Sunshine and Rain

IMG_0025 Today I woke up and knew my mother would be okay. Yesterday with your loving attention, and the ton of family and friends cheering her own, she was on her way to healing and being her natural self again. The hospital staff have checked her in every possible way and will have the results today. I feel certain she will be better than ever and go home.

But also this morning I woke up to very rainy day, and the flood came into my room, into my bed and into my head and poured out from my heart…soaking the sheets.

I think these last ten months have finally caught up with me.

Gratitude and sadness seem to sit side by side… and it is raining big time in the south of France.


75 responses to “Sunshine and Rain”

  1. I love you darling one.
    Big hugs and love and prayers.

  2. Sweet Corey ๐Ÿ™‚ Let the flood help cleanse your soul. Let it all out……..
    I’m holding your hand and rubbing your back from across the world. I’ll be thinking about you all day today.

  3. Corey,
    Tears cleanse the soul.

  4. Boxwood Cottage

    Aww Corey this is good! Let’em all out! I feel with you! Best wishes to your dear mum!
    Hugs Carol xox

  5. Dear Corey:
    Life is bittersweet, so well you know that tune. It is a gift to be ever thankful for knowing that as each day breaks brings us one more opportunity to love & appreciate what we have.
    May this day bring you & your dear ones peace

  6. cathyswatercolors

    Thinking of you Corey.

  7. We were stunned on reading about your Mom and want you to know we are thinking of her and all your family – and remembering her with prayers. Know the feeling – do I go now or wait? – and you of course have done this already this year. I think she will be fine – so many pulling for her return to good health, the love is surrounding her now.
    Let the rain clean the air and wash away the cobwebs Corey dear – you are in our thoughts and hope to hear good news in the coming days.
    Mary & Bob.

  8. Thinking of you, Corey. I hope the blessed release of tears leaves you calm and new, washed clean by the rain.

  9. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    I woke up early with you and your Mom on my mind…I have found that Tea bags or cucumbers on the eyes after a good cry is always helpful and soothing…it is so rough on the body to release all that emotion…but oh sooooooo healing too. You will stay on my mind and in my heart…and I will be praying.

  10. The sun always shines brightest after a good drenching rain. We are all holding an umbrella out to you – grab it! Thankss for the update on your mom. She is a strong woman, with an equally strong daughter.

  11. I stayed with my Grandma (who lives with my parents) last weekend while mom and daddy were gone out of town. When it came time for me to leave because they were returning shortly, she got weepy and I almost couldn’t leave her. But she said, “It’s okay – I need to cry.” And I’m sure you do also. And rest plenty, too. Still praying for you.

  12. A good cry is so good for the soul…wish I could give you a big hug!!! Thinking of you and praying for your family.

  13. My Mรฉlange

    Oh Corey,
    I hope that the sun comes out again. Soon enough.

  14. Let the tears flow, Corey…a good emptying for the spirit so that it can once again be filled with joy.

  15. oh Corey…heartfelt thoughts and prayers from our house to yours…miles may separate but love prevails…
    take care

  16. sheala feeney

    Dearest Corey,
    I am so sorry for all the sadness. Cry all you need to!
    PS~ Mom said “That Delores is full of beans, even in the hospital!”

  17. Tears…refreshing tears…are so healing!

  18. Jill Flory

    Crying can be very healing, Corey, so cry away! God is holding you, cling to HIM and to your family and friends who are there beside you every step of the way.

  19. heather kathleen

    let the rain fall. and fall. and fall. and fall. after a while? you’ll start dancing and jumping in the puddles.

  20. Dear Corey,
    your Guardian Angel is looking after you.
    A big loving hug to you*

  21. Oh dear Corey, my fatehr just suffered a sroke 2 1/2 weeks ago. I know what you are going through. He lost the use of his left hand at first but now it is coming back slow but sure. It is amazing to see the small progress that is made everyday. I trust and pray that your Mom will react in the same way.
    God Bless…

  22. Allowing the floodgates to open will usher in healing to your heart. There will still be sadness with the sunshine, but you will find yourself on a better footing with it all, I think.
    So glad to hear that you have a renewed sense of healing and hope for your mother. From all you have written here, I know she is a strong woman in many ways (perhaps all ways) and she will overcome.
    Continued prayers for all of you as you await the results of tests and her soon release.

  23. Ed in Willows

    Let it pour, we need the rain. The flowers will grow more beautiful in your heart as time passes.

  24. My arms are reaching as wide as they can, to give you a big hug and help soak up the rain. Much love to you, Corey. xo

  25. Oh Corey, I’m so sorry to hear of your news (I’ve been away from the computer this weekend), but encouraged that your Mother is healing. I pray for her continued healing and for you as well, my dear Internet friend. Your poor heart has taken a beating this last year and I pray for respite for you and yours.

