French Style and Antiques, and what to do with the Kitchen.

French village and blue shutters 

We live in a small village outside of Marseilles, it is over a thousand years old. Yes, over a thousand years old. A section of Roman road… (History) has passed through this village, down our street, in my house and where I stand.

The house where we live is called: a "MAISON DU VILLAGE," which means it is not a castle, nor a bastide. A maison du village type of home is a house that is located in the center on the village, has at least three floors, and shares stone walls with other homes. The stone walls are about six feet thick. The rooftops are like a patch work quilt.
This is the view outside our bedroom window. We are fortunate to have a garden. But it is a fish bowl garden because our neighbors look on to it.
Our shutters are Taupe color green.

French Village

In a French village, in the heart of the village, the streets are often narrow. The tiny street we live on is narrow like this. If I stand in the middle of the street, stretch out my arms, rock back and forth… I can touch the walls on either side.
It makes for good insulation. (Our home is heated by a fireplace and is very warm.) Parking is a challenge, carrying one's groceries from the car into the house is a natural work out. Packing in antiques or a clawfoot bathtub takes PURE, CRAZY EFFORT!


Provencal tiles tuiles

In the south of France, Provence, the French Rivera… the exterior walls are colorful. Shades of melon, peach, apricot or golden apple, mustard, autumn corn. The roofs are made from clay tiles called: Tuiles. The interiors of the homes are often more subtle in color as the exterior are vivid with color.

The Provencal sky is stark naked blue most of the time.

stone fountain

Fountains are everywhere. Our village boosts of 16 or 17. This is a stone throw from our narrow street. The rod iron bars, on the fountain were used to place the water jug to collect water for the household.
The stone fountain is smooth like marble from history of conversations that have taken place there while collecting water.

colorful shutters

Colorful Shutters are a Must.


History and culture and everything in between is evident in a French village. In the villages the exteriors do not change drastically. The interiors well that is another story.
The bottom part of our home use to be where the pigs lived. Way before my time. 400 years ago it was transformed into a house. (Then remodeled 15 years ago by the previous owner.) So now the bottom part of our home is a kitchen and living room. Gives a new meaning to Hog Heaven doesn't it?

French village detailsDetails of a French vilagedoor knockerDoor Knocker

Details fo a French village. History speaks, passages of time is evident, a sense that life continues to continue no matter what happens.


This is part of our kitchen. Though I love the 19th century tiles they are very impractical, as well as the chopping block. I want to change the kitchen, but at the same time keep it true to the spirit of the house.

A real challenge for someone like me who would like to have very large counters, zillion of cupboards, drawers, and more than two electric plugs.

Imagine carrying everything down the long, tiny street. Fun-o-la!


Isn't this a darling tie back for shutters. Most look like arrows. I think these are the most charming by far. Our house has them. I often think the person who added them had very good taste, and was totally into details. I try to imagine her or him when I think about the remodeling of the kitchen.

Kitchen island

Antiques I saw at an antique second hand shop while looking for kitchen ideas:

I do not think I will put in a counter in the middle… I like the idea of a kitchen table in the center. (This brand new one is made to look old.)


Buffets like this (1900s to 1950 though styled to look like another period.) are easy to find and inexpensive. They are brown oak, but I prefer them painted. The brown oak ones cost around $600 or less.

Painted armoires 

Armoires in this style (called Henri II and Belle Epoque) are also originally brown oak. They two are very easy to find and cost about $500 or less. Though I would rather have something older.

Detail country table 

French country table (1900s to 1950s styled to look like an older period.) Are everywhere and cost the price of firewood. A dime a dozen. Of course some people like to paint them. They sit six and if you take the leaves out they can sit up to 10 to 12.)


I bought this one. Lovely as is. A steal deal too $20. But it is not a kitchen item… I often get off track in this shop.


This is our kitchen (click to enlarge it) The beam or hood for the stove is very low and since French Husband, Chelsea and Sacha are normal height (Six foot to five nine) they bang their beetles on it when they cook.

I am a shrimp so it is smooth sailing for me. But I want to take it out.

Okay I am rattling on about nothing today, just shooting the breeze. What type of kitchen do you have? If you could change it would you? What is your advice to me about remodeling our kitchen. ( DO NOT SAY LEAVE IT ALONE or you will not be my BFF.)

Note: Click on photos to enlarge.


76 responses to “French Style and Antiques, and what to do with the Kitchen.”

  1. I was so curious about what your kitchen might look like, and was so pleased to see photos of it today. You are not going to like me for this at all, but I LOVE YOUR KITCHEN! If my 1970’s kitchen remodel (by the former owners) looked anything like this, I would be in heaven. That center table is to die for. Of course, I will be checking back daily to see what changes you will make to this space, but I have to say, what you’ve got right now is utterly smashing!!
    Oh no!
    But it is very impractical. Seriously…no cupboards, a counter the size of a checkerboard.
    I am keeping the table, maybe not in the kitchen but I am keeping the table.

  2. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Corey, do NOT leave it alone!! The first thing I would do is to replace the tiles, of course I would use vintage portuguese tiles!! And I would remove that wooden beam, maybe replace with some copper (a little higher?) I’m sure whatever you do, it will be magical!!

