Photos and text by Corey Amaro
A field full of red poppies. The beginning sign of summer in Provence.
First come the poppies, than the lavender, followed by the sunflowers.
It is rare, but possible to see the three colors blooming, side by side, along the back roads of Provence.
What a happy surprise it is to find a field of poppies, spring before your eyes. This field was on the way to my friend's house at La Madone. I pulled my car over, as far as I could on the tiny back road and jumped out. I only wish I had Toto and the Scarecrow to run through the field with me… instead I heard the Wicked Witch mimicking: "Poppies my Pretty!"
In France there is a tradition that when you eat the first strawberry, or cherry, or fig, of the season you make a wish. (Of course it only works and has meaning in a country where fruits and vegetable are appreciated and grown locally, verses being imported from another place, out of season.) Often you will hear a French person say, "This is my first strawberry of the season, I'm going to make a wish." It is a way of honoring the season, a way to celebrate renewal, rebirth, to connects us to the past with the present.
Usually the first poppies appear by the beginning of March, but a field of poppies happen towards the middle of May. Like honoring the first strawberry, or cherry, or fig of the season, I like to honor poppies and a whole wide world of other "first of the season" too. It reminds me to keep my eyes open and take note of the first things that appear each season.
Things like… Poppies, caterpillars, bees, swallows, the evening owl, the full moon, the first frost, the fist time the tiles are too cold under foot means winter is close at hand.
Today is the first day in over a month, that there is a brocante and it isn't raining!
I am going to celebrate that big time.
Happy celebrating the "Firsts" of the season's best!
Notes: SItes to Enjoy
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