
I am an American woman living in France.
She is French woman living in America.

provence countryside

She grew up in a small town in the country.
I grew up in a small town in the country.

Her parents were bilingual. My parents were bilingual.

I have lived in France, for over twenty years.
She has lived Stateside, for over twenty years.

French countryside

Tessa is an  uncommon name for a French girl.
Corey is an uncommon name for an American girl.

I am a shorter than the average American woman.
She is a taller than the average French woman.

French home

I have two teen-aged children: A girl (19) and a boy (16).
She has two teen-aged children: A girl (18) and a boy (15).

I am married to a French man.

She is married to an American man.

faith, a room with a view.

I had cancer.
She had cancer.

wine bottles 

We both love family, home and decorating with old things.

French countryside

I live forty minutes away from where she grew up in France.
She lives forty minutes away from where I grew up in California.

French country house

Her family lives in France. My family lives in California.

 French Man

My father died, in April.
Her father is very ill.

olive trees

We finally met. Last December.

Jardin fountain

Years ago, her father built her a stone fountain in her garden.
Years ago, we built a stone fountain in our garden.


Her father has goldfish that are ten years old.
We have goldfish that are ten years old.

window sill

He worried that he would die, and his goldfish would be alone….


He asked his daughter, "Didn't you say, you met a woman, who lives near me, who has a fountain with goldfish?"

A house in the country

She wrote me.

We now have seven new goldfish, from Tessa's father, in our fountain.



119 responses to “Destiny”

  1. that aaalmost had me in tears!
    there are no coincidences.

  2. Patricia


  3. must have been twins in a previous life!!!…beautiful..

  4. Hasmin Cannon


  5. What a lovely post Corey!

  6. Barbara Sydney Australia

    It’s magic!xx

  7. There are no coincidences in this world, just common paths of life. You were driven by destiny to each other, and this is beautiful.

  8. Catalina

    Oh! this is so beautiful! like a fairy tale. Twins in life.
    (write a book) 🙂

  9. Aww gee. I am glad the goldfish have a new home and that Tessa’s father won’t have to worry about them.
    That was very kind of you to take them in.
    I love coincidences like the ones you listed, written out like that they’re almost a poem.

  10. M-Noëlle

    I love this parallel !!!
    Could be the script of a film !?!
    The pictures are … magical !!!
    7 fish ?!? 7 … symbolical !!!

  11. You two are balancing each other out, making sure the world still turns evenly on its axis, each of you compensating for the expty place the other left behind them on crossing the Atlantic… definitely destiny. And I’m glad the goldfish have a new home.

  12. Jend’isère

    Such links in our lifetimes should be celebrated! Thanks fo sharing those beautiful goldfish. There must be symbolism with these fish “koi”, at least in Japanese culture.

  13. Julie Ann

    That actually made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck ! Beautiful story – a wonderful illustration of life’s symmetry and purpose. God Bless, Jx

  14. Oh Corey, remarkable,heartwarming,just wonderful,brings a tear to my eye.

  15. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    wonderful post ! Strange and funny to read so many similarities …

  16. Christine

    this gave me goose bumps. You have a doppleganger and her sisters and brothers are swimming in your fountain!

  17. Stephanie H.

    I’m stunned. What a great story. You sound like sisters.

  18. …the world is so very little…and yet we are allowed to do so many big things…

  19. That’s really amazing!

  20. Patricia

    Wow! Amazing – How did you find each other? From your blog?

  21. Wonderful story; exquisite pictures.

  22. What a great story, I’m so glad you were able to take the goldfish and ease Tessa’s fathers mind. Where in CA does she live?
    It’s Saint Patrick’s Day, enjoy! I’ll spend the evening holding Nathan (ahhhhh!)

  23. j’ai des frissons!!!
    wow!!! i am speechless…

  24. Wow, what a story, gave me goose bumps when i read it.

  25. Just beautiful, isn’t it. Such a connection; I don’t think it was accidental. : )

  26. Massilianana

    C’est presque incroyable … et merveilleux !!

