Blue Skies

Img_5844 Blue skies partly cloudy,

A dream like state called reality,

Rainstorms in the middle of nowhere or-

Tears mixed with laughter… as each person recalls and relives memories of my father. I feel him in their stories and see him in their eyes. He lives in their hearts. Oh memories!

A sacred time before the wake…flowers, food, friends, feasting on family.

The normal everyday question, "How are you?"

I am here…blue skies, partly cloudy, big chance of rain.


57 responses to “Blue Skies”

  1. Dear Corey,
    I first found your blog/website in the credits at the back of the Victoria magazine in February.I had read your article several times, drawn to your life in France and your style and was delighted to share in your unique perspective and photography. It does seem bizarre that I am writing to a complete stranger – but it is me who is the stranger to you because you have so opened your heart, your life and the lives of those close to you that I feel I know you as a friend. You have included us all in this dance called living and I thank you that even at this time you have continued to share. A lot of times over the past few months I have wanted to contact you but reasoned the thought away that you had plenty of people supporting you!!
    I pray that you will know Jesus is wanting to continue to dance with you, leading you in the steps and the direction you are to take day by day. Praying that all the family will know enveloping love and presence and light in the days and months ahead.
    Libby Walker
    New Zealand

  2. …let it rain. It’s good for the soul.

  3. frenchgardenhouse

    Let it rain, sweetie. I know you will want to be strong for your Mom, but tears are good. Even Jesus wept.
    Thinking of you in prayer now, and especially Sunday and Monday.
    hugs, Lidy

  4. frenchgardenhouse

    Let it rain, sweetie. I know you will want to be strong for your Mom, but tears are good. Even Jesus wept.
    Thinking of you in prayer now, and especially Sunday.
    hugs, Lidy

  5. I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through.
    Thinking of you and your family.

  6. Dear Corey
    I haven’t visited your blog for quite a while, and am so sorry to now read of the sad loss of your father. My thoughts are with you. Such an emotional time. I lost my father in 1973 but had he lived he would have been the same age as yours. Be thankful for his life and the wonderful length of time you had with him.
    Sue x

  7. You describe it so perfectly, Corey – the joy of family togetherness mixed with sadness for one gone – relief that suffering is over for him and the pain of being left behind – a bubble out of time.

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    “Après la pluie vient le beau temps.” -which, litterally, means that the nice weather comes after the rain…
    (=Every cloud has a silver lining.)
    Tears are the words from the heart…

  9. tut-tut

    You’ll be in a half state for a while; it takes time.

  10. pauline

    It is the being left behind that makes it so hard to say goodbye… that will ease with time. It is good that you have happy memories to recall, so that your sadness is not increased by regret.

  11. Alison Whittington


  12. Suzanne

    Oh Corey, sweet Corey. Your friends across the ocean are with you too. You know that! I’m with you.

  13. I´m so sorry for the loss of Your father.
    My varmest thougths are with You.

  14. Shannon

    Rain nourishes the earth. Your father must’ve welcomed rain as a farmer. He’d watch the drops fall knowing the ground is drinking it up making the seeds grow.
    Your dad will be in the earth making the grass and the trees and the flowers grow. You can hear him speak to you in the whispers of the leaves being blown by the wind. You can smell his scent in the perfume of your mother’s flowers. And you can hear his laughter through that of your nieces and nephew as the grass tickles their bare feet.

  15. Let the tears pour. Each tear is a manifestation of the love you have for your father. Each one a memory, a thought, a smile, a conversation, a hug. Let them fall to the place that holds him sweetly- your heart. He will never leave you.

  16. Let it rain, the tears are bittersweet.
    Thinking of you all,
    big hugs

  17. Oh, Corey — you truly are in the perfect place at this time, being wrapped in the love of your family and friends. I’m thinking of you…

  18. It is so good for us to cry and let it out, I always have my good cries in the shower!
    That way not only my body is clean but my soul as well. Thoughts & prayers are still with you Corey.

