Pajama Party


Photos and Text by Corey Amaro:

This is French Husband's youngest cousin, Anais. Luckily, I am able to watch her once a week. She tries to say my name, Coco, but instead it comes out: Caca. The first time she said it, I thought she had to go to the bathroom. I thought to myself, this little baby is amazing she knows how to tell me that she has to go to the bathroom.
I later figured out that she pronounces my name Coco like Caca. I thought about changing my name to Lala.

Yesterday, I spent the day with Anais. In the evening I gave her a bath.
she was scared, the old claw-foot tub must have looked like a monster
to her. But after a few minutes she was splashing like an otter and
soaking me to the bone.
I forgot, but was quickly reminded of the details of giving a baby a bath:

1. First and foremost, you need to have everything you need at arm's length because one can never take their eye off of a baby in a bathtub.

2. Babies pee when in water.

3.Then without fail, they drink the water! 

4. Wear a raincoat when giving a baby a bath, you will get wet.


5. Taking a wet, wiggly, wanna-be a fish out of the water, is harder than catching a whale with a teacup!

6. Whoever designs baby's pajamas– I want to talk to you.

Why do you make them so complicated to put on? Why do you have to put snaps in the oddest places? Have you ever tried to put your pajama contraptions on a baby? Please remember: If it takes a rocket scientist to figure out how to put the baby's pajamas on, fore-go the design.

Anais' pajamas were a work out to put on. She braved it without wiggling or catching a cold. I barely could tell the arms from the leg slots. In the end her pajamas were on backwards.

All was well until dinnertime, when I forgot to put on her bib. Anais spit out her zucchini, with sweet corn, pureed with red beets, (I won't ask, "Who creates baby food?") and it splattered down the front of her pajamas, soaking through to her under tee-shirt.

She cried… "Caca, Caca, Caca…" (I said caca too, in the english version. Of course I did not say it out loud! As you know, babies repeat everything.) and I am certain she cried because she was thinking, Oh no, not this pajama thing again!


33 responses to “Pajama Party”

  1. Shelley Noble

    hee hee hee. So adorable both Anais and the way you told the tale of your whale in a teacup.

  2. Aw, poor both of you. haha. but its great that you get to see her every week. must be nice (most of the time, when pajamas are not involved.):P

  3. She is so beautiful. The pale colours of your photos reflect her babyness (is that a word?) You look like you enjoy your special time with her. Any time you feel like taking my three for an afternoon….

  4. Boxwood Cottage

    You cracked me up once again Corey!
    LMAO what a story!
    I had a good laugh about french husband loving your cooking too btw.
    Thanks for making me laugh on my boring office day!
    xoxo Carola

  5. Boxwood Cottage

    P.S.: Hope the rain in the South of France has stopped by now or should I send you some sun from Nothern Germany?

  6. Such a sweet face and a sweet story!!!

  7. I could just eat this adorable child with a spoon! Makes me miss my daughters’ younger days. I love the little pony tails. Can you tell I miss my own daughters’ younger days? Great story!

  8. Such a delightful post.

  9. So sweet and precious indeed.
    Love you
    Beautiful child

  10. So true on all of the above. It’s funny how we forget this stuff and then in the joy of watching a baby it all comes back to us. And she is beautiful.

  11. What a beautiful baby girl! Sounds like you had a sweet time with her. I am looking forward to giving baby Nate a bath… hasn’t happened yet.

  12. lovely pictures of Anais! Thank you for giving me a laugh this morning!

  13. too funny!

  14. This story and photo of such a darling little girl are exactly why I keep returning to enjoy your blog on a daily basis! Funny, beautiful, down-to-earth, just a simply delightful read and the perfect way to start the day! You capture the situation and blend the perfect amount of humor to describe it! Thanks!

  15. You make me laugh!!! Oh, I remember those days – sigh. Anais is absolutely beautiful!!

  16. This brought back wonderful memories. Your photos are beautiful
    I had the pleasure of giving my Grandson a bath just two weeks ago…wish I had had your list of advise…anyway it was fun getting soaked. His laughter at seeing me soaked was well worth it.
    I tried to dress my little Granddaughter in her Petit Bateau pajamas…I know what you mean about the snaps…I don’t think my Daughter in law was impressed with my efforts.

  17. Quietly chuckling over my keyboard this morning, Corey. Thanks!

  18. Rosemary

    So cute! You are so funny CaCa!!
    Thanks for the great baby tips, as my daughter is expecting her first baby in Sept. I bet I will be having some pajama parties of my own.
    Have a great day!

  19. I’ve never tried bathing a baby. Bathing two large dogs is enough of a challenge-thank goodness they don’t require pajamas!
    Anais is beautiful but I’ve noticed there is no one average looking in your families-they all look like models.

  20. Hilarious! And sweet and warm … Anais is yummy and she already speaks French … or is that a universal word? It’s amazing how healing caring for a little one for a day or so can be … I can vouch that grandparenting is good medicine … sometimes exhausting but always wonderful! Love keeping up with you, CaCa-Corey …

  21. Julie Ann Evins

    Enjoyed that and every minute worth it from getting soaked to the pj wrestle, Jx

  22. O, Anais is so sweet. I miss giving baths to babies, i miss kissing their feet an d bellies. Even trying to give a hug to my 7 year old is impossible.
    Looks like you had lot of fun Corey.

  23. I’m smiling with the memories of bathing wriggly babies – is there anything sweeter than a freshly bathed baby?
    I bet you are a favourite with the little ones!

  24. what an angelic child! perfect little light being!

  25. Brother Mathew

    Love the pigtail, cute little sweet!

  26. That was marvelous and brought back memories of the children and grandchildren when they were little. Anais is adorable – as are all the children in your two families – you capture the moment with perfection Corey.
    Congrats. to Chelsea – a B.A. at 18 is wonderful – she will go far in life.
    I’m off home to England on Sat., but unfortunately won’t get to France this trip. Will blow you a X across the Channel though!

  27. Anais is so beautiful, Corey. Such lovely eyes. You have me smiling with this post. 🙂

  28. Hello dear Corey. What a beautiful little girl. It sounds like you have a wonderful time with her (except the jammies). My youngest daughter’s name is Lauren and we call her Lolo on occasion. I chuckled at what the little darling calls you. =) I’ve been away from the blogs for some time and I sincerely miss yours. I won’t let so much time pass before I say hello again. I’ve missed your photos, writing and spirit.

  29. Corey,
    LOL!!! She is cute.

  30. Elaine L.

    Babies are so wonderful!

  31. KindaSassy

    Grrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeat …. so now my uterus is sending out VIBES to me… and I thought I was safe on this webpage! LOL

  32. Alexandra

    Thanks for the giggles. She is beautiful…red beets are not fun to get out of clothes!
    I’m 43, but I have a little one who is three, and I am enjoying babyhood with so much more appreciation as an older mom. Love the babies.
    BTW, mine still drinks the bath water, yuck.

  33. BWSchneider

    I too laughed. I have to share that when my niece was younger she would call me Burge or Bird. I knew she was calling me Bridge. But then when it came to pronouncing my full name: Bridget… I was Bird-s**t. So Caca or Bird stuff… It still makes me laugh. TFS your story. My niece is now 32 and I had forgotten about it.
    Always. Always enjoy your blog.

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