Our friend's first baby, a few hours old… Bonjour Mila! Oh there is nothing like the beauty of a newborn baby.
Note: The day before her birth, her parents started to move into their new home…. boxes galore! Needless to say for those who ask, "If there is anything I can do?" There is … one box at a time.
Everyone is well and a bit sleepy. Fortunately, the health care system in France requires and offers that a woman who has given birth stay at the hospital with her baby for a few days. It assures rest and time for observation. When I gave birth to our first child I stayed in the French hospital for a week since I had a cesarean. Midwives, as well as doctors are there to guide you. The French health care system also offers ten days of vacation to the Father so that he might be available to the Mother and child.
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