Ten Things about the last Ten Days


1. My friends Tom and Sara have asked me to be the Godmother of Baby Daisy. Daisy continues to beat the odds and is a champion of faith. I am honored to be connected to someone who shows courage at a young age.

IMG_7796 2. My cousin Daryl gave me a ride in his super duper extra chic and fast car. It went 140 mph in a split second and stopped on a dime. My stomach nearly went through my mouth… I had the urge to scream go faster! Do you know I dreamt of being a race car driver before dreaming of being a nun. Neither dream came true. Though I had a taste of both in my life time.



3. The Honda ninety ride took place, 16 cousins rode to Ferndale, most of them wore something belonging to my dad in their hearts.

4.  A friend sent me this song and it really hit home.


5. My first cousins (just the girls and that makes 12 of us on my dad's side of the family) got together for a weekend reunion. My "city cousins" we called them the "city cousins" because they were the only ones who didn't live in the country. Asked if I would take a photo of them. Here is a snapshot of the four "city girl cousins."

IMG_9785                                                                              6. During the reunion my Aunt Sara celebrated her 86th birthay. She took part in a bubble gum bubble blowing contest. I tried too, but it was my cousin Linda who scored the biggest bubble in the end.

7. I took photos for a Christmas article for Romantic Homes… Setting up Christmas decorations during the summer is a very funny feeling. 


8. French Husband and I spent a few days alone on the coast before he headed back to France.

9.  I ate a two tons of my mother's cookies and now I feel like my body has cookies all over it.  10. I bought my return ticket to France (September 1st) and funny but I do not think I can speak French anymore.


39 responses to “Ten Things about the last Ten Days”

  1. Britt-Arnhild in Norway

    Hi Corey.
    What a lovely way to give us an update of what is going on in your life.
    Enjoy your last days in Willows for this time. I know you savour memories – always.

  2. Julie Ann

    Hi Corey – that was a lovely little recap for me having been away for 3 weeks. Returning to your blog is helping with the return to normality and the British Summer (sic). I am sure that your return to France will be a joyful/sad reunion and that your language skills will never desert you x

  3. I loved reading this list. Congratulations on becoming a godmother!

  4. What a full life you have, such blessings. You touch my heart and help me think,,, and pray. And the french will come back,,, like riding a bike, like bubblegum bubbles at 86.! Wonderful post, thank you Corey.

  5. I love you

  6. I always find something, everyday, in your writing that speaks to my heart; that helps me feel some emotion just a little bit deeper than I would be able to on my own. Merci beaucoup, Corey

  7. From #1 to #10: love lots, sweet Corey!
    Love and Hug*

  8. Ten days filled with a “whole lotta” love and memories!

  9. Just when I think I’ve now read THE most beautiful post from you…you outdo yourself once again. I read this with deep, deep sighs and the video just put me over the edge. Thank you!

  10. You’ve had a busy 10 days, and every one of them sounds like fun.

  11. Ed in Willows

    That Coke is still waiting…..*wink*

  12. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    What a terrific ten days. I want a ride in that car!!! Seriously, I have a need for speed.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  13. I love your list Corey!
    Sounds like you have been doing some wonderful things lately. I don’t know if I could ride in a car that goes so fast.
    I think the French will come right back to you.
    Have a wonderful day!

  14. Just had to check out the video…it has been almost 4 years since my Dad has been gone, but it still brought me to tears. Thanks for sharing so many lovely things.

  15. These are precious moments – being with your family, time alone with your husband and as to thinking you’ve forgotten how to speak French – it’ll be like riding a bicycle…you may not be as graceful at first, but it’ll all come back to you.

  16. What a great list! 🙂 I love that you all had a bubble blowing contest.
    The song link is so meaningful; thank you for passing it along to us.

  17. Wendi Kelly

    I am so glad to hear that Baby daisy is doing well and improving. She has stayed on my mind and in my prayers. And to be her Godmother! What a divine honor!
    French will return to you. Have no fear. Nothing in our brains is gone forever.
    You know coming here is like moments of a tiny retreat. So beautiful, so you.

  18. What an honor to be asked to be Daisy’s Godmother. Congratulations to both of you.
    Everything on this list deserves a comment, but I will spare your readers. Please do more Ten Things lists. It made for fun reading.

  19. I love this list!
    I really love fast cars. A red convertible with tan leather interior, thankyouvermuch. 😉
    I’m sure you have very mixed feelings about Sept. 1. Can your mother go with you for a while?
    I’ve been keeping up with Daisy. What a miracle. She will be blessed to have you as her Godmother.

