Month: June 2008
Summer Cut
Sam my fifteen year old nephew asked me to cut his hair. He told me I could cut it however I wanted Don't you just love it when someone puts the reins in your hands? The best thing about cutting long…
The Art of Baking
The art of baking starts with having the right ingredients and follows with a knowledge that what you are doing is feeding the hungry with loving spoonfuls of goodness. My mom is baking again and the sweet aroma allows…
Becoming Little Again
My five little nieces told me it was going to be a glamor day. I thought that meant that they would dress-up, put makeup on each other and then I would take pictures of them. Ha! That was the…
Coffee with Dinner on the 25th
Well you see I think I was misleading about saying guess who's coming to dinner… because actually nobody was coming to dinner last night per say. What I meant was that someone is coming over but not just for dinner and…
Seed Affirmation
One word uttered Brave. Have you ever been given a "seed affirmation"? A seed affirmation is when someone says something to you and you feel it take root, and grow inside you. The one-word affirmation sets…