French Husband is up to something Good

French open market

French Husband is downstairs cooking something. I hear the wire whisk against the bowl. French Husband doesn't cook.


He doesn't even like to peel a clementine.
In all fairness he does make pasta al dente.
But peeling and cooking are not his thing.

French fries in a cup

 (Photo of my cousin's plate at a restaurant in Arles. I got a kick out of the French Fries in a coffee cup.)

The sounds down in the kitchen are distracting me happily. What is he doing? I know he is making me a cup of tea: The tea kettle whistle gave that away. But other than utensils banging, the wire whisk swirling, and the tea kettle whistling…. no other clue is coming my way.

Apple-on-linen painting at the Musee d'orsay

I am curious.

Maybe he is washing the dishes. He has an obsession about washing dishes. Nobody does dishes like French Husband…. and why would I disagree?


An example of his handi-work after the last dinner party we had.

Kitchen ware at the French Brocante

I cannot stand it any longer. I have to know. (This is a live blog today. Happening as I type.) I call out from where I sit upstairs, "Hey Honey what are you doing? "

He replies…..

"I am making yogurt."

Never in a million years did I expect that answer.

I'll let you know the result.

Yogurt? He never stops to amaze me.


32 responses to “French Husband is up to something Good”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Funny, funny. It is my husband’s birthday today. I made him breakfast, we ate and I went upstairs to update my garden blog with snow photos. Then I heard Terje in the kitchen. We are having a party tonight, but the kitchen is my domene!!!! so I wondered what he was doing. Just like you I called down. “Hey Terje, what are you doing?” “I’m making a chocolate cake!!!!!
    A chocolate cake?” “But we already have one for tonight?” “This one is not for tonight. I will bring it with me to work tomorrow!”
    He is the stars on my heaven!

  2. He is a keeper! I love a man that cooks and cleans, so sexy, you are a lucky one!
    Blessings in your day Corey!

  3. Paris Parfait

    Being surprised by one’s husband (after all the years together) is a very good thing! xo

  4. Well, there you go! How nice to be surprised like that. 🙂
    Enojoy your yogurt!!

  5. Wow! There’s a sparkle on the plate he washed! Yann does know how to clean a mean dish.
    As for the yogurt, I suppose he’s been inspired by a muse.

  6. Julie Ann

    A whistling kettle Corey, thats lovely. Bon appetit cherie x

  7. WoW! How lucky you are. If my husband was downstairs cooking, I would panic – either the kitchen would end up a total mess or he had totally lost his mind. Cooking for the Hubby? wouldn’t happen!

  8. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    Yogurt?? He’s making yogurt? I used to make yogurt and it takes quite awhile so perhaps you won’t be eating till much later.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife
    P.S. All the men in the younger generation seem to be cooks. I was born in the wrong time.

  9. That is too fun! I awoke this morning to my husband doing the dishes from last night myself. No cooking. Just cleaning. I’m still very grateful.

  10. Dish wash’n hubbie…. hmmm…smile:0)

  11. If he is making pineapple yogurt will you please share the recipie? My daughter’s best impression of French food next to crepes was the amazing yogurt she had in France last Spring. She took so many photos of the huge assortment of yogurt in the ref. cases at every grocery store she visited, and has not been able to locate pineapple yogurt since she’s been home. I love spontaneity in people…wish I myself, was more like that.

  12. shannon in oregon

    the only thing my husband is making right now is the bed warm. 🙂

  13. Tell French Husband to make me some while he is at it. I love yogurt. Vanilla is my favorite. Isn’t it great to have a husband who loves to do dishes? LOL

  14. Denese Vlosky

    My husband is out shopping for the week! Usually this is my job, however, today he said he would do it. Yay! I tried to give him a list, but he said he already had “3 pages”.
    I didn’t want to jinx my good fortune so I didn’t ask to see his long list.
    I vow to cook for the week with whatever he brings home!

  15. He is making tea and yogurt now that is great hubby. My hubby has offered to make lunch and I said I would do dishes..I am like your hubby that way. Enjoy!
    love and blessings

  16. Julie Stenning

    The photo of the completed washing up is excellent – all that clean sparkle.

  17. Debbie Barny

    You have a charmed life! Fascinating to read your blog. xo Deb

  18. I hope that the yoghurt tastes good!! I’m making lamb hotpot!!

  19. And that’s a good secret to a relationship… amazement and being able to continuosly surprise the other or find in him/her new lights we hadn’t seen until that moment.

  20. Margie Wouters

    I love homemade yogurt but more than that I love surprises, sounds like you do too. hugs Margie.

  21. I can’t wait to read your recipe for homemade yogurt!
    Fries in a cup – I love it!

  22. Enzie Shahmiri

    Love the images! Sounds like you are in for a surprise!

  23. In perfect seriousness I don’t think there is anything sexier than a man doing dishes. My husband hasn’t cooked since our first date 25 years ago, so I wouldn’t know about that. Making the dishes sparkle too? Priceless.

  24. I can’t wait to see how the yogurt turns out! I love the fries in a cup!

  25. What a dear hubby you have, Corey! I must confess, my hubby enjoys doing dishes, too – and it’s a good thing, as we don’t own a dishwasher!
    Hubby runs his family’s gourmet shop, and I think he would actually love to own everything you have pictured in the last photo! Hubby collects vintage/antique kitchenalia! =)

  26. SweetPeaSurry

    Someone actually makes yogurt? I thought it was just squeezed into those totally hip and colorful containers.
    I send the tops in for Breast Cancer … pink lids or something.
    Making yogurt … hmmmm

  27. Sunrise Sister

    Love the post and your comments “from upstairs” – it paints a wonderful picture in my mind. I have a husband who cleans up after my mess-making in the kitchen. He used to “claim” to cook and I would have to clean up but his cooking oft turned out to be something frozen, to be heated up, you know, out of a box! So we’ve this arrangement – he makes the kitchen sparkle – much better than I:)
    Your photos are terrific – and the little drawing thrown in there – is that your work, beautiful!

  28. You two are a delight! The little every day simple pleasures, brings a “Rainbow of Gratitude”. How divine~

  29. Hey, making yoghurts great! Not that I’ve done that myself but I’ve seen friends make it. Good for FH, trying something new in the New Year. 🙂

  30. I am a good cook, I used to be a very good cook. That said…My husband loves to cook. He loves to go to the grocery and select and plan a meal spontaneously. He is an excellent cook, very inventive. I hardly cook at all any more and when he will surprise me by saying” What are YOU going to cook today” I find I panic and I have trouble orchestrating dishes so they are ready at the same time. If I cook 2 days in a row it seems to fall back into place. He does NOT clean up however, that is my job.

  31. I love the live blog idea! I’ll be interested to see how his recipe works too 🙂

  32. That was a surprise, i would be shocked if I heard that from my kitchen LOL…How funky is the cup with chips 🙂

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