A Grape Juice and Toast Kind of Day

a cup of hot tea

Grape juice and toast with butter. That is what my Mother would serve us when we were sick. As children when my brothers and I mentioned we didn't feel well our Mother would say… "If you are sick go to bed and do not get up for 24 hours. No TV, no books, just bed and rest." It was the highway to boredom. She also added, that if we missed Mass on Sunday (because of being sick or otherwise) then the next "fun" event that we were invited to, we would have to miss. Being sick was truly no time for cuddling or comfort.

These last 24 hours I have had a lovely whammer of a cold. I rarely have a cold, let alone a sore throat (headaches are my weakest link.) I have a fever, ache all over and feel rotten.

After a night of no blankets (Bed Cover Hog was at it again) I threatened French Husband that if he did not make me some tea I was not going to comfort him the next time he was sick, (Are men in general babies when they are sick?) and I was going to write about it on my blog. "Oh no someone is sick and grumpy!" He added.

Promptly he brought me tea, toast and peeled grapefruit. All is forgiven… and now I am going to go to sleep.

Who takes care of you when you aren't feeling well?


59 responses to “A Grape Juice and Toast Kind of Day”

  1. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Take care , girl and I hope to read you will feel better soon !
    When I don’t feel well I’m the only to take care of me ….

  2. I hope you are feeling better.

  3. nicole 86

    take care !
    As for me, since my Husband flew away, I’d better feel well.

  4. herhimnbryn

    Seperate duvets with matching covers! This means you BOTH have your OWN covers, but that the bed still looks neat when made!
    Hot tea, soft boiled eggs, soft fresh bread and butter. Night cap of Malt whisky.
    Take care of her French Husband, she is worth her weight in diamonds.

  5. When I’m not feeling well, my husband makes sure I’m dosed up on my medicines and keeps the kids away to let me sleep. I am blessed in that. Besides, if the husband is not around to take care of my, the dogs will. ๐Ÿ™‚ “Mom? Mom? Are you okay, Mom? Don’t we all need a nap, Mom?”

  6. We all know what your going through, I hope you feel better soon Corey. You will. There is just no good time to get sick. Men in general are not very caretakey,,but I do want the whole bed to myself when I get sick. Most men do not really know what to do, they just have to be told. A Prayer is coming your way.

  7. I love you feel better soon.
    Love Jeanne

  8. feel better!
    coddled eggs, tea, toast – all comfort foods. My mother used to take care of me. Now I mother myself…

  9. I’m so blessed to have a husband like FH. He takes great care of me when I’m sick. He will even sleep in the guest room if I’m really bad and give me the whole bed to myself. Actually I think it’s because he really doesn’t want to get sick too. But he is a jewel. I pray you feel better soon, Corey.

  10. I’m the caregiver around here to husband, children,
    dogs, cats, cows, horse, so when I’m not feeling well I take care of myself. When I start to feel a little better, I like to cozy up to the fire in my favorite chair with some tea.
    That was sweet of FH, he even peeled the grapefruit??
    I hope you feel better soon!!

  11. Watch The Man Cold on You Tube…very funny.

  12. We each take care of each other, but I think I am a far better patient – because I LIKE to be taken care of and husband LIKES to take care of things. He would rather be left alone when he’s sick, and then I get cranky because there’s nothing I can do to help him AND I miss his company. But he has quite a nice bedside manner.

  13. wilsonian

    Alas, no one takes care of this single girl when she’s sick. Every time I’m sick I crave a back rub… lol
    Hope you’re well soon, Corey. Sounds like you’re well taken care of ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I am sick, too. Huddled on the wonderful new sofa under several blankets. If I want a cup of tea (which I do) I shall have to get up and get it (which I don’t want to do ๐Ÿ™

  15. Yes, men are babies when they’re sick. No, no one takes care of me when I’m sick.

  16. My family takes pretty good care of me. I’ve been sick since Christmas with pnuemonia. I thought I was about over it but today my right ear seems plugged, so I guess the congestion has gone to my head now.
    I hope you’re feeling better soon.

