One Eyed Party Girl


I woke up, put on some lipstick, grabbed my camera and clicked a photo in the bathroom mirror.
Today Tongue in Cheek is….

Hope I didn't scare you with my wild-one-eyed-party-girl-look!

To celebrate I'll be having a giveaway, a challenge, and some history sharing about Tongue in Cheek in the days to come. (Maybe even lessons how to have your own one-eyed-party-girl look?)


tongue in cheek


      But for now it is Happy Blog Day to Tongue in Cheek!

Three years of posting everyday without fail. I dedicate this feat to my father who while in the hospital would say…Did you write your blog today? And when I would shake my head no, not yet… he would swoosh me with his hand to go sit down and do it. And if I said I had he would SMILE and ask what did I write about? AND I would point to him.


birthday girl blog

This blog has helped me to remain sane, during a very insane time. THANK YOU for being here, for encouraging me, for sharing my journey and being friends/readers of Tongue in Cheek.

dancing in the mirror

THREE YEARS OLD!! Now I must stop dancing in front of the mirror and go get dressed.

p.s. note the longish blonde hair? Now that is one wild 50 year old chick-a-dee. See what writing a blog can do to a person….


125 responses to “One Eyed Party Girl”

  1. Di Overton

    Hi Corey, I was just browsing your site look for some French inspiration for the cottage when suddenly this new post came up – I think it’s called synchronicity.
    Anyway have a lovely weekend and I wish I looked that good first thing in the morning.

  2. Di Overton

    Oops sorry – Happy 3rd Birthday 🙂

  3. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    HOUrra ! Happy birthday to the blo of my godmother’s blog …
    Have I seen you with blond hair ???
    I like it very much ! Should we plan a party with a birthday cake ?? I’m kidding

  4. yes you are blonde, beautiful intelligent
    have an enriched and enchanted life
    your family and all of you are healthy
    and your journal is 3
    Much celebrating to do
    Go out and live.
    I love you

  5. I’ve been reading for around 2 1/2 of those years. You really have posted everyday, through thick and thin, good times and the unthinkable. Congratulations!

  6. Happy 3rd Blogging Birthday Corey. Here’s to many more years of beautiful photos, stories told from the heart and just straight out fun. I can’t wait.

  7. Massilianana

    Joyeux Anniversaire to Tongue in Cheek , then ! Dancing , joyful pics ,you started the day in the perfect mood ! You’ll have some champagne , I’m sure ! Enjoy ! And thanks for your blog , I’ll be looking forward more and more years of reading it .

  8. Congratulations!

  9. you’ve definitely got the the blondish hair!!!! congratulations – i come by every day!

  10. Woo-hoo! You blog every day and I read it every day. It’s become such a tradition, I really can’t say how long I’ve been reading it. I just know I hate to miss it. (Bummer, next weekend I’m going to San Antonio for a few days, so I’ll have to wait til I get back to catch up! I do love San Antonio, though – especially during the Christmas holidays.) Congratulations and keep up the good work!

  11. Irene@The Green Greek

    Happy Birthday! You’re my favorite, wild, long haired 50 year old, and so is your blog. Here to its 50th blog day!

  12. I like you as a blond!!
    Happy Anniversary 🙂 My life has not been the same since we’ve met. It has been enhanced more that you’ll ever realize.

  13. “So lets sink another drink
    cause it’ll give me time to think
    If I had the chance
    I’d ask the world to dance
    And I’ll be dancing with myself
    Oh dancing with myself
    Oh dancing with myself
    If I had the chance
    I’d ask the world to dance
    If I had the chance
    I’d ask the world to dance
    If I had the chance
    I’d ask the world to dance”
    Couldn’t help brining a little Billy Idol to the party 😉 I guess I’m still a girl of the ’80’s at heart.
    Happy Blogoversary, Corey! Thank you for three years of beauty!

  14. Leslie Garcia

    Happy 3 year Blog Anniversary Corey!
    I love the photos of you…and all the photos that you take. Your blog has been a true inspiration and I look forward to it everyday! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
    May you always find the words!
    Love and Peace,

  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. Happy 3rd Blog Birthday Corey!!!! Thank you for sharing and starting my day off with such a beautiful, inspiring, funny etc.
    blog. I share you with my coffee every morning!! Love the wildish long blonde hair….a great look for your Harley tour!!!

  17. Love the wild blond haired party girl look!!
    Happy birthday Tongue in Cheek. The blog has brought me many days of beauty in the time I have read it.

