For Steven

Beverly, a blogging friend of mine, has a son, Steven, who has Von Hippel Lindau a life threatening disease.
He has made a video about his illness, and entered it into a contest, in hopes to win a free ticket to go to a conference about the disease that he has.
I want Steven to win, please can you click on his YOUTUBE video so he can win. Each time someone clicks on his video he gains a point, the video with the most points wins a free ticket to the conference in California.

hit the link and watch the video
every day until the 30th of April!

Steven's Video

Beverly said,

"The two minutes that you (and friends) spend watching this video could
mean so much to my sweet boy…exponentially more than you could ever

Each time someone watches his video he scores a point

For more information about Steven check Beverly's blog.
Thank you.


14 responses to “For Steven”

  1. Done and done. And I linked to my fb. 😉
    Good luck to him!
    Thank you!

  2. Rosemary

    Hi Chris,
    I watched the video. I have to say I have never heard of this one before.
    I hope he wins!!!

  3. Rosemary

    Hi again Corey,
    I don’t know what I was thinking while typing the last comment. Anyway I’m sorry for typing Chris. I did watch this video, and I hope he wins, and they find some cure for this thing.

  4. Marcia Miner

    I am passing this on.
    You’re a good woman Cory..

  5. i hope he wins too,
    with an attitude like that he already puts most of us to shame
    i’ll sit and click all night while i’m on the computer.
    Corey you’re awesome, do you know that!

  6. I’ll be here everyday, Corey and I’m passing it around. FB will become my best friend with this video too.

  7. Britt-Arnhild

    Two minds thinking alike.
    I got the same email from my friend Beverly. First I added the link to facebook and twitter, asking people to help Steven win. Then I said to myself that there had to be more I could do, and I made a blog post. Now I see that you have done the same.
    Go Steven, go!

  8. Steven has a great attitude. I hope he wins . I will view everyday and have passed the link and info on to all in my address book and asked that they also watch it everyday and pass it on to their friends…
    Best wishes

  9. Cory,
    You’re amazing! Truly amazing!
    And you made me cry this morning (good tears…of joy).
    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
    Beverly and Steven
    and the Angotti family

  10. Jeanette M.

    I just keep clicking on the video in another browser. Is there some sort of fund to help him go to the conference if he does’t win?

  11. Done. I will tell as many people as I know about it. He needs to go.

  12. Diogenes

    Done. 🙂

  13. Deb (in Indiana)

    I sent this to twenty-five friends from my email list. (Thanks Cory) I invite everyone to do the same! We WILL get this boy to CA..(Maybe you can stop and see him there on your bike trip Corey!)

  14. christophe

    Good…good…good !

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