The New Kid on the Block

street corner in paris

                                                               He stood at the street corner and waited. He felt conspicuous. He was early. Nevertheless, he kept his eyes
on the upcoming traffic hoping to see Chelsea, he did not want to miss
her. Though surprisingly the drivers drove slowly by as if expecting to find something. French Husband was intrigued at how many people were out at midnight, this area of town was hopping.

new kid on the block

Around and around the cars drove by, he was certain he had seen that one minutes before… then it dawned on him that the street light flashing red was not your average red light flashing. He chuckled to himself, "I am the new kid on the block."

                                   french police car

But his humor was short lived when a police car drove slowly by on the other side of the street. Four policemen starred at him, none of them smiled.

                                   French street lamp

The policemen watched as Chelsea pulled up alongside of the street, stopped, and leaned over to open her car door. French Husband swallowed hard and got inside.

How does the story end?

Luckily, they both had the same last name.


40 responses to “The New Kid on the Block”

  1. Did they think he was a male prostitute? That would be incredibly funny if they did.

  2. my oh my….I am on pins and needles waiting …

  3. Shelley Noble

    Silly police, French Husband is priceless!

  4. Kristin Wight

    How funny!!!!! But don’t you feel safer knowing the police were concerned enough to stop and ask questions? Imagine how safe your daughter is driving around!

  5. Oh, my! And why did they choose to meet in such a location?

  6. Oh my gosh! And I’m SURE the policemen had heard “But she’s my daughter!” before. How funny.

  7. *Sight*

  8. Sheala Feeney

    Yikes!!!!!!!! That is an awkward little situation isn’t it????
    Glad you didn’t have to make a trip to the “station” to staighten anything out!!!

  9. You know I’m rolling on the floor laughing. FH of all people should have realized where the heck he was. Guess he’s much more of an innocent than we thought. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10.! That will be a story to remember!

  11. Oh how funny! You unfolded this beautifully.

  12. Kdottie Designs

    Oh my gosh! That is priceless……….I’m still laughing!

  13. Oo la la! What adventures your family has!

  14. Oo la la! What adventures your family has!

  15. Oh dear…

  16. Oh my gosh, how funny is that. Well, at least now it’s funny!

  17. susanna’s sketchbook

    Oh noooo! But I still want to hear the rest of the story. I feel kinda bad for laughing at his expense… Poor FH… ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Poor French Husband!!! He must have been mortified. How funny!!!

  19. oh my goodness…I had to giggle. We probably shouldn’t giggle but you tell the story so well that it is hard not to.
    love and blessings

  20. Fresh meat and no takers? Must be some jaded area! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  21. Franca Bollo

    Hope he winked at Les Flics as he popped into the car.
    And in this case, he’d be the new “Jean” on the block.

  22. oh dear what a story!
    wishing you a blessed and love filled xmas!

  23. Oh dear poor French Husband!
    (PS I’d like that lamppost for my front yard!) =)

  24. Hee hee hee…love this story! You are a wicked story-teller, Corey! Thank you!

  25. Die Rabenfrau

    A real adventure, isn’t it? And you made a wonderful story out of it *rofl*

  26. SweetPeaSurry

    I have to agree with Laura, you are a wicked-good story teller, I just love to come a-visitin’!!!

  27. Funny story …I’m waiting to hear more. I’m sure Chelsea was a little embarrased!

  28. Ariane Cagle

    This is priceless. Too funny. I bet French Husband was really embarrassed. LOL

  29. Janepoet ~ JP/deb

    What a funny story … I’m glad it ended well! Joyeux noรซl Corey. Peace & love, JP/deb

  30. Considering FH (ooolala), I’m surprised someone didn’t stop before FD. Now, THAT would have truly been embarrassing.

  31. Di Overton

    So Chelsea was the kerb crawler?? The French police confuse me.
    May you and yours have a beautiful Christmas Corey.

  32. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Alina
    I think his white tennis shoes were a turn off.

  33. Tongue in Cheek

    Hi Star
    Since FH was early he walked to the nearest corner to the Freeway on ramp… not a bad area.. just an easy pick up spot….

  34. i love the second picture – the woman with seams in her stockings! How absolutely wonderful. i so need a pair of those stockings!
    And thank you for the funny story – it made my day!

  35. Ceylon Sapphire

    confession is good for the soul….no?
    So I confess I had to read this twice to understand it…. ooooh lala….. no wonder the city was a-jumpin’! ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. Hehee, great story telling!

  37. Ellen Cassilly

    What a great story! Belated birthday greetings to Chelsea and a joy-filled Christmas to all of you. Love and hugs, E

  38. what a funny story, you know how to keep the anticipation in the telling.

  39. What a priceless story. I’m falling over my keyboard laughing. I’m guessing French daddy was blushing as pink as the man’s sweater in the picture above.

  40. Alison Whittington

    Oh. My. GOD!
    So funny.

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