Tomato Pizza without Cheese


The tomato
pizza I was making threw a fit when I didn't want to toss it in the
air. I rolled it out instead. "Terrible disgrace!" It exclaimed.

When the pizza crust learned that I am American living in France… it sighed, "Poor Italian heritage!" 

Little did it know I was foregoing the mozzarella… Tomato Pizza without cheese who has heard of such a thing? Doesn't pizza have to have tons of ooey-gooey, melted, cheese all over it to be called Pizza?

Nope. I hope it doesn't mind the mustard.


Take puff pastry and roll it out as thin as thin can be.
Turn a cereal bowl upside down and use it as a pizza dough cutter.
spoonful of pale mustard makes a sweet, surprising sauce. Rub it around
the top part of the cut-out, puff pastry dough. Don't be stingy.
Slice tomatoes paper thin as well, and layer them around and around the mustard.
Drizzle olive oil lightly over the tomatoes.
Ground black pepper and a touch of salt.
Add the pizzas to parchment paper so that the paper thin crust won't stick to the pan when cooking.
Pop into a hot oven and bake.


You'll be speaking Italian in no time flat.

What is your favorite type of pizza? Have you ever had potato pizza with rosemary? I tell you that is my fav. !


50 responses to “Tomato Pizza without Cheese”

  1. Sounds yummy – even though it is aghast at the way you treated it!
    My kids favorite pizza is salami and spinach, whether at home or in a pizza restaurant, thin crust of course, but I don’t have a wood-fired pizza oven at home, so it’s better when we go out for it. But the children love helping make them so that makes them more delicious to them.
    I do like potato pizza with rosemary – I remember having slices of it in Italy long ago.

  2. Hasmin Cannon

    Grew up eating pepperoni and mushrooms, boring I know. Then one day I tried this wonderful thin crust (with crispy edges and a bit charred around the edges) pizza that had a variety of mushrooms sauteed in garlic and herbs, that’s it, and it was delish!

  3. Oh boy, does that look good!
    I don’t have a favourite but some that I like are Ham and pineapple, vegetarian and tomato basil with feta. I prefer a thin crust too.

  4. Love all your recipes
    Love you
    When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that’s amore.
    Very rarely eat pizza
    Love it though
    Everything but anchovies on mine

  5. The simpler and the fewer the ingredients the better where pizza is concerned I think, this looks wonderful, Jx

  6. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Delicious 🙂 Similar to a tomato tart that I learned to make in England.

  7. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    thanks for the recipe . For me it is the pizza arménienne , I’m sure you won’t like it as it is with meat

  8. My Melange

    Corey, I must admit I have never met a pizza I didn’t like! I am not fussy, though I like a crispy crsut- rather than a doughy one 🙂

  9. Maybe just not the typical italian style…. but… looks yummy nevertheless! Anyway, my fave is “prosciutto & funghi” ( ham & mushrooms).

  10. Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese

    Cara Corey,
    Potatoe pizza slices w rosmary, one of my picks, if we are aout and about and short of time – provided it is “non grasso” and baked w quality olive oil. Your innovative pizza would absolutely go with me as well. Looks “ottimo”. Bacione, Ingrid in Umbria (a faithful reader since this summer… finally encouraged to comment as well).
    Ciao Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese
    I feel honored that you wrote today. The only thing I can say in Italian is “Bella Luna”
    Glad to see you here!

  11. I like thin crust. Your pizza sounds yummy since I really don’t care for tomato sauce. What temperature and how long do you cook it?
    Hi Caren
    I have a convection oven… The temp 400
    and for about 10 to 18 minutes. (when the crust is golden.)
    Then I turn the oven off and leave the pizza inside for another Ten minutes , until the tomatoes are caramel-ized slightly.

  12. Corey
    Happy Birthday Week! May you have continued blessings in your health, mind and soul. And may all your relationships grow with evermore love and joy.
    With love,

  13. I have everything I need in my kitchen to assemble your “pizza” tonight for dinner! I make a French tomato tart in the summer with my heirloom tomatoes that has mustard mixed with an egg brushed onto the crust (and sprinkled with a little gruyère). Also, during the summer, I make pizza outdoors on the grill and will spread it with homemade tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella and basil. I live for August and homegrown tomatoes!
    Hi Eileen,
    Where do you live? I am coming over!