  26. Big hugs to warm your heart and soul.

  27. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Dear Corey, I finally had the chance to catch up with your posts and my heart sank when I read of you mother… I hope and pray for her continued improvement, as we all in blogland care so much about her!!! Please send her my love!

  28. Dear Corey, happy your mother is doing better!
    rain outside and inside…both will go away…a BIG hug!

  29. This is good news….relax and let the tears flow.

  30. Let the tears flow Corey.
    As we say in Portuguese “Lรกgrimas lavam a dor da alma”. Tears wash away the pain of the soul.
    Let it go Corey. Your mom is going to be alright. I just know she is.

  31. A big kiss to you!

  32. Miss Sandy

    Corey, my heart and eyes rain with yours. I am still praying.

  33. suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    It will catch you at the strangest times, when you’re least expecting it emotions will flood your heart. A smell, a voice, a memory will trigger it. That’s all a part of the healing process.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  34. Dear Corey – Healing prayers are flying across the country to your dear Mom… I have lost both my Mom and Dad recently and know how the hole in your heart sometimes opens unexpectedly. Sending big hugs to you… Deb

  35. Corey,
    I am so glad it is raining today. It does surprise us when it finally comes out, but it is very healing.
    Prayers still there for you, your mom, and family.

  36. Cheryl in California

    Don’t fight them or try to stop them…just let them flow.

  37. There used to be a French fabric store in town called Soleiado. The owner’s daughter told me it was French slang for sunshine after rain. Let it rain Corey, for soon there will be sunshine! I agree with your feelings about your Mom’s health. She’ll go back to her home and garden really soon and be all better.

  38. Yay! I am so happy that your mom is okay!

  39. Holding the antique limoges heart charm that I won in one of your guessing games, and thinking of you. It is fragile, and could someday crack, or break altogether. I treat it with care. And I know that even if it breaks, I will be able to lovingly patch it, and it will be stronger still. Pretty and fragile and curiously strong…that’s what a heart is.

  40. Hi Corey,
    I’ve been behind in my visits and so have run the gamut(is that how you spell it?) of emotions; I started with your husband only wearing the collar for Halloween to end up here with your need for prayer. Nov. 28th will be 3 years that I lost my mom, very unexpectedly and even now I cry when I see her face, think abt. her voice, see pics of her with my children; I miss her so and wasted the chance I had to tell her how much I love her.
    I pray for God’s healing on your mom’s body, her mind and her heart and I pray that His will is that she is needed here for so many more great things, that “he is not done with her yet”(in the words of Hermie by Max Lucado). I also pray that He heals your heart, always reminding you of the love of your dad, your mom and this wonderful family of yours! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

  41. Oh, Corey, prayers, prayers, and more prayers. You and yours are in the palm of His hand.

  42. Debbie in CA : )

    Sweet, sweet friend,
    I am holding you and your mother and your entire family in my prayers. There is little else to say . . .
    This bloggy thing has created a stir in the lives of so many and blessed us all abundantly. Praise the Lord.
    I will be checking infrequently (due to internet restrictions for me lately), but I will be praying without ceasing.
    Much love and prayers to you, my soggy, bloggy friend. : )

  43. Corey,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. It must be so hard to be so far away. I am keeping your Mom in my prayers. I saw her on Friday night and she looked fine to me, so when I heard on Saturday what had happened I was shocked. May God watch over her and keep her in his loving care. Take care

  44. Big hugs and kisses from US!!

  45. May the good news continue.

  46. An Enchanted Cottage

    Corey, all of my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family… especially with your sweet mom… Donna

  47. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    Blessings to you,
    It is good to release all of those pent up emotions inside. May you find peace and rest in your tears.

  48. Such a difficult time, go ahead and let those tears wash away some of the pain of the last few months. I’ll be holding you and your Mom in my thoughts.

  49. Rain and worry about parents seem to be making the rounds. My small(ish) meltdown came yesterday.
    I’m glad to hear your mother is doing well.

  50. Tears are a gift from God, allowing release and healing. Let them flow. “He who sows in tears will reap in joy.”

  51. Corey…
    Look at all this love pouring in to comfort you!
    It must feel like a balm to your soul.
    Dawn xo

  52. Dear one, a big hug to you and a promise that all will be well. IT WILL BE WELL! Give yourself permission to do nothing today except bask in the realization that you and your mother are showered with love (and that is a powerful thing!).

