Prairie Rose


Who are you? Rene Hapley, Fox Hastings, Rose Smith, Ruth Roach, Mable Strickland, Prairie Rose, or Dorothy Murell?

A name really does say something, gives something to our personality doesn't it? In the photo above only Prairie Rose is wearing print, her cowboy hat is turned round, and she is the only one in a shirt-dress with her bloomers showing. I don't think she was a real cowgirl… she picked flowers instead.

If I had to be one of them… Prairie Rose it would be.


33 responses to “Prairie Rose”

  1. Charlote Le Den

    Since I bought my groovy new cowboy boots, I think I’m Ruth Roach! She’s got the funkiest boots of them all!!!

  2. Parisbreakfasts

    They all look so spunky and adventurous.
    It’s a tossup between Dorothy’s divine girl scout outfit and moxie-esque Rose Smith.Such nice old fashioned names – Rose, Dorothy, Mable
    Is anyone named Mable any more?

  3. Hi Corey,
    What a funny post again!
    If I had to be one of them, it would absolutely be Rose Smith , she wears her cowboyhat and scarf like I would , and she`s
    hugging her friends too. I do hug everybody, my children, family, friends and even strangers .. :0)
    But if I could choose a name, it would be Consuela or Mercedes , I would live in Argentina or Spain and ride a black, shiny stallion.. Is there a bit of drama-queen in me , or is it only because I started Spanish lessions yesterday..

  4. Love you darling one.
    I will just be myself as I always am.
    the blonde Hungarian Mother and wife
    and lover of life and all of its beauty.
    Love you

  5. Rose Smith,,,she looks like a leader with a great attitude and humor, wonder what their day was like. Girlfriends never really change do they. Such a surprise post Corey. Fun!

  6. That is a great photo. I’m not much of a cowgirl, never owned the boots or hat. Maybe I’ll just be the photographer.

  7. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Oh, I am in love with this photo! I would have to be Fox Hastings…not only does she have a great name, but she looks like an honest-to-goodness cowgirl.

  8. Prairie Rose, definitely, with her head in the clouds, and her bloomers showing, and not quite getting the hang of this cowgirl thing, but laughing at herself all the while.

  9. i would have to be Rose Smith. See that saucy little grin and the way she ‘throws’ her hip out for all to notice? LOL yes, that’s me alright!

  10. christine

    Oh, I just want to be Fox Hastings to have that name ! Gorgeous girls.

  11. Miz Booshay

    I shall be Fox Hastings.
    I like her shy stare.
    Do you think she was a red head?

  12. I think I would be Dorothy Murell…simple…classic…neat. What a fun blog! 🙂

  13. Oh, I think I would want to be Rene Hafley. She has that sparkle in her eye that lets you know she is always up to something. 🙂
    That is a great photo, Corey!

  14. Massilianana

    What a great picture , they look amazing ! I think I would be Rose Smith , I like her skirt and her pose , smiling , she looks chic ,fun and a friendly kind of gal ! as far as names are concerned , well, Prairie Rose and Fox Hastings are pure adventure novel names !

  15. I would be Rene Hapley. Can’t even put my finger on it but that’s the one. She seems quiet with confidence.
    Before I read Donna’s comment I picked the same one she picked for herself!
    Our sister Cindy would be the sassy one, Rose Smith with something up her sleave.

  16. Hi Corey,
    I would be Prairie Rose too, I already have the Rose in my name, and she looks very cool.
    Great photo!!

  17. Rene Hapley; she is petite like me and has a real sparkle in her eyes.

  18. Prairie Rose, Love that name!!! It must have been a nickname? I like how you noticed all those things about her. I’d love to use that photo for a party invitation! I used somebody’s old family photo for an email party invite for a girls get-together I’m having tomorrow night. I think I’ll post it on my blog for all to see!I was named after my grandmother Violet – and was so shy as a child and hated having a weird name that nobody else had (unless they were over 80!) But now as an adult I really am glad my parents named me that. And now I keep hearing of babies being named Violet again, and our daughter blessed her baby girl with it for her middle name this year… that was so touching to me. I wonder if she will be an artist also? Creative for sure … Yes, there is much to be said for a name like Prairie Rose.

  19. Karen from Wisconsin farmland

    I love your blog…and your sense of humor. Prarie Rose is a beauty, wanting to be part of the group. I would be Rena Hapley, a bit of a tom-boy look. I had to be tough all my life. Also love her simple outfit…dressed to get the job done.

  20. Karen from Wisconsin farmland

    And…thanks for making me continuely laugh and I read your comments.

  21. Upon further reflection – though i would still be Rose Smith (i AM a Smith afterall and share her dimples) – i think Mable Strickland would be my best friend (she has cute glasses and a very shy look).
    LOL Thank you, Corey – what fun!

  22. or..wait..does she have glasses? i can’t tell..well in anycase, Mable would still be my best friend!

  23. Actually she was a real cowgirl, and was inducted into The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame in 2008. Their website gives her home state as Wyoming:
    Love the picture by the way!

  24. What a wonderful blog.
    I want to give Mable a vote. I don’t think that girls such as Mable get voted ‘most popular’, or ‘the’ girl everyone wants to be, very often. Look at her: She’s a real cowgirl, dressed in working clothes, sort of standing back from the others, and although she’s agreed to be in the picture and looks happy, she’s got other things to do!

  25. I think that I would have to be Rose Smith!! I like the way she carries herself with confidence and her little smirk!!! Go Rose!!
    Fun Blog!

  26. M-Noëlle

    Go Ruth Roach !!!

  27. Corey, I’m in between Prairie Rose and Rene Hapley!
    Delicious photo! Love it!
    Big hug*

  28. Brother Mathew

    I’m Fox Hastings ‘cept with a black hat.
    Brother Mathew

  29. Julie Fredericksen

    Hi, Corey,
    I read most every post of yours but probably have only commented once. But this is too good to let pass.
    I am a North Dakota Prairie Rose. My birthday is June 25 and the state flower, the wild prairie rose, is always in bloom on my BD. It is small and not at all showy, but the fragrance is outstanding. I identify strongly with the prairie rose.
    Julie from Bismarck, ND

  30. I rather like Dorothy Murell. She has a wonderful smile and looks like she has seen a few things in her day. (Someone I can relate to).

  31. Robi from Willows

    LOVE this one Corey….
    I choose to be Fox Hastings in honor of my cousin (this is her REAL name) Foxine…but we always called her Foxie Jo…don’t ya’ just love the name????
    Thanks for the fun blog today and the awesome photo!!!

  32. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Prairie Rose what a lovely name, it fits you so well , ma chère ..I love this picture.
    Where did you find it ?

  33. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    after reading the comment of Carole, I went to check the cowgirls hall of fame museum , I love also the picture of Prairie Rose showing in this site , QUELLE FEMME !!!!

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