  27. You never know who or what is around “that” corner. No matter where “that” corner is.

  28. It is like looking in a mirror, what are the odds of that happening in our lifes. It is comforting too I am sure. A real treat. Thanks for sharing it, and the photos are wonderful…speaking of treats and photos,,I got my Somerset Life yesterday and your article really touched me. I have found much encouragement in my cross country move by reading your blog as I have told you. Homesickness is for the birds, but then, like a wound, it slowly heals, and once in a while the scar itches, you rub it and move on, and appreciate what God has given you where you are.
    Blessings in Your Day!

  29. swampgirl

    how delightful!

  30. Kelly Ellis

    some things in life are ment to be and how wonderful to see them play out in life. You never know when you meet someone where it will go,…. even for goldfish….Thanks for all your stories they brighten my day…

  31. Lovely story and wonderful pictures.
    How did you meet? Does she have a blog?

  32. Eileen @ Passions to Pastry

    Oh, how beautiful. I will be thinking of this all day.

  33. Boxwood Cottage

    So many coincidences, well that must be D E S T I N Y! You could make a script for a movie out of this story and sell it to Hollywood, so good does it sound Corey!

  34. This entry left me all choked up and with goosebumps. Destiny indeed. Destiny and life at its best-souls reaching out to one another, making a difference, creating unity.
    This is beautiful Corey. I’m happy you found each other.

  35. Our world is becoming smaller but in a wonderful way……

  36. Beautiful.

  37. La Donna

    I also love the thought prevoking message by Hasmin…
    “ must have been twins in a previous life!!!…beautiful..”

  38. Miss Sandy


  39. Wow. Just wow….

  40. Corey,
    What a beautiful love letter you have written to Tessa and her father. It’s a remarkable tribute to friendship and destiny.
    You are truly an amazing writer and photographer.
    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  41. Jeanette Mc.

    How lucky you both are to have found each other. Small world indeed. Lovely story. Do you have a picture of the two of you?

  42. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    Destiny indeed.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  43. Your Prose is poetry, your lives intertwining and just gently brushing. Your images are also atmospheric and evocative. You are a truly creative person.

  44. Mr. Carriage Clocks

    The pictures are beautiful

  45. Mr. Carriage Clocks

    The picture a beautiful

  46. Mr. Carriage Clocks

    The pictures are beautiful.
    Thank you for the post

  47. Ali at Betty & Violet

    I was totally gripped to the end of this beautiful little story ~ if we are very lucky we discover how our lives are entangled with others. This was meant to be…

  48. Tara Dillard

    I’ve got to go home, fast. The picture you had of the man in the doorway.
    I want that same picture of my Dad.
    He was diagnosed with cancer before Christmas, it’s appearing in new places.
    Thank you………
    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  49. Corey, What a beautiful post! How did the two of you ever find each other? Best Wishes, Kenda

  50. Diogenes

    This is a lovely post.
    And the photo of the grape vines through the window is beautiful.

  51. What a lovely post. You never cease to amaze me.

  52. What a dear story!

  53. Corey, I’ve always loved each and every post you write, yet this one in particular will stay with me for a long time! =)

  54. sandra blanks

    What an amazing and heartwarming story…I have never seen so many similarities in two peoples lives! Truly seems to be fate to have so much in common. You have to tell us the story of how ya’ll met.
    And how wonderful that you are able to give her Dad peace about his goldfish.
    Beautiful pics.

  55. How perfect … life is full of beautiful compositions … it takes someone with your gifts to discover them and offer a glimpse, to reveal them in a way that we can see and share them … many thanks to you, Corey.

  56. Completely and totally enchanting, Corey. Brought tears to my eyes.

  57. Deb (in Indiana)

    I think I would like Tessa’s father. And you. And Tessa. And probably even the goldfish who have come to concretely unite the whole story.
    A lovely event that will go unnoticed to most of the world but will mean so much.