  3. Michelle Brunt

    Hi Corey,I just love the images you showed today, so evocative! The pieces you have found in the antique shops are amazing too, i especially like the colours. The area in which you live looks so beautiful, all of that history. Not sure what to say re your kitchen, maybe different tiles(a lighter colour/patterned? I’m sure you’ll come up with something nice judging by your taste… good luck!!
    Bye Michelle B.

  4. OK…I will not say it out loud…I’ll only think it {{{leave the kitchen alone}}}}! I love the stove! Love the table!
    Hi Dee
    As long as you do not say it out loud.

  5. I, too, love your kitchen as is. We live in a log house and my kitchen cupboards are knotty cedar and were built by my husband and uncle (uncle was a cabinetmaker). They are built to a lower height than the usual because I’m short-ish. The hardware is black wrought iron. I designed the cabinets and so there are plenty of them and lots of counter space – that’s a must in my kitchen. If the kitchen turns out to be anything like your recent bathroom remodel, it will be wonderful. Can’t wait to see what you do! I wish I lived close and I’d move those gorgeous tiles onto my kitchen splashboards.
    Hello Ardi
    I remember your kitchen from the photos you sent me. If you want I’ll mail you the tiles.

  6. Debbie in New Jersey

    OMGosh!!!!! you took my breath away today, yet again……..

  7. i adore your photos! i lived in provence for years and every time i open your blog i am reminded of how much i loved and miss my life there. it was so simple. such an easier existence than life in america.
    we made a choice to leave our life there and move back to america to be near family and secretly we wish we never left! but, ca va..that is life i guess.
    i too lived in a mason du village! a place where the pigs lived and still had the iron rings on our ceiling! 3 floors too and we were so fortunate we had a roof top kitchen and terrace; ah, it sure was lovely!
    i love your kitchen just the way it is. it speaks provence, it speaks you. ok, you could change the tiles to be a bit more snazzy and have more counter space but the open cabinets and naked feel are beautiful. i miss my kitchen there, it was yellow and blue and had no counter space, open cabinets…i had a plaque so my oven was in the garage. life is just a little different there but O so beautiful!
    i now have a kitchen that i designed and i did it with rustic provence in mind. earthy colors, baskets, wrought iron handles and pulls. i tried to bring a bit of france to my home in florida, difficult to do but it is here. thanks to my armoire and iron bed frames that we dragged across the world.

  8. Corey, I like the way you shoot the breeze.
    The story of your village and the view out your bedroom window reminds me of the view we had out our bedroom window in an Pigna, Italy.
    I know what you mean about those tiles…I adore red but in tiles as a back splash not practical.
    My kitchen is your typical 1970’s kitchen…U shaped work space area with a breakfast area.We replaced the counters with *gasp* granite and enlarged the end of the U to make a bar seating area for four. In the eating area we placed a large white sideboard from IKEA…it has a Gustavian look to it.
    We have lots of cabinets and space for everything…however, I miss my little kitchen that we had in our one hundred year old house in Salem, MA. It had been redone by the previous owners who had just moved back from Europe. Open shelving wonderful upscale European appliances and honed marble counters *sigh* and yes, I almost forgot we had a seven foot Shaker dining table in the middle of the kitchen.
    Before I bore you to tears…I will quit now and just say change your kitchen…and I think you should go into interior decorating…you have wonderful taste.

  9. i would say, for what it’s worth, to keep the flooring and the stove (or if a new stove, a similar style). The rest (of what we could see in the pic) can go or be redone. Those tiles, though um colourful are odd as you said. i like tiles as backspashes in the kitchen, but sometimes flashing (either copper or alum) looks better and is easier to clean.
    Otherwise, i have no idea…except that a kitchen should be warm colours and cheery…most of my memories of our kitchen growing up where with BRIGHT yellow cabinets…my mom didn’t want them that yellow but oh well..we lived with them and have some great memories of it! LOL
    i’m about to do my own kitchen – soft yellow, taupe, grey, red, green…not sure how it’s all going to come together, but it will be an adventure for sure!
    Happy Decorating!

  10. Embrace your kitchen….it is wonderful!!!! Why does it have to be practical now??? From the stories that you share, I would say your kitchen has done it’s job well 🙂

  11. I love how you are sharing pictures of your home. My kitchen is pretty new because the house is not old. But I would change my kitchen by adding colour, I am not good at colour like you. Get a gas stove we have electric, granite counter tops and I love the idea of an old bureau redone for the island with lots of open shelving underneath

  12. Hi Corey,
    I can’t tell what the cabinets are made of from the photo, but I would use wood cabinets painted to look old (like the armoires or tables in the pictures above or your gray bathroom). That would work well with stainless steel appliances.
    Also I have seen lightweight concrete used to look like limestone for counters. It can be sealed and is durable and relatively inexpensive.
    That’s my two cents. The prices on the furniture you showed are pretty amazing – they would be about 3x that here.