  14. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Because I don’t like cheese, I always have to order mine without cheese… Yes, I get incredulous looks… My favorite pizza was one Cheeseless Pizza made by California Pizza Kitchen years ago (they stopped making it about 10 years ago… maybe I was the only one eating it!). They would cook the bread “disk” and then they would put fresh chopped spinach with pieces of sun-dried tomato and grilled eggplant, and you could drizzle olive oil and vinegar on top! Yummy!

  15. (oh yes. i do hope that you are having a birthday week?!!! i did…;)
    the best is spinach with goat cheese…


  17. My husband, Michael, makes the best thin pizza….one of our favaorites is his potato with rosemary…and also Greek. Yum!!!!!He wants to build a pizza oven in our backyard himself….maybe it will be our summer project!
    Hi Julie
    In the south of France many people have pizza ovens in their jardins (backyards) If you want I can send you some photos.

  18. This looks delicious!
    My favorite pizza is on the grill with spinach sauteed in olive oil with garlic and onion, and topped with feta, a little parmesan, and cracked black pepper.
    xo Isa

  19. This looks amazing, Corey! My favourite pizza is cheese, tomato & garlic with fresh basil sprinkled on top …. mmmmm! It’s only 10 am and I’m getting hungry! 🙂
    Hi Lynda
    I am always hungry!

  20. Hi Corey,
    I just made homemade pizzas for Super Bowl Sunday. Since I am Italian my family is spoiled that way. I made mushroom and olive, cheese and pepperoni.
    My favorite is, a good cheese and tomato.
    Yours looks delisious!!
    Have a great day!
    ps I have never had rosemary and potato

  21. ModernGearTVTamara

    I make my own dough (with a little honey and olive oil) and love to smear pesto on top, and grace it with roasted garlic, caramelized onion, real mozzarella balls, and a sprinkling of parmesan. MMM. Too hungry to write about this!

  22. I have never heard of potato pizza with rosemary. Now I am curious . . .
    Hi Alina
    The first pizza I ever ate in Italy was with thinly sliced potatoes, and rosemary, on a thin crust. It was the BEST pizza I have ever had.

  23. My hubby is the pizza king in our family. He LOVES making his own pizza. And he’s tried just about every topping… some of our favorites: grilled shrimp (YUM), and another is, believe it or not, a very thinly sliced CUCUMBER and tomato pizza. We’ve also used shaved parmesan in lieu of mozarella – yum!
    Cucumbers?! Now that is really inventive!
    I cannot imagine it.
    P.S. Beachy’s first post on her blog is a good read (all her posts are) but the first post is a lovely story. A strong beginning.

  24. Brother Mathew

    Rosemary! – Forgettaboutit!
    The God Father at Celestino’s Pizza
    2nd & Normal,Chico California
    fresh tomatoes
    sun dried tomatoes
    Cheese must come from Wisconsin.
    Rosemary! – Whats she doin’ in there!
    Brother Mathew
    Brother Mathew, dear brother Mat
    Just bring a fork and knife and eat.

  25. Like Alina, I’ve never heard of potato pizza, but I love potatoes, so would probably love that.
    The best pizza I ever had was one with actual tomatoes on it – not just the sauce. Why don’t more pizza places do that?

  26. Tomato mustard pizza huh? Interesting. But it looks good! I usually don’t like a lot of cheese on my pizza anyway. I’m a tomato sauce and crust kind of girl.

  27. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    This is the quintessential chic pizza. Simple but fresh and classy ingrediants. A delicious tango of cheese and tomato on a puff pastry floor. Hola!

  28. Corey, This sounds like heaven. I am going to make this tonight for dinner. I tell you- you do everything fantastically! What an inspiration you are to me. Happy Birthday! Mine is coming up the end of this month…The 50’s have been good! 😉
    Happy Birthday Month!

