French Silver, Guessing Game


A long row of silverware greeted me on both sides of my plate, the first time I met French Husband's family. Not speaking a word of French was the least of my problems. Wondering what piece of silverware to pick up next, was the bigger issue at hand.

I was from a small, rural town. A fork, knife, spoon and hand, was as complicated as the dinnerware got. 

Swallowing hard, and swiftly looking left to right and right to left, I mimicked those around me. French Husband's father had impeccable, dining manners. He knew I was following his lead.


French Husband's family silver has RB on it. It also has the first letter of his grandparent's first name… I guess I could have named our children with names that matched those letters. Thankfully silver is plentiful at the brocante (French antique markets), and mix-n-match monograms never bothered me. 


An individual, cheese knife and a dessert fork pair up, go out, and have a swell time buttering each other up.


Gilles, at the brocante in Aix (Open Market every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) has the best selection going for the price. He never disappoints me with his knowledge. I wish I had him sitting by me when I first came to France. There isn't a piece of silver he doesn't know.

His hands are tarnished black from silver polish. I love that: someone so passionate about what they do that it becomes them.

Gilles (his cell phone number is in the photo above) talks about patterns on silver in endless detail, and he can tell you what each piece of silver was used for… in fact he would make a line-up of silverware at a dinner party feel like a picnic: Fun and Breezy. Unlike, Stuffy and Snotty.


Are you ready for the French Silver, Guessing Game?

Below you will find three photos.

The first one who can tell me what the three pieces of silver were used for wins. The first one who answers all three correctly will receive a French, antique silver spoon. (and) The one with a creative answer that strikes my fancy will win a French antique, silver spoon too.

The French Silver Guessing Game ends tomorrow morning (French Time.)


French silverware 





I'll add clues facts, as the day goes on….

First clue, or I should say First Fact… Cake knife it is not.

Second Fact: Leave the word FISH out of it.

Third Fact -Clue- : Close but not right. Warm but not Hot, Will this be the first guessing game on Tongue in Cheek without a winner (creative winner yes, but the right answer winner where are you???) Number one??? What is it? That is the answer yet to be found.


Here is a video I took several years ago before dinner, by candlelight, the little boy in the film is Sacha.


76 responses to “French Silver, Guessing Game”

  1. Absolutely love your films and all you share.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  2. Hi Corey, Photo # 1 is clearly an instrument of the devil. It was used to as and pitch fork and shovel. The story goes that after doing a good deed(this is in hell of course) the devil would use the pitch fork to grab you. Now we all know there is a lot of fire in hell so he would proceed to toss you in the fire and your ashes would be shoveled up by the flat shovel like piece.
    #2 is a rest for carving tools
    #3 a cake knife
    Very fun. Corey Loved the movie of Annie can’t wait to watch the new movie of Sasha.

  3. HMMMM, The fork on the first set reminds me of Neptune, so I am guessing these are used to serve fish. The second one… I thought I knew but after reading Cathy’s comment… okay, now I am just cheating. No clue. The third one, looks a little threatening to be a cake server… how about.. it is used to scare off people looking to snitch a piece of cake before it is time to serve?!

  4. Oh, I have no ideas! But I love the video. Your candlelight dinner looks and sounds very romantic!

  5. I have no idea, but those are so beautiful!

  6. I agree with Cathy #1 has the devil written all over it!
    #2 I think holds toast or a breakfast bread
    #3 I believe is a special cake knife used to cut the first piece of cake at a wedding!
    At any rate, they are all beautiful!

  7. loved the comments about the devil-maybe he likes to be served fish and then toast. and for dessert-cake? the silver is beautiful and of course, so are you for being so generous! thank you.

  8. Paula @ Second Studio

    1. serves up meats or fish
    2. is a device for holding knives, they slide in trough those slots and rest on the bar while the little tray at the bottom catches wayward food that falls from the knives blade.
    3. slices the wedding cake
    You realize I’ve broken with tradition here. I ALWAYS guess “a lemon juicer” in your games because I’m always so stumped for what the item might really be.

