The French Silver, Guessing Game Winners are…

silver fois gras serving pieces

Silver serving pieces for fois gras

silver knife holder for a buffet

A silver knife holder
 for a buffet table.

silver ice cream knife
A silver knife to slice ice cream
To cut and serve ice cream, before scoops were a la mode.


Marlis named all three, way to go! I honestly thought I had stumped all of you this time.


The creative winner is Alina. If you haven't read her answer go check it out… beware it is R rated, and hilarious.
Thank you for taking a stab at the French Silver Guessing Game.


13 responses to “The French Silver, Guessing Game Winners are…”

  1. Miss Maddie’s

    Once again Corey you have entertained us, made our brains function and left us laughing.
    Congrats to the winners. My fav was Amy and the mermaid answers.
    xo Susan

  2. BlackPurl

    Congrats to the Ladies who won! I would never, EVER, have guessed fois gras. Never… Clever, clever women.

  3. Is it possible to buy silver from this antique dealer? Does he still have the silver pieces?
    Does he speak English?
    Hi Sarah,
    Yes you can buy silver from Gilles (his phone number is listed on the last post (When calling from outside of France…from the USA dial 011 33 then Omit the O and continue with the rest of the number as is.)
    He might still have those pieces, I do not think he speaks English. But I can call him if you send me your information.

  4. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    I never in a thousand years would have guessed that it takes TWO silver utensils to serve fois gras. And a knife to slice ice cream? Fantastic!
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  5. Oh congratulations to the winners! What gorgeous silver, Corey!! Do you think your French silver connection would bundle up some silver and ship it to the US? I’d LOVE a full set of mismatched gorgeous, heavy, ornate french silverware! I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – you are living my dream!
    Enjoy the day
    xo Isa

  6. So much fun! Congratulation to the winners! Even I did not play, since I had no clue and my imagination is only waking up from long long sleep, it was great to learn!

  7. Wow! That sure was a tricky guessing game…who knew there was ever such a thing as an ice cream slicer!
    Thanks for the fun!

  8. Jend’isère

    I did not need the spoon but you got me hooked into your game. Familiar with French cuisine, I guessed the foie gras service correctly, but did not think of ice cream as a stable. When I read your readers were still stumped I actually walked to an antique silver boutique here in France and showed your items to the owner on her laptop. She thought the first was for fish, then corrected me on the ice cream slicer (before they used scoops).She could not guess the utensil holder and when I showed her how the answers had been revealed, she told me they were rare. Thanks for educating me, your readers and this boutique, who may look at your blog(don’t know if she speaks English).

  9. Beautiful stuff! Unfortunately, I have all of our silver wrapped in flannel and chalk so that it doesn’t tarnish.
    I’m just not a silver polishing girl!

  10. I would like to thank Corey for making this and more possible, the R-rated stuff I mean. 😀

  11. Oh thank you Corey, pun intended, it was a stab in the dark. I had to think in French, then the first off my tongue was fois gras, wishing I had some. Thank you so much for not just the generous gift, the chance to win, but teaching us.

  12. Wandering Chopsticks

    I learned several new things today. I had no idea foie gras warranted its own special serving pieces. And I was stumped on all of them.
    PS Yay! I noticed you posting more recipes and have really been enjoying them, especially Annie’s cabbage rolls. Although, six cups of olive oil. Egads!

  13. Corey,
    I’m a new follower of your blog, and this was my first guessing game participation. It’s not only fun, but a learning experience.
    Thanks for helping broaden my horizon in such an entertaining way!
    Marilyn (in Dallas)

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