  29. I love extra cheese and pepperoni on my pizza – sometimes I kick it up a notch and add mushrooms. I’ve never had a potato pizza.

  30. You are a very inventive vegetarian.
    Your pictures make me soooooo hungry. I will eat probably any pizza. In another life I was Italian.
    My favorite pizza has artichokes, feta, black olives, tomatoes, and spinach on them.
    Hi Denese
    Yum, your pizza is the one that is inventive!

  31. I mean to say on “it” not them….. typing too fast!

  32. Hello Corey –
    I’ve missed reading you each morning lately, busy at work and sick with a cold to boot! Happy birthday wishes to you and a quick question. Did I see your wedding band back on your finger along with the paint?
    Welcome back Kel,
    It is a ring, but it is not the one I lost. The one I lost was my wedding band. I put a ring on because my hand felt naked.

  33. Cory…Onions and Pineapple….Lite on the sauce, hold the cheese. We have’t had cheese on our pizza in years and don’t miss it!
    Oh Pineapples on Pizza! Delicious! When I was in the monastery we would make tomato pineapple cheese pizza
    (sorry about the mention of cheese) It was heavenly.

  34. we have a little Italian pizzeria in the middle of Katoomba (Australia)! yes ! run by a little italian man. I eat mostly gluten free now and he has developed the best gluten free crust i have ever tasted.. topped with his own homemade pizza sauce, pineapple, onion and mushroom. I am in heaven.
    you know what I want? A pizza oven for my courtyard. I think I deserve one… seeing as my guy has just got his new Harley!!

  35. I just read through the comments and I want one of each! They all sound delicious. I’m half Italian and pizza is one of my favorites. I prefer anything vegetarian. Load it up!

  36. Those look like the tomatoes from the garden at home! And a pizza oven in the garden isn’t has romantic and fun as you may think, ask mum! The only time we used it, the pizzas turned out half burnt and half raw!! That was it for the pizza oven!

  37. Franca Bollo

    True Italian pizza has little or no cheese, such as my favorite, Pizza Bianca: bread, olive oil, sea salt, and very occasionally rosemary. Sorry Choop.
    Unfortunately I can’t speak from experience but apparently the best pizza in the world comes from Naples with its cracker-thin crust.
    Anchovies are probably my most loved topping. ‘Specially when I can feel their little bones tickling my throat on the way down.
    Dear Cousin
    Yann would fight you for the anchovies bones.
    P.S. note Choops is my brother Mathew.

    Sorry about the yelling. Hope I didn’t wake you. 😉

  39. I’m always looking for new, cheeseless pizza recipes. This sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  40. Shelley Noble

    eeek gads, you are so good at life!

  41. It looks delicious! We’d probably add just a few olives and a very sparse amount of cheese (Tillamook cheddar or mozzarella).

  42. Fun “talking” to you Corey! Although I know it’s much more work on your side.

  43. Yes! I just had pizza with tats on it for the first time, and it ws yummo!
    BTW, I miss you lady.

  44. Corey, I have never had the privilege of having authentic Italian pizza. Sounds absolutely divine. Little Caesars is where we get ours. Cheap and the boys eat tons of it. Shame on me, I know. Blessings, Kimberly

  45. Corey – tag, you’re it! Check out my post for a photo tag game.
    that pizza looks delish!

  46. La “pizza aux escargots”
    Eaten in Vence, in a pizza restaurant that advertizes about 360 kinds of pizzas on its “carte”.
    Delicious !
    Hi MN
    Pizza Heaven 360 different pizzas!
    Holy Cow. Though escargots is really scrapping the bottom of the barrel for ideas! I am sorry I couldn’t eat a snail… no way.

  47. I can tell you spend more time reading the “carte” than actually eating your pizza !!!!

  48. Doesn’t sound human, but I’m not a pizza fan. But, I am a Cory fan!!

  49. Yummy….I also love to use homemade cheese sauce or white sauce as the base…lovely with seafood pizza’s. Mmmm dribble!
    Love from Sue

  50. If I made that, I would add some black olives and start speaking Provençal!!
    Hi Colette
    I like this comment, tres clever!

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