  17. Feel better soon! I need to see the finished bathroom remodel!

  18. So sorry to hear that you have a cold…enjoy the convalescing.
    In our family we have hot milk poured over toast and sprinkled with sugar…my Husband adds cinnamon.
    Corey, I have lived with a cover hog for 37 years…some years ago I said, Enough!!! and bought two duvets and covers…life is sweet now…he loves it and sleeps wrapped up like a burrito .

  19. Rebecca N.

    Ma chรฉre madame, je suis dรฉsolรฉe pour apprendre vous รชtes malade. J’espรจre que vous serez bien bientรดt!

  20. Wow! This is enlightening! My husband doesn’t take care of me when I’m sick either. I used to say that I could die in the bedroom (he sleeps in the spare bedroom when I’m sick) and no one would notice for a month!
    My husband has a myriad of back problems and is very self-care oriented about those. But, when he’s sick, which isn’t often, yes, he’s a baby and yes, I take care of him!

  21. Glad to hear FH is taking good care of you…my Blanket Hog takes good care of me when I am sick if he is around. Tea with honey was always our cure all!!! Take good care of yourself Corey and gets lots of rest!!!

  22. There are those who like to be coddled and there are those of us who like to just hunker down, pull the covers up and be left alone. It’s okay to check on me every so often, but just don’t hover. LOL My Mom used to give us milk toast – heated milk with toast cut into squares and a dollop of butter on top. I hope you feel better soon.

  23. qualcosa di bello

    your mom sounds very much like mine! ( i never faked illness in my childhood ๐Ÿ˜‰
    when i am ill, my husband makes me tea, tucks me in, & cares for the home in his man-way…*but* if we are both ill at the same time, it is every (wo)man for him/herself! he is such a baby too when he is ill! (they all are, i believe)
    hope you feel better very, very soon.

  24. My hubby is a baby when he is sick! He somewhat takes care of me when I don’t feel well…he’ll do what I ask him to do, but doesn’t so much think about it on his own!
    Feel better!

  25. Fear not oh ye women with young men for husbands…they grow older and wiser and eventually fall into step with proper comfort and care!
    Thor used to be horrid when I was sick, oblivious actually. Perhaps it was due to over work and endless worries of a young man, still. He still is about four and a half when a sniffle comes near his nose…however he pampers me nowadays. And I take it!

  26. speaking of oblivious…I forgot to wish you a speedy run through and quick health.
    Snuggle down and take your rest. Hope to see you well next time!

  27. Dear Corey,
    Wish you get better soon.
    Big hug*

  28. Lisa “Oceandreamer” S.

    So sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well, rest of course is THE best thing right now.
    I must admit when I get sick my husband is excellent….he waits on me, makes sure I don’t have a fever, gets me extra blankets, makes me food….whatever I need. I feel very blessed. BUT the funny thing is that when I feel especially bad the little girl in me thinks “I want my Mommy”. (that’s hard to feel).
    When he is sick he takes to bed…he sleeps and sleeps. He asks for nothing, although I do take care of him. Before you know it he’s up and feeling better. Again, I am blessed he’s not a baby-Man when he’s ever ill.
    I hope you feel better soon!

  29. It seems almost universal that men demand coddling when they have even a sniffle, yet their womenfolk can be at death’s door and it doesn’t occur to them to bring her a glass of water or a cup of tea. Hell no; they still expect her to put supper on the table and are baffled if she does not! Thankfully, not all men are this way — according to the comments I’ve seen here — but I sure do wonder why this state of affairs seems so common throughout family experience. Is it because men are raised with a sense of entitlement that women are not? Or what? Are they so self-absorbed that they simply don’t notice when others aren’t feeling well, but it seems like the end of the world when they themselves are under the weather?
    It’s a mystery to me; one that women joke about with commendable good nature, as if the narcissism and overreactions of these men in regard to their own health are cute and cuddly. They’re lucky we love ’em, that’s all I can say.

  30. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    I hope you feel better soon. I’m glad French Hubby is taking care of you. :~)

  31. I hope you are feeling better, Corey!
    Tea and crackers, or orange juice and toast, are our standard “hope this helps you” fare at home. And hot, clear soup, too!