  20. Cousin Linda

    You’ve brought me to tears two days in a row. It started today with that motorcycle jacket “In Memory of George Amaro.” Many of us have lost fathers, we mourn for them and in our eyes they were wonderful and we will never forget them. However, I must tell your readers, George Amaro (my uncle and godfather) was a truly exceptional man in so many ways. He was a bright shining star in his very large extended family and his community. Motorcycle riders from near and far considered him to be the “godfather” when it came to motorcycles. When we had our cousins gathering that Corey menitons above, the picture in a slideshow that crashed me straight to tears was one of George in his youth. His energy and vibrancy screamed out through that photo. The realization that he no longer walks among us is so completely devestating. My only comfort is to feel the privilege of having known his love in my lifetime. I will carry it with me always. Now dear Corey, take your heavy heart back to France and luxuriate in the love of your husband and children.

  21. Brenda Kula

    Loved the photo of Aunt Sara popping that gum into her mouth! Priceless!

  22. My Mélange

    Great list!!!
    Don’t worry friend, your French will come back to you. It’s like riding a bike 🙂

  23. A wonderful list, Corey! I’m so happy that baby Daisy continues to do so well. You’ll make a wonderful Godmother to her. Dont’ worry … your French will return.

  24. I prayed that you would be baby Daisy’s Godmother ~ I knew you needed each other.

  25. debbie in CA : )

    Ooooh I love lists that lift one up on the giddiness of so much life going on all around laced with smiles and hugs and joy while also assuaging hurts and loss and fear, resulting in HOPE. I exist on the wings of hope and fly over much that whispers “hopeless” … for it lies; there is no such thing as hopeless if we cling to hope. : )

  26. The cousins photo is so nice. I’d love to have a picture like that…..not much chance though so I’m just happy that you get to do it.
    Seems like just yesterday I found your blog via ulla …..and fall is closing in fast. Time flies.
    Love you.

  27. Wonders Never Cease

    Ten days of wonders! How happy!
    It sounds like your family really knows how to have fun!

  28. How wonderful to have so many female cousins, and you are all beautiful. You will remember french, as soon as you touch the ground.

  29. Daisy will treasure her godmother. So happy you will return home. I know how you feel about not sure you can speak French. There are many times in life when I am not sure I will be able to do something, but when I jump in it all comes back to me. Is it a little of the fear of change, going from one nest to another?

  30. qualcosa di bello

    i cannot believe all that joy was in 10 short days…God’s light is shining all over you!! (this is a hankie-in-hand post for sure)

  31. I loved your list. You will be a wonderful godmother. Savor your last days here and look forward to sleeping in your own bed. As always a beautiful post.
    love and blessings

  32. Miss Sandy

    Your list is bliss, especially the bubble gum blowing contest! The memorial to your father squeezed my heart. What a wonderful tribute. I am glad to hear that baby Daisy is doing so well.

  33. Elaine L.

    It’s so funny. When I read that your return date to France was 9/1, I instantly felt a slight pang of sadness in my heart. I guess it’s because it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that we could meet, since I live in southern CA. When you go back to France, you will seem so far away.
    If I have mixed feelings, I can just imagine how conflicted you must feel, since you have been in the states with your family for so long. Corey, leaving must be truly be bitter sweet for you.

  34. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Oh my goodness! I’m watering my t-shirt. Hugs to you. That song also touched my heart. I clearly remember the day my daddy taught me to ride my little red bike and the day he walked me down the aisle. It’s been 18 years since he passed away and I still miss him.

  35. Corey, as always, your photos capture the story of the “moment.”

  36. Fun stories and lovely photos as always Corey – enjoy the rest of your family time in California, and safe trip home to France – I think you’ll remember enough of the language to get by 🙂 Bon voyage!

  37. Lovely post, Corey. I really appreciated the email you sent out – I rarely comment, but your blog has been an inspiration from the first time I read it. Safe journey home to you.

  38. So many wonderful things in the last ten days. I like those motorcycle jackets. What a great way for the guys to remember and honour your father.
    That portrait you took of the City Cousins is terrific, Corey. You really do have an eye for capturing the spirit of an occasion. Maybe you have a calling as a photojournalist?
    Your photos are going to be in the Christmas issue of Romantic Homes? Congratulations! That’s awesome! I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with.

  39. Caffienated Cowgirl

    140 mph?? Where did you go that fast in NorCal? 🙂
    And I am sure the French will come back easily…

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