  13. You have an ALESSI tea kettle! With the bird whistle!!! =))))
    As you know, hubby and I run the family’s gourmet shop (and most of our bakeware/cookware/dinnerware is French no less! Bourgeat, Le Creuset, Emile Henry, Staub, Apilco, Pillivuyt, etc). Now hubby is set to redo our outdated kitchen, and I’d bet he’d trade ours in a heartbeat for yours! lol He’s a tall one, too, so he takes into consideration banging his noggin on overhead potracks, etc. We use our center kitchen table also as counterspace, as we virtually have no counters. We also have a wonderful butcherblock on wheels which can skirt around the kitchen. Cupboards with glass are gorgeous and for me a must. Our overhead cabinets are useless for me (I am too short at 5’2″ to reach anything above my head). I think hubby wants brushed aluminum appliances (fine by me)… proper overhead lighting is a must (recessed). I confess I do love your antique tile! But I’ve seen many homes with metal backsplashes in lieu tile (cleaning the grout must be a bear)!
    Sorry to ramble… but I love to chat about this stuff since it’s hubby’s living (and we’re going to be redoing our kitchen as well)! I will show hubby your kitchen when he gets home and see what he thinks!!!
    hugs, Corey!

  14. Thank you for those stupendous photos and explanations! I learned so much from just this post. I’d go for patterned tile for the backsplash/counter area, whitewashed or pickled cabinets and cupboards. A wood small farmhouse table for the island/dining work. One that you could use as a prep area as well as family dinner area. Countertops-can’t help there, the choices are overwhelming.

  15. Portuguese tiles-that would look fabulous in your remodeled kitchen!

  16. I love all the photos you shared of your home and the details. It is crazy to imagine a four hundred year old house. No house built today would last that long! When I look at all the furniture you are drawn to I see painted cupboards with glass fronts and lots of blues and greens. I am having a huge giveaway…come on over.

  17. Sherlock Holmes

    Dear Corey,
    I do understand the remodel bug as I have it too. What appears to be of most interest to you is to increase the functionality of your kitchen. That is a good thing. Create more living space from the living space you have.
    As for style, well, you already have it cherie! Simply identify what needs to function better and you will choose elements in your perfect style. Just look at what you did with your bath! From a period standpoint, you redesigned it to be not only more functional, but a more perfect fit with the period pieces that exist in your home.
    Make your wish list, flooring, the look and feel of the cabinetry, updated appliances, and lighting, and budget. List what is most important and dream about the special way you get to blend your family personality, with traditional elements or modern if that tickles your fancy…into your latest cooking creation, your refined kitchen. It’s not out with the old in with the new. It’s refining the you, and a nice project to dream up with your family.
    I hope I am nearing BFF status with these suggestions.
    Dream Big. SH

  18. How about some free-standing cupboards? Not the American style kitchen, but something like an antique cupboard in place of it 🙂
    And the tiles- I hate to say it, because I have a real appreciation for the old, but, they have to go :/ You could put up a slate or natural stone tile in it’s place 🙂

  19. okay i want to be a BFF, so i will just say i love your kitchen!
    all of it.
    the way you have the plates stacked and the cloche covering them and the knives stored in that dropback.and what is that cute animal tool in the back?
    i understand when a workspace is impractical how it must be changed. we are in our kitchens often, so it will be wonderful for you to have what you want and need!
    your home is so different than those here in the states, can you see why we drool over it all!
    my home is a sears kit home built in 1926. (and we call THAT history in SW FL)!
    the kitchen is small. we tore out the cupboards when we moved the house to our property. (someone had remodeled with particle board cabinets) we built all birch wood cabinets, and stained them maple. my hub is wild over natural unpainted wood but i so would love to have a lighter kitchen.the window faces north and there is a room attached to the back side so i have little natural light.
    so i very much am on your side Corey to have what you like.
    those tiles of yours, very Hermes i say.
    charm charm charm. we all love what the other has.
    but, all of us are changing constantly.
    so, go for your dreams , i think it is what keeps you , Corey, exciting and fresh………..
    can’t wait to see what you do as we love it all
    i do not have the talent/ ideas to remodel, but i do see you need storage space
    i know you will find what you need and love.
    have fun with it all!!!
    xo jody

  20. shannon in oregon

    i would convert an old dresser to be your counter. i would add bits of new, with a sleek hood over the stove. i would do a similar color to the tiles, but more washed out and faded? or would i go extreme and tres modern?
    i’d really have to see it in person to really know what i’d do.
    i just got done renovating our kitchen a little while ago (i put it up at the hgtv rate my space site, too…modern funk is the title of my kitchen there).

  21. I wanna be considered your friend but……..I’d kill for a kitchen like yours!
    Anyway, why not all white, but in an old style?