  58. Laura Ellen

    It was meant to be…..such a touching story and beautifully told.

  59. PERFECT!
    I am not the least bit surprised!
    Destiny seems to follow you…
    Like kisses…

  60. shannon in oregon

    i don’t even know what to say, corey. it’s just lovely and true.

  61. Very captivating story! The suspense drew me in until by the end of the story I was holding my breath in anticipation of the conclusion. And, to my surprise, it brought tears. JUST LOVELY!

  62. What a great post today! Spring is a time of renewal and this post seems to be just that, even though for your friend’s father the outcome may be renewal in a different way.

  63. wow. I got goosebumps. God is good. He even cares about an elderly man’s love for his goldfish. I love that.

  64. Character is destiny.
    Tessa’s father’s goldfish have a new home and now fame to add to it. Appropriate Pisces story.

  65. poppy fields

    destiny is beautiful

  66. splendid

    you reaffirm my belief in everything Corey~

  67. Now Tessa’a father has one thing less to worry about and you and Tessa have another connection.

  68. Rosemary

    What a wonderful story. How did you meet? Tears, indeed! I lost my dad six years ago this month and still it brings tears!

  69. A lovely post, Corey! How extraordinary!

  70. This is fantastic…serendipity.
    I would love to hear a bit more of the story…

  71. Die Rabenfrau

    What a wonderful surprising accumulation of things! It really gives me the heebie-jeebies. Where do you get to know each other?

  72. wow, the tidal wave has commenced. Amazing how He works. 🙂

  73. Beautifully written with a wonderful connection at the end.

  74. This such a beautiful entry, Corey! It gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. What a blessing you and Tessa must be to one another.
    If you perchance read this, Tessa, my thoughts are with you.

  75. Such poignant destiny indeed. Lovely.

  76. Marina Capano

    Hi! Nice to meet you! you have wonderful blog! I love your pics, just beautiful!
    A lovely post, Corey! How extraordinary!
    mi admiración!
    visit me anytime…
    Marina at Only cute things

  77. Some things are just meant to be….

  78. Beautiful story. Beautiful house and vineyards too.

  79. a most interesting post and i thoroughly enjoyed it.
    thanks for sharing this with us.

  80. Another beautiful post by Corey.

  81. peg karrasch

    Your two souls were waiting all that time to join in the most miraculous way. What a sweet story. Peggy from PA

  82. Linda Hanselman

    I am a true believer that people come into our lives for a reason. Good or bad, friend or foe they are all here for us to learn and receive the blessing that God chooses to give us. Our job is to listen.

  83. Carol Kitchell

    Holy heck! There are no “coincidences” like that. Surely God has more chapters to add to this story!

  84. Corey – your beautiful story gave me goosebumps!

  85. awesome!! **meant to be**

  86. Corey this is beautiful and very touching. I enjoy your posts, as they are always so well written.

  87. Oh Corey! What a beautiful story…destiny is a wonderful thing!

  88. Tara Frey

    This is by far, my favorite post Corey. Just beautiful in everyway. Thank you for sharing such a sweet story. xo

  89. BlackPurl

    This is a startlingly beautiful post.

  90. Kimberly

    I don’t know what to say. I am speechless in a wonderful way. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  91. Bucks county,PA

    My daughter just put me on to your blog. BEAUTIFUL.
    I love your pictures.

  92. Destiny…arriving on the doorstep of someone who keeps her door open to all possibilties.
    You touch my heart daily.


  94. Lemon Tree Tami

    Isn’t it a small world sometimes? I’m glad that your fountain has 7 new friends. 🙂
    Ah, we spent the weekend in Willows at the Thunderhill racetrack. The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Friday … stunning blue skies. I thought about you as we drove along the little highway and saw all the farm land.

  95. What a magnificent story. Just like out of a movie. I’m so glad you have connected with this wonderful woman. It is serendipitous.

