Month: July 2008
Jumping on the Garden Bed
My little cousin Liam jumping on the garden bed in the back porch or his Grandmother’s house.
Bastille Day (a few days late)
If you have never been to Paris on Bastille Day (July 14th) and if you love fireworks check out these links. Paris……Bastille…. Fireworks. …
The Abandon House and its Leftover Dreams
Last summer I was lucky enough to tag a long with my Godmother to a house that had been abandoned for over fifty years. My Godmother had over the years left letters “to whom it my concern,” in the mailbox,…
The Inner World of Childhood
My two little nieces and I were taking a nap…. actually I was pretending to be taking a nap in hopes that they might actually take a nap. In the course of pretending to take a nap I started to…
The Vachement Son-Bee and other things you learn in a mixed language household
The fabulous foot-in-mouth mishaps that French Husband, the children and I have had tripping over the English and French language has been in the time past (and present) enough fun to poke at each other for years to come I…
Home Nest
Creating a home is certainly more than creating a nest. It is more important to care for what is growing in the nest than the decoration around the “nest.” Creating a home takes a great deal of devotion to…