Creating a Bathroom 101


French brocante Style

The plumber's handshake nearly broke my hand, as I welcomed him into our home. 

We talked about the details of installing a bathroom…

I showed him the old claw foot bathtub that I proudly salvaged from a second hand store..

He said, "Cast iron."

I replied, "It weighs a ton."

He asked, "Where is your bathroom?"

I pointed upstairs.

He looked at the bathtub, then looked at the stairs, then looked back at me. He didn't need to say anything, I heard his thoughts loud and clear.

We went upstairs to check out the bathroom. He looked at the door, then at me and before he could ask I knew what I forgot to measure.

I replied, "I know it will fit. It will, I know it will."

I forgot how much fun it is to reinvent.


32 responses to “Creating a Bathroom 101”

  1. Twinkleberry

    Don’t worry Corey, the bathtub will tuck it’s feet in as the handsome, strong men carry it over the threshold!

  2. 1eyedmonkee

    ahh, seems like yesterday i was being introduced to my first encounter with a plumber as i literally got my feet wet on foreign soil. making small talk and inquiring about his wife, we were surprised to learn that she had caught a cold “in her womb” from eating ice cream at someone’s first communion party. twelve years and i never did figure out the equivalent aliment in english!!! twenty-four years later and it still makes me giggle. here’s to your bathroom make-over…

  3. Love you my darling

  4. you crack me up!

  5. It will fit, you must BELIEVE!!! and squeeeezzzze! Why was the plumber there – I thought you and FH were doing the make-over?
    Hi Caren
    We are doing the floor. Not the plumbing.
    I scrapped the paint off the old tub.
    But other than that we are hiring out for the rest.
    I do not know anything about plumbing!

  6. Where there is a will, there is a way!
    xo Isa

  7. Make it fit – I know you can do it!

  8. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    With you I’m sure IT WILL

  9. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I forgot when can I come to have a bath

  10.…will you get the tub inside?

  11. Perhaps if the bathroom or another upstairs window is large enough you can take the glass out and get the tub through that way?

  12. Corey the floor is awesome – I love that look and the color of the faux wood.
    The bathtub, oh my, sounds like a problem, but how about waiting for a warm day, perhaps the cast iron will give a bit more as it’s squeezed through the doorway!! Good luck on this one dear – we’re keeping fingers crossed.

  13. cityfarmer

    We just started a BR project…..tumbled marble, pedestal sink, chandelier….and oh the price tag, the hefty price tag….ouch

  14. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    I can just see the look on the plumbers face.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  15. shannon in oregon

    i am hopeful that 2009 can be the year we do some updating in our downstairs bathroom. i’ve got the elevations all drawn out and am hoping we can do most of it ourselves (aside from that plumbing, too!).

  16. Should have called the guy who installed the fountain. He already knew what to expect from you, dear Corey. LOL!

  17. good morning, corey. just stopping in to say a little hello. not blogging much these days but visiting quietly. your bathroom story will be amusing to follow. final photos will be wonderful to see. annie

  18. I sometimes think that plumbers, and carpenters are God’s design to pull those of us with a little more imagination down to real life.

  19. Sunrise Sister

    Hey – treat your imagination and determination and can do traits to your plumber as one woman’s gift to another man’s pride – he wouldn’t want to fail would he? HE CAN do it:)

  20. I’ve never known a plumber yet that arrived when he said he would “always in two weeks”. I wonder if he was wondering how he and his crew would get that iron claw foot tub upstairs.HAHA I’ve heard of having to make a larger entrance to the bath to get tubs in. Here’s hoping that isn’t the case.

  21. Of course it will fit.
    And if not, well, what is a new wider doorway in the scheme of things.
    I will cross my fingers for you..

  22. Betty @ Country Charm

    Seems to me enlarging a door way would be rather simple to do….we removed an entire outside wall of our bath when we were remodeling it….it can be done….
    Betty @ Country charm

  23. Mary Kate

    You always did know if things would fit or not!

  24. This makes me smile.
    I have heard this story before.
    Many times.
    My DH was a plumber.

  25. Just tell this plumber-man to turn the tub sideways, angle it just so, and work around those claw feet, then wedge and push a little more. It will work! It always does for me!

  26. Wonders Never Cease

    Oh, I’ve always wanted a claw foot tub. I’ll cross my fingers for you!

  27. haha
    happy new year corey! may it be blessed beyond your expectations and oh, your home is beyond lovely – i cannot wait to see the bathroom!

  28. corey, i must confess, i ripped off your table scape! at least a calif version. i have been packing away all our warm, glowy christmas decor. all the table tops are at my mercy.i like to change it up with each season. i set it all up on a mossy tapestry and it is so earthy and fresh.
    thanks for the inspiration {again}!

  29. Mary Marsell-Farrell

    Hppy Three Kings Day! Feliz Fiesta de Reyes! Did you leave your shoes out with a little straw for the camels? I’m sure a new bathroom will be inside!

  30. I always forget the little important details! Thanks for the reminder.

  31. Corey, simply widen the hole and replace the door with a beautiful set of French doors! (do they call them “French” doors over there?)hehe. It’s a great excuse to go searching for more fabulous antique fabric, perhaps a satin brocade, something very rich and full of texture..afterall, you must have curtains on your new French doors. A beautiful luxurious bathroom such as the one you will no doubt create deserves nothing less than a grand entrance, don’t you think? 🙂
    I cannot wait to see the pictures of the finished product!

  32. I’m sure your new bath will be wonderful! When you mentioned cast iron tub and that it would be upstairs, I immediately thought of the movie ” The Money Pit” Did you ever see it? When the tub fell through down to the bottom floor…hilarious!
    Hi Nancy,
    I won’t mention that to French Husband. He is already in a tizzy about the details, and how I am not exact enough on my measuring skills.
    If our tubs crashes ..he’ll kill me.

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