  9. Corey
    I just love your guessing games. SO entertaining.
    1. Meat serving pieces
    2. Cheese slicer
    3. Cake knife
    Nancy N.

  10. Corey
    After looking at picture #2 again, maybe a butter pat slicer. Oh well, can’t wait to hear what they are.
    Nancy N

  11. Oooohhh… I notice the devil’s pitchfork, and the angel’s shovel to clean up after the devil’s mess. And next I see the tiny early Victorian radiator, where fairies can warm themselves up in the dead of winter (fairies don’t hibernate, you know). And lastly, I see the stork’s silver paddle, which accompanies the babies it delivers (the silver paddle carries the envelope containing the details of each baby and suggestions for his/her name)! =)

  12. Cheryl in California

    The scary looking fork is a chipped beef fork, the shovel looking thing is an asparagus server. The contraption is for toast and the last knife is a cake knife. I hope! I love silver, sigh.

  13. Cheryl in California

    Just in case my first guesses were wrong…The scary fork is for poking your spouse under the table to let him know he’s using the wrong utensil at the wrong time. The flat thingy is for your child to put an unwanted morsel of food discreetly on so the momma can then put it on her plate. The last knife is used by dads to scare any would be suitors their daughters might bring home!

  14. Linda Hanselman

    1. Fish Servers
    2. Toast Holder
    3. Cakes Knife
    I swear you are my long lost sister!! I actually got shivers when I opened your blog and saw the silver. I love mixed silver and always buy monograms that have nothing to do with mine. Great Post thank you.

  15. Beautiful silver, Corey!
    Pic #1 – The top implement is a serving piece for deviled eggs. The second piece is for serving ham, because we all know how delicous ham and eggs are together! 🙂
    Pic #2 – This is used to separate colorful ribbons for a young girl’s hair.
    Pic #3 – Hmmmmm…maybe a knife used to spead a creamy brie.
    I’m looking forward to hearing what they are really used for! 🙂
    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  16. Well…it looks like Cheryl in California took my guessing ideas! GMTA!

  17. Hi Corey,
    What fun!
    Items for identification:
    #1 An exquisite fish serving set – love the trident fork
    #2 Toast/crumpet holder
    #3 Master butter knife – (I’m sure my dear mamita would have used it to open the love letters sent to her from her not so secret lover).
    Best of luck to all! Sure made the 13th sooo much more interesting.

  18. Diogenes

    Hi Corey,
    #1 = Asparagus serving set
    #2 = knife rest for table center
    #3 = cake knife

  19. fish
    cheese shaver?
    cake knife
    A miniature trident that King Neptune gave a young girl who lived near a rocky coastline after she did a kind deed
    A personal sorbet shaver used just before delicately placing the sorbet in a Baccarat bowl
    Found by Maryam at a hidden market in Marrakesh-it was used to slice special sweet almond cakes at royal occasions.

  20. Melissa Bishop

    1. Neptune’s fork for controlling the 7 seas. 1.a. His spade for making sandcastle in between storms. A god must unwind now and then!
    2. A place to try the star fish.
    3. To cut cake ala Marie Antoinette. (tho I know it is reported she never said it)

  21. Lisa Baldwin

    Hello! Oh what fun this is! I do believe that the three pictures are all for an elegant young expectant ma ma… Pickle fork with bon-bon server (for unique flavor cravings), cracker/dry toast bedside server (for the challenging first trimester mornings), and the last one of course is a very special cake server (for the real birthday celebration).
    I adore your site, just found it yesterday as I was researching flea markets for a trip to Paris and Lyon next month. Lisa

  22. Here are my serious answers:
    #1. a lemon fork and a cheese knife
    #2. a toast server
    #3. a tarte cuttter & server
    Here are my not-so-serious answers:
    #1.Triton’s formal wear and mermaid catching garb
    #2. An elegant park bench for a fairey
    #3. Corey’s saber that spreads love and magic everywhere she goes…

  23. two choices for the top set, the fork resembles a Lettuce fork, but the set looks like a cold meat serving set.
    gut says toast holder for the second
    and the third is a fish serving knife. i would have said cake knife, but those are serrated on the top…
    right or wrong i’ll be pleased or learn something.. thank you so much…

  24. 1.Utensils for serving lamb
    2.Knife rest for tabletop
    3.French pastry server
    Beautiful silver!