  22. “History speaks, passages of time is evident, a sense that life continues to continue no matter what happens. ”
    and you call this shooting the wind..=)
    I love of course your kitchen.. but I am sure we will assist a fabulous transformation..
    so go for it..
    I dream .. pale greys.. beige.. and blue of course.. as a hue..
    armoire .. maybe..
    but maybe a “pêtrin” in lieu de linen closet..
    ou “une panetière” as an open shelf unit..
    I am waiting for a surprise.. =)
    furniture history used to be my hobby..=)
    end meubles provençales is quite a subject..
    I have a modern sleak user friendly kitchen .. before I had a shaker style painted one.. and before some oak traditional english one..
    I have changed many houses yes..
    In the future hope to have a more ecclectic.. with some turkish and ottoman accents .. suiting my thousands years’ old city..
    but now.. I can’t wait to see what you will create..
    Wow, all those kitchens! Petrin! Not many know what that is.
    I cannot wait for your advice;

  23. First of all, your village is so amazing, as is your home. I am in love!!!
    I cannot wait to visit your village someday!
    As for the kitchen, I just did over our kitchen. It had brown tiles from the late 70’s early 80’s. We put in a beautiful light to med colored granite. I love it, it’s so nice and easy to keep clean. We did the back splash in a tumbled Italian stone. I got a beautiful Swiss made farm sink. If you want to see it, go to my blog and scroll down aways. I think in France limestone or soapstone would be pretty. If you found the right granite that would be pretty. It’s thousands of years old so it wouldn’t be that modern.
    There are so many kinds of granite, I couldn’t believe it. I think you can do modern touches mixed with the old world.
    We also added a few accent pieces into the stone.
    Have fun dreaming about your kitchen today Corey.
    Chat again soon,

  24. Jill Flory

    I like the look of your kitchen in a picture but I know what you mean about impractical. I have almost no counter space to work on and about 1/16 of the cupboard space a kitchen needs! If I could I’d tear the whole thing OFF the house and start completely over. Who knows maybe someday we will. At least yours looks good for a photo!

  25. Ellen Cassilly

    Corey, I love your kitchen but you are seriously in need of some counter space and outlets. My advise when designing a kitchen is to alway figure out the refrigerator placement first. Many people like to put it in the center of things. I like it on the edge so that you can keep cooking and others can come into the kitchen to grab something to drink or an apple etc.
    It depends on how you cook but the way I cook is to go to the kitchen, grab the five things I will need and then I rarely go back to the refrigerator – thus I have placed my refrigerator in my house OUTSIDE OF THE SACRED KITCHEN TRIANGLE. In general I think that they are not so beautify, they are space hogs and they block light. I try to put them in the darkest part of the kitchen (to leave as much space as possible in the lightest part of the kitchen) More later if you want it. Ellen
    Hi Ellen
    Yes, exactly. The fridge is my sore spot, I cannot figure out where to put it. So I am stuck in first gear.
    I do NOT want it in the triangle, that is certain.
    Help yes, plenty of it too!

  26. Jerry Hall (I can’t believe I am quoting her!) said: “My mother said it was simple to keep a man, you must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom. I said I’d hire the other two and take care of the bedroom bit.”
    Can’t help you with the kitchen! 😀
    That table is a keeper!
    Oh Alina
    YOU make me laugh!

  27. Lemon Tree Tami

    Gorgeous pictures of your village. I love seeing all the little details … especially the hand knockers and the shutter figurine.
    Hmm, for the kitchen I’d say that first and foremost you have to have cabinet and drawers. Glass fronts for a few to show off china etc, but it’s also good to have solid fronts to hide the more quotidian aspects of kitchen life. If you and Yann like to cook together then you’ll need to have enough clear counterspace for the two of you. (Ours is just this teeny tiny little corner and we bump into each other when we cook together.)
    We couldn’t afford to remodel it so instead we took the original 70s dark brown faux wood cabinets and painted them. We then replaced the 70s gold appliances with new white ones. Oh and the flooring was also dark brown 70s linoleum. That was covered with a pale wood laminate. What an amazing change it was. Now our kitchen is a bright yellow and white .. cheerful and happy.
    Back splash tiles are an excellent way to add color, drama and life to a kitchen. But I think that solid surface counter tops are the easiest to clean.
    I’m curious to see what you come up with for your kitchen. I think that it’d be nice if your cabinet handles were interesting little items from the brocantes. Small details here and there to make you smile. 🙂

  28. Jeanette M.

    We just did an entire 3600 sq.ft home (took 4 years-don’t ask). The best advice I can offer on the kitchen is DRAWERS. They are so much better than the lower cupboards. The rest is up to you but trust me on the drawers vs. regular cupboards.

  29. SweetPeaSurry

    All those lovely pictures and those tidy streets ust make me want to go travelling!!
    Gorgeous shots.

  30. thank you for the walk around your village. just the tonic for a foggy calif morn. loved you perfect bath…i so wish i could stop with the adding and layering. it truly is an addition. in my kitchen i am wishing for marble counters and removing cabnets, replacing them with furniture. i am inspired by your bath. here in the states things get way to slick and commercial… i am working for hang out ability as we live in the kitchen. it is going to be fun watching your ideas come to life.

  31. Corey, your post was anything but rambling! I love the photos of your village and home, and I learned so much from your text. This is exactly why I hope there is a book in the works; about your French village life, antique expertise, and exquisite taste and style. Oh, and along with your photos there will be flourishes of your poetic soul woven throughout for even more inspiration. *Editors* are you taking notes?

