1. French Husband arrived for my father's funeral and will stay a few days.
2. School, the distance, and the timing do not permit Chelsea and Sacha to come, though they arrive in early June.
2A. I am trying not to think that my French husband and I are in California while our children are far away.
3. The amount of incredible food that keeps coming into my mother's home makes the scale tip higher and higher. Who has willpower at a time like this?
4. Holding emotion in is exhausting.
5. Funerals are exhausting, too.
6. The eulogy…or I should say the blank piece of paper staring me in the face is haunting. Where do I begin? Each time I try to put something down on paper, I see my father in the dark hospital room and his gallant desire to live… and I hear myself telling him to let go- Three months of bearing witness to my father's heroic effort and his dying days has my heart far too sad to create a worthy eulogy.
7. My sisters-in-laws are the best, beyond helpful and supportive.
8. Having little children around is natural healing medicine.
9. My mother and my brothers keep my father on their lips. Story after story.
10. I must focus on the eulogy…. please, please give me the words to share and the courage to speak without turning into a puddle. Where does one begin?
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