  25. bottom = ice cream slicer?
    top the flat server has a cutting edge..mmmm

  26. i keep losing my comments, so if you get several than i’m sorry…
    top a lettuce set or a cold meat serving set (although the sharp edge is bewidlering)
    the second – gut says toast holder
    the third could be a fish knife or ice cream knife, depending on size and the edge on the knife…
    too many choices, but this has been fun!

  27. All the guesses are so great I hate to even comment.
    1. Cheese fork and slicer
    2. at first I wanted to say a grater but maybe it is a carving tool holder
    3. obviously I want to say a cake knife but you have already shot that down so maybe a …hum….not a clue and I cannot even come up with something witty!! Hope all is well with you Corey.

  28. Lisa Baldwin

    Well, I am actually pretty sure that #3 is a fish serving knife, and the beautiful scroll work allows the juices from the fish to strain, but I couldn’t figure out how to incorporate that into the expectant mama submission. 1. Pickle and pastry servers, 2. toast or cracker holder, 3. fish server
    Thanks again for your beautiful blog
    Lisa B

  29. christine allen

    1. for serving fish
    2. toast server/warmer
    3. cake knife

  30. M-Noëlle

    N°1 : 2 different fish forks (I know some looked like spades in the old time, so venturing that way…)
    N°3 : 1 fish knife
    Now N°2 !?!
    a knife stand… ???
    Can’t wait for the answers…

  31. Rosemary Plunkett

    I think that they are:
    1. Asparagus fork (or fish server)
    and lasagna server
    2. Toast keeper/server
    3. Ice cream slicer

  32. Corey, love your new blonde photo … inspiring … maybe it’s finally my time to become a grey haired redhead! I’m still wavering a bit about the first lovely silver pieces – the fork looks like a little like a fish serving fork but the flat piece looks like pastry to me … since they seem to be married, my best guess is … probably a dessert set! Of course you could fork up your fish with it and shovel away the bones … but no, I’m thinking cakes and pastries. The second has to be a toast rack but would be so much more fun loaded with very old French love letters … and the last looks very fishy to me – a fish slice, we call them here in the south. You slice some of your fish and use the wide blade to move it along to the plate, uusually with the help of a pretty big fork. Oh I wish I could come “chiner” (is that right?) with your friend Gilles – and you!

  33. Do you dine like that all the time?! What a contrast to my house….LOL Dogs scuffling under ther table, kids asking if we’re really eating ‘THAT’ for dinner….
    okay, my guesses are…
    1) Antique hiney swatter and prod. (Hey, I’ve heard about those kinky French back in the day!)
    2) Fireplace toast maker (needed, of course, after you’ve been poked and keep up the energy)
    3) Body icing spreader. Little bit for the toast….little bit for….ahh…the body. Hee…

  34. Franca Bollo

    I don’t want to guess. I don’t want to be clever. I just want you to declare me the winner of every category, package them all up and send them to me, maintenant. Throw in a few of the macaroons in there while you’re at it, cherie. It that too much to ask? Toodles*
    *The Anglicized, shortened version of à tout à l’heure.

  35. karen cole

    OK…..dear me what a day to visit!!!!
    I’ll guess. I clicked in for a close up and stunning they are.
    The beautiful etching on # 1 tells me that they were gardening tools for a very wealthy gardener.
    The second holds the napkins in place.
    The third is a fabulous meat slicer, since you said it can’t be for cake…..though it would look grand next to a wedding cake.
    I could really use one of those spoons for the new work in metal that I’m doing.
    Also, If you get a moment….ha….and can visit my blog, perhaps you can tell me where in Paris I can get some parts for what I’m doing. My husband and I are doing an anniversary trip in April.
    Cheers, Corey!

  36. so is it a lettuce set of cold meat serving set??
    knife holder
    ice cream knife

  37. actually the first set is the pick ax and ice scraper for my car today.
    the second is the bun warmer to hold those packs of instant heat
    and the third is to slice through the ice to find the new buds that were so bold to poke their heads out of the ground already….

