Motor Cycle Mama lets it all out

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My most favorite part of the whole entire enchilada of our trip was being straddled to this man on back of Willow. If you are happy, angry, sad, confused, doubtful, in love or whatever mixture of feelings or thoughts you have about your mate, being together on a bike (talk about up close and personal) mile after mile, hour after hour, day after day, sometimes lost, sometimes tired, most the time in silence, hot, cold, rained upon, and being held on to when falling asleep, one cannot help but have their feelings and thoughts melt out over the journey into something deeply rich. Riding a bike with the one you love does that.

I felt loved and at this moment I truly miss being stuck behind him. I think I need my daily motorcycling buddy drug.

Anyway I had hoped to give you a complete list of links, with addresses and what-nots, and answer your questions, but I must admit I am pooped-out. Plus I have guests spending the night, and I need to get my rear in gear and get to the grocery store.

As Scarlett said, "After all…tomorrow is another day."

Thank you very very much for being part of our journey, and for lovin' it as much as we did.

Tomorrow then.


37 responses to “Motor Cycle Mama lets it all out”

  1. you described very well, what it is like to be on a bike with your man. It brings a closeness that is very hard to put into words.
    my man and I did a 14 day ride through southern states of Australia just this past January and it is like we did blend together as one, like never before.
    you & I are biker babes!!
    (ps I sent a really weird question… if you have time or when you have time.. I would love your wisdom on it !)

  2. michelleb.

    Corey, I absolutely loved following you & Yann on this journey. So much so, that I showed many of pictures to my husband and said “this is what I want for our gurlz” to know there are so many interesting places in the world outside of our back yard. That you don’t need alot of $$ or a big suitcase.
    Thank you!

  3. I’ve shared your trip with my family, husband in particular, and we’ve all loved it. Thank YOU for sharing, posting thoughts and photos and just giving all of it to those of us out here!
    Glad you’re home safe….now to take some time (whenever) to recharge your battery, yes?!! 😉

  4. I would LOVE to spend 3 weeks with my husband on vacation. We (like you) never had that much time alone together since we have been married 17 years ago. Although it would not be on a bike because I am terrified of motorcycles. It has always been a fear I have had. I just could never ride on one – oh, well! I would love to visit all the places you visited. Thanks for the beautiful photos.

  5. I love you
    Enjoy your company♥

  6. Thank YOU for sharing your trip and your thoughts with us. I have loved every minute of it. The photos have been incredible and I can’t wait to see more.

  7. Leslie garcia

    YOUR THOUGHTS AND WORDS REALLY CONVEY THE GLORIOUS TIME YOU SHARED! I am happy to have been able to vicariously enjoy every moment too.
    Have a good time with your company.


    I still love the idea that you named your shared bike “Willow”. Will your way around him.
    Be well.
    Do good.
    All ways.
    All days.
    Stay true. ….I know your do.

  9. as i have said in prior posts…i truly enjoyed your trip and photographs and words. and again, thank you for sharing the adventure and spirit of it with us.
    toying with visiting your part of the world come february if weather agrees.

  10. Nancy from Mass

    Thank you Corey for sharing your trip with us. There’s nothing like a road trip with your mate to bring you closer together.

  11. Cant tell you how much I loved taking this amazing journey with you and FH. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Deb In IN

    I suggest that you and Yann take the same trip on EACH of the continents..and then tell us about it! What a book you could write. Hope when you are in the US you have time to stop and meet some of your American Friends! Welcome Home to you both. (I LOVE that one silly ocean and a few thousand miles didn’t stop you two from meeting and falling in love!)

  13. Corey,
    It sounds very much like you got down to the basic core of your relationship with Yann, and obviously it’s a very secure, loving and respectful marriage.
    I wanted to thank you, again, for taking time during your trip to find an internet connection and to keep us informed, through fabulous pictures and wonderful prose, of your adventures. You truly made it all come alive for your readers!!!
    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  14. Thanks so much for the vacation trip, Corey. I enjoyed every minute of it! I agree with those who suggest you write a book(s) about your life and travels.

  15. Corey, thank you for the awesome journey. I too held on to your back as willow and your hubby took us on an great adventure. You are by far the BEST! AND…to spend every minute with your loved by your side is like a second honeymoon. What wonderful memories.
    Thank you,

  16. Garland Lewis

    I’m sure that having to make a blog entry each day was not always pleasant. However, your account of your trip was fascinating and beautiful — the first thing I read each day. Thank you so much for your wonderful reportage, thoughts and comments.

  17. Corey its has been an amazing trip…and I am sure your French husband is a lovely man to be straddled too!!!
    That one little line, says it all…I felt Loved!!!

