Living with a French Man

cliff of cap de morgiou

Photo and text by Corey Amaro

A repost from 2006, as I am picking cherries today.

French Husband and I went hiking in the calanques,
(along the rugged coastline between Cassis and Marseille,) our starting point was
a charming obscure little port called, Morgiou. French Husband told me to bring a
book, he said, "I'm going to rope down the Cap de Morgiou,
while I do that you can sit behind a rock, and read in the sun."

The day was cold with a strong Mistral blowing. Sit in the sun he said… and read a book, while he ropes down a sheer face
cliff? Every voice inside of me was screaming, "Don't go!"

I grabbed my camera and went.

My husband's back pack was full of rope, hooks, clips, things I don't
know the names of, plus water, some granola bars, a helmet and other rock
climbing paraphernalia. His backpack was bigger and heavier than me. I carried
myself, my camera and a book.

(If you click on the photo you will see French Husband hanging midway, on a rope. Doesn't that look easy breezy?)

Forty-seven minutes worth of breathing hard and worried that I was going
to slip and fall, or be blown off the cliff. French Husband casually said, "Okay,
this is where I am going to drop down, if you want Corey you can hike
over there and watch me." Looking around I did not see any rock to sit
behind, nor any cozy place to keep warm. "Oh. Okay." I said with a smile, but underneath I had to encourage myself, "You won't fall, your strong, you're not a blond-haired-butter-ball, you can do it, you're a big girl, the wind
isn't going to blow you off the cliff.
Carefully, with my head down bearing the Mistral wind, I finally arrived
on the other side. I saw for the first time the reality of what French Husband does; He was HANGING on a rope! My mouth hit the stony ground and I felt like I was going to vomit. Then the second truth came to mind, "SACHA does this too!" I didn't want to look, but then again, I dared not too. I was terrified!

It reminded me of my Father… every Friday
night after he had milked the cows, we would hop in his pick-up truck
and go to Cycle-Land, a flat track, motorcycle, speedway, where he would
race. Sitting in the bleachers I would feel the same feeling that I had on those cliffs! Terrific fear. The sense that my stomach was in my mouth.

I don't dig the feeling of fear.

Half way down the cliff the wind caught French Husband, he started to swing
back and forth and was twirling around and around! Who could read a book
while that was going on? There were some other hikers behind me, they
commented on how crazy that person was… "Is he out of his mind to be rock climbing in this wind." I agreed
with them, and didn't mention that the crazy person was my husband.


Standing there watching French Husband I
forgot that I was cold, I forgot that I was very close to the edge, I
forgot that I had a book, and I nearly forgot to take a picture of him
hanging there!

As he hung off the cliff, being twirled around by the Mistral, he waved at me. He was mad, as in crazy mad, not angry mad. Yes, flat out, crazy mad.

I prayed:
"I will never complain about any form of housework again, if he makes it
back alive God. Then I thought, "Great! Now, I am bartering with God over the life of my husband and housework."

Slowly he made his way back to the
top, he was smiling and his enthusiastic energy was evident, as I ran back to his side of the cliff. The first thing he said was,

"Did you take a picture of me?"

I stared at that mass of fearless

"Yann!, You looked like a worm on a hook! Ready for some
starving fish to jump out of the sea and swallow you up in one
delicious gulp!" He didn't hear my fear, nor see my anger, nor my desire to kill him so that he could never die by doing that crazy maddness again. Instead he shook his pretty head, and laughed with pleasure!

My Frenchman, and no complaining about housework again. But then again, God knows me.


20 responses to “Living with a French Man”

  1. Isn’t it interesting how we often end up marrying our father? LOL…well, Corey, finally you have posted something about your significant other I am not jealous about! I WOULD have thrown up and passed out!

  2. I think I would have had a heart attack!!!
    Hope you picked lots of cherries!!! How’s Annie?

  3. Gulp! It must have been the testosterone…

  4. Marilyn

    I think I would have had a heart attack, as well!
    But, I have to say, that is an amazing picture you posted.
    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  5. Diogenes

    Yikes! There is no way I could do that…couldn’t even get close to the edge.

  6. Margaret H.

    Wow..amazing picture but I don’t think I could have watched lol..well maybe I would have peeked..I hope you have a good day picking cherries today and I hope Annie is well 🙂

  7. Corey, a cousin of mine on the island of São Jorge in the Azores (now 32) and his friends are avid cliff- and rock-climbers too. When I first heard of their interest, I just chalked this up to youthful testosterone 🙂
    But I’ve subsequently learned that besides for recreation, as Bombeiros Voluntários (volunteer firefighters — I doubt they have any other kind there) this is an important life-saving skill my cousin and his colleagues must keep honed, because from time to time it’s necessary for them to rescue some poor soul who’s fallen down an oceanside cliff, or a boater who’s wrecked at the bottom of a cliff to which there’s no other access.

  8. He is brave like my son
    Love you

  9. Oh my gosh , my knees buckle just looking at the picture!

  10. Frenchee le Trip

    How wonderful to continue to be amazed by your mate. Nice choice, Corey!
    You have been awarded the Kreativ Blogger Award – mosy over to my blog for the juicy details!

  11. Corey
    Your husband is a wonder —it would be nice if he had some one experienced to climb with him to spot him. Although I do not know if that would make a difference to you watching? He is back in your arms again for another day in paradise, praise God.
    To FH: Ah that adrenal rush! What a sweet feeling! Great picture by the way!

  12. CoCo, I love how you had to repost this because you were “picking cherries” today. You live a charmed life, my friend.

  13. Gina Baynham

    Makes me glad me husband is a computer whizz!
    He’s not likely to kill himself typing furiously on a keyboard!

  14. FrenchBlue

    I’m loving this so much that I could only read the first couple sentences…without feeling guilty… I must share it with my American husband, it is too good to read alone… we share special moments, like this post. We will read it aloud together after dinner, over tea. It is a treat to await! Thank you for the post and our evening communion. We really aren’t a boring couple but this post is such a treat!

  15. Oh. MY. God. That’s all I’m gonna say.
    (Thank GOD he made it back alive. He is such a sexy man!)
    Too scary.

  16. Catalina

    so scaring! and hilarious!
    but let me tell you…to be married to a French man is not always like this…I tell you! mine do incredible things but not Yan’s ones….:)

  17. Vicki Archer

    My heart was in my mouth just reading this! Men……xv

  18. Karen C

    I’m sorry Corey, but it is with a heavy heart that I have to make the decision to stop reading your blog.
    You see, I have high blood pressure.
    This past week alone, you have made my heart race and my blood pressure climb
    . . .with heart aching emotion about Annie’s illness and the thought that something could happen to that wonderful lady and your wonderful friendship.
    . . . . with joy at the unspeakable beauty of your photos of all things French and stylish.
    . . . . . with fear and excitement for what your man puts you through with his love of all things extreme – you included!
    Yes, Corey. I will simply have to stop reading and settle back to my quiet life.
    But maybe after tomorrow. Because when I read your words and your stories and drool over your pictures, I know I’m alive.
    You are food for my soul and I thank you.

  19. Deirdre

    I think you might be even braver than your crazy husband. I’d have bitten my nails down to the knuckles.

  20. A Gift Wrapped life

    My husband would never do this…..but I have a son who would in a heartbeat. Free-diving, scooters at breakneck speed, cycle racing, skydiving, anything, the faster the better. Oh, you are a good wife! I would have lost my mind. Fun reading though.

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