  18. Corey,
    Happy blogaversary day.
    Love the California blonde.
    Can’t wait for tips on how I can have myown one-eyed-party-girl look?)

  19. Hey Corey,
    Happy, Happy Blogday !!…and thank you for inspiring me with your writing and photos. You and your blog have truly become a friend that I look forward to visitng each day.
    The day is yours,

  20. happy three…and many many more…
    you are an amazing person corey…never forget that!!!
    love you sooooo much

  21. Lisa Johnson

    Love the blonde hair, Corey! Congratulations on your blogs three year anniversary. I so enjoy getting up every morning and checking your post of the day. Thanks for all of your wonderful insights and fabulous Joie de vive!
    Many hugs,

  22. Big smile:0) and thanks for your posts. I for one find them enriching,thought provoking,funny, and and always beautiful. thanks corey

  23. Happy Blog-day, Corey.
    My sister has shared a lot of good things with me, and your blog is one of them. I have fond memories of the night I was at her house, and she said, “you have to read this.” I think we started with the story of when French Husband proposed. It is one of my favorite stories. Then we spent half the night with me reading back through your blog to catch up. Thank you for sharing yourself with us!

  24. Happy Blogin’ Birthday! Dance the day away and Enjoy!

  25. Marie-Noëlle

    Après trois ans (= “three years later”
    Ayant poussé la porte étroite qui chancelle,
    Je me suis promené dans le petit jardin
    Qu’éclairait doucement le soleil du matin,
    Pailletant chaque fleur d’une humide étincelle.
    Rien n’a changé. J’ai tout revu : l’humble tonnelle
    De vigne folle avec les chaises de rotin…
    Le jet d’eau fait toujours son murmure argentin
    Et le vieux tremble sa plainte sempiternelle.
    Les roses comme avant palpitent ; comme avant,
    Les grands lys orgueilleux se balancent au vent,
    Chaque alouette qui va et vient m’est connue.
    Même j’ai retrouvé debout la Velléda,
    Dont le plâtre s’écaille au bout de l’avenue,
    – Grêle, parmi l’odeur fade du réséda.
    … et Marie-Noëlle
    bon anniversaire à TICA !!!

  26. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Happy Birthday to Tongue in Cheek, one of my favorites places on the Net. Corey, you’ve put together a savory mixture of so many things I love.
    I like the photos of you dancing in the mirror. Again, happy birthday.
    BTW, I told HH about riding across the U.S.A. He’s ready. 🙂 ~~Dee

  27. Tara Bradford

    I was about to say – when did you become a blonde? Congrats on your three years of delightful blogging. Wishing you many more. xo

  28. Ellen Cassilly

    What a great event! Bravo to you. Blonde? I wouldn’t have guessed it but I like it. You go girl. I love you, E

  29. Happy Blogbirthday! I truly enjoy visiting your blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and life!

  30. Congratulations Corey!!! I’ve given you an award ~ if you have time check out my blog

  31. Sheala Feeney

    I love your wild blonde hair, I’ve never known you so blonde…but I have watched you DANCE!!!! You’ve still “got it”
    Thank you for your blog, it’s wonderful. I love and miss you.

  32. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    Silly, silly! Happy birthday!

  33. Happy 3rd Year Blog Day to ya! You go girl!

  34. shannon in oregon

    love that one eyed party girl!!

  35. PARABÉNS Corey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Many, many happy wishes to Tongue in Cheek! Your webbaby is getting bigger! :o)
    And you look gorgeous in your one eyed celebration photo!!! One happy chick!!!
    Big hug full of love***
    P.S. – I’m happy to be part of this party too. Thanks for all your sharing.

  36. Congratulations Corey! Every day? Wow! Your party girl look is great!

  37. Congratulations on what you see in the mirror each morning! Oh, and…congratulations on three whole years of faithful blogging!

  38. Miz Booshay

    Dear Corey,
    Knowing you thru your blog has been a great pleasure and blessing!!!
    Be excellent to one another and party on, dude.

  39. Blondes do have more fun – you can tell by your dancing pictures! Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary. I always start my morning off reading your blog….gets the day off to a good start.
    Your Dad would be so proud!

  40. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Congratulations, I think it is incredible that you have posted everyday for the last 3 years…!!! Much to the delight of those who follow you faithfully, like me! By the way, love the blonde hair!!