  32. Such a lovely blog. I am tickled to have found you and shall visit often. Happy day to you.

  33. I want to live in your village! You are killing me with these posts, lately – you’re speaking right to my heart. I can’t believe the prices of the furniture – are the houses priced as low? I doubt it!
    Is that a shelf above your stove? It looks like big, chunky wood, but I can’t tell. You could put more of that over your counters for some open shelving (in the picture it looks like there are no upper cabinets?) You could take the old tile in the photo out and put a delicious and very old looking, rough hewn small tumbled travertine tile mosaic (they come in every color imaginable in its place, and a stained concrete countertop – you can make the surface and edges of that as rough or as polished (and even fancy if you like) as you want – Wash the walls in your unique and beautiful way – add the table in the center and I think that would be gorgeous. =) You asked!
    xo Isa

  34. Mary Marsell-Farrell

    I loved the tour!!!! Bay that soak in the tub must have refreshed you to the bones! Here you are, already to tackle the kitchen! Amazing.

  35. liannallama v

    thanks for the lovely tour! It seems like a dream to live in a place like this–in SoCal everything is like a Tim Burton Beige Suburban Stepford town, LOL! We live in a 1960’s townhouse that is very different from your place but I love it just the same!
    As far as redocarating, I think your table looks bare and could benefit from a beautiful French pastry platter and some fruit, LOL! But maybe that’s because I’m hungry, LOL!
    I think your kitchen is lovely and so warm and homey! Maybe a tad bit of lace accents or maybe some pretty decorated tiles just above the red tiles above your stove. I’m only saying that because you said you wouldn’t be my BFF if I said to leave it as is, LOL!

  36. Franca Bollo

    Is that un chat I see in the second photo? A neighbor?
    Hi Franca
    That cat is just for you.
    I have tons of neighbors.
    That love my garden (they think it is a toilet.)

  37. Our house is a 1950’s brick ranch and came with what was known back then as a buffet kitchen. You could stand at the sink, turn right and hit the refrigerator, turn left and hit the stove. It was so very small yet we saw potential. We bought the house in 2005 and immediately tore down walls, opened the space up and now I have a wonderful kitchen. We did all of the work ourselves and my husband even matched the original cove ceiling and arches in our home. I’m sure you have the perfect kitchen in mind, oh how I love this kind of stuff!
    Hi Kel,
    I am glad you love this kind of stuff because we will have a lot to talk about in th next few months;

  38. Corey:
    This is not in response to kitchen blog – but rather to your blogs in progression to-date…your profile … along with the pretty in blond – champagne picture the profile should be updated as well reflecting a few of your many accomplishments. You have earned the titles. .
    Interior designer, decorator , gourmet cook, writer, photographer, and collector of all things vintage, an Expat living in the South of French with a wonderful FH and two beautiful off springs… ……naturally in your own words
    This is in response to kitchen blog:
    Oh I Love your old kitchen – but it is time for a change to reflect the personalities of the “new” inhabitants– I believe “old” vintage homes are like women – they love to get dressed up and be admired… no one likes the same old look – now do we?
    Hi Joanny

  39. Being the armchair traveler that I am, I thoroughly enjoyed your tour today Corey. The roof tiles, the door knocker, the tie-back for shutters, the colours and the history.
    A thousand years old! That just seems so incomprehensible to me. All the people that have walked where you have walked, in your own home.
    I saw a show once where a couple stayed at a B&B in Scotland right on the old Roman road. The owner told them that at night sometimes, people could here the Roman Legion marching down the road. Oh, I hope that doesn’t spook you.
    This post is about the kitchen, sorry I digress, I like history.
    Our kitchen is small with no dishwasher. We are looking for another place and it MUST have a dishwasher.
    Thanks for the lovely tour.
    Hi Cindy
    Thank you , I am glad you like the tour.
    As for spooking me… I lived in a haunted house, nothing spooked me more than living there.

  40. Shelley Noble

    Hi Shelley
    Hey aren’t you suppose to be my BBF?

  41. Almost forgot….thanks for reminding me how beautiful the south of France is, and how much I love it!
    Hi Gracie
    I am glad you love it. Because it is all I have to show.

  42. Your village looks idyllic, Corey … thanks for the tour. I would definitely replace the tiles in your kitchen … add an island where the table is to give you extra storage (an old store counter perhaps?) … I would *love* your stove! Although it would probably never fit in my tiny kitchen. Whatever you do will probably look fabulous. I can’t wait to read your ideas!
    Hi Lynda
    I am keeping my stove and fridge.
    The counter is going.

  43. well first Corey I enjoyed our stroll through your village…wonderful and I learned so much. YOu make learning fun. As for my kitchen, I live in an extremely old farmhouse and frankly I would like to tear the whole thing down and start over with a Victorian house that has a beautiful porch. As for my kitchen it is very small and needs more room and a better color and for gosh sakes no chickens on the wall from the wallpaper that i am in the process of tearing off. We won’t discuss how this is going…nothing in regards to do overs in this house is easy. As for your kitchen, I will just think it and not say it out loud. But I can’t wait to see how you creative you get. YOu are an amazing woman.
    love and hugs
    Hi Tammy I love my kitchen, but the counter space is VERY SMALL and I have no cupboards.
    As for chickens…. I won’t ask.

  44. I have always wanted a large kitchen. I dream of off white walls a large table a sofa and family and friends gathered around. The heart of my home.I dream.
    Hi Ana
    Oh I like the idea of a large table with a sofa!

