Birthday Music in the Air


Happy Birthday Chelsea-

…more later


24 responses to “Birthday Music in the Air”

  1. herhimnbryn

    HB Chelsea

  2. Blessings to your lovely daughter
    Love Jeanne

  3. Joyeux Anniversaire, Chelsea !
    1000 voeux de bonheur, de bonheur … et … de bonheur !!!

  4. adding my many happy returns of the day to Chelsea

  5. Birthday wishes to you Chelsea

  6. Happy Birthday Chelsea!!

  7. Hasmin Cannon

    HAPPY B-DAY CHELSEA! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, and presents!

  8. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    Happy Birthday Chelsea! May your day be filled with wonderful memories in the making.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  9. Happy birthday to your daughter.

  10. Happy Birthday, Chelsea! 🙂

  11. Happy birthday, Chelsea and many more!

  12. Sheala Feeney

    Please give Chelsea my wishes for a wonderful birthday!!! I wish her all the best.
    Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday…. another “first” for her.

  13. Hope you are having a nice day, Chelsea. Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday Chelsea!!!!

  15. Happy Birthday Chelsea! May your day be filled with wishes come true, a HUGE cake and lots of “lick the spoon icing”.

  16. Wishing you the best of days, Chelsea. Happy Birthday!!

  17. Happy birthday Chelsea! Hope your family and Mr. Espresso are able to spend lots of time with you and spoil you just a tiny bit today.

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

  19. Happy Birthday, Chelsea!

  20. constance muller

    Happy Birthday Chelsea!
    May this day be the first day of your best year yet!

  21. susanna’s sketchbook

    Happy Birthday, Chelsea!

  22. Yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Chelsea!
    My birthday is the 21st and my daughter’s is the 24th.

  23. Happy Birthday Chelsea and Corey and French Dad! A special hug to Chelsea!

  24. My Melange

    yes, happy birthday!

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