  19. Cheryl in California

    Dear Corey, You will need to draw from the healing balm being poured out by friends and family many, many times during the grieving process. Store it up in your heart, apply as needed to all in need.

  20. My Melange

    Your post reminded me of one of my favorite songs by Patty Griffin, called Rain. I will leave you with the some of the lyrics..
    It’s hard to listen to a hard, hard heart
    Beatin’ close to mine
    Poundin’ up against the stone and steal
    Walls that I won’t climb
    Sometimes a hurt is so deep, deep, deep
    You think that you’re gonna drown
    Sometimes all I can do is weep, weep, weep
    With all this rain fallin’ down
    Strange how hard it rains now
    Rows and rows of big dark clouds
    When I’m holding on underneath this shroud
    Love and hugs..

  21. Miss Sandy

    Thinking of you and yours.

  22. Thinking of your Corey!

  23. …with a warm front (of love) quickly moving your way.

  24. It sounds like you are exactly where you need to be right now. Live in the moment, Corey. Soak it all in and write it all down. I don’t think you’ll want to forget even one second of it. And hug your mama for us, will you please?

  25. deirdre

    I remember those early days of grief far too well, the sense of unreality and disconnectedly moving through life. It’s good you’re able to find some laughter in there too. xoxo

  26. Corey:
    Visualize him and my Dad T.J. cruzin Heaven in their old pick ups : )
    They are where we got our adventuresome wildly happy spirits!!!

  27. Memories come flooding back – 1976 home to visit dad in hospital, having to leave and then have him pass away within a couple of weeks. Couldn’t return for his funeral and this has always saddened me. Thank goodness you were able to stay Corey, to be your dad’s rock, to hear his stories, to touch his heart one last time. Now you are there for your mom, embraced by your family and friends, saying goodbye together. I hope the rains bring cleansing, and then on Monday, the sun appears to warm the earth your father loved and cared about for so many years.
    Blessings to you all these next difficult days – remember him with joy and know his love shines down upon you always.

  28. It was such a wonderful blessing that you could spend His last days with your father…that is a blessing many of us were not able to experience…and I am very happy for you that you could be there…
    that will give you much peace and comfort in the days and years to come

  29. “…blue skies, partly cloudy, big chance of rain.” You couldn’t have said it any better. My dad “went home” two years ago on the 25th…and the weather is still that way.
    The memories are wonderful…hold on to every word…they will come back to you as you need them.

  30. Liz Ness

    Aww…HUGS to you, Sweetie. I continue to think of you and just wanted to send a quick note to let you know how much I care. Take care and let those showers come…they are as much an honor to your father as anything.

  31. angela marie

    I know this time is bitter sweet… When my dad passed away, I loved hearing the stories about him… and a lot of people told me things about what he had done for them, stories that my dad told them about my sister and I. How he felt about us. What a gift to hear these tales at a time such as this. I held each one close to my heart. My love for my dad became much deeper.
    I think about you often Corey… and I am praying for you.

  32. vintage moon studio

    Dearest Corey ~ The skies are weeping here today for you… tomorrow when you say your final goodbyes I shall also be saying mine to my mother-in-law, who left us the same day as your precious Dad. I will continue to hold you and yours in my thoughts and pray for peace for your family. xox Deb

  33. martina

    Corey, that was a beautiful description of emotion. When my Dad passed I was very comforted to hear little stories from others about him and to hear how much they respected him and would miss him too. Some of these people were strangers to me and told me of good deeds Dad did that I had no idea about. I’m sure you are experiencing the same thing. Let the rain fall and the blue skies slowly appear.

  34. Wendi Kelly

    Still here, still hanging on with you. One day at a time.

  35. Sending you a big umbrella of friendship from all your readers.

  36. Corey, so eloquently said….
    Prayers sent your way this weekend and beyond.

  37. As always, dear Corey, you have perfectly captured your feelings with your gift of eloquent words.
    I believe that the stories you are hearing about your Father will continue to bring you even sweeter solace in the the future.
    My thoughts and prayers remain with you and your family.
    Hugs to you sweet lady!