  96. Lynne Stevens

    Such synchronicity. The tale of the goldfish is like a fairytale. Corey, I know you have a Portugese background. There is a story on NPR today about Duartes in Pescadero. I’m sure you know it. I like a lot of the same things you do.
    Lynne in Berkeley

  97. We are all here for a reason. You touch so many lives. The American goldfish will love the French goldfish I’m sure.

  98. Let me rephrase the French/American lady’s father’s goldfish will love the American/French lady’s goldfish. Whew! Hard to get that all out.

  99. becky up the hill

    Lovely poignant story…only the thought crossed my mind. I hope she didn’t end up in East Biggs, 40 minutes away from where you grew up. Please tell me that is not so, insert smile here, I suppose there are worst places to grow up…I actually love where I grew up. Only now my rose colored glasses are gone. It was and is a beautiful story Corey.

  100. An Enchanted Cottage

    “He worried that he would die, and his godfish would be alone.” That is where the tears, that had been welling up in my eyes, started flowing… What a touching post, Corey… Written only the way you could write it… Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  101. Jend’isère

    100 comments on this story alone shows that its merit.Updates as they unfold would be appreciated!

  102. Such beauty, both words and photos… how I have missed my visits to your blog of late… g xo

  103. M-Noëlle

    I ‘ve come back to this post to sip the pictures and to enjoy the story …
    Un festin !!! (= a feast)

  104. Love the pictures! Love the story!

  105. What an amazing world, isn’t it? It will be interesting to see how things unfold more between you through life.
    I cried when you wrote that her father didn’t want to die and leave his goldfish alone 🙁 Maybe he’ll come visit his little fish – you were so kind to take them. Maybe now you have another friend like Annie!
    This was beautiful.
    xo Isa

  106. Courtney

    glorious entry and touching story Corey.

  107. I just love this story you have told, and the way you have told it. I have been back to look at it again and again. If it were a small bound book I would need it on my bedside table to read before bed- to feed my dreams of livining in France.

  108. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Corey, that was beautiful, and the photos with your words perfectly told the story. You and French Husband are “good people” as we say in Oklahoma.~~Dee

  109. Beautiful story with a beautiful ending.

  110. Corey… that’s just about one of the best stories I’ve read in Blogdom… Destiny… the perfect word to describe the story.
    blessings. Dixie

  111. I love this story Corey ~ thank you for sharing!

  112. beautiful life moments like these gives me chills. in a good way, of course.

  113. Ohhh…I so enjoy reading your blog posts, Corey. You are a good storyteller.

  114. PS: I think think it says alot about Tess’s father – that he would care so much about goldfish. And then, that says alot about you and FH. That you would take them home.

  115. Debbie in CA : )

    Life . . . real, quirky, touching, funny, heartbreaking, amazing, lively . . . REAL, always real. That’s what makes each day a joy regardless of the ruts in the road that may cause a stumble and a tear.
    This post is pure poetry, my dear. Your gift lends a gift to me. Merci beaucoup.

  116. Corey,
    What tenderness!!!!! We just read the story on your blog……. Thank you for
    taking the fish and meeting with my dad. I just talked to him and he was very
    pleased that they went to a good home. I don’t know how those poor fish
    survived in his aquarium for so many years. He had meant to build them a bassin
    for years but his health declined so quickly that he never got to it. My father
    has always had gold fish, the only pets he really liked. When he was a kid, in
    Holland, water was a very big part of his childhood and he carried the love for
    ponds, plants, fish, frogs and sailing for the rest of his life. Giving up his
    fish was a big step.
    Thank you.

  117. Lovely, lovely… the way that blogs let us send pieces of love and of ourselves into the world. Lovelier, the way they are so often received by hearts that beat in time with ours.

  118. Shelley Noble

    The wonderful power of the world wide web. How lovely.

  119. I’m trying to do some catching up here Corey and I’m reading backwards – this one brought tears to my eyes. What a gift and treasure to find a kindred spirit. You are indeed sisters of the heart.

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