Santa’s Love Birds, the ones on the telephone wire

Santa's lovebirds sharing secrets

One of my Mother's clever tools
of disciplining, my four brothers and I as children, was telling us
that the birds that sat on the telephone wires were Santa's helpers.
During the year (not just in December,) she would point up to them and
say, "They are watching you! You better behave, or they will fly back
and tell Santa!" If we did something devious, she would look out the
window and say, "Oh, I see one of the birds flying away, look, there it goes to the North pole!"

I believed her.
I remember seeing hundreds of birds lined up on the telephone wires and
wondering why soooooooooooooooo many of them seem to hang out by our house?

Being Catholic had nothing to do with guilt compared to those damn birds.                            


25 responses to “Santa’s Love Birds, the ones on the telephone wire”

  1. LOL, Oh the things we do to get our children to behave!

  2. Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will sing.
    Love you

  3. corey, this post comes a week too late as my youngest just stopped believing in the jolly old man…NUTS!! i could use all the help i could get keeping this one in line….

  4. Britt-Arnhild

    Merry Christmas and god jul dear Corey.
    When I saw the photo and the title line I was sure you was going to write about love calls to America during the season. I know you must miss your family.
    We had our great family dinner at my parents home last night. After dinner we connected the computer to mamma and pappa’s wide screen television and then invited our family in Iceland into the livingroom. At was almost like having them there with us. We sang Christmas carols together, we watched the kids paintings their new bird they got for Christmas……Skype is incredible.

  5. Massilianana

    Just catching up : Merry Christmas Corey ! Loved all your last posts , the pictures of your home decorations are absolutely gorgeous . I like this idea about the birds ; I think I’ll use it with my son , he still believes in Santa Claus and I find it a pretty way to keep the Christmas spirit ( my kids wanted to set the xmas tree in… August !)and also a gentle way to signal young ones when they are not behaving…..Take care !

  6. Mothers can be the most devious of all when it comes to pulling their children in line. Your mom sounds like a champ!
    I told my children they would grow “grump bumps” if they were in a particularly crabby mood. Not wanting to be deformed by the presence of large, oozing pustules (I was very graphic) on their faces, they usually cheered up in no time. Darn, those days are gone now.
    I love the picture of the barn swallows. Um, elves. 😉

  7. Corey,I wish I would have thought of this! So tell me,do you have a fear of birds?

  8. Oy. Mothers and their ways! To get my brothers to finish their orange juice at breakfast, my mother always told them that it would grow hair on their chest… I never drank orange juice again as a child.
    I wanted to say that the pictures in the post below of your home are beyond beautiful.
    Merriest of the Season to you!
    xo Isa

  9. too sweet

  10. LOL, this was so wonderful. You have a loving, creative mother. Merry Chsistmas. Clarice

  11. Oh, I feel a bit sorry that the sight of swallows conjures up guilt stricken feelngs for you! I so love the sight of them swooping low and gathering on the wires.
    We had a family of them flying around the children’s bedroom all day last Saturday. The mother had swooped in after an insect and then not been able to find her way out. She had cheeped and when I next went in there were three of her half-grown family flying tound in circles wiht her. Two of them found their way out again easily enough, but the last one and the mother were in there all day till evening when they managed to get out again. It was our summer festival that day and felt like they had some kind of part in it… still don’t know quite what but I’m sure they are meaningful … but maybe they were just checking up on the children for Father Christmas after all!!!

  12. I look at birds as messengers from God. For over a year I have had a little bird who sits upon my window sill come peck on my window until it wakes me up. It has happened three times and every time he/she comes within two weeks of the visit something happens. This tiny bird, is very persistant in pecking and it comes the same time everyday until it gets my attention. I view this as God’s way of preparing me for a situation or sad event that is about to take place.
    I now know that all of God’s creatures play an important role in our lives

  13. Shelley Noble

    That is perfect!! And perfectly hilarious!! God, your mother is the best mother on earth!

  14. liannallama

    LOL! Thanks for the Christmas wishes and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday too! Now I will think of you when I see the rows of birds, LOL!

  15. Margie Wouters

    That is a typical Irish story to have, were you brought up in Ireland? We were told that Santa’s robin (bird with red brest) would tell Santa if we stepped out of line. It seems like every adult knew to use this one. Happy New Year to you and yours from the Emerald Isle. hugs Margie.

  16. SweetPeaSurry

    Brilliant, that was a terrific way to instill a nice healthy sense of guilt after doing the wicked deeds!!! He he he! If only it worked with pets. 🙂

  17. Is it my imagination or do things look different here again? Coreyyyyyyy! What happened?

  18. Hee! I can just imagine the flocks of blackbirds on your farm, Corey. Smart mama. 🙂

  19. An Enchanted Cottage

    Oh, Corey – never underestimate Catholic guilt!! Been there and done that… still doing it… can’t get rid of it, try as I might! Loved your story – love all your blog posts!!… Donna

  20. Mountain Mama

    That is so funny. I never heard of birds as santa’s messengers before.
    When I was a child, and got out of hand, mother used to say, “Brownies in the corner” and point to a corner at the ceiling. We knew that meant they would tell Santa on us.
    I hope your Christmas has been wonderful.

  21. Ingenious! I am going to have to remember to give this one a try!

  22. I like the ideas about the birds acting as Santa’s messengers. 🙂 Your comments about being Catholic reminded me of the main character “Loretta” in the movie Moonstruck going to confession. I wonder how deaf Catholics do confession when they cannot see the priest….. 🙂

  23. naturegirl

    Corey the Q. continues to puzzle me :Why birds are on the wires?
    Wishing you a Happy New Year with much inspiration!hugs NG

  24. Ariane Cagle

    I need to try this with the grandkids. LOL

  25. Oh my,how funny.We have doves that sit outside our girls’ window and I always tell them they’re the elves in disguise…

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