  18. Corey, it was a privelege to join you! What a fabulous experience you had while simply sitting behind the man you love. And such a surprisingly great way to tour Europe – it’s one way I’d never have thought of, myself!

  19. hahah I love the “rear in gear” comment! My Mom always says that…and it truly makes me smile. 🙂
    I’m so amazed at your courage to step way way way out of your comfort zone to take this motorcycle trip and have so savored the gifts you received on this trip!

  20. La Framéricaine

    Apart from the excitement of new horizons and physical, emotional, and spiritual communion, I think that the thing I like most about your trip is your having simply chosen, together, to seize the day and not allow the roar and distractions of the demands of daily life-on-the-ground to dissuade you from making the trip–beginning and continuing each day until, in your hearts and minds, it was complete.
    My husband and I drove 6,530 miles in 32 days across a vast expanse of the USA in a huge figure 8 and I wouldn’t trade our experiences for all the certainty or money in the world. The road, its denizens, and our shared experience were their own rewards.

  21. AmandaMay

    Thank you so much for sharing your amazing trip. The way you and your husband just went for it is so inspiring! Also, you made me want to visit Croatia and Hungary and the Czech Republic so much!
    I hope you can get some rest now you are home!

  22. Carolyn Mallin

    Well, that was a great trip. Thanks for taking us along. I’m glad for you that you and FH have such a wonderful bond.

  23. Kris Grover

    WHAT A RIDE!!!! THANK YOU for sharing it with us!

  24. Corey, have you ever contemplated the level of sustained mutual trust necessary for two people to ride safely on a motorcycle together, especially over such long distances? Wow!
    On a cheerier note — since you packed so light for your voyage, at least you didn’t have a huge pile of dirty clothes to have to launder upon your return!

  25. Didn’t FH love the feel of YOU straddled to him? The feel of your breasts against his back? Your thighs taut and touching his legs? Surely he could feel you and it must have been arousing at times for you both, no? Was it stressful for FH to motor all that way? Especially with a sleeping hot wife behind him?

  26. Lovely. It always amazes me what we gleen from a trip. It is always much more than just the sights along the way.

  27. I thoroughly enjoyed your adventure. Thank you for sharing it.

  28. thank you for your generous sharing of this ‘intimate’ journey … was magical.
    missy from the bayou

  29. Hi Corey,
    Let me introduce myself….I’m Jessica. I didn’t want it to be strange that I know your name and you don’t know mine!
    I adore you and Scarlett O’Hara even if she was a little minx! So I was quite amused by the quote.
    My question for you is what did you crave the most; something you could not satiate while on your voyage?
    I hope someday my husband and I can share such a trip. It seems that it was well worth every mile.
    Thank you for bringing a little bit of wonder and inspiration to life through your writings.

  30. Hi Corey, The pear and the carafe with the amber crystal top did it. I had to write–beauuutiful blog –– photos –– everything!

  31. I agree with you on all that you’ve written, and it’s an enriching experience, but it’s even better when you have your own bike and independently ride with your partner. He’s watching after you as well as you watching after him. So much a partnership experience.

  32. what a great vacation!!!

  33. Elaine L.

    I’ve never been interested in eastern Europe until I read your blog posts.
    You did have to have a lot of trust in Yann’s riding ability to enjoy the trip. I’m sure this trip was just the beginning of many adventures to come.
    How nice not to have to do much unpacking. That’s the part of traveling that I hate.

  34. me again! I have been pondering this post all day (yes, I need a life)… and I realized that there is something very sensual being on the back of the bike..when the guy pats your leg and you lean into his back..
    and what is it with these guys? Joe, that is my husband is growing his hair too..!!
    if, if, if you ever get a desire to come here to Australia, we can show you some amazing roads too.. allow at least a month. 🙂 – we are going to the States in 2011, we hope.. to go to Sturgis and ride route 66.. a dream of ours.

  35. qualcosa di bello

    i forwarded this post to the man of my dreams (my hubby of 22+ years) because i know these words would be true for us too! 🙂 everyone of your posts was made more magical by that love woven throughout the oozed through the words. i love to travel & will go most anywhere/time, but my heart always aches if D. is not with me.

  36. Judith Taylor

    “being straddled to this man ” … what a fantastically evocative phrase – for me it said all the rest in those few words.

  37. mimicharmante

    Dear sweet friend (because really, that is what you feel like…)~
    I have to tell you that the love you have for your FH is so incredibly inspiring to me. You write so honestly, and I don’t for one minute think that you and he are perfect – that you never argue or disagree on things. But that you so truly adore him after so many years is such a thing of dreams, and I can only hope and pray that me and my darling CH (Canadian Husband) share the same after our children are (basically) raised and we have time for just the two of us~
    Thank you for sharing this part of you,

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