Would You like to Join us for Dinner?

kitchen debris You will need to bring a chair, some ready-made food, and paper plates.

Guess what we had for dinner last night?

The kitchen is in a million pieces, and I won't mention the dust.

I'll be back later this evening with more kitchen news, now I need to create a make shift kitchen.


25 responses to “Would You like to Join us for Dinner?”

  1. I’ll bring the cereal!

  2. Catalina

    courage! afterwards it will be a even more wonderful kitchen! Wish you were closer…I would have an excuse to prepare something good and bring it to you.

  3. when we did our kitchen over last fall we did our dishes in the tub

  4. We have just finished our kitchen and survived 10 weeks of renovating it. We lived like we were camping but it is worth it so l am sure you will think so too. Good luck

  5. Gina Baynham

    Our house is being renovated after the flood 3 months ago, painters have moved everything so tonights dinner is easy and requires very little table settings. We are eating a big bowl of left over bolognaise. A big bag of nacho chips so we don’t need forks, just scoop and eat, scoop and eat! Sounds like it would be a perfect dinner for your kitchen too! Want to share?!

  6. Margaret

    You are most welcome at our place, lol. Poor you but you have a new kitchen at the end, that should keep your spirits up.

  7. Julie Ann Evins

    Wooooooohooooooooooo the renovations are underway ! Keep calm & carry on ! Jx

  8. We did some remodeling of our kitchen last year, used the bathroom sink, cooked outside and adore the new kitchen. Well worth the mess and aggravation!!!

  9. How exciting that you are getting a new kitchen! Can’t wait to see photos! 🙂 Silke

  10. Melanie

    Oh, I know how that is ….
    When our kitchen was remodeled, I was pregnant and had a toddler to care for with no kitchen for about 6 weeks.
    The end product is so worth it!

  11. Oh to be able to just come over to your house! If I could, not only would I bring chairs and plates I would even cook the meal for you…my only request would be to let me plunder in your “stash”(brocante goodies). Good luck with your exercise in patience during all this, I know it will turn out so perfect!

  12. Ed in Willows

    I have 2 friends who recently rodeled their kitchens. They did all the work themselves. It took each a couple moths to finish their projects. They both ended up going out to dinner many times but when eating at home, they had set up make shift camp sites in their back yards, complete with lawn chairs, camp stoves and camp tables. Maybe this would have been a good time to take that bike ride in America. You would have missed all the dust and come home to a new kitchen.

  13. Ed in Willows

    oops…………remodeled, not redoled

  14. Betty M

    Hope you are going to save a few pieces of your old tile to incorporate into your home.

  15. It will be wonderful! Enjoy the “camping” experience with regards to food prep.

  16. Bramble

    My guess for dinner…Pizza? Typical American default dinner but not sure for you in France! We cooked on camp stoves, the grill, and a turkey fryer for about 6 weeks and it was alot of fun, but we also did it when we were able to enjoy dining alfresco in late Spring/Early Summer. Hope the “re-construction” goes well! No matter how bad it looks now, it WILL get better! And it is just best to let the dust win at this point!

  17. KindaSassy

    I’ll bring a large package of paper plates and plastic *shudder* cutlery and a big dish of home made veggie lasagne!

  18. Rosemary

    Love kitchen updates!!
    I know that dust, we just had our kitchen done too!! It gets worse before it gets better.

  19. It will be worth it. I remember standing at the bathroom sink with the dish drainer sitting on the toilet lid and wondering what had happened to my orderly life…

  20. I hope you had pizza made in your outdoor oven and not a bucket of rocks!
    When we renovated our kitchen two years ago I had the use of the old fridge and oven in the dining room and the concrete sink in the basement. We used the crock-pot so much that I hardly ever use it anymore!

  21. Hummmm, I made a comment recently about how good your kitchen was looking. Clearly, I was not looking at your kitchen. Either that or that good looking kitchen is going to look even better shortly.

  22. lvofing the updates, keep us informed. I bet you used your oven in that little space and made pizza.

  23. Stone soup! I like how you’re keeping us all in suspense here… not a peep about the real plans… (:

  24. Franca Bollo

    Maybe the neighbors will invite you over for bunny stew!
    Hi Franca Bollo
    Or maybe cat stew, or dog stew or little bird stew… all their pets could be tasty. The three bunnies were first to go.

  25. I read that book when I was in grade school. Really good!

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