  41. Well if this “wild-one-eyed-blonde-haired-happy-chick-look” is what I have to look forward to when my day comes to turn 50, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to it! Thank you for your inspiration, enthusiasm, and friendship, Corey! =) Happy Blogaversary!

  42. Yay Corey! I have to say that reading your blog is a morning ritual, so I’m glad you post every day! I love your joy!

  43. Congrats my I-Beam friend! I’ve enjoyed following your blog for the last couple of years….Thanks for sharing!

  44. Mary in MN

    Salut Corey,
    Happy Blogday, joyeux anniversaire. Love your hair–and your smile.
    Rave on,

  45. Debbie in CA : )

    Happy Birthday Blonded Bloggy One! Three years old and fresh as can be! Always a pleasure to pop in for a visit — even on a prescribed blog-holiday like this for me — couldn’t miss an opportunity to say CONGRATS! : )

  46. Monica Roberts

    OMG …. I love those photos!

  47. Happy Three Year Anniversary!!! 🙂
    You and your blog are a delight!!! I’m glad that you blog and share yourself and your life with all of us out here in blogland! 🙂
    Happy celebrating!

  48. This is wonderful! Happy Blog Birthday!
    You bring so much to my day. I so look forward to “hearing” from you on your blog. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us this week. 🙂

  49. Happy Birthday! But I am confused is that really you with blond hair or on the side with the short hair and arms spread out in joy…either way you are beautiful. Thanks for being my morning cup of tea and inspiration to my heart. Here is to more years of happy and joyful blogging.
    love and blessings

  50. Ed in Willows

    Happy B-Day. I’ve only been here for about 11 months but I’ve read every word. I have a blog and I’m lucky if I write once every 3 months in it. I also read your article in Romantic Homes. Continued success to you in all that you do. xoxo

  51. Happy anniversary!Three years of enjoying your writing, photos and friendship.

  52. Thank you for sharing with us for three years! You bring a smile to our faces and warm feelings to our hearts! You are a bright light!

  53. Happy, happy 3rd year of blogging everyday! That is truly amazing that you have not missed a day. I love each day you share.

  54. What would we do without your blog? We need you, your wisdom, your humor and your touch of life!
    Happy Birthday, Tongue in Cheek!

  55. Wandering Chopsticks

    Happy blog birthday! I know I’ve been reading almost every day for at least two of those years. 🙂

  56. Happy 3 years to you and your blog. One of the best things about longish hair is the way one can toss it about. 😀

  57. Happy third birthday, Tongue in Cheek! Chin chin!! 🙂

  58. Happy Blogiversary, Corey girl!!

  59. Such joy!
    Love it!

  60. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Today I celebrate your 3 yr anniversary for Tongue in Cheek, and I celebrate YOU, Corey, for sharing “life, love, and laughter, and everything in between”…
    Merci’ ~xo

  62. Happy Birthday, Tongue in Cheek!! And than you, Corey for sharing your stories/life. 🙂

  63. Jill Flory

    Happy Birthday, Tongue in Cheek!!
    And I love your hair, that was my first thought when I saw the picture!
    God Bless,

  64. And yours is one I check every day! Congratulations on such faithful blogging! Each one is worth a look!

  65. Die Rabenfrau

    Happy birthday for Tongue in Cheek! And thank you for sharing your thoughts and your beautiful pictures.

  66. Oh so happy!!! Thank for sharing the past three years and for being so true to yourself. Congrats!

  67. Corey, your blog is a present to all of us readers each and every day! Thank you for your faithfulness to making us smile, laugh, cry and think. Oh Happy Day to you! Blessings, Kimberly
    P.S. noticed the hair first thing and I love it!

  68. Congratulations! I have read everyday for two years, does that count?
    you are one hot blond one eyed chickadee!

  69. Britt-Arnhild Lindland

    Tongue in Cheek is a daily must, and it has been so since I discovered your blog about 2 1/2 years ago.
    Keep on letting your blonde hair grow Corey.

  70. Craig McGinty

    Congrats Corey, I’ve enjoyed the journey!!!
    All the best, Craig

  71. Franca Bollo

    Wait a minute … that shot was taken in the cazinga? Ay jesus (à la Aunt Dolores) … I want see the rest of your john.
    Et bonne anniversaire, Langue dans la Joue!
    Gros bisous, FB who loves her booger green jacket despite what FH says.

