The fabulous foot-in-mouth mishaps that French Husband, the children and I have had tripping over the English and French language has been in the time past (and present) enough fun to poke at each other for years to come
I thought French Husband’s classic *pubic transportation would be the number one record holder in our pokes at one another, until I told the priest at our French church that his sermon was: “Vachement bien!”French Husband who never uses slang let alone swear nearly choked, then politely tried to correct me… I wouldn’t have it, so I shook my head and I went on to say “What?Vachement isn’t slang, everyone says it!”
Though this summer as Sacha has been working with older men out at the ranch he has picked up quite a few choice words…vachement cool if you are a French teen in America and in need of a few good ole swear words to throw around town.
The other day one of the guys at the ranch hollered to Sacha, “Hey when you’re done with the “son-bee” you can throw it in the pick-up.” Sacha looked at the man, shrugged his shoulders and asked, “What the heck is a son-bee?”
Somethings are better left not translated.
* Pubic Transportation Story:
When I first met French Husband in San Francisco he soon there after took a bus to meet me at St Gabriel’s Catholic Church, (where I worked at the time.) The secretaries at the church, Patsy and Peggy, asked French Husband how he got to the church that day? He replied in his extra heavy French accent,
“I tuke de pubic transportation.”
I thought Patsy and Peggy would pee their pants they laughed so hard. The jokes never stopped at St. Gabriel’s about my romance to the Frenchman, and his pubic transportation! They had a field day with that remark.
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