A Pot of Flowers against an Orange Wall

Pot of flowers On the end of my street sits a large clay pot full of hydrangeas (For the life of me, I cannot pronounce the word hydrangeas.) I have been admiring it for weeks, and it just dawned on me that it is fake. I would have never guessed it in a million years (okay, maybe not a million, but the word a "million" describe exaggerated thought beautifully.)

Those hydrangeas had me fooled.

Imagine my red cheeks, when the neighbor leaned out of her second, floor window, like the sun and said,

"They are not real, but they are beautiful aren't they?"


24 responses to “A Pot of Flowers against an Orange Wall”

  1. That makes me smile, for some reason. I don’t know why.

  2. They sure look real…
    I have fake blue ones in
    my home.
    If you really want to pronounce
    the word, break it up into the
    That is how it is pronounced
    where I live.

  3. Jend’isère

    if they are real to you, they are real.

  4. Alison Gibbs

    How wonderful the orange and pink look together

  5. They are beautiful and they brought you joy.
    How wonderful.
    Love you
    Jeanne ^j^

  6. Rabenfrau

    So perhaps the french “hortensia” is better for you 😉 I think I would bee fooled, too, with this flowerpot!

  7. What a sweet and short story. If you start smelling them then I’ll start being concerned.

  8. That’s funny. I would have been fooled as well.

  9. I’m not sure why but that tickles me.

  10. also the Italian name is probably easier: Ortensia…

  11. They look like real, even got holes in their leaves!
    a couple of weeks ago here
    I posted some photos of beautiful hydrangeas in Hong Kong.
    and check out my post full of pictures at Hong Kong flower market too.
    The Russian name of hydrangeas is ‘gortensia’.

  12. marty39

    How funny. They do look real. Hugs, Marty

  13. Had to smile, Corey. This reminds me of a time I was so enchanted by the color of a plant I saw once in Mendocino that I just HAD to touch it. What a shock to discover it was plastic!! However, like the hydrangea/ortensia, its unrealness didn’t detract from its beauty at all.

  14. The best trickery is that which leaves us stunned! Wonderful faux-pas my dear!

  15. Nice flowers. Thank you for the tour of France and for letting us know how Daisy is doing. She is so beautiful!

  16. Betty M

    They are so beautiful. One of life’s lessons is being fooled by something that is not real.

  17. georgie

    Isn’t it funny how certain words are impossible for us to pronounce correctly? I have the same problem with the word annals (as in journal). My boss did a spit laugh when I told him his copy of Annals of Internal Medicine was in and misprounced the word. At least I used a word related to the human body-how embarrassing!

  18. I have lots of fake flowers at my house. If they were real, their life span would be SHORT. I am an accidental plant killer.

  19. Julie M.

    West coast, USA, at least for me…for my favorite flower which does not grow in the mountains where I now live…Hide-range-uh… Though, years ago, I worked in a boutique with a gal who called them, “Hide-RAN-geeuhz.”
    : )
    Julie M.

  20. It’s OK to pretend they are real! 🙂

  21. I love those plants, you cant say it, I cant spell it. Maybe I should try a fake one, do they come in a giant fake shrub size. I dont have enough shade in my yard.

  22. Hi Corey:
    I love the color of the hydrangeas at your neighbors!!! I gazed upon them and had to write about growing up with them on either side of our front porch in Fowler, California an even smaller town than Willows : ) Dirt roads, ditches to swim in (I thought it quite proper to catch Polliwogs while swimming in the irrigation ditches and all brought to the front of my mind with your post on your neighbors hydrangeas : )
    Thank you friend

  23. susanna

    Hah! But then, I think the boxwood and topiaries in your back yard look pretty realistic, too!

  24. Carol Maggs

    My daughter and I love Hydrangeas, she would like them on the tables for her wedding. Did you make the rose jam? Do you have a recipe for it?
    Take care
    Carol x

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