Living in France


Living n France, what is it like? If you had asked me that question years ago I would have given a very different answer than I would give today. I suppose that is the first thing to know … you bloom where you are planted, or you search for ways to bloom because your roots are dry, or you wilt while looking at the thorns and weeds growing around you. While living in France I have had many different feelings while growing in this garden.


This coming week I will try my best to answer the many questions you have asked me about France, that you have left in the comment section.

I will also lead you to some French sites that might give a different perspective to the questions asked.

To start with here are  some random facts about France or how to be more French:

1) Tiled floors. Most homes have tiled floors rather than carpet. Most take off their shoes when coming inside and put on slippers. (My American sister in law Suzy has this French habit down and a pile of shoes at her front door to prove it.)

We have tiled floors in our house, though the shoe thing is not followed. I do wear slippers (tiles are cold) and often forget and wear them outside which defeats the purpose of germ control.


2) French people dine, eating is serious business. They set their fork upside down and add a spoon at the top of their plate for dessert. Their bread is set to the left of their plate. AND if you really want to be French you must keep your hands on the table at all times!

3) Most French do not like peanut butter and jelly… salt and sugar together is not a classic combo in France.

4) Buying a baguette is. 


5) French men are in touch with their feminine side.

More to come in the week ahead. Parlez vous French?


40 responses to “Living in France”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Mais oui, naturellement je parle Francaise (I am not too sure about my French typing though……)
    I wounder if the shoe thing is European. We do it in Norway as well, and American visitors (actually some Europeans as well) find it quite strange.
    Some nights Ingrid is filling the house with her friends and the hallway filles with shoes……..I love that 🙂

  2. Had to laugh about shoes. When I walk in the purse is dropped and shoes disappear. Barefoot is my style. Once the shoe pile starts to intrude on DH’s peace of mind, I find them neatly lined up in front of my closet door. Non-verbal communication for sure but after all these years, I still haven’t gotten the nack of it. LOL

  3. Merci! Rachael

  4. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Oh, I am loving this post…and looking forward to more. We have some dear friends who are French, living in the south of France…and I always love taking a peek into their way of living 🙂

  5. I have a big basket under our stairs for our shoes… doesn’t always work though, lol! They still seem to end up all over the place at times.
    I love some good, serious dining! Good food, friends, wine, music and conversation… what more do you need? It’s one of my goals in my home this summer. I haven’t entertained in way too long. I think i’ll try setting my table the french way and with hands on the table at all times! Love it!

  6. Corey, this will be a timely subject at my home as our 12 year has just started taking French this year. Truth be told she was crushed that she didn’t get into Italian class–her VBF and “Everybody, everybody else except me, its so UNFAIR, Mommy!!”–got in. But when I was trying to comfort her we were surprised at how much French we could sprinkle around on our croissant and fromage. So may we check in from time to time with you Corey when we need to conjugate a verb or two??
    Merci beaucoup!!

  7. Ooooh La La I love your “French” lessons.
    Blessings my lovely one

  8. Hi, Corey! I have questions! (Hand waving wildly in the air) Do most homes have central heat and air? I’ve seen many open windows (re: your recent post) and am wondering if the inside temps/humidity are as comfortable as in the US.
    Could you also touch on the cost of housing and availability?
    Parenting: Who is stricter, Americans or French? (on the average, of course!)
    Government: Are you at liberty to claim a preference?

  9. “French men are in touch with their feminine side.”
    🙂 That is completely fabulous.

  10. So if I tile my bedroom floor I can say it’s because I was going for a french look? Cool!

  11. My Maman was French and her mother and hers before her. The family emigrated from Paris and surrounding countryside to Canada in the 1600s and lived in St. Bruno, Montreal, and old Quebec. My other was bilingual – English was her second language. One of my sisters can speak French, and all my cousins, aunts and uncles were bilingual. I was foolish and stubborn. I speak minimal French and when I was there, could at least read a menu with some understanding, but je parle français mal.

  12. Forgot to ask before hitting the post button…
    Are French women in touch with their masculine side? Roosters are suddenly “in” as decor here, thanks to Williams Sonoma. Do the French use rooster embossed dining linens and dishware or is this Americanized French?

  13. I think we must be a bit French…our floors are tiled, and I ask everyone in our family to take their shoes off after they come in the house.
    (But not many listen…so I missed out somewhere!)
    I also think I missed the post about asking questions about your French life…do you drive much when you’re at home? Do you run down to the bakery every day? Are all the building in town old and quaint, or is there also new construction? Lots and lots of questions…

  14. This is so fun! I love hearing about how you live in France. I love the serious dining. I don’t know why we don’t do more of that here. You may just inspire me to have a dinner party and that would take some inspiring!!

  15. Wonderful post!

  16. So funny, I always take off my shoes when I come into the house. Even though I live above the cafe’ and only have to open a door and go up a flight and a half of stairs, the shoes must come off. Not sure why but I’ve always done it. Walking inside with shoes feels somehow unclean. Odd, no?

  17. Corey,
    If I just posted today for the day to post questions on France. Will you get it today or do you have to go back a few days to retrieve it?
    I am sorry for the hassle if it is one!
    All of your blog is wonderful as always,
    thanks for sharing your gifts with us!
    xo jody

  18. I am glad that you are posting about these things! I look forward to the next few informative posts! [Of course, I love the almost poetic way you have of sharing that information!]

  19. Miz Booshay

    Oh! I can’t wait! This is so fun!!!

  20. Well, I suppose we are living up to hubby’s French roots, as we have a huge pile of shoes behind the door! =) heehee Wonderful post, Corey. I love learning about the details of everyday life in other parts of the world!