  32. My Melange

    Our mothers were cut from the same cloth, Corey. I hardly ever missed school for being sick- no TV, no phone, no radio- just stay in bed!!
    We are opposite in our house- I am the baby that likes to be taken care of when I am sick- and Chris happily oblidges. When he is sick- he wants you to stay far, far away from him, which is hard for me as I like to nurture- but have learned to leave him be! If he needs something, he will call.
    Thank goodness for the both of us that we rarely get sick ๐Ÿ™‚
    Feel better!

  33. Wishing you good health soon; and until then, lots of rest.

  34. Julie Ann

    No-one these days ! My mummy was like Florence Nightingale but husband does not do fussing ! Just checked out yesterdays feast of doors, gorgeous. Did you choose some ? Wishing you a speedy return to good health & much pampering in the meantime, Jx

  35. My sweetie will call and see if anything is needed from the store. He never wants help when he is sick and tries to be a tough guy. Mom is a senior citizenn and I will call her for comfort but insist she not come over. Not worth the risk of her catching the bug. Actually the cat takes care of me. She makes sure the blanket is secure, by sleeping on me. The dogs provide the comic relief. Get well soon Corey!

  36. Mercy me…it sounds like you have the same cold I’ve had all week! I’ll stay away from your blog the next time I’m sick! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hot tea with honey and lemon…the best for a sore throat!
    Hope you feel better soon. Oh…my hubby takes care of me if I let him…I just don’t like to be a bother to anyone when I’m sick.

  37. My husband takes care of me when I am ill. He likes feeling needed. Sometimes I would just like to be left alone when I don’t feel good.
    My mother also would bring me buttered toast, cut in strips. It always taste better when it was cut in strips.
    Men are indeed babies when they are sick.
    Corey, I hope you are feeling better very soon. I loved your colorful picture today.

  38. oh dear Corey I do hope you feel better soon. My dear hubby is wonderful when I don’t feel well. He takes very good care of me although I have to say I can’t hardly drink his tea…he is not a tea drinker and well let us just say I have opted to do that part my self. Get rest and take care of you
    love and blessings

  39. Oh sweetie! Better hog the covers for the day and stay in bed! Theres a nasty bug on this side of the ocean too… where are the winds when we need them? Fortunately hubby takes great care of me, but actually 13 year old daughter does even better – just don’t tell him!
    Stay warm!

  40. It was the same for us growing up. If we missed Mass on Sunday then we could not go to the afternoon movies or anywhere!! We did not get much coddling either. Warmed Vick’s salve around the neck with a diaper pinned tightly together so we would not get chilled and into the bed.
    Husband takes care of me and I him. He is a very good and tender caretaker.

  41. Sorry you are down with a cold. They are not fun. When I get a cold, it is me that does the caring for myself. Although, once in a blue moon, I will get me back scratched by my son. What a hero.

  42. My Mom was definitely a nurturer when it came to us being sick, home baked custard and all the ginger ale, camomille tea and toast you could tolerate. She also somehow managed to squirrel away comic books and small games for just those days when we were “the lords of counterpane”.But definitely no tv or wandering around the house- if you were sick, you were sentenced to bed!
    Usually, I am taking care of everyone else though just as sick as them. Husband and son are pretty good at asking what I need (and delivering) if they have escaped whatever has gotten me. Last year we all had the worst case of flu we ever had (I now understand how whole families perished from this awful stuff) and no one could move. One of my best friends kept us supplied with medicine and all the other “necessaries” needed to survive by leaving care packages on our porch and calling every 4-6 hours to make sure we hadn’t lapsed into comas! She’s the best!

  43. oops! Forgot to tell you to feel better…SOON!

  44. Hope you feel better soon, Corey! It’s nice that FH is taking such good care of you … enjoy it as long as you can! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  45. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    When I caught pneumonia, my husband went to work, the kids went to school, and I was left with a baby I was still nursing… I was miserable and all I could think was … “no one takes care of ME when I am sick…!!!” It is not a good feeling! I wish you a speedy recovery, Corey!!

  46. Shelley Noble

    Feel better. I hope it isn’t a respiratory reaction from the tub/construction dust! Did you wear a respirator? Stupid question. Of course you should and of course Corey didn’t!
    Of course, it was snowing there too recently so it might’ve been creeping up if you got a chill.
    Dr. Shelley, HA!
    Feel better.
    Hey Shelley
    I did wear a mask. FH made me wear it. I think I caught this cold because everyone around me has had it twice.