  72. Happy Blogaversary, Corey!!

  73. Happy B-Day, Tongue in Cheek, Congratulations! Corey!! I read your blog everyday!!! 🙂 y

  74. Happy Anniversary Corey!!! Love the pictures. 🙂
    My hair is unbelievably blond right now too!

  75. Dearest Corey,
    Happy Blog-anniversary! Always, always, a must to visit you everyday (even though I don’t comment all the time) 🙂
    I am LOVING the wild woman look there…the hair looks sexy! 😉 ((hugs))

  76. Betty @ Country Charm

    Congratulations on three years of blogging…you’ve brought lots of fun and laughter to many, many people….
    Keep up the good work…..Betty

  77. Betty @ Country Charm

    Congratulations on three years of blogging…you’ve brought lots of fun and laughter to many, many people….
    Keep up the good work…..Betty

  78. Hey Cory,
    Are you a natural blonde? I am, but decided to be a brunette for a while. Now I’m ready to go back to my natural color. I missed being myself and didn’t feel myself while I was a brunette.
    Congratulations, Cory and happy 3 year anniversary. Your blog is an inspiration to those who read it!!

  79. Happy Blogbirthday, dear girl. I think I’ve been here with you almost since the beginning. Your blog is at the top of my list & I don’t believe I’ve missed checking in on you every single day (except when my server is being difficult). You are an important part of my day. You rock, girlfriend – especially because of your wild haired, one-eyed ways. LOL

  80. Happy 3 years of blogging! Glad that I found you! Thanks for letting us share your life.
    Hey don’t ya know, blondes DO have more fun!

  81. Happy birthday, Tongue in Cheek! And thank you for enduring the labor pains of bringing it to the world each day. You really are a blessing, Corey.

  82. love the long-blonde hair corey! you look fabulous dahling 😉 you’ll have to get some black chaps to go with that blonde hair and the back of a motor bike.
    kristin Toronto

  83. H

  84. Bonne anniversaire à toi! And your hair looks great – is the colour new?
    I always enjoy your posts – your blog is one of my daily reads.

  85. Happy Anniversary, Tongue in Cheek, and many more!!!
    Corey, you look absolutely adorable! So bright eyed even though only one is showing. Your bathroom looks very chic.
    I’m so glad to have shared part of your journey and the opportunity to “know” you and your family!!!
    Hugs and many thanks, to you dear lady!!!

  86. happy blog anniversary ms.corey and you know what they say
    wishing you the best in the year ahead. your blog is a must read for me daily!

  87. Corey, you are such a hoot! Happy Birthday to Tongue in Cheek. I have read every day for the last year or so, and even gone back to check earlier posts, look at your pictures, etc. You are a fun and often inspirational part of my day.

  88. Happy Blogaversary Tongue in Cheek!!! I’m loving the blonde one-eyed-party-girl look, Corey!! Yours is the first blog I read each and every day … thanks for writing from your heart!

  89. Great photo Corey!!
    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!!
    Happy 3 year bloggy Birthday!!
    Love to read your blog!!
    Thanks for writing it.

  90. Happy Blogaversary from another long haired blonde…ciao

  91. The first thing I saw was your blonde hair! Lookin’ goooood, lady. I likey.
    Happy blogbirthday.

  92. Congratulations dear Corey!! Your hair has grown a lot in the six weeks or so since we sashayed through Aix!!
    Continue to blog every day – I’ll be waiting to read your words and view everything from your French world. Can you take some pics at Nathalie’s boutique for us? How about more closeups of the lovely things around your home………….and more shots of your village, please!

  93. Oh, I love your blond hair – how fun! Congrats, and I’ve really enjoyed reading this past year.

  94. Corey
    I love your blog, so glad you stuck to it these last three years. It is a tribute to your Dad, as well; he had the foresight to see how much it means to you to share the journey and to all of us blogger fans out here in cyber-space too.
    Congrats! So blonde hair, huh! I know lots of blonde jokes…. it is a flattering shade on you… is it true blonde’s have more fun? Under the blonde hair is one smart savvy brunette……

  95. WhooHoo!
    Happy Birthday Tongue in Cheek!

  96. Dawn @ The Feathered Nest

    Happy Birthday Corey!!! You are an inspiration to each and every one of us….I love that you share your life and experiences ~ thank you for taking the time to do that….wishing you many more years and all the best! xxoo, Dawn

  97. Bonjour, Corey. I discovered your blog a few days ago. We’ve been living in the Drome for the past 7 months and it has been absolutely wonderful. We’re returning to the US in December, and when I find myself missing France (which could be often!) I know which blog to go to. Your pictures are great.