  21. I try to take my shoes off at the door, but the dog doesn’t follow those rules so we don’t get to enjoy the benefits.
    Your tile floor is so lovely!

  22. Robi from Willows

    Good morning my friend,
    I just left church and missed you there. Your mother sat in front of me and I wanted to let you know that she looked beautiful this morning. She has a smile on her face!
    Enjoy your day!

  23. I can tell I’m going to love this series of posts! I remember the post you linked back to about the bakeries–does the bakery at the end of your street have a long line? I also remember a post where you told of the custom of tearing of the heel and eating it on the way home (I think it was in response to being asked about eating on the sidewalks/streets and how the French don’t really do that like we do here).
    So much fun to read…thank you!

  24. debbie in CA : )

    What a delightful journey into France: The Friendly Tour. I saved your latest post to read en pleine air. I am on my deck with the remnants of a delicious brunch, the last of a pot of tea, and the wonderful images from your post swirling in my mind’s eye. At this particular time in my life travel is difficult, but with blogger “friends” like you I can go into the heart of France and enjoy a mental/visual celebration of life and love in France. I can hop to another blog and find it in Norway or Morocco or … My California lifestyle differs in some ways, shows similarities in others, but the one thing we all have in common appears to be the delight in living our lives and the fun of throwing open the doors and windows and inviting the world to attend the celebration. You are a delightful tour guide! Thanks for inviting me to come along. ; )

  25. I’m going to enjoy “Living in France, ” by Corey Amaro!!! We too, take our shoes off before entering the house…

  26. Oh I am loving this very much. I have always wanted to come to France and feel like I am there. Thank you. Looking forward to more.
    love and blessings

  27. This is GREAT! I needed this and you are such a great writer. Thanks so much Corey!

  28. Great insight of the french way of living, Corey! And this is just the starters!!! 🙂

  29. I love learning all about France Corey!!

  30. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Hey Corey – it’s so nice to visit France again! I’ve nominated your blog for an award if you have time to visit mine for more info….. 😀 Marva

  31. Great stuff…this is exactly the kind of thing I want to know about life in France. Please keep it coming so I may live vicariously through you. Ah France…

  32. I discovered your blog not long ago and have been trying to catch up (I’ve seen your name in some of my fave magazines). It’s wonderful to see how others live in various parts of the world and I’ve never been to France (well, except a stop in the airport on the way to adopt our daughter in Russia), so this is fun.
    I can’t think of any questions right now…well, I’ve always wondered if they call it French Bread, French Toast and French Onion Soup there – lol.
    I suppose one of the things that I’ve noticed about buildings in Europe is the open windows – no safety for little children falling out – isn’t this a constant fear for those who dwell in older high buildings?

  33. Your description of the way French men dress raised my eyebrow. Yes … they do know how to dress… wow.
    You know how to spot them … so obvious by your French husband who seems to have timeless beauty.

  34. My husband always takes off his shoes too and puts on house slippers but I never do unless I’ve been working in the yard. He is appalled when my American grandchildren remove their shoes inside and go barefoot inside or outside. I guess it’s considered “bad education” to him.

  35. J’adoooore! très rigolo cette image des Français
    Hello Corey,
    I happen to read your blog now for a few months and your English American way of seeing things thru your lense, your words, your heart is for me “la cerise sur le gâteau”. I just “drink” your words.
    I’m French and I’m happy to get to know more of my “people” through your eyes.
    Loin de moi l’idéee de donner desleçons sur comment être réellement Français…je ne connais pas vraiment la recette. Il y a autant de Français que de région….que de personnalités différentes et tout est question de milieu aussi.
    For the French Baguette piece on the left side, I suppose it figures in the well manners book and it is supposedly done in a lot of families but as far as I have seen around me, the average French tend more to cut the baguette and arrange it in a “tray” (une corbeille à pain).
    For the shoes, I don’t think it’s particular to French people, I’ve been to England and other countries where it was also done. I also suppose it depends on the kind of floor you have (parquet qui tâche facilement, light colour carpet…), if the “house-Chief-in-command” is particular keen on germ control or if it is a family inherited habit…Personnally, I’ve never been obliged to leave my shoes when invited by any of my French friends. And I’m barefoot at home.
    Hope you don’t mind my comments – No criticism just another French point of view.I agree with all the rest.
    Thank you so much for sharing your life, your right words whatever emotions come out of it, your splendid photos, your fabuleuses chines. Looking forward to reading you.
    Take care

  36. Tamara Giselle

    I teach etiquette classes on occasion and try to present some etiquette trivia to the kids. I thought it funny that you should mention that if you want to be really French you leave your hands on the table at all times. That is a bit of my trivia and it actually originated because the King was wary of anyone who’s hands were below the table, possibly concealing a weapon to take the King’s life, thus it became law, and later merely customary to keep ones hands on the table at all times. Isn’t it interesting why we do the things we do?

  37. Oh my….I’m more French than I realize! If you could only see my shoe pile….LOL I don’t really care if people take off their shoes or not, but everyone who comes in just does….
    (I need to surround myself with French men, I tell you. Hee…)

  38. I so love the little swan holding up the butter knife. What are they called? They are now a must have for me.

  39. liannallama

    A lot of people here in So Cal do the shoe thing too–I don’t know if it’s the Asian influence or if they want to protect their nice light carpets! So if you go visiting do you take slippers or go barefoot? I HATE barefoot, so if I am visiting a no-shoe house, I will bring my slippers or wear thick socks!

  40. Don’t like salt and sugar???? Whaaaa???

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