  45. My kitchen is in a Craftsman Bungalow. It is the original kitchen, with tall, deep cabinets. It has a ‘drying’ cabinet, where they used to put the dishes to air dry, and a spice cabinet with narrow shelves, just right to store spices. The only thing not original to the house is the floor. Someone ‘updated’ it with linoleum. I really wish they hadn’t. Anyway, when I moved in the cabinets were a blue-gray, and the walls were pink! I painted the upper part of the walls a light lemon-sherbet, and the bottoms a darker yellow. Then I tackled the woodwork. Many coats later, they are a sparkling white. All my accents are true red, and it is a cheerful place to cook! There’s room for a small table, but I chose a rolling cabinet with chopping block. It had to roll, because when my mom was alive, she used a walker, so I needed to be able to move it so she could be there with me. Oh, and recently, I painted the door to the spice cabinet with blackboard paint. I love it!
    As for your kitchen, you have lovely taste, and I can’t wait for the ‘after’ pictures!

  46. Well, just a few teeny changes. More shelving and that’s about it.
    I think I just lost BFF status……

  47. Tamara Giselle

    I live in an older house for our city, 53 yrs old in a city that just turned 100 (a newborn by France’s standard.) 3 years ago we remodeled the home dramatically. We moved the kitchen to what was the garage and the old kitchen and entry became a 28′ dining room that is used very often. The kitchen was formerly right when you walked in the front door and didn’t overlook the pool or backyard so I had wanted to move it to the back for years.
    I have a kinship with earlier times and so I attempted to make the interior appear to be from another time. (So I would love to be in your position of creating a kitchen in step with your home.) I love vintage & european styles so I remodeled my kitchen and dining room to appear to have leftovers from another time, but still have some contemporary elements as well.
    My husband is an artist & taxidermist so I also wanted to showcase his life’s work as well as display my collection of antiques and art. Most who come here are amazed when they walk through the doors because it is not the usual fare for these parts of the west(mostly 50’s era ranch style homes and newer – our claim to fame in these parts is the Manhattan Project and the A Bomb.)
    I will be anxiously awaiting to see what you do with the heart of your home because I certainly love what you have done with the bath and the rest of it.
    Here is a link to some pics of my cottage. You are a welcome guest anytime.

  48. Denese Vlosky

    Wow. That was fun Corey! Great to see your house and town.
    What would I change about our kitchen? You’ve seen it I think from the pictures (do you still need the ones of the green walls?):
    1. Replace formica counter tops, even though they are white, and sided with oak, I hate them. I would go for a light stone (whichever one doesn’t emit radon gas) or corian. No painted back splash in the back of my stove. If corian can be molded to go up a wall, then that would nail down my choice of counter materials.
    2. Gas stove/oven (I have a really nice electric, flat top, convection oven but nothing cooks like gas).
    3. Real plants: my cats eat the plants in my house and then throw-up. So, I’ve got fake ones strewn around. We have a nice garden outside the windows, which brings the green plants inside, but it’s not the same.
    4. Huge honking stainless steel refrigerator. Like industrial sized.
    5. New wood moldings around the windows (the contractor was cheap and only put moldings on the bottom of the windows, plus our dog has gnawed on some).
    6. Very important: backdrop lights that light up the counter tops. It would be a simple change (just put flat lights at the bottom of the cabinetry where the wood is inset).
    7. I might find a way to put in a very large wooden cutting board on the counter tops?? I don’t like lugging out various small ones, and the one that pulls out (over the trash) is too small. I don’t want an “island” in the middle of our kitchen. The kitchen isn’t big enough.
    I’d keep the green walls. I’ve grown to love them. They fit this place (LA and our home). And I like our Mexican tile floors. And the oak cabinetry looks right in here.
    But, that’s my list.

  49. Corey, as I stood in your kitchen watching you cook, I couldn’t imagine changing anything but……knowing you, I can see where there are some details that you might want to change. The kitchen is lovely but it isn’t quite “Corey” enough. You have a sense of style that isn’t reflected in the kitchen except for the marvelous piece on the wall and some of the decorations. Go get ’em, gal, you know what you’re doing.

  50. cityfarmer

    one thing I nknow for sure, being a painter … you can paint those tiles.
    I’d love it if you looked at my kitchen makeover … a few posts down from my bpresent post.

  51. Hello Corey
    sometimes my mind is not on —- anyway your beautiful chandler in your bath –you mentioned it did not have electricity… no worries, you can purchase battery operated flameless candles.. on line, we used them at our church for the sconces very effective indeed they flicker
    recently I went to a dinner party and the hostess purchased some very elegant battery candles and they were beautiful here are some websites although I am sure you will find the ones you are looking …

  52. Corey, I have a big deep sink and I love it! The rest of my kitchen is small. It bothers me when my pans and pots don’t fit in the sink. Just something to keep in your thoughts. You have fab taste so I am sure your kitchen will be a work of art also. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  53. Dear corey,
    finally, something about your way of life NOT to be jealous of: poor electrical service in your home. Boy, i really had to try to come up with that one!! my husband is an electrician and the code says you can never be more than 6 feet from an outlet therefore outlets abound in my home every 12 feet and extension cords are banished. There, i bet your SO jealous of my life now..!! and , yes, i will definitely trade ya’..
    -maria in ny

  54. A Circle of Quiet

    Two ideas that come quickly to mind — I think shelves would look terrific for dishes, as I am certain you have plenty of beautiful things to store and display there.
    Also, I would find tiles or some sort of backsplash that echoes the teal color of your shutters. That is such a cheerful color, but it goes well with the greys.
    The stove must stay — or something new and improved that looks just like it. It’s beautiful. And big. LOVE IT.
    I often sit in my living room, looking into my kitchen, and mentally rip out cupboards, rearrange appliances, and generally mix things up. But only in my mind at this point.
    Have fun.

