Ouinoa Golden Pearls



Quinoa small grains that look like seed pearls.

Saute the quinoa until golden brown, then add boiling water (two parts to one) and cover, allowing it time for it to become one.

Dice red, green, and yellow pepper and saute them with olive oil and garlic.

When the stiff peppers have surrendered to softness, add chopped almonds and saute until they change color.

In a blender, blend a clove of garlic, a handful of dried tomatoes, and parsley (or coriander). Add a small amount of olive oil to help it become creamy.

When the grains of quinoa are softened, toss the ingredients together with a fork, lightly fluff, then delicately mix the dried tomato cream, sauteed peppers, and almonds.



Serve at room temperature.

Grated Parmesan is welcomed.


28 responses to “Ouinoa Golden Pearls”

  1. oooh This recipe for quinoa looks really yummy! I can’t wait to try it! THANKS! : )

  2. (Isn’t this tiny little grain amazing? Seems like you can do a million things with it!)

  3. I Love Quinoa! Can’t get enough!

  4. This look wonderful!

  5. This recipe and its photo are great! The colors of vegetables in Quinoa makes it more appetizing.I do the same for my pilafs and should try this one. Thank you for this delicious recipe.
    cheers from Turkey

  6. Another thing I’ve never heard of. Where have I been?
    Hi Alina
    Maybe under a rock? LOL, I am sorry you set yourself up for that. When you come to France I’ll make it. My Friend Melanie’s mother makes it the best…we can go to her house and have some.

  7. Thank you Corey! because I love that but didn’t know really how to prepare it in a nice way. I will try…:) Tell you later
    Hi Catalina
    If you can beleive this I like it better than pasta.

  8. Corey — I saw a George Amaro from California was one of the winners in the New Yorker cover contest . . . he doesn’t happen to be a talented relative of yours??
    Hi Kim,
    Gary Amaro, not George, and no he is not related. (Or at least I don’t think so….) Fantastic cover designs, did any of you apply in the contest?

  9. Hasmin Cannon

    Corey, this looks and sounds YUMMY! I must find me some Quinoa!

  10. Love all your recipes
    Love you

  11. i love Quinoa… there are so many wonderful ancient grains to choose from.. and with the world shortage of rice at the moment, it is good to have recipes like this one – thanks! Have you tried Amaranth?
    oh & do you have a herb garden?

  12. This looks so good, I could eat it for breakfast, or maybe I’m just hungry. In my small town grocery, they don’t have Quinoa.(we do wear shoes sometimes and I don’t smoke a corncob pipe)HAHA!
    I’ll have to go to the Big City and find some. Does it taste like rice?
    I’m always looking for tasty vegetarian recipes. Thanks for sharing.

  13. I’ve never heard of this before…sounds good…looks wonderful!

  14. Ellen Cassilly

    Looks yummy. I’ve tried to get Frank to eat quinoa before and he didn’t like it. But I’m proud to say that I’m up to eleven vegetables that he is now eating. For the rest of the reading audience Frank is my 50 year old husband whose mother rarely cooked vegetables. SO I am now left with the task of “retraining” him. My latest favorite is a variation on mashed potatoes. dice one pound each of potatoes, parsnips and celery root. Boil until soft. drain, add one cup of milk. Whip with an immeasurable wand. Add some butter. It is much lighter than regular mashed potatoes and had a more delicate flavor. Ellen
    Hi Ellen
    Bravo Frank!!!!!!!!!!!! When I first met you you didn’t eat any vegetables. I am impressed! You go boy!
    You don’t have to like Quinoa.
    I gotta try your mashed vegetables they sound delish!
    11 vegetables, good going Ellen!

  15. Corey,
    I thought too long about my birthday story and missed the day. But I still want to share it. So here goes. On my 50th birthday my sister gave birth to a perfect fullterm beautiful stillborn daughter.They named her Genevive and we all mourned the loss of her life.I promised my sister that every year on Jan 16th I would blow out my birthday candles for her daughter. This year there were three.
    No words, just a cyber hug.
    xx C

  16. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Since I discovered it, quinoa has become my favorite grain!! I add any roasted vegetables (bell pepper, courgette, eggplant…) and season with olive oil and a little balsamic vinegar. Yum!

  17. My mother LOVES quinoa, but I’ve never tried it (rather pathetic, too, since hubby owns a gourmet shop – HA)! I think your recipe will be the first quinoa dish I try! =)
    And I want to wish you a belated VERY Happy Birthday!

  18. Gabriela Delworth

    I have recently discovered your fantastic blog. Love your recipes. I have made a dish like this one but using couscous…
    I will try yours.
    ~ Gabriela ~
    Hi Gabriela
    Yes it could work with couscous, or rice, or pasta or from a spoon to mouth.
    Thanks, Corey

  19. Mmmmm,now I’m hungry!

  20. You aren’t too far off about the rock thing, Corey! At least I crawled out just in time to find your blog!

  21. Looks and sounds delish!!
    Have a great weekend!

  22. I’ve never been able to develop a taste for quinoa. Too bad, as it’s so very healthful.

  23. Massilianana

    MIAM ! MIAM !
    I love quinoa . Your recipe is so tempting , particularly the part when peppers surrender to softness….. tout un programme ! 😉

  24. Claudia Hill

    Thanks so much for the recipe! I’m going to make it this weekend. I love quinoa.

  25. Quinoa is new to my table, I’ll be trying this recipe soon!

  26. Wow! This is a new recipe for me. I will be trying it very soon, it would be a shame not too, especially when I am reading your blog in the land of Quinoa or Quinua as called in the native language. Thanks Corey!

  27. Alena Moss

    Delicious! Great combination of ingredients, love the parsley in it.
    My first time using Quinoa but not the last. Thank you.

  28. Not that anyone has to know this but it is one of the most perfect foods for human consumption. It is very high in protein and actually it is related to spinach/leafy vegetables and not rice.

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