After the Party

Spoons drying

Over forty people came to celebrate Chelsea's birthday last night. I had the entire day to prepare for the party, and I have today to clean up… or should I say we?

Some cake is leftover, a ton of dishes, a few trailing balloons and not a single picture!

That is what happens when one is wearing too many hats… at least I did not burn the dinner.


16 responses to “After the Party”

  1. Many blessings
    Treasure every golden moment.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    Corey, I’ve wondered for the longest time what happened to your birthday party? There was so much food prepared and guests invited when you had to fly away to be at your father’s side.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  3. Well now. At least a good time was had!

  4. oh how sad for us! I was looking forward to pictures! But that means it was an amazing party with no time for pictures!

  5. Forty people!! I am immmensely impressed…no burnt dinner and I’ll bet a lovely time was had by all. Happy birthday sweet Chelsea

  6. shannon in oregon

    i’m sure her party was fabulous and fun, hence the no pictures. you were too busy dangling from the chandelier…

  7. My Melange

    Wow! Forty people. Now THATS a party!

  8. Sounds like the party was a blowout!! How old is Chelsea now? Forty people, sounds like one of our Christmas celebrations with only our family!!

  9. Ed in Willows

    Corey – Why is it that in most families, it seems that only one person knows how to use the camera. It happens here when I’m having a big BBQ or party. I’m too busy to take pictures and nobody else seems to think about it. Maybe that’s why there are very few pictures of me. Can you teach me to dance in front of the mirror too?

  10. Well… you can’t do everything and it sounds like you got the important things right.
    Maybe someone else took some photos that you can post later?
    HB, Chelsea.
    And Happy Holidays to you and your family. Thanks for giving us so many wonderful posts and for sharing your life with us. We start jonesing if we don’t read your blog updates!
    love, Kim and Pearl

  11. Happy Birthday sweet Chelsea, belatedly.

  12. Happy Birth day Chelsea!!!
    Would I have loved to help put those spoons and dishes away…talking until 3:00 in the morning…
    and I know that cake won’t last for long… I know about those after party breakfasts….

  13. Corey,
    Thank-you for the emailed Birthday, message. It was so sweet of you.

  14. poppy fields

    Happy birthday Chelsea!
    And who has time to takes pictures when they’re having fun!

  15. Mélanie Aussandon

    Thank you for this beautiful party . We had a magic moment

  16. Sounds like a wonderful party. I wish I had more energy for that type of thing…

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