Seed Affirmation


One word uttered       


Have you ever been given a "seed affirmation"? A seed affirmation is when someone says something to you and you feel it take root, and grow inside you. The one-word affirmation sets the wave to transformation. 

What one word seed affirmation would you give yourself today?



53 responses to “Seed Affirmation”

  1. Ripple

  2. Peace and love the world and all of its people are in such need of it……..
    I love you
    Love is all you need.
    Love Jeanne

  3. Di Overton

    A lovely old lady told me way back in the 80s that – Everything Was Meant To Be – that took root and has never left me and never proved to be wrong.

  4. warrior. I’m one.
    and mountain (to my sister 🙂 )
    Brave goes with you very well! and kind, absolutely

  5. pauline

    serene –

  6. hope… for my friend,that I love, in her battle against cancer.

  7. Bridget

    I love your word “brave”.

  8. Love, is my one word affirmation.
    Corey, I’ve so enjoyed reading your posts this morning. Your mother’s rusty old bed is wonderful and your reunion with Sasha brought tears.
    It was a joy to see the children’s photos in your posts. Amazing photography, as always.
    Thank you!

  9. Adventuresome

  10. Surrender

  11. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Fearless. A synonym of brave.

  12. Believe

  13. the Farmer’s Wife

    You know me….one word will never do
    Fearless and brave

  14. Merisi’s Vienna for Beginners

    Believe! 🙂

  15. pottermom

    Hope, just hold on and hope.

  16. Perfectly loved. That seems to take care of all the rest of it.

  17. pauline

    “Embrace” is the one word–a verb, “what is” is the object. A Byron Katie fan am I.

  18. JOYFUL

  19. pauline

    Embrace is my word
    verb followed by “what is”, “life”, “adversity”, etc., etc., etc.
    (A Byron Katie fan am I)

  20. herhimnbryn


  21. Regina Clare Jane

    I guess my seed affirmation for today would be “feel”…
    It’s so easy sometimes just to not let yourself feel but in the long run, it can stunt you in a very deep way.

  22. Massilianana

    GO !!!
    And what a beautiful picture once again Corey : this little velvet flower is simply gorgeous ,and the velvet ribbon , and the little cristal, and that sparkly stuff in the background,…

  23. Miss Sandy

    My word for today would be ~ strength. Strength for today and for all the tomorrows to come, especially those days that have bumps in the road. It is what I feel I need today.
    Today, I rely on being carried from strength to strength, Psalm 84:7.

  24. Rosemary

    That is my word today Corey.

  25. Deborah P

    FOCUS would be my word. I’m too scattered and trying to accomplish too many things at one time and/or worrying about things I can’t control. I need to just focus on one thing at a time.

  26. tut-tut


  27. annieelf

    My seed word for today is “Progress”.

  28. shannon in oregon


  29. My word for today is most definitely TRUST. =)

  30. CanadianCarrie

    … life to the fullest…
    That’s my word and I’m sticking to it!

  31. stefania

    My word is CHANGE ! Bye dear Corey! Stefania

  32. Franca Bollo


  33. Beauty.
    Someone, a Navaho friend, said to me once “Walk in beauty.” That took root, and I have myself said it a few times to others.

  34. qualcosa di bello

    today’s affirmation for me: persevere! (tequila came in a close second! 😉

  35. Marie-Noëlle

    My word-of-the-day is “NO”
    (NO is the Irish answer to the European Constitution)
    This word just suits me today.

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    BUT before the Irish results were published, my word was “clematis”.
    I love this delicate flower. Plenty blooming now in the garden…

  37. Patience – I needed a lot of it today while taking my 11 going on 16 year old granddaughter shopping for Summer/camp clothes! Everything was too short and too low – if you know what I mean. Plenty of time to be a teen coming up – meanwhile, please stay my sweet little girl a bit longer.
    Beautiful delicate photo Corey – antique velvet I’m sure.

  38. breathe – just keep concentrating on one breath at a time as we wait for flood waters to recede

  39. danasmith

    My one word……change

  40. TRUST.

  41. Grace…

  42. …home

  43. Caffienated Cowgirl


  44. La Donna


  45. Love

  46. Joy, for my son is coming home today from Japan for a weeks visit….Kelly

  47. marybeth

    T R U S T *
    Love * hugs

  48. Faith

  49. Laugh.
    Laugh and laugh and laugh again.

  50. GROW
    Love Nel x

  51. Brave [for me too]. And then… Breathe.

  52. Tamara ModernGear TV

    (for me, and for you)

  53. tricia scott

    balance — that will be my word today.
    loved so much my visit here.

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