  38. You know, I just had another look at No. 2 and now I’m not sure what the heck it is! Didn’t realize that the slotted panel is attached – assumed it was something behind it and unrelated. So you must put some little something on it and flip it over to drain … do you drain toast crumbs? And it seems shorter than I thought … mini toasts? Or what? Yet another lesson in looking before leaping!

  39. 1. cheese cutter and cheese fork.
    2. pastry warmer
    3. I was thinking cake knife, but could be a mail opener.

  40. Wow, this is a tough one.
    Here are my guesses—
    1. The fork is for cold meat and the server for croquettes or tomatoes.
    2. The French didn’t eat toast (why would they with the wonderful baguette!)so I’m guessing maybe a cheese holder – maybe for toasting cheese in front of a fire the way the Swiss do?
    3. A tarte knife.

  41. 1. slicing and meat service pieces.
    2. toaster/warmer
    3. cheese or cake knife.

  42. Diogenes

    Well, OK, here’s attempt No. 2:
    #1 = asparagus serving set
    #2 = clearly it’s a “je ne sais quoi”
    #3 = the knife that Colonel Mustard used to do in Mrs. Peacock in the ballroom.

  43. Franca Bollo

    zzzzzzz …
    People! Give it up! Coco’s already promised it all to meeeee! We’re blood, which is, you know, way thicker than Mbps (not to be confused with MBps).
    Me, procrastinating? lalalalala …

  44. Here are my best guesses:
    1. hor d’oeuvre serving pieces (I’d venture that the fork is for olives)
    2. flatware holder
    3. ice cream/jelly roll/tarte server; this one is tricky!!
    beautiful photos and video!

  45. 1. Fork for meat, cut and server for bread
    2. Holds the meat or toaster
    3. mail opener

  46. Love those guessing games Corey!
    1. cheese cutter and server
    (but I guess they are just Neptune scepter and wand)
    2. knife holders to put on the table to choose the ones to cut meat or fish. The plate is for liquids to fall in
    (but actually I think it is a press tomatoes)
    3. a meat knife
    (a magic fairy sword)

  47. Now for my ‘creative’ guesses:
    1. She fancied herself something of a mermaid since she loved the ocean and chose to come her comb out her hair with a trident comb. Not one to dwell on vanity, she didn’t require a mirror, just something shiny and beautiful with which she could judge her general appearance.
    2. After her hair was fashioned, she propped her hands on her beautiful seashell perch for a manicure: the base of her palm rested on the bottom rung while the middle rested on the top rung. She draped her nails over the silver board as they were buffed and polished with a beautiful coral color.
    3. Not wanting to muss her nails, she used a beautiful silver instrument to open letters from her love, a sailor, filled with words that splashed against his mermaid girls heart like a wave.

  48. Catalina

    sorry “a” was me…

  49. Catalina

    Love these guessing games!
    1. Cheese cutter and server
    (but…Neptune scepter and wand?)
    2. Knife holders to put on the table to choose from depending on what to cut(the dish is to liquids to fall)
    (actually I think is a tomatoes crusher)
    3. Meat Knife (but actually a fairy sword)
    Love the video Corey!

  50. my creative answers didn’t post the first time, so i’ll try again (sorry if this duplicates my previous answer):
    1. She fancied herself something of a mermaid since she loved the ocean; after all, her love was a sailor. She fancied the idea of combing through her curly hair with a trident-like comb. Not having a mirror nearby, she caught her reflection in a delicately engraved silver piece.
    2. After fashioning her hair, she propped her long fingers on a seashell perch to manicure her nails; the base of her wrist rested on the bottom sliver rung, her palm on the middle rung, while her graceful fingertips rested on the silver plate. She painted her nails a beautiful coral color.
    3. Not wanting to muss her nails, she used an elaborate letter opener to gently open the letters from her love so as not to tear the precious envelope; his words crashed upon her heart like waves.

