Baby Love


I love babies. Chubby cheeks, rosy lips, dimpled hands… I love the way they smell, and how they study every little detail by putting everything they touch into their mouths.

French Husband's cousin lives nearby, he and his wife have a baby girl. A darling lollipop blue eye baby girl. The other day I asked if I could babysit her when they needed a break, or when they wanted to have some time together… they were happy I asked. I told them I needed to have some baby time and so if they didn't mind I would love to watch her. Yesterday they called and I got to cuddle up with their doll baby.

The best medicine for me is to spend time with a baby.


baby baby
We played outside with the kitty, and a ball. We went for a walk where most of the time she picked up things; a piece of grass, some rocks, a fallen leaf, a dead bug, and she put her hand in a puddle. I think we walked about ten feet, but it was an adventurous ten feet. We sat on the curb and watch some nine year olds ride their bikes up and down the road. You know when you are a baby, big kids are really, really cool.

When we went back into the house, she was puckered out and needed a nap. I wanted to wake her up so we could play but I didn't… she slept about an hour.


While I prepared her bottle she found the biscuits, and managed to take them out of the box. Babies are really fast about getting into things they are not suppose to get into. She didn't want to eat them, so she fed them to me while I gave her the bottle. We were sharing. I ate alot of biscuits, I didn't have the heart to tell her I didn't like them.

I needed to hold a baby… the sweetest love is baby love.

Notes on sweet stuff:                                                  

Playground found, delightful.

Sweet and Delicious Treats

How to take photos of Children


32 responses to “Baby Love”

  1. awwweee.. a day of sweet heaven!!!
    beautiful shots of this angel

  2. Nancy Bales from Monterey, CA

    Oh, you are so right. Nothing helps deal with the rough spots in life like holding little hands and smelling the top of little heads. Just yummy.

  3. I have a dear two year old. Just barely two. and as an older stay at home mom with my one and only I just treasure so much of all her “little” things, her little laugh, her little voice, her little hands, her little gestures, her little steps, ahh. Your pictures are precious and a reminder to me to capture those sweet little things as she is growing and changing every day.

  4. You have captured the innocence of a child so beautifully in these photos… sounds like a wonderful day!

  5. I do love babies too…
    I love the little noises they make with their mouths while sleeping (as if they were kissing, sucking,… in their dreams).

  6. “I needed to hold a baby.” Being with young children is precisely why I work in an elementary school. To see the world through the eyes of a child is the best way. And oh! the hugs! This is a wonderful post, TICA!

  7. How beautiful the world when we embrace bundles so fresh from Heaven.
    I love all you share.
    I love you

  8. I loved when my babies shared with me. Even when it was a nasty soggy bit of Cheerio, I ate it. I know it’s very rewarding for babies to share.
    Aw, I think I need some baby love too. But from someone else’s baby, LOL.

  9. There is nothing in this world as sweet as babies and toddlers!!! They can bring a smile to our face like nothing else. Best medicine in the world…..

  10. I really miss having a baby in my life.

  11. Sheala Feeney

    Love the baby photos…. those little shoes are adorable.
    I am sooooo looking forward to the birth of my grandson. I hope I get to babysit him a lot!!!!

  12. Making me feel broody, though I’m determined to have finished with the baby stage – they are so gorgeous, but then so are the bigger ones too, I sternly remind myself!

  13. Isn’t it amazing how a baby will lift your spirits? I’ve been so longing to hold a baby…I just don’t see any in sight right now. 🙁

  14. I have to agree, and what beautiful photos!
    La Donna

  15. suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    Oh that baby smells and the powder soft cheeks. Lucky you.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  16. Such an endearing post, Corey! Baby-holding is very therapeutic! I was able to hold my baby nephew yesterday at his 1st birthday party. I went home feeling refreshed! What is is about babies that seems to cure all ills! lol =)

  17. So true! Everytime one of the kids in our family went to kindergarten my mom and dad would say, “Time to have another one.” We have to have a little kid in the house!

  18. i love it you refer to the babe as a “lolipop blue-eyed” girl.

  19. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    That is so true, Corey, there is nothing better than holding a baby!!!!

  20. Tom Knowles

    Hi Corey. Even some men love to hold babies. Count me as one of them. Baby Daisy is back in the Hospital. Check my blog for info. We love you. Tom

  21. My Mélange

    Though I have none of my own, I do enjoy babies. When they are not crying that is 😉
    Glad you were able to get your perfect prescription Corey!!

  22. Lisa Oceandreamer S.

    You said it all……….I ache to have time like that with a baby. I no longer know anyone I can ask “would you like to me babysit for you once in a while?”
    When my nieces and nephews were babies I’d call up a SIL and before I had the words out they’d say “come and get ’em”! They liked the break and I LOVED spending time with the children.
    I can so understand this post!!!

  23. If that isn’t the sweetest post. Just you wait, your time for grandchildren will be coming. There is really nothing quite like it!! You just want to hold them forever!!

  24. Oh Corey how sweet. In one month I’m going to get to hold and cuddle my 16 month old granddaughter and I can hardly wait. I understand completely how you feel…ciao

  25. You are soooooooooo right Corey! Baby love is just one of the most beautiful things in life!
    I’m sure you have a special way with babies (with people en general) 🙂
    Lovely post! I could feel the Love!!!!! Thank you Corey!

  26. Gotta’ love those little dimpled hands…if I were only a bit younger, sigh.

  27. Miss Sandy

    Baby love is the very best kind! I am lucky to have a tiny grandson who loves to snuggle his Hannah and smother her with kisses and hugs! Sigh, yes, baby love is great medicine!

  28. ooooo (I squeal), and feel all of what you’ve described and more as I’m a new mommy to our blessing of a baby boy, Reece Joseph. He’s cuddly, soft and warm. A true gift of love.

  29. I’m with you, Corey…I love babies! I had 7 and now I look with longing at every baby I see.

  30. Greetings!
    thank you so much for the link to Playground found. Your blog is so lovely. Eye candy galore.
    I shall return…

  31. how adorable! the shoes are absolutely fantastic!

  32. Ack! I can’t quite give up the idea of another baby and it’s photos like this that do it. The dimpled fingers and little chubby arms do me in.

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