  47. Jill Flory

    Yes, all men are big babies when they are sick! But if you can persevere and baby them it is worth it! hope you are soon feeling well again.

  48. First, yes. Men are huge babies when they are sick.
    I actually get sick so rarely…it has to be fever related to keep me down. But when I have a fever and feel awful, I want to be alone. I make my own tea…get some tylenol or advil…rest with a good book…and fall asleep! And it’s way better if noone is home!
    Hope you’re on your way to feeling better!

  49. I am so sorry that you aren’t feeling well but your story about your mom made me smile. When we were young and complained of not feeling well, my mom’s medicine was sit ups. Generally she said a little extra exercise would perk us right up and get us on our way. If we mentioned a headache, the immediate response was that a head like ours always ached. Generally speaking as an adult, I never feel bad and have the highest tolerance for pain or discomfort of anyone I know!

  50. I am sorry that you are sick. Did you take some elderberry tincture??? It is a miracle…
    But, when I am sick, my 6 year old daughter takes amazing care of me. Really wonderous care actually!
    Get well soon!

  51. Hope you feel better soon Corey! I always have to take care of myself, but when hubby gets ill, he turns into the biggest baby ever!He constantly moans and groans and whines, then if I don’t hear him, he turns up the volume and then proceeds to play “Camille”.

  52. SweetPeaSurry

    Oh I hope you’re starting to feel better. I don’t have anyone to take care of me when I’m sick, but that’s all well and good for me. I do what your mother said to do, sleep and rest for 24 hours. Although I usually have my laptop and a TV nearby. ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. I’m so lucky – the lovely man I live with takes very good care of me when I don’t feel well.
    I hope you feel better very soon. Tea and toast (with butter and honey) in bed is almost worth being sick for.

  54. I hope you feel better soon. My husband is a wonderful caregiver. When I was a child and sick and not eating or keeping food down my Pediatrician would have my mother heat some dark Karo syrup and put it in orange juice. I can’t begin to describe the aroma let alone the taste..it was not good…but it worked. When my girls were small I would give them Coke syrup from soda fountains..you could get it at the pharmacy also…those are the strangest but good nourishments I remember…oh and the hot air vaporizer with Vicks…a big no no in the last few days for small children…we survived it fine.

  55. With detailed instructions Bob would take good care of me – left to his own devices he’s like a lot of men, quite hopeless when it comes to patient care. Luckily I haven’t been ill this Winter, yet, and hope I remain this way.
    Do feel well soon dear Corey – drink lots of hot tea with lemon, eat toast with your favorite Bonne Maman spread thickly, no butter. Oh, and oatmeal with brown sugar and heavy cream – my favorite on a cold Winter day – I had it for lunch yesterday!

  56. Corey, I used to make a huge fuss of my boys if they wanted a day off school. Then I would say to them, “You musn’t tell your brothers you are staying home, but stay here in bed as quiet as a mouse until they go to school. Shhhh!” and I would tiptoe out and close their bedroom door.
    Eventually, all the preparation and breakfast noise combined with the utter boredom of hiding in their bedroom would eventually be too much for them and they would inevitably bounce out dressed in their school clothes and announce that they were feeling much better and would like to go to school.
    You just need a rest, Corey. You will be back on your feet again as soon as the renovators need more inspiration.

  57. my mother in law! I will call her and she will come if I’m too bad (she lives 45 minutes from us)
    My French husband as well will take care of me…but under blackmail as yours…
    Usually if I sleep, I’m ok afterwards.
    So, have wonderful dreams while recovering Corey!

  58. Ellen Cassilly

    My mom would make us chicken noodle soup, toast with just a bit of butter and jam and seven-up with CRACKED ICE. she would stir it to get some of the bubbles out.
    Now my husband takes care of me. Our latest cold comfort is a lemon echanicae drink which is a little too sweet for my taste. We boil water and pour it into the lemon echanicea drink and it makes a great tea that is lovely on a raw throat.
    I hope that you are feeling better real soon. hugs, E

  59. liannallama v

    (((HUGS))) I hope you feel better quickly! When I am sick I have two kittens to sit by and nurse me back to health with their warmth and purrs! DH will bring me tea and soup.

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