French lace to make a Halloween costume. Only if you want to that is… I didn't say the winner had to use the lace to make a Halloween costume… Though I have some old postcards (borrowed from my friend Shelley) that show some pretty sexy Halloween costumes that might give you an idea or two… anyway, here are some of the bits and pieces of old French lace that are going to the lucky winner.
This piece of French lace is what I call: "Bridge over the Sun". Or should it be named: "Rainbow over the Sun"? What would you call it?
French lace a small piece only a few inches long, three different patterns in one. Can you imagine making it? The center looks complicated, it is about an inch wide.
My Grandmother Frances could make lace. She never used a pattern, she would look a piece of lace and figure the calculations out in her head and start at it. She made a pair of pillowcases with handmade lace for each of her 51 grandchildren. My cousin Julie mentioned in the comments that she still has her pair of pillowcases unused, pristine in the closet…. Ah — what is better to have them pristine in the closet to admire, or to have worn them out, dare I say gone, like I have?
I don't know… maybe there is a happy medium.
My mom always says, "Use you good china everyday don't wait for a special occassion. Because one day you are going to die, and your children probably won't want the china, and will sell it at a yard sale for 25 cents a pop."
Now that I think about that… my mother couldn't be thinking about me… gee I wouldn't sell her china for 25 cents!
What lucky friend of TONGUE IN CHEEK is going
to have some French lace coming their way?
French lace pair of circles. What do you think these were used for? I bet you'll never-never guess! I'll bet you will want to own a pair for yourself, I bet next year you will want some for your Halloween costume! and I hope that BEACHY will consider using them next year for her Halloween costume.
Congratulations Beachy the above sampling of French lace, plus a few other treats are yours.
Thank you for playing along everyone!
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