  98. Those are some really fun photos. Happy three years to you and your blog!

  99. Me too, I’m growing my hair (even if they are reddish, not blonde). At 47 me too wnat some changes….
    Happy Birthday, I know what do you mean, my own blog became early on a daily absession, and reading your is a late one, but steady. I’m waiting for your future posts with excitement!

  100. Me too I’m growing my hair, but they are reddish not blonde. At 47 me too want some changes…I can understand you so well, my own blog is a daily obsession from early on, now yours is became one too. I’m waiting to read your future posts with excitement! Happy Blog Birthday!

  101. Please tell me there will be many more blog birthdays.I may not comment alot anymore but I am here and appreciate you and yours.

  102. Happy Three Year Blog Birthday!! LOVE your blonde hair! To think, that all I did when I turned 50 (in June) was to get a sewing machine and learn to quilt. I am not the daring type. 🙂 You go girl!!

  103. Happy birthday to you and your blog!
    Love the blonde hair!
    Love the party dance!
    Love the blog!

  104. Pas à Pas

    Félicitations !!!
    Cela fait deux ans que je t’ai en lien et “je ne regrette rien” comme dit la chanson française… Edit[H] piaffe
    “Pas à Pas”

  105. Miss Sandy

    Happy Birthday Tongue In Cheek! Love the quirky photos, that takes guts. NO ONE is seeing my bed head on the world wide web! Keep writing! Tongue In Cheek is a bright spot in my day.

  106. I meant to send you HUGS and a huge CONGRATULATIONS yesterday, but think I was interrupted…because I don’t remember sending the comment (heh-heh). Love the “wild” photos — too fun! Best wishes for many good things and many more anniversary days to come!

  107. ACK! I missed the party!! Ah well….my love for you and your blog are the same as they would have been yesterday. 🙂

  108. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Happy Blog Anniversary!!! (to us, your readers specially I guess, we are so lucky to have your blog to vidsit Corey!!!)
    Love your pictures and your hair cut! 🙂

  109. Corey, darlin’! You look simply mahvelous. Happy three!

  110. Betty Bates

    You dyed your hair!! And I love it! Good for you! I think you should go buy a red dress!
    Happy Blogaversary!

  111. Happy Three to you, dear Corey!
    Always love to drop in to your place…..

  112. Parisbreakfasts

    Bonne Blogiversaire!
    Bonne blonde!

  113. congrats on making three years! also just on posting every day, which is a feat i have yet to accomplish for even a week.

  114. collette ~ all over the map

    You are a rock star. A fifty, nifty, hip & cool rock star. A post everyday. Love your blog, although I seem to have been absent of late. You continually inspire me Madame. Thanks for sharing all you do.
    Happy bday TIC and you look marvelous Corey. Love the blond locks. I know, I for one, love to dance in front of the mirror so keep on dancing.
    *I hope your mum is doing well. I just recently caught up over here and I was so sorry but so glad she seemed to be healing fine.

  115. happy,happy! you are the first blog i check every morning…thank you for inspiring me-always.i go back to your older posts and photos and sigh-adore it all! thank you,ann-marie

  116. Robin Locker

    Happy third blogaversary!!! My second is coming up this month too!!
    And check out that hair blondie!!!

  117. I love it! Happy birthday, Tongue in Cheek! Thank you, Corey, for faithfully posting everyday. Even when I can’t check in every day, it’s wonderful knowing there will be several posts when I can get back. Many more birthdays are wished for this blog!

  118. Happy happy blogaversary, Tongue in Cheek! I’ve been here nearly since the beginning and read each post even though I don’t comment as much as I used to. I’ve shed tears and laughed out loud. You are loved and full of love and such a dear.

  119. Wonders Never Cease

    Happy Blogiversary, Corey! Your blog is a treasure!

  120. Debrah (Australia)

    Happy Birthday and many more please!!!

  121. Happy Blogaversary Dearest Corey!!!!
    Many more years of Love * sharing

  122. LOVE the hair! You go girl!
    Happy Blogiversary!

  123. Thank YOU Corey for bringing much love, beauty and joy to my life with your Tongue in Cheek. xo

  124. Mika McDonald

    You GO girl!!! So glad I found your blog and that you are in the world. Thank YOU!

  125. rochambeau

    Congrats on THREE Years Corey. If not for you and your blog, I wouldn’t have had a blog. You add so much to our world. And your hair looks nice!

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