  53. My prayers for your mother’s speedy recovery.

  54. Awww, Corey, I’m wrapping you in virtual hugs, love and prayers today! Blog prayers for your Mother too.
    All one can do is go with the flow of tears. Our minds can only withstand so much worry, pain and grief and then comes the relief and meltdown of a good cry or multiples of them.
    It has been raining here on the outside and inside lately too. I think the approaching holidays are sparking some of it.
    Here’s to sunny days all around! Speaking of which, my new issue of Romantic Homes arrived yesterday with your lovely article and pictures of Judy’s beautiful cottage.

  55. Tears are the language of the soul. Fingers crossed for good news.

  56. cheekycicak

    ๐Ÿ™ Sorry to hear, but ‘flooding’ can be cleansing, I know I always feel somewhat better after a good wash…

  57. Cynthia Garcia

    Dearest Corey
    I am soo sorry to hear about your mothers illness…
    This could be the aftermath of a extreme emotional
    loss….This has to be devastating for you and your family
    when the scars are still so raw….
    God willing she’ll soon be back in the kitchen making
    all those wonderful things she makes and filling her canisters
    with holiday cookies
    You and your family are in my prayers

  58. Dear Corey,
    Had a busy weekend, and did not check your blog. So sorry to hear about your mom!! I hope and pray that everything turns out OK.
    I pray for you and your family!!
    My thoughts are with you, and I hope you feel them across the miles!

  59. Corey, there is a song that says, ” A bright sunny day comes after the rain, going through the thunder get ready for change, the mountain your climbing will go away, cuz it’s all gonna clear up after the rain.” I know the rain and clouds will continue to come but it gives me hope knowing that sun is just right around the mountain. ๐Ÿ™‚ Praying for you today my blogging friend! Blessings, Kimberly

  60. Corey, I am glad you Mom is going to be fine. Some rain at times can be very cleansing, it does get better…ciao

  61. O’ that I had wings as a dove has, I would fly away and reside… I would go away in flight, I would take lodge in the wilderness, I would hasten to a place of escape for me, from the rushing wind, from the tempest.
    …evening and morning and noontime I cannot but show concern and I moan–and He hears my voice.
    Psalm 55:6-8

  62. Dear Corey, Your post today immediately made me think of this piece from The Prophet. It is a reminder of things we forget. You of all people, do not ever take anything for granted. It is so apparent in your photos, your love of all things and their own special beauty that you continuosly share with us. You are a joy.
    Buck up little camper, we are all with you.
    When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
    When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
    Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.”
    But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
    Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

  63. I pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary will wrap her arms around your Mother and you and comfort both of you. Your Mom…and you are very often in my thoughts and prayers…and your Dad is sending his imput.
    Love from my heart,

  64. (((you)))
    …Just let it rain. Sometimes we just need to sit with the rain, and let it fall until the clouds are empty…
    And after, it smells so beautiful, and we can breath deep the clean air, and we see rainbows.

  65. Claudie Frid

    I used to scream into my pillow night after night. Scream dear Corey scream.
    The sun will shine again.
    Hugs from Canada

  66. Wish I could give you a big hug, Corey. Remember to take time for yourself while you heal. Still praying for your mom, too.

  67. Let the rain fall…it will stop and joy will return. Just know if I could I would fly like a butterfly complete with teacups and tea and just pour and listen and hug. Keeping you and sweet mama in prayers.
    love and blessings

  68. You went through so much with your father and you were so strong for him and your mother. Getting the call about your mother was the “straw that broke the camel’s back”.
    I think you are dealing with some Post Traumatic Stress. Don’t be at all surprised if you cry and get a little depressed.
    You’re at an age of major life transitions. I’m there, now, with my parents. My dad is 86 and my mother’s 78. My father is in failing health and I know I won’t have him with me forever and it’s hard to imagine. My daughter is on her own, now and lives away from home. I’m becoming my parents and I wonder where the time went.

  69. Di Overton

    Just a little note to say I am thinking about you Corey.
    Much Love

  70. Cousin Chris

    See what happens when I dont read your blog for a few days! I live 16 miles away from your Mom and hear about it from you in France two day later. No phone call from anyone.ARGGGGGGGGGH!
    I’ll go visit Tuesday as it is 11:30 pm Monday night now.
    XO,Cousin Chris

  71. let the rain and the tears wash up your sorrows..
    much love..

  72. Hope Mom Amaro is feeling good. Give her a hug from me, will you Corey?
    And another one for you!

  73. Prayers for you guys! Hugs too!

  74. rochambeau

    Sending a prayer of love to you and your mother.

  75. I’m sending prayers for your Mom and you.
    Rain is good for the soul. .washing away the layers.. leaving
    the world bright and fresh again.

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