  55. Corey…I did some remodeling last year in my kitchen. I had a farm sink made out of stone with the countertop to match. I love it….very easy to take care of. I put an old pine piece in and had the walls stucco.
    I am adding beams to my ceiling soon….try and find a place to use your wonderful beam. I love the idea of open shelves….maybe some stone???? We put some old pediment pieces on the cupboard doors…it looks great. I have a wonderful friend who is an interior designer and she did a wonderful job. We both adore anything french which made it very easy to work together. You have wonderful taste so I am sure whatever you decide will be fabulous. I would love to go treasure hunting with you as I am an antiques dealer.
    Thank you for another wonderful post. Keep us posted!!!

  56. Yes, in a kitchen if nowhere else, practicality is important. I do love your stove, and the window. A heavy, rustic farm table would be wonderful in the middle of the room. I know a man here in Vermont who makes medieval-style banquet tables with carvings and huge heavy legs and I can just see one of those in your space. Good to work on because no wobbles! Stone or concrete counters would be a nice replacement for those bright tiles.
    We are in the (very slow) process of redoing our 1920’s bungalow kitchen. This week the worn out disgusting linoleum was replaced with new tiles! And a brand new ceramic top stove is almost in place! Next for me are a few buckets of paint to cover the pink! ceiling! I hear your lack of electricity complaint – I was just trying to figure out how to arrange the appliances around our two outlets.
    Can’t wait to see what you dream up!

  57. Hasmin Cannon

    Hi Corey!
    My Kitchen? sore subject…too tiny (it’s u-shape), not enough storage space, no pantry,I can go on and on. After moving here from the mainland, I had no idea how small the homes are. My home was built in the early 70s, so I’m assuming people didn’t have a lot of stuff back then, hence the small kitchen/dining area,etc. (or maybe I have too much stuff, lol)
    So, I would recommend getting as many shelves or cabinets for storage and a pantry. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  58. My kitchen is spacious, with alot of counter space and cabinets. BUT….because it is a new house, it has modern inexpensive cookie-cutter cabinets. I would love to have something with character….

  59. Our kitchen is … pathetic !
    Every single winter we say “Next Spring, we ‘ve got to re-do it !”. We’ve been saying this for 10 years now – rather ritually !!!

  60. Love the light in your kitchen!!!!!
    and the “planché”

  61. Jend’isère

    After your dreamy bathroom, why not a kitchen which reflexes your tastes? Presently more a cassoulet, boudin blanc or boullibaise place. Since your cooking does not taste traditional French, why not spice it with colors/decor/design of your origins?
    Just some food for thought!

  62. as you know my husband is a builder of kitchens and I can have virtually any kind of kitchen I want..lucky me. Except I cannot decide. I have a large corner pantry with a beautiful old door about 100 years old.. I guess not old in French books.. but old for here… I have a gorgeous stove made by Aga and a french farmhouse sink. I am changing my benchtops and the colour of my walls.. I think I have decided upon coffee coloured walls and grey granite for the benches… maybe I should do a blog post like you and get the readers to help me!
    I loved reading this post.. I could drink it in. I would love to visit France oneday, but I think I would have to ship a container of stuff home.
    your kitchen is lovely, I would not change it… but you are the one who has to love it.. I am sure, absolutely sure you will do something divine!!

  63. herhimnbryn

    What ever you do it will be wonderful.
    My kitchen STILL needs to renovated and we’ve been here 7 years! But when we do get round to it, it will be simple ‘Un-fitted’ and with a kitchen table not an island!
    BTW if you do take those tiles down will you PLEASE save one and send it to me? I have a mosaic project in mind and that colour is perfect!!!!!!!

  64. Hi Corey, You are really on a roll. First the bath now the kitchen. I really enjoyed this post,all of the great insight into living in the south of France. Lucky you.LOL hog heaven. As far as the kitchen goes,you have such wonderful resources at your fingertips. I always love individual antique pieces in a kitchen rather than standard cabinetry. Can’t wait to see the new remodel. i do love the metal?table also looks like a grea cabnet next to the stove?
    Keep us posted:)

  65. my kitchen is probably my favorite room! i redid it about 7 years ago and gutted it entirely. i had open shelves built in so i can use my everyday dishes and show off my blue graniteware and i finally added a pull-out pantry which i never had. i have a blue aga companion stove and a blue fridge from germany (which my i told my husband he could bury me in since it cost so much and is the right size!) it’s very small but very efficient. i love the farmhouse table-always wanted a harvest table. having clear cabinet doors is also a great idea-you can show your things but don’t have to clean them from the dust as often. would you replace the hood? i didn’t put one in but since we don’t fry indoors the mess isn’t so bad. can’t wait to see what you’ll come up with!! p.s. i thought my home was old at 100 years. ha!