  51. I adore the music in your video. I was actually wishing for more light so that I could see better…at the same time it is a beautifully atmospheric video…I would love to have dinner at your place.
    I know one thing for sure that I would start on the outside and go in towards the plate and end with the implements on the top of the plate. So do I get an invitation for dinner? ;?
    This are guesses not a commentary 🙂

  52. Catalina

    sorry Corey…I wrote twice the same because I thought first one didn’t work…the confusion was also that my name figured as “a”

  53. WOW..that video! Thanks, Corey. The music and the candlelight and the beauty of the decor and cute little Sacha who reminds me of the Karate Kid there, simply divine! Thanks for the sneak peak!! 🙂

  54. 1. Salad servers
    2. Meat rest so that it can be cut through the slots
    3. Butter knife
    I really hope I am right

  55. #1-cold meat server
    #2-knife holder
    #3-pastrie cutter/server

  56. Miss Maddie’s

    One- Asparagus fork and asparagus hooded server
    Two- Some kind of a utensil rest
    Three- Ice-cream cutter (for a brick of ice-cream) They are all beautiful whatever their original purpose was.
    xo Susan

  57. #1 Sardine servers
    #2 finger tip towel rack
    #3 ice cream knife

  58. #1 meat & cheese knives
    #2 some sort of thing to hold toast
    #3 someones beautiful wedding cake server!

  59. Okay…. I have spent the last two hours combing through websites and have discovered some of the most unusual, beautiful and crazy items… a sterling celery vase (and a real bargain at $4200) a ham holder (that was very odd looking) a sterling sugar sifter, asparagus server, marrow server (eeeuuwww), waffle server, even a sterling spoon warmer… and even though I would consider it cheating to find the answers on the internet and claim to just “know” what these items were… I am still clueless!ACK!

  60. are those servers for Pate? au fois gras peut-etre?
    toast holder
    ice cream knife

  61. julie holvik

    1. used to clean off plates
    2. used to hold your extra napkins
    3. used to cut hair

  62. #1. Forceps for delivering baby cabbage! This one is SO obvious!
    #2. Contraption used to make préservatifs out of pigs bladders. Sort of
    like making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.
    #3. Circumcision tool used only by nobility.

  63. 1, Cheese knife and fork?
    2. toaster
    3. knife

  64. For ice cream serving?

  65. 1.Pickle fork and slicer
    2.Knife holder
    3.cake slicer and server in one
    Corey, your creativity cotinues to inspire me to see life with new eyes

  66. Denise Moulun-Pasek

    O.k. Here goes nothing:
    1. Giggly food server (sliced jello)
    2. Toaster/bread warmer (that you set by a fire or something)
    3. Ice cream slicer
    Phew, that was tough but FUN.

  67. 1. hor d’ovres servers
    2. bread warmer
    3. ice cream knife

  68. Diogenes

    Is #1 a vegetable serving set?

  69. Elaine L.

    1- (assuming it’s a set)
    Sardine Serving set
    2- Knife rest
    3- Jelly roll knife
    I like the new picture!

  70. Catalina

    so first one is to cut and serve a “cochon de lait”
    (instead of a dish)

  71. Britt-Arnhild

    1 – for cutting and serving foie gras
    2 – for knives? or for toasts?
    3 – for cutting and serving quiche lorraine

  72. You have the most amazing readers! What fun to see how imaginative they are. (Or maybe those are serious guesses…oh dear.) But could I ask a question? What is that spooky evocative music in the video? I want to get it for myself so I can hear all of it. Thanks!

  73. This video is amazing. Could be a scene out of a wonderful movie. I kept looking at the stairs, expecting a young woman in a wonderful dress coming down for having dinner for the first time with her new love.
    The music is wonderful and I’m also very curious who it is.

  74. I am ashamed to say I haven’t visited your blog in awhile, it is one of my very favorite blogs too. I enjoyed the clip of dinner by candelight but the visual of your staircase and book nook was a delight.
    I will try harder to pop in more often and enjoy the sights and teases of a French home and village. Thanks for sharing.

  75. Dear Corey,
    the video is sublime, I enjoyed it immensely, merci! Would you be so kind and share the singer, even the CD perchance?

  76. Such a beautiful film, Corey.
    Loved it.

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