Ready to Bloom


Reading through the comments regarding the post about the, "Lonely French Bull" I was struck by how many of you experienced love at first sight. 

From the comments it is evident that it doesn't matter what you are doing, or who you are with, or what you are wearing… nor if you are looking for someone to love.

Love happens and most often when we least expect it.


As my brother Mathew said, "If I had known I was going to meet the love of my life, I would have never worn a pumpkin on my head to the Halloween party.

I love Ardi's story:

"I chaperoned my sis and her boyfriend when they graduated from high school (yes, back in those days there were still quaint mothers who thought that necessary) as they went on a weekend backpack trip to the ocean. We hiked the 2 1/2 miles to the beach, set up camp and I left them alone as I strolled along the beach. Hubby and his buddy were also backpacking as a mini-celebration from hubby finishing his Journeyman Machinist training. They were in the camp next to ours. They had trouble starting a fire and this former Girl Scout helped them start the fire. The rest is history and 42 years so far."


Barbara shared how she was on a date with another man when…
"My divine, wonderful and handsome (late) husband was dancing with my best friend and I with his. I looked into his eyes across the dance floor and thought that is the man I am going to marry…."


If you want to have a happy warm feeling just read through the comments, you won't be disappointed. You will read true love stories… about Sandy as an elf, Patty when she was five, Janet and the overalls, Tammy betting on horses, Shannon's grandparents language of love Cynthia's man who wore a pink feathered boa, Glass-flowers love fish, and many more.


Love happens. Freely and unexpectedly everyday, every moment… we need only to be open to it and that is the tricky part.


I hope




ready, ripe

and longing

to bloom.


13 responses to “Ready to Bloom”

  1. herhimnbryn

    Oh Glory! What glorious images.

  2. Wonderful photos to go with a wonderful story!

  3. Kris Franklin

    What beautiful pictures. How appropriate. Flowers have been a representation of love for many years with each flower representing the feelings and emotions that lay within our heart. From the first budding (as in a relationship first starting up) until the eventual wilting( death due us part). This occurs over time in a slow rythmic dance between two souls who’s life work begins with each other. (Sigh)

  4. debbie in CA : )

    I loved reading through the comments. My husband just returned from a trip and I am so primed to giggle and bat my eyelashes and drown in my love’s gaze. Your photos, words, and the plethora of personal tidbits in the comments section makes for “love”ly reading. Thanks … as always, it’s a joy to stop by for a laugh and a smile and then walk away with a thought (or thoughts) to ponder all the day long. Love TIC! ; )

  5. Alexandra

    I had to laugh at the boy who dropped the Exacto knife on his cast to get his future wife’s attention…too funny! I can picture that so clearly. Cute story.

  6. These flowers are gorgeous Corey.
    I just left a late comment on the ‘bull post’ about meeting dh. Do go back and read so you’ll be ready for us in October!!

  7. Mountain Mama

    Wonderful true love stories. It is amazing how some meet. Mine lived next door.

  8. Beautiful flowers. I love it when we see how much we are all the same.

  9. what a beautiful tribute to the awesomeness of love! xx, JP/deb

  10. Stubblejumpers Cafe

    And Corey, how about an update on those two lovely young people who met at your home after “meeting” online? — Kate

  11. Corey, waht a beautiful wish you left in here. Thanks! May that happen!

  12. That last sentence in particular is such a beautiful prayer.

  13. I live in the Pacific Northwest now where zinnias don’t grow for me without struggle. (They thrived in hot Houston; I didn’t and am happier to be here.) While I’ve moved now to more PacNW-suited and quite delightful flowers for my gardens, what a treat to see all the varieties of color and opening buds of those zinnias, along with the fanciful colors of names throughout. A feast for my eyes and a little nostalgia for my heart. thanks!

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