  66. I could look at pictures of your village all day every day. I would love to live in such history, such quaint surroundings.
    For your kitchen I would leave the floors because they’re fabulous, but definitely replace the tiles…they’re too shiny and new-looking. I would have lots of stone around. Everything would look worn and smooth.

  67. Cheryl in California

    In order to change my kitchen to match my needs, I’d have to move!! Seriously. It’s like they forgot to draw a kitchen into the floor plans and just decided to stick one in the corner. But I love the rest of my house and the neighborhood. My BFF just re-did her kitchen and every lower cabinet is a series of pull-out drawers. No more getting on her knees to pull out pots and pans. Heaven!
    I have a real estate question. Is it difficult to buy in a village as old as yours? Are the homes owned by the same families for generations and you have to wait until the last in a family line passes away? Just curious.
    Whatever you do in your kitchen will be beautiful!

  68. Hi Corey,
    I love your cooker, if you find time I would love to know what make it is, please. We are planning revamping our kitchen this spring.
    Take Care,
    Maria ( from a very windy Sanary Sur Mer)

  69. MerryB, Nashville

    At great risk I have to tell you that I LOVE your impractical kitchen as it is … but I’m just looking – not cooking! I sadly agree that the tiles on backsplash and counters need to leave … but might you save enough of them to do a little project like a table top with a slightly rusty iron base? Or just send them to me? You don’t tell us how much room you have to work with … when I read that your beyootiful bath room is 10 x 17 I realized that yes – I could actually live in it! Anyway, I know it will be a delicious new old kitchen … How about copper (with patina, of course – maybe beaten) as a possibility for a backsplash and/or stove hood or something … do you use copper cookware? Or tin or zinc? Thick French stone or grey grained white marble (honed, not polished) counter tops, maybe the backsplash, too … a big carved stone sink, an ancient wood table in its’ natural state, worn smooth with time, with a lower shelf for feet and stuff … a painted armoire with glass windows in bleu, perhaps … some of my favorite things. Again, not knowing how much space you have, I can see an enormous OLD iron baker’s rack for storing, stacking, stashing, displaying … and put the fridge away! I tucked mine into the pantry of my last old kitchen behind a portiere … once you get what you need out of it, you’re done – unless you forgot something. So then you go back and get it. The point is … are you after practicality or streamlined efficiency? Comfort and creativity and charm are givens … it will be perfect, no matter how you go about it. I’ve never done this blog thing before – sorry to be so long winded! But one more tidbit … made your puff pastry “pizza de tomate” last night – delicious! I just stretched it all out on a buttered baking sheet – rustic – didn’t cut corners – more to love! Thanks for all you share, Corey …

  70. I love simple. I love things with spaces in between them. I love less than more.
    It appears to me, that a French kitchen is fairly sparse? Like your new bathroom. No stuff. A few choice objects. I love it.
    I hope this is not a silly question, but, here goes.
    My question is, where do all the other things go? It seems no matter how hard I try, I always need other things. For example, in a bathroom..shavers, toothbrushes, towels, cotton balls, cosmetics, (even if these things are selective and not too many, they add up, I am not a tons of cosmetics type.)
    In the kitchen, pans, pie plates, dishes, cups, glasses, silverware, can openers…etc, etc…you know. There just seems to always be another item that must go in the kitchen.

  71. I defintely like have a kitchen table at the heart of a kitchen rather than a counter. Ours is a bit like yours with no cupboards up on the walls and we used the sort of pine work-benches that you can get at DIY stores for all the counters, so they are open with shelves below. It always looks a bit cluttered but I like the feel. i don’t know what to suggest for yours except maybe a bunch of Provencal sunflowers in the corner for some sunshine color!

  72. When we were in France, Provence was my favorite part of the country. I felt so at home, there. I love the colors and the tiled roofs.

  73. Paige King

    I’ve enjoyed reading your blog.
    Your village is beautiful.
    I was interested to see that we both blogged about our kitchens on the same day. I’ll be following along–I look forward to it.

  74. Now, Corey, let me first say that I just love your photos — they are fabulous, the people, the objects, the places — all of them. I love them. Second, let me say that it does not hurt that the subjects are all so gorgeous!! Beautiful people (in and out) and lovely colors, landscapes, shapes, and forms. When I came back from Paris, every photo I took was stunning. It was hard to take a bad one! Have a stunning Valentine’s weekend! ~Suz.

  75. Have you ever read Chocolat, Corey? Your photos reminded me of that book and its village full of interesting characters.
    I absolutely LOVE the red paint on the outside of that building! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! That’s one of my favourite colours – that and green. It’s passionate.
    I’m curious to see what you do with your kitchen. No doubt it will be something straight out of a home decor magazine. You have great taste.

  76. Alison Whittington

    Our kitchen is embarrassing: old, dirty, impossible to clean, crooked, cupboards with shelves too close together for anything larger than a pint glass (meaning most of our pots), drawers that are falling apart, torn linoleum that catches dirt and never lets it go… We tried to paint the cupboards and did a terrible job: the paint is peeling and crooked.
    So I want to replace EVERYTHING! But we might have to settle for refacing the cabinets and retiling the floor, since our budget is tiny.

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