Embraced by Nature

The-rose-pale A delicate rose bowed her head.

…the entire garden was full of roses, the scent intoxicating, I soaked it up-   "Paradise." I lost myself to the pleasure of not having to do anything but stand there and take it in.

Yet amongst the roses growing wildly this one caught my eye. Soft, pale, shy…. speaking without uttering a word. I was saturated by nature's random act of beauty.

When is the last time that beauty took your breath away? 


24 responses to “Embraced by Nature”

  1. Wow! Merci!

  2. … just this morning corey, looking out of my kitchen window!
    the pale rose image is amazing!

  3. This day is a rose.
    You are a most beautiful flower in my friendship garden.
    Love you

  4. pauline

    Such an elegant photo – you have an eye for beauty
    There is mist everywhere here this morning too, following a thunderstorm last evening. The sun is diffused and everything sparkles. I have my breath beauty-stolen often. It’s the best way to live…

  5. What a beautiful post…my breath was taken away just today!

  6. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    Every morning when I wake up…I can’t wait to open the door and look out on all the beauty of the day! And I feel that same way when I go to the computer to look up your blog! You always capture and express breath taking moments…because you SEE GOD!
    Thinking of you and your family always.

  7. the Farmer’s Wife

    I’m afraid to say that the last time my breath was taken away was on the morning of 9-11. I was driving to my job at the newspaper along the country roads. The morning was so spectacularly beautiful. The sky was clear, the air was crisp. I was stunned at the beauty of the Illinois farmland. I told myself, “Remember this moment. This is a perfect day that God has made.”
    Shortly after I arrived at work the news feeds in the newsroom began to report…….and I realized at the moment I was whispering …. this is a perfect day that God has made…… people were going to meet their God.
    Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  8. Carolyn Mallin

    Every time I see my precious grandchildren.

  9. Suzanne

    Sweet Corey, as you can notice my internet in London is already set up! 🙂 So, I can get back on checking on you as I did in Portugal!
    This photo is simply stunning!!! Delicate yet it does have a statement on it! Beauty!
    I have been surprised by nature’s beauty so many times… One of the last times was from my bedroom’s window, I looked out and I saw an artist’s like sunset… Rosy, lilac, orange in the blue background of the portuguese sky.
    yesterday though, I saw my first fox, near London, with its fluffy tale!
    And I always get breathless with the beauty of friendship, something as natural as nature itself.

  10. The lilacs in bloom a few weeks ago took my breath away. We took a picnic to the lilac arboretum and enjoyed the scents that the breeze brought to us as we ate, and then we walked among the many varieties, each one more beautiful than the last.

  11. herhimnbryn

    Gardening this morning after heavy rain. Dew diamonds hanging from Eucalyptus leaves.

  12. Two weeks ago when I saw dolphins frolicking in the Pacific.

  13. My Mélange

    Yesterday, when I saw some great blue herons and driving home in a horrible thunderstorm complete with lightening strikes.
    Mother Nature is an amazing women.

  14. Hi Corey!
    What a nice post! There was a beautiful sunset here in my little part of Georgia last night. It was a huge red/orange sun that slowly descended into the trees. The remaining color was very Maxfield Parrish! So, I can say my breath was taken away by that yesterday!
    Always enjoy reading your posts! They are very sweet and refreshing. Your’s is one of my favorite blogs, mon ami!
    Hugs, Bebe 🙂

  15. Rosemaryr

    Yesterday, driving by the ocean. It was a beautiful blue/green color.
    Have a great day Corey!

  16. rochambeau

    Beautiful photo,
    Beautiful thoughts on beauty!
    I’m always being blown away by beauty. It is everywhere!

  17. Earlier this week we had some terrible storms come through and the next morning when I awoke the sunshine was smiling and the birds were singing and everything just seemed to stand still and take it all in. It was breathless in beauty and brought tears to my eyes.
    As always your sweeet words touch my heart.
    blessings and love

  18. Kate Johnson

    On the first evening after arriving home from a week spent in BC, I went for a walk here in Saskatchewan. The new leaves are out, bright green. The poplars emanate their sweet scent, and soon the wolf willows will do the same and I’ll swoon as I stroll; the saskatoon bushes are flowering; the frogs are singing; the birds are calling; the muskrats are cutting their way through the creek; this country road, free of traffic, is some kind of heaven and I feel SO fortunate to live here. It is so beautiful that I inhale it as deeply as I can, and it touches me all the way down to where I was born (a phrase a friend used, which fits), and I could weep with gratitude at the beauty of this planet.
    When in the throes of my deepest grief and most painful shock, my instinct was to head out of the house, away from the farmyard, and into nature. It heals and holds me and gives me the courage to go on.

  19. deirdre

    Everyday. But only if I slow down, let myself see, be ever so slightly aware of the beauty around me. Then, yes, everyday.

  20. stljoie

    Today…the climbing roses that grow up and over my back porch are full of red blooms. The herb garden is glorious and the tiger lilies are throwing up buds…and that’s just coming in the back gate. An enormous mock orange bush is blooming with intense perfume next to my front door which is on the side of the house by the driveway. This bush hangs down over the driveway we share with our neighbors and they agree that we don’t cut it back until after it blooms…we drive through it. We tried cutting it way down one year and it doubled in size!!

  21. susanna

    Such a delicate photo…like a faded memory.
    The last time beauty took my breath away… Saturday morning, around 6am, looking outside my window at the pale morning light. It wasn’t the view that took my breath away but the light itself.

  22. Beautiful image.
    I’ve been away on vacation. Glad to be back and seeing you.
    Hope things are getting better.

  23. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Your pictures always take my breath away. You are gifted.

  24. Marie-Noëlle

    Last Sarurday, while taking my dog for a walk through a park, I saw a flock of wild geese in the grass.
    Some were having a swill in the stream, some were on the watch, some others were lying by the lane…
    When getting closer, I spotted a couple of them with 11 tiny goslings…
    I asked my dog to sit down and to keep still and I stayed there watching….

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