Pastis Paradise


Pastis. The drink of Provence. It begins with a water bottle, a tall glass, 51…   


And a seat at a bistro table by the port of Marseille. The Provencal lifestyle unwinds. Looking out over the sea, one plays catch-up with friends, weaves tales while hands orchestra in air, all the while soaking up the Mediterranean sun… it is the way to be… especially on a hot summer eve.


The sea laps like warm hugs, the dice roll, making the odds even, the French language swirls, and you want to dance with your partner while singing the night away.


The waiter leaves a tab on a small black plastic saucer on the table. The account is torn when the bill is paid- though there isn't any rush, no, never the sense of thrill….nor the lack of hurry or bother. Pastis, Marseille, and the sun– Yes, the three go hand in hand and sink in, causing one to blush.


As the plane started to land, I looked at the landscape beneath me, then just then, I heard my name, and I felt like I was home. I am not a stranger in this paradise.

Photographs of my friend Catherine's mixed media artwork.


43 responses to “Pastis Paradise”

  1. Welcome back to paradise, Corey!
    Sit and stay a while

  2. I’m so happy you’re home! May your heart sigh with elation…bienvenue chez toi!

  3. You create your own paradise where ever you are and inspire us to do the same.

  4. becky up the hill

    I’m glad you ‘home’..I’ve only know you since I discovered your French blog, and found you grew up ‘one county over’..when I go to Biggs next month I will say hello to the rice fields for you ;o)!

  5. red tin heart

    beautiful words and wonderful art..xoxo Nita

  6. Welcome home, Corey.

  7. I am so glad you are back home where you belong your handsome French husband. Enjoy and take in each wonderful moment of reunion with family and home. The art is beautiful as is the talent of placing us all there with you.

  8. Knowing you’re home safely is great news but I’m actually missing you being over here!! I’ll follow where your wings flapped soon – that’s a nice thought. Rest, banish jet lag, and regain your ‘Frenchness’ – know French Husband will assist.
    Beautiful artwork – your friend is certainly talented.

  9. I love your friend’s artwork and I’m so happy you’re back home with your husband and your family and are slipping happily back into your life in France. Isn’t it wonderful too, that you have all your writings about your time in California to go back and read to feel yourself back there? Keep on writing Corey, you have a gift which we all enjoy!

  10. How wonderful to be home. It has been such a tough time for you and France will be your healing gift. How could it not be ? For me I cannot wait for the next chapter. I depend on you for my French fix. God Bless Jx.

  11. Blessings my lovely friend.
    Love you

  12. 🙂

  13. Welcome back!

  14. At home in both places – perfect!

  15. I’m so happy that you’re home safe and sound.
    The art work is wonderful!

  16. Take a moment to rest and regroup, still again! We’re glad you made it “home” safely.

  17. My Mélange

    Just did a post on Pastis last week. Hmmm, great minds think alike 😉

  18. Deb Smithson

    Dear Corey,
    What a journey you’ve had … What an inspiration you are … in times of darkness and in times of light. So glad you are safely home once again.
    All the best,

  19. So good to know you are well, dear Corey.
    And you have a very talented friend. My best to your friend artist, she´s very good!!!
    Lots of Love*

  20. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    51?? I’m certainly going to have to research this one. Glad you are home.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  21. Welcome Home Corey!!

  22. The happiest moments begin at home. I am glad your arrival was filled with happy moments!
    Your friends artwork is stunning!

  23. Dear Corey, Home is in the heart and YOUR open heart gathers into it all the sights, sounds, and people that surround you, whichever side of the ocean you are on. Welcome home to this french place in your heart. Be refreshed.

  24. I don’t believe you could be a stranger anywhere you go. You would immediately see the beauty, embrace it and become a part of it. That is a gift. Glad you made it home safely.

  25. debbie in CA : )

    My dear friend,
    I have been away from the blogdom attending to family duties and life in general. I have just returned to find you have flown without my gifting of “bon voyage.” Know you are in my prayers as you “land” back into your French life. Though you are now geographically thousands of miles away I can still find you with the touch of a button. A sante! ; )

  26. Welcome home, Corey. So glad you are rejoined with flowers of your heart.

  27. Welcome home to you, Corey. Your ability to make a beautiful, loving home wherever you are is a gift indeed.

  28. Welcome home, dear lady! It’s been a LONG journey for you. Continuing to remember your family in my prayers…

  29. BonJour Corey…Hope you are doing well, I’m still making the orzo recipe and everyone loves it…send more recipes…
    Love Barjoles

  30. Thank you so much for your transparency, your love of family, your delicate photos and ponderings, your lilting faith, and for folding all of us out here into the journey you’ve been on for these many months.
    Rest. Decompress. Drink pastis. Straddle the line between where you’ve been recently and where home was and is again, and then dive in.
    And take us with you!
    P.S. Still love the new header photo — luscious strawberry, ring on fingertip, and of course Marble French Husband’s nose!

  31. it sounds like a beautiful place to be.

  32. Gorgeous artwork. For sale, perhaps??!!
    I’m excited you’re back in France (hope you are, too!) so I can indulge the Francophiliac in me.

  33. Welcome home to you dear friend Corey.
    It has been a journey. But you are home now.
    Safe and sound.

  34. Enjoy your Paradise! =)

  35. I’m glad to read that life is getting back to normal. Enjoying a relaxing drink with friends is a wonderful way to spend the afternoon..

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    Pastis and pancakes… your 2 worlds put together …

  37. Sounds wonderful, Corey. Welcome home!

  38. Regina Clare Jane

    So glad you are home safe and sound, sweet friend…

  39. welcome home glad you made it home and are resting in the arms of love.
    love and blessings

  40. Corey,
    Welcome home. You sound well and I hope that you are slowly adjusting to the day-to-day. I’m sure having FH and the children around is like a weighty quilt to snuggle under.
    I love your friend’s artwork. Sigh.

  41. A miniature to scale boat in a bottle? Shouldn’t every little boy living near to a port dream of sailing and have a boat?

  42. Hi Corey,
    This is my first post to you but I am certainly not new to your blog. I read it quite regularly and look forward to it! Your posts are always so heartfelt and fun to read…you live in a place I have longed to visit my whole life and I love to hear about it. I just created my own blog as a requirement for a writing class I am taking so it isn’t much to see at this point. But I am glad to finally be joining the blogworld I have so thoroughly enjoyed for the past year or so. Thanks for all you give.

  43. Great artwork – the use of the colour is stunning

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