The Harley Ride

Photo and text by: Corey Amaro

We rode over a hundred miles on *the uncomfortable, twenty year old, Honda 600 yesterday.
We rode pass men working in the vineyards.
We rode amongst mustard fields in full bloom.
We rode while red poppies waited to wake up and break through the turned soil.
We rode under a few clouds which added texture to a blue sky.
We rode until our butts hurt.
I rode with confidence and didn't squeeze French Husband's waist as tightly as I did before.
French Husband felt my ease and tempted my trust with tighter turns. I imagined dancing, and being dipped, it wasn't as scary that way.
We visited friends, had lunch, and when night fell we drove through the back roads home.

Three hours riding. Now the question is: Could I do this five or six hours everyday for three weeks?

The fact is: This morning my butt still hurts.

* We are riding on this mean machine as a way to prepare for the possible Harley ride this summer. French Husband says, "If you can ride this mean machine, you can endure the Harley with ease."
But the real question is: Can my backside (with its cushioning) handle it?


36 responses to “The Harley Ride”

  1. Keep up the practice rides and you will be able to do it. Sorry about the “sore buns.” 🙂

  2. Gina Baynham

    There must be some kind of antique cushion that ladies in years gone by placed under their derrieres when horse riding? maybe if you keep your eyes open at the next few Brocante days you might find something to relieve future sore posteriors!

  3. I love this post. My husband is dying to do the same thing. You are brave! Sounds like such fun….for most body parts! Great blog. Thanks!

  4. Ride Corey Ride!!! Maybe riding pants would help??

  5. I bet your buns will get used to it. Surely there is some toughening up that will occur to make it easier and easier and less painful. I can’t believe I just said that. Oh well, stick with it! I’m sure it will be worth it all in the end.

  6. Beverly

    Keep practicing! I’m getting excited to here of the plans for the summer ride!

  7. Miss Sandy

    You can do it!!!!

  8. The dips and turns, scenery, wind, holding onto French husband is what your memories will yield. Not the “fanny fatigue.” Bare with it! (And find a seat cushion. Check out

  9. I’ve wondered how you would hold up on this adventure…..I know my butt would revolt. But then the prospect of seeing you fly down a New Mexico backroad took over and I woke up hours later……what a cool dream. See you soon? Maybe in Santa Fe at Cafe Pasquale??? Or the Tune Up Cafe???????

  10. Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

    I believe so because as the French husband has mentioned, a Honda 600 is NOT a Harley. I had a Honda 750 and the ride is in no way similar to a Harley. The suspensions are different the seat is different. You could get a piece of lambs wool to sit on and that might help.
    I cannot say that the cross country trip will be easy. But you will come away with a new found confidence in yourself and an appreciation for the countryside of America.
    – Suzanne

  11. I can honestly tell you a Harley is quite comfortable. My hubby and I have 3 of them and they all ride smooth and comfy, they were made for travel, you’ll love it! (and so will your buns!)

  12. You are doing the right thing. You have to get your body “ride ready.” Enjoy that time holding on to your man!

  13. martina

    Norwegian Grandma had a word for a tired posterior from sitting “tresmag”. Don’t know if it is a proper Norwegian word or not. Corey-you know you can last on the Harley-just make sure you have the wrist strap on when you are taking photos of the journey. I’ll have champagne and canapes waiting for you when you get here.

  14. shannon in oregon

    i say you will be able to handle it!! you have to build up to it, but by starting out a few hours at a time, it will be no problem! 🙂 plus, the harley’s have really cushioned seats these days!

  15. Rebecca

    You can get a gel-filled cushion that goes on top of the motorcyle seat. I ride on the back of DH Harley and wouldn’t be without it. Mine is called – are you ready for this- “Butt Buffer”. Here’s their web site: Before I added the cushion, it felt like I was riding on a brick!! Don’t give up the dream ride.

  16. I think its fantastic that your practicing, it is sure to help. I know when you first start out horseback riding your sore, so Im sure its the same for motorcycle riding.

