embrace at this time of sadness, may you find peace.

  49. Hugs from children are proof of God’s love… like little angels that appear when we need them most!

  50. So precious…

  51. tut-tut

    And many cyber hugs to you, as well, dear Corey . . .

  52. My heart goes out to you dear Corey. (hug)

  53. Cheryl in California

    Dear Corey,
    When my Dad died in 1995, my Mom (Dee) made sure all of the grandkids were going to be a part of everything…she said she needed them to get through it all. Young kids can be a comfort just by being themselves. Your family ties will be tied more tightly because of this experience. God bless you and your family.

  54. Corey-so sorry to hear about your father. Sending you a virtual hug and prayers for you and your family. God bless.

  55. Brenda Kula

    All your words are just precious pieces of gold nuggets found beneath blades of grass. Surprising and exciting and touching all at the same time.

  56. Aww, Corey my sweetheart. I am sorry I did not check blogs before I emailed. ๐Ÿ™
    My heart is with you. I wish I could also give you a big fat hug…So I will send it on angels wings.
    oxox (((((you))))))

  57. God bless you and keep you xx

  58. I am surrounding you with prayers and love.

  59. rochambeau

    Hi Corey,
    Glad you have your family to surround you in love and hold you up! Thinking of you friend.

  60. sending you a warm life jacket from the hill country xo

  61. carolyn

    My thoughts are with you at this saddest of times.

  62. Dear Corey, I have just learned of your father’s passing.
    Please accept my deepest sympathies. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  63. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    In August of 2000 my 67 year old Father took my Mother on a trip to Europe for their 46th wedding anniversay…We had a “Bon Voyage” party the night before… and said our “goodbye’s” and “I Love you’s” with GREAT JOY… On their flight over on British Airways(My Father was a retired Air Force Pilot and loved the flight…) they talked for HOURS about how lucky they were to have eachother and their 6 children…and their families…and anticipated their upncoming trip on the QEII… When they arrived at Heathrow airport…in the customs line; my Father SUDDENLY collapsed and died instantly of a heart attack. My poor mother! He was never even sick! How kind they were to her in London that day…
    During that week leading up to the funeral and for
    a long time afterwards it was the children who brought us all the most comfort. I too remember those hugs…and I am sending you one right now!The pain is so great…but so is the LOVE! You will make it through this.
    Love and Hugs to you and your family Dear Corey,

  64. Children are so intuitive and their hugs are the best!
    I’m so glad that you are surrounded by family and friends, who can share sweet memories with you during these days, dear Corey.
    Hugs to you.

  65. Dear Corey,
    I only just read your latest entries from the last few days. My heart goes out to you and I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. A big, warm hug of strength and healing from Helsinki to you and your family! Take care!

  66. dearest corey, i just read your last posts and am sending you love and prayers. i had told you not long ago about losing my sister and i had lost a brother in november. having so many loving people around me has carried me so far. some days are harder than others but when my heart aches i find a loving family member or friend. it always lifts me up. i feel like i know you through your blog and know how loving a family you have. hang on to each other. there is strength in numbers. God bless you and yours.

  67. herhimnbryn

    Women are born 3,000 years old. Wisdom beyond her years.

  68. Dear Corey,
    I know the sadness you feel at this time..but your vision of your father in Heaven is such a wonderful comfort to you..He is now comfortable, happy and free from pain…
    your family will gain a great deal of comfort knowing that..I pray for your family especially your mother as she learns to continue on without your father…
    Prayers and Hugs

  69. I love this post because children remind us to look forward. And the little braided pigtails made me smile – what a perfect way to complement a time of sorrow with childlike love, innocent and pure. I wish you and your family every comfort during this time.

  70. Dearest Corey,
    My thoughts are with you and your family as they have been for the past several months. I can’t tell you all the things you have taught me in this time. I have known loss in my life like everyone else, but you have imparted such grace and inspiration to me through yours, that I no longer am picking the scab and your words have finally allowed me to heal. I am so grateful that you are a part of my life.

  71. You should join Molly on that swing. It may not be a puddle, but it’s the next best thing.

  72. Dear sweet Corey, so much love in you and all around you. What is there that I can say to comfort you that your beautiful niece did not say so simply? May you all find comfort in these days ahead.

  73. Love dream live and may his memory comfort you always. God Bless You and Your loved ones.

  74. Marci Larsen

    Corey –
    During the time of your father’s illness,
    my father took a turn for the worst and died. Although he had been brain damaged and my mother cared for him for 12 years, your blog helped me to prepare for his death. Thank you. Please accept my
    deepest sympathies on your loss. Good luck
    going back to France and facing a home without a woman’s touch.

  75. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Sounds like loving and caring runs in your family! What a little sweetheart! Bless her and you.

  76. Bramble

    Corey- My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I know this is a time when emotions are close to the surface and it can be overwhelming. Memories will wash over you like waves on the beach and sometimes it will feel as if you have been carried away. Feel happy and sad, cry, laugh, grieve in whatever way you find consoling. Everyone’s path through grief is different. I know your faith will serve you well as you travel uncharted territory.
    I hope when the sadness seems overwhelming you will remember that it was a privledge to have had your Dad so long and we are never ready to say goodbye. Find comfort and peace in the knowledge that your Father’s life was well lived and complete. Blessings to you and all your family. My heart hears and feels your sorrow. Bramble

  77. Corey,
    Your father, you and your family have been in my thoughts for months. I found so much comfort in reading your blog as my father was admitted into the hospital in February. He was able to overcome his illness and come home, but it has not been without ups and downs over the past few months.
    I am so inspired by your strength and the beauty of your words. Please take care.
    (I don’t know how I overlooked that you have been in Northern CA – it truly is a small world.)

  78. Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio

    Dearest Corey,
    I just heard about your Father. I am so sorry. Please know that I have walked in your shoes and I fell your loss. If I could, I would be there to envelope you in a warm hug. My heart is with you this moment.

  79. Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio

    Dearest Corey,
    I have just heard about your Father. Please know that I have walked in your shoes and feel your loss. I wish I could span the miles and give you a big hug….
    My heart is with you in this time of sorrow.

  80. karen eileen

    My prayers go out to you and your family at such a sad time. I once saw a special on Octegenarians (?) 100-year olds. Anyway, when trying to find out what the secret to a happy and long life was, the one thread they all had in common was how they dealt with loss…one woman said how you deal with losing those you love will determine the amount of happiness and purpose you are able to have. I know his love for you and yours for your sweet dad will lift you and carry you.
    Karen Eileen

  81. melissa @ the inspired room


  82. Sue McG

    What a wise child ๐Ÿ™‚ Sending love and a long-distance hug, bless you.

  83. A Fanciful Twist

    Corey, I can not express myself at this moment. My throat is tight and I feel so much for you and your family… I can not tell you the profound feeling I have felt for all of you during this time. All I can say, is I send my love. Both Mr. Lovee and I send our love. We both have been reading, and have carried you in our hearts and in our prayers…

  84. Du Buh Du Designs

    Just read about your father’s passing and send my deepest condolences. Your dad is no longer suffering and he’s in the company of others he loved and I’m sure that brings some comfort to you…sending your family positive thoughts :)~Christine

  85. Dorian Fletcher

    Every one of us in your blogging family are keeping you in our thoughts, Corey. I love the sweet innocence and caring expressed in by little Molly in this post. Children can express complicated feelings in such a simplistic way. I am happy that you can all be together during this time. Many hugs.

  86. Alison Gibbs

    Corey Hugs from me too!

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