Tiramisu Shots

Tiramisu shots

Tiramisu. Is the epitome of French husband's most often used expression,
"It tastes like baby Jesus in velvet shorts." A tasteful sacrilege, is it not?


Yesterday, was Mother's Day in France. It is one of the best things to be an American mother living in France, because I get to celebrate Mother's Day twice. Not too shabby.
Chelsea and Sacha, with the helpful wallet of French Husband, gave me an expresso machine with something to make steamed milk. I do not drink coffee, but they knew that I enjoy entertaining and that the instant coffee I served was disgusting. I guess you could say it was a gift for the family. The steamed milk part was for me.


The gift was a timely way to celebrate the new kitchen. As soon as they told me that the steamer could make cold or hot steam, I had an idea.
I added two tablespoons of Kahlua to each shot glass. Then I added cold steamed milk on top.


Of course, I found the shot glasses at the brocante. I think they are from the 1920s or 30s, because of the style and cut of the glass. (I don't like shots, drinks or otherwise, kinda like the expresso, I don't like coffee, but now I have an expresso machine. I guess you could say to negatives can make a positive. What???)



To top off the tiramisu in a glass,
I sprinkled coco powder on top.


Instant success. Half the calories, and not an ounce less of taste.
"Welcome new kitchen!" We cheered. French Husband declared we should open a Tiramisu Bar. I told him, "to hold his horses…" and with that he gave me a puzzling look as if to say, what the heck are you talking about? That is one of the problems with marrying a foreigner, culture expressions need massive explaining. In the end I said,"First things first, let's have lunch."


Tiramisu Shots:

In a shot glass add 2 tablespoons of Kahlua.
Then add a few tablespoons of cold steamed milk on top,
Sprinkle dark coco powder.
Drink up.

Happy Day.


Nespresso Aeroccino Automatic Milk Frother


33 responses to “Tiramisu Shots”

  1. A toast to your new kitchen and love to you all
    Love Jeanne ♥

  2. Happy Mother’s Day the 2hd time! Those drinks sound wonderful, love Kahlua.
    You looked very sexy at “The Secret Garden Party” by the way. Great dress.

  3. Happy mothers day! Although, like we say at home, mothers day and fathers day is everyday! 🙂

  4. happy second mother day…
    well, as italian, i had another idea of tiramu, which here is completely different….

  5. Happy French Mother’s Day, Corey! Enjoy your fun new kitchen gadgets in your new kitchen! Can’t wait to see pics of it. And I agree with Sheala, you and your dress looked lovely at the garden party. Thanks for those beautiful pictures and descriptions. It looked dreamy!

  6. susanna

    Happy French Mother’s Day, Corey. Lucky you for getting a brand new espresso machine! Lucky family and guests to have such an imaginative espresso machine owner. Tiramasu shots! Who would have thought!

  7. I want to live at your house.

  8. martina

    Corey, you are a girl genius. The tiramisu shots look splendid!

  9. Delicious way to start my day Corey, and NO calories. 🙂

  10. Just popping in to say the party looked splendid. You and FH are a darling couple!

  11. Julie Ann Evins

    How splendid. Unusual for me to come across a non coffee drinker – must save you a lot of time ! Do you not like it or is it a health measure ? I like it far too much & tia maria too ! jx

  12. Corey, first let me say, you looked fabulous at the party!! White was right this time!
    I was wondering as you talked about only having a pizza takeout, is there such a thing as French takeout? What is the classic French meal, as in the phrase “American as apple pie”?

  13. Happy belated Mother’s Days. I have a little machine to make froth…these look good enough to drink.
    What? You don’t like shots of things…you would not make a good Scandinavian 🙂 LOL
    You look lovely in the ruffled white dress and I am so jealous of your hairstyle that I am going to grow my hair out…I have the blond part already.

  14. Corey
    “May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you and all your heart might desire.”
    ~ Irish Blessings

  15. Shelley Noble

    genius idea, Corey. You could open any kind of establishment and it would be wildly busy!

  16. Franca Bollo

    “It tastes like baby Jesus in velvet shorts.” A tasteful sacrilege, is it not?”
    Mm … sounds a wee bit pedopheliac to me. 😉

  17. Antique Sterling Silver

    What a brilliant idea! I will try this tonight.

  18. Oh so cute, I love the little shot glasses. I think your new kitchen is brilliant. and love the The Secret Garden Party…amazing, and brilliant photos.

  19. Happy French Mother’s Day. Love the glasses.

  20. Vicki’s Bit-o-Earth

    It all sounds and looks delicious! I love the shot glasses the most… I must admit. I wish we had brocantes with a set of those shot glasses… I’d give an arm and a leg to have such a set! (:

  21. Marvelous idea, the tiramisu shots. Are those the lovely black granite countertops I spy in the photos? I absolutely love the finish. I think I would prefer your matte finish to the highly polished finish I have. Won’t show fingerprints so you won’t be wiping them down every day. Smart choice.

  22. Ok, ok, ok, stop teasing us and show us the kitchen for cryin’ out LOUD!!!

  23. Corey, I just had my FIRST Tiramisu recently at a church tea. It was heavenly. First heard of Tiramisu from the movie “Sleepless in Seattle” when Tom Hanks asks his friend what women like (after a long time from the dating scene), and the friend answers “Tiramisu”. I’d never known exactly what it was, but was delighted when I discovered it (finally) at the tea. Now the drink I will enjoy as well! Thank you for the recipe!

  24. Beverly

    Happy Mother’s day in France!
    These little drinks look so, so good…but I really want to see the kitchen!

  25. Julie M.


  26. Hasmin Cannon

    Happy Mother’s Day in France! Love those shot glasses…and what’s in them…Tiramisu in a glass, WOW!

  27. jend’isère

    Your adaptation of the classic Italian dessert illustrates your eclectic nature of combining the best. Noncoffeee drinker drinking an Italian dessert with Mexican coffee liquer embellished by modern machine in French antique glasses. Where does one purchase Kahlua in France anyway? nature of appreciating

  28. Design Cracker

    Bravo!!! Look so yummy too. Happy 2nd Mother’s Day.

  29. Courtney

    I do despare of French Husband if, after all the years you have been married, he still doesnt get something like hold your horses!!! Hopefully your children are a little more onto of things…. being half American and all……? Oiu?

  30. Oh I am so in. These look amazing!!!!

  31. Linda Hanselman

    This reminds me of an after dinner dinner drink I like called a Smith and Kearns. Kahlua, Cream, and a shot of seltzer. Can’t wait to see the whole kitchen

  32. oh gorgeous new kitchen corey!!
    and oh i am jealous…i really want an espresso machine!
    and i llllllllllllove the glasses….you can toss some my way…if you want? ;)))

  33. well, I am FLIPPING out over the brocante shot glasses
    in your blog, re the tiramisu shots ……
    cannot imagine how beautiful it must be in
    France now …. it is so dry we could “spit cotton” here
    in San Antonio TX
    your pictures are fabuleux !

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