Happy Birthday Guesses and Wishes


Today is French Husband's birthday. (I thought you would like to know.)

Last year I gave him a lamp for his birthday. This year I am going to give him…. oh, I think you should guess! And I bet you'll never guess in a million years (Ulla and Lea shhhhhhhhh!) though maybe you will… and secondly he might read this before I give him his gift!

I'll give you a few hints:

He cannot use it.

He didn't ask for it.

The gift is unpractical, old and he had one as a child.

Happy Guessing, and Happy Birthday Yann!!!  Oh you wonderful, lovable, best thing that has ever happened to me kinda guy!


63 responses to “Happy Birthday Guesses and Wishes”

  1. An adorable potty chair????

  2. A rocking horse? LOL.
    Happy Birthday Yann. Corey, your house is beautiful.

  3. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Maybe a tricycle? A few years ago, I had heard so many times my husband say he never got a Tonka Truck when he was a boy, and he always wanted one, so I decided to buy him one for Christmas… He loved it! Felicitations, Yann!!!

  4. A little red wagon – a radio flyer!!!! If he didn’t have one as a child, he should definitely have one now.

  5. Shelley Noble

    She is my birthday too! Happy Birthday, Yann

  6. Happy birthday to him! i have no idea what the present will be. but knowing you i’m sure it will be great.

  7. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    joyeux anniversaire Yann !
    I’m pretty bad for these games , well I’ll say a teddy bear

  8. Happy Birthday Yann! (Virgos ROCK!) 🙂

  9. I cannot use it ?
    The gift is unpractical, old and I had one as a child ?
    I didn’t even ask for it ?
    Is it really my birthday ?
    Please, Ulla or Lea, TELL ME !

  10. Marie-Noëlle

    2 days after back-to-school day, I would say: an old leather satchel/school bag.
    Un très joyeux anniversaire à Yann !

  11. I am so bad at these I think I will just wish Yann a very happy birthday and leave the guessing to everyone else 😉

  12. Happy Birthday to French Husband, it is also my New Zealand husband’s birthday today! Rachael

  13. Happy Birthday to your husband.
    I can hardly wait to read what you bought him.
    You are truly blessed in your family.
    Treasure each other and every golden moment shared.
    Love is all you need.
    Love Jeanne

  14. Happy Birthday FH! Love your post here! DO NOT TELL HIM GIRLS!
    Can’t wait to find out what your gift is!!!!!!!!!

  15. Corey,
    Please extend our Happy Birthday wishes to Yann. He is a remarksble man and the perfect half of your terrific companionship/marriage!
    Gift? Time in a bottle.
    rel & D.

  16. I thought you were going to say you (which si the best) xoxoxo Clarice

  17. Happppppity Birthday to your husband. Umm gonna guess a baby bottle, a teddy bear or high chair. haha 🙂

  18. joyeux anniversaire to French Husband!

  19. Happy Birthday Yann! I think the best gift you could give him Corey is the fact that you are home. How wonderful! Enjoy…

  20. Happy Birthday, FH! I would say your best gift is having Corey home. 🙂
    Hmmm. The clues are worded just vaguely enough to cover just about everything! So, I will just throw something out there- a vintage child’s suit.

  21. I’m with Nel. I’m a lousy guesser. But please tell FH Happy Birthday from Texas!! And enjoy the celebration!

  22. Happy Birthday to your dear, sweet hubby!
    I’m embarrassed to say my first guess was a potty seat (though I see I am not the only one who guessed that)! heehee So now I guess an old wooden playpen? Actually, Corey, there is nothing “impractical” in your eyes, as you have the ability to see the use in so many wonderful objects! =)

  23. Happy Birthday! Could it be a carousel horse?

  24. Is it a wagon? All little boys had a wagon, right? Happy Birthday, Yann!

  25. Happy Birthday to French Husband! My first thought was an antique French tricycle. With a nod to your mother, I thought you might plant it in the garden!

  26. Happy Birthday to you, Yann!!

  27. Happy Birthday French Husband! Wishing you a year of health and happiness. I guess you are getting a tricycle for your birthday. Can’t wait to see what your darling wife bought for you.

  28. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    happy Birthday French Husband. I’m guessing an old rocking horse?

  29. Happy Birthday, FH!
    An antique silver baby cup, maybe with his initial?

  30. somepinkflowerss

    every one is guessing
    a carousel horse
    a little red wagon
    but he WILL use it
    to hold his heart…
    as he will love it always
    i am sure.