  38. Lisa-Vet

    Beautiful..Corey…Big,Big Hugs. God Bless. Lisa-vet.

  39. …blue skies, partly cloudy, big chance of rain…it says it all…((hugs)) to you and yours dear Corey.

  40. I can almost feel as if I were in your shoes, you know, I have walked the walk. A life well lived needs to be celebrated and the loss mourned at the same time. Knowing that the loved one has gone ahead to a place where we all strive to be invited to one day is both sweet and sad. At the end, sweetness prevales over sadness, the open wund begins to heal, what remains are the memories, sweet and comforting, yet the road there is filled with tears.

  41. Dearest Corey,
    Your grace and surrender to our Lord’s will in the last days of your precious father’s life will carry on with many who have read here, and are experiencing the loss of a loved one. My prayers and heartfelt sympathy to you, your mother, sibs, grandchildren and all those who love and will miss your Dad. His life was lived beautifully, lovingly and full… from what your wrote of him…with so much love…as is his new life beginning now with the Lord Jesus! God Bless You always. Jenny

  42. Elizabeth

    (((((((((COREY!!)))))))))) One day no more partings, the hardest part of living here on earth…but it is just temporary!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

  43. Cori,
    I see JESUS opening up HIMSELF & your father entered in to a beautiful realm that is feeled with no more pain, but joy & peace & happiness that our earthly minds cannot comprehend. May HIS Peace & joy comfort you & your family.

  44. susanna

    Sending you a big hug today, Corey. I’m glad that you are with people who love and support you.

  45. I’ve been away from blogging this past week and just saw that your dad has passed away. So sorry to hear it, hope you are alright. I am in awe of your ability to share your emotions with everyone. take care Corey!

  46. Such a tender time this is. Not quite a year ago I found myself in the same circumstances and remember how the time just floated by. I thought I would remember each kind word, each story shared, each hug of support, but I don’t. All those things have swirled together into an impression of that time.
    Love to you and your family.

  47. rochambeau

    Dear Corey,
    After I lost my father, I lost a piece of myself. I wondered if when people looked at me, they could see a part of me missing.
    What touched me so and makes me still teary is how all of these random people (like the clerks in stores) and so many unexpected souls said how much my dad had meant to them. They recounted stories and then for the first time in my life I realized what an impact he had made, part of his life I didn’t realize. He had his own world, his own relationships.
    I wonder if you are having any of these feelings now? I’ve been thinking of you all day.
    I send you my prayers.
    Also to Delores!

  48. Cookie Sunshine

    sending good thoughts your way.

  49. Holding your hand and praying for you.
    love and blessings

  50. Just Plain Jane

    Isn’t it amazing that the outside world continues on when something so earth shattering has happened in our lives? Peace be with you and your loved ones.

  51. Gillian

    Oh let it rain, I say. Corey, if anyone needs the heavens to open up and pour it’s you. I think crying is very therapeutic. Your father was an amazing man, father, friend, husband. He will be missed so much. Yes, the world keeps turning, but so much sweeter and brighter for having had your father here to leave his footprints.

  52. be sure to look for a rainbow !!!! xoxo

  53. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Corey – I agree, let it rain. You’ll feel so much better, and if you don’t it will hit at the wrong time (speaking from experience). Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and give your mom a big hug for me. Marva

  54. Rosemary

    I am trying to send sunshine Corey!!

  55. Diogenes

    Dear Corey,
    I am so sorry.
    It was wonderful of you and your family to unite and ease your father through this.

  56. Dear Corey,
    to have family and god friends around to share this changing weather is just a blessing, rain at some moments and sunshine at others. Souls shining (as for your niece hug) and your father within. He will be always with you and you will learn to “touch” him in other ways. You are still her little girl and he is taking care of you.
    I thank you very much Corey for sharing these moments with us. You are not distracted by everything going on inside (and outside)you, you still have an amazing love to share!

  57. our thoughts are with you corey and your family. so much on your plate so much emotion from all sides. your words will come.
    hugs from nh

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