  17. Deb (in Indiana)

    I rode a Honda for three months all over the US when I was young, riding about 7-10 hours per day. I think I would have lasted about a tenth of that time if it had been a are a heckofa woman Corey!
    Deb in IN

  18. Your butt will get used to it! We’re waiting for you!!!

  19. julie holvik

    Corey, if you can with stand that bike, it will feel like you are setting on a cloud when you get on the Harley. It’s great practice. One other thing, off the subject. I wanted to get the name or website of the place you stayed at in Westport. Doug and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding ann. and we were thinking of that spot, maybe. Now, he tells me last night how about a party? But, I would like the info anyway.
    thanks, cousin Julie

  20. I grew up around machinery (farm and all)… could drive a tractor long before I was old enough to have a driver’s license… rode dirt bikes with my boyfriend like a maniac (I was silly young), but I learned to respect the machines. Sounds like FH does just that as well, and I’m sure he would never risk his Cheri.
    Harley’s (except for perhaps my Sportster) are made for comfortable long rides… not like the crotch-rockets that zip around our neck of the woods. Your backside may be a bit sore now and then, but ride anyway. The more you do, the more you’ll toughen up (in a good way), and you’ll soon learn to trust, relax and enjoy. Ride … and if per chance you that ride takes place anywhere near our neck of the woods, we’ve welcome you all for a rest stop.

  21. Christina

    It’s probably like horseback riding, once you condition your gluteus muscles it will be much easier. And Harley’s are fun to ride!!!

  22. Have to admit, the photo that presented itself here was a total surprise. I like how you mixed this romantic image with your fun roadtrip report.

  23. FrenchBlue

    It sounds worth the butt ache to me:)

  24. There are ‘gell seats’ you could buy and put on your Harley. They make the ride more enjoyable. We are going to Canada this year on ours. I know you will have lots of fun!

  25. Fun! I can understand. My husband has a hobby collecting and restoring old motorcycles and we rode with his motorcycles, I like so much!! it is so fun!.
    but Do you know? With the Harley you dont happen this !
    from Argentina
    end the world

  26. susanna

    Sounds like a perfect day with your husband, Corey. Very romantic! Maybe you’ll get used to sitting on a bike for hours…or just take more breaks? I think you’ll have an amazing time traveling throughout the U.S. on a Harley. Imagine the stories that you’ll be able to tell afterwards! Maybe you can go on a weekend-long ride in France or other parts of Europe before taking on the U.S. highways?

  27. Jend’isère

    Imagine riding in carriages or horseback sweating in scratchy lace and wearing a corset while advancing litte towrds a destination. Your forefathers did it, so this should be a breeze. At least you wil sleep well.

  28. Jamie V

    I have to echo previous posts! A honda is not a Harley or BMW… it will definitely help to get some practice trips in…! Still hopin’ you’ll make the trip. We’d love to see you here in Montana and would have a place for you to rest your weary selves! Jamie V

  29. Wow, I spent 1 1/2 hours behind my hubby on our Harley on Friday so “I feel your pain”. Any more than 3 hours would be murder for me.

  30. pauline


  31. Elaine L.

    It would definitely be a different experience on a Harley. They’re made for longer trips.
    That jell seat sounds perfect.

  32. I just came back from a 4 days trip on a bike with a bunch of friends, and it’s been the most wonderful time! Yes, my but hurts, but I’m happy and I can’t wait for the next time, in a less than a month.

  33. yes, you can endure the Harley ride! I did it in January.. 5 or 6 hours a day, riding through glorious countryside here in Australia, just me and my gorgeous guy..
    my butt did not hurt one bit. they are the best bikes!!
    I go almost every weekend with him and love it.

  34. If you swing by North Idaho, I would host you with my young family (two year old and baby…) but would love to meet the author of such a fun blog…I’m enraptured=)
    karen bryan

  35. Dee/reddirtramblings

    We take a lot of rides like this, only not as long. Where I’d like to take you and FH? Along the backroads to a small Mexican (mid-country) Mexican restaurant just outside of Stillwater. It’s a new find for me, and you would love the food and the beautiful art painted throughout the building.~~Dee

  36. Wow.what a sculpture…………
    harley motorcycles

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