  31. Many happy returns to Yann! Corey, what ever you give him I am sure it will not ever compare to your return home to him. Have a wonderful celebration!

  32. herhimnbryn

    Happy Birthday FH

  33. Happy Birthday to FH! Welcome Home Corey!!
    I think the gift might be an old toy airplane, like the one he
    dreamed of flying off through the clouds one day??

  34. Birthdy blessings to you, Yann!

  35. Happy Birthday wishes Yann – and many happy returns!!
    YOU will be the only gift that matters, however, I’m guessing a lovely worn wooden, carved with initials, patina perfect, child’s school desk! You will turn it into something useful of course.
    Wow, Corey, looks like you are already back in the swing of things – no jet lag? How lucky we are to share the beauty of your home already – you haven’t skipped a beat.
    Enjoy the Birthday………all day and night.
    Hugs – Mary.

  36. Well, whatever it is, I’m glad you got home for his birthday. I do remember the lamp.
    Tell him Happy Birthday!!

  37. a child sized rocking chair? can’t wait!!!

  38. a little brass pig like you mentioned in an earlier blog? A teddy bear? A model airplane.
    Happy Birthday Yann!

  39. I have no idea, but I guess that it doesn’t matter what you’ll give to French husband, because all he wants is to have you by his side. You’re the best gift!
    Heureuse anniversaire French Corey’s Husband!

  40. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY YANN!!! Mumm’s the word, no clues here, except to say, I’m glad it’s trip went well! Kisses and hugs to both of you!

  41. The best possible gift is having you by his side at last and safely home… Enjoy your Birthday surprise and Yann, Happy Birthday!
    A surprise is so fun:)

  42. Happy Birthday Yann, and many more. My guess is a statue. Glad you are home safe Corey.

  43. Happy Birthday Yann! May you have many more. Corey, glad to hear you made it home safely. My guess is a medal of some sort like a St. Christopher medal.

  44. Happy Birthday Yann!

  45. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    I don’t have a clue about the gift. I did want to wish your French husband a wonderful birthday though! I think you may have been the best gift he received though.

  46. Happy Birthday Yann…. I know exactly what it is…. I wont say it though, just in case he reads this! I’m glad it made it to France safely!

  47. Tamara Giselle

    Happy Birthday Yann! (From a fellow Virgo.)
    I think you being home is the best gift he will get this birthday. I am happy that you are reunited again in your lovely French home. God Bless!

  48. Tia Muminguz

    I know! I know! I think I know.. did you find it near the Tallman? Happy Birthday Chicken Boy! (Icelandic reference)

  49. Tamara ModernGear TV

    Joyeux anniversaire, Jann! You must be so happy to have your wonderful wife home. Many happy days ahead…

  50. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YANN you handsom frenchhusband….i guess i can’t play the guessing game because i know what the gift is””you are going to love it yann xoxoxo

  51. Happy Birthday Yann! Or as we say at our house, “Happy Birdegg!” My only gift guess is a wagon with wooden sides but somehow that seems way to ordinary a gift to come from such an amazing person as you, Corey.

  52. Happy Birthday to Corey’s French Husband! Thanks for sharing your wife with blogland! 🙂

  53. Cynthia Garcia

    *********Feliz cumpleanos**************
    To the sexest Frenchman
    on your 40TH
    Okay …
    Is it an Airplane??
    Whatever it is… It will be great!!
    Lots of Hugs and Best Wishes
    on your special day XXX

  54. A Dou Dou or a Fou Fou…my French nephew has a doudou and a foufou one if his blankie and the other his pacifier.

  55. …oh i hope it is a bicycle!…a red one with a bell on the handle bars and a seat on the back for you…blessings and happy day to both of you…laney

  56. Happy birthday to Yann! I’m sure having you home after all this time is the best birthday present!

  57. …a lava lamp? He can’t use it…but, it sounds like a silly thing to put in YOUR home, so I doubt it.

  58. Happy Birthday French Husband…Corey I think the best gift is having you home with him and family. I hope it is a wonderful day of love and joy.
    love and blessings

  59. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    Happy Birthday to French husband! Do you remember last year I had asked you about those lamps? You were wonderful and gave me all the information. Thank you again for that. I can’t wait to see what you gave your hubby!

  60. Alison Whittington

    Happy Birthday, Yann!

  61. Happy Birthday, FH!! Mmmmmm, Corey, I can’t imagine what you’re up to this time.

  62. i’m glad you were home for yann’s birthday. i hope you both had fun! now i’m going to rush ahead to see what the mystery present was.

  63. your candlelit photo gives me goosebumps!

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