Questions answered about our Trip


I want to write to those of you who faithfully read, wrote and cheered us on while we were traveling… but there is simply not enough hours in the day. Here are a handful of responses to some of the questions you have asked me over the last three weeks:

1) Julie asked: "When
you got home…that 2 minutes after your daughter arrived…after 12
hours on Willow…could you actually walk upright?"

I surprised myself that is true. I thought I would be dead to the world, but I wasn't. Instead we talked until one in the morning (Chelsea was jet-lagged) and the next day we had two over night guests and friends over for dinner… 12 of us to be exact.

I am now officially plum tuckered out and the 100° heat is not adding to my recovery.

Tirano italy facade

2) Irina said, "Cannot wait to see more of you pictures from the trip."

Thank you! I took a few photos… I will share more of them over time. The above photo is of Tirano in Italy and it is a MUST SEE PLACE.

Antiques budapest

3) French Blue has the Antique bug as bad as I do she asked: "I know you didn't carry home any vintage treasures for sure….but did you happen to find any that you shipped home?"

No, I did not. I did not even look in any stores. But this much I do know there are tons of shops and markets in Czech Republic, Prague and the antique shops, in Budapest the Ecseri Antique Market, In Ljubljana, Slovenia there is a antique market every Sunday.… more antiques in Slovenia then I could ever dream about…

(I must have been drugged on a different kind of love not to stop inside at least one shop!)

Though you know the reason I did not go into any shops, was because I promised French Husband if we stayed in a hotel or room verses camping I was at his command. He HATES to shop. During our travels he often asked if I wanted to peek inside of a shop, but I did not. A relationship is all about give and take, and since I took the hotel/room option, I gave up shopping for antiques…well at least during our trip.

Givi Tankbag (T437 "Gold Series" - Magnetic)
photo source Twisted

4) Patty asked: "How were able to navigate your route while on the bike, as it seems you didn't stop all that much?"

In some countries our GPS worked, in others it did not. In the countries were the GPS did not work we used maps. The magnetic backpack that attaches to the gas tank has on top a clear plastic pocket were you can insert a map where you can read it easily without stopping.
Sign language helps too.

Budapest French Husband

5) Kathleen of Oregon asked: "I was wondering how FH feels about your personal stories?"

He loves that I write because it takes me out of his hair! No not really. But he doesn't mind that I write our stories on the blog. If he did I would not write them. He likes reading my blog, gets a kick out of the comments too because he feels he too knows who you are.

For instance Marie Noelle and her family came for dinner the other night, he thought he knew them (though he never met Marie Noelle nor her family before!) and he saw that meeting blog friends is having real friends. Amy is spending a week with us, he knows her now! And when Jeanne sent Anny a care package in the mail (while we were gone) Anny and French Husband both beamed… Anny exclaimed, "I am famous!"
French Husbands gets that blogging is my therapy and in the end his happiness too.

Many of you asked throughout our trip, "Did you manage to wash and have your clothes dry in the morning?"

Yes. Our under things and tee shirts were made of lightweight synthetic fabric. I missed cotton, but that was a luxury that stayed in the closet back home. Let me tell you that synthetic stuff drives just by batting your eyes.

Stelvio pass italy Tirano side

6) Mimi G. asked,  "Did you ever get stopped for speeding, or just because??
Plus one more – would you take the same trip again, and if so, what would you change?"

We were not stopped by police for speeding (French Husband rides like an escargot and when he dared to go fast I would punch him.) We were stopped at the border where they checked over my passport and stared at me fake blond hair.

Yes I would re do the exact same trip.The only thing I would changed would be to stay longer in each place and travel more…. and I would take my sunglasses that I forgot to pack.


7) Marilyn in Dallas asked, "I was curious if you had any problems passing through customs as you traveled from country to country? -And- Of all the wonderful pictures you took, which is your favorite, and why?"

We did not have any problems with customs. You do need a passport at the border of  Croatia.

Out of our travel photos the two I love the best were taken with my eyes. One was in Austria at twilight around nine in the evening there was a double headed, white stone mountain, as the sunset the mountain's surface was illuminated in pink. It changed shades of rose as the evening rolled in. It was incredibly beautiful, we stopped as I thought to take a photo of it…but through my lens I saw I could not capture it. I hold the memory instead.

The second photo was of a woman in her mid seventies at a gas station in the Austrian Alps, she was in leathers and riding a bigger bike than ours. I admired her rough worn skin, her used leathers, her new bike, her helmet hair and wished I dared to ask her for a photo.


8) Were your channeling your dad? Amylia asked.

All the time.

Austrian donut

9) Sue asked, "Did you loose, gain or stay the same weight?"

All of the above throughout the trip. I gained 100 pounds at Lieselotte's house and lost 100 pounds riding home. 

BMW prague

10) "Did Willow live up to her carefree name?" asked Jennifer

Oh God yes! Not one problem. Smooth ride. Comfortable. I felt no pain. We added some motor oil in Budapest, but other than that Willow was a dream boat, I mean a dream machine.

11) Diogenes asked: "Will your new friends from Croatia come visit you?

And, if you had to pick one place, which was the most "magical" of the trip?"

Our friends from Croatia and Austria, promised they would come visit us, and if they do not come visit, well then I guess I will have to go get them!

The most magical place…. more about that over the next hundred years.

To be continued…. I have to feed my guests!

Where should we go next???


41 responses to “Questions answered about our Trip”

  1. were should you go next? why here, of course!

  2. I love that you share all this with us. I love that you take the time out of your very busy life to answer questions. I love that Yann feels like he knows us as well as we know him. And you, you are a treasure.

  3. that’s WHERE of course – and HERE in caps as well 😉

  4. I am so happy Annie got her parcel
    I love you all so much
    I am sure Annie is happy to have you home.
    Love you darling friend

  5. your accounts make me tingle and tears come to my eyes! Keep it up.

  6. Nancy from Mass

    How about Spain? I’ve heard that Barcelona is a fantastic place to go. It’s only around 210 miles…just a drop in the bucket for seasoned bikers!
    Thanks for sharing your trip!

  7. Oh corey, it’s been an amazing trip – made most glorious by your recollections. Thanks your for sharing. Glad you are home safe and sound. big hugs

  8. Rebecca Dorobis

    Thank you so much…I feel like I have had such an adventure…even if just vicariously. I just started reading your blog as you were leaving on your trip and have had such a fun time traveling with you! I can’t wait to get to know you at home.

  9. herhimnbryn

    Thankyou, thankyou for all this dear Corey and FH. Such a glorious adventure!
    I pointed my Pa to this blog (as at 70, he is still out on his BMW motorbike). It was he who suggested using plastic bags over your feet when putting on wet weather trousers. You now have another fan, so will just HAVE to do some more travels on Willow!
    You can see a picture of him and my Mama on the bike here………………………..

  10. Where to next?
    For selfish reasons, I would love for you two to do a US trip. However, as that is likely to occur during the summer, you would probably have to ride the northern route to avoid the heat – like San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Montreal. We had a few 118 degree days in Phoenix this summer and it has been about 110 consistently.
    How about riding to Albania, then Athens Greece and taking Willow on the ferries to the Greek Islands (Santorini, Mykonos, Crete, Rhodes) and then on to Cairo and Luxor to see the tombs of the pharoahs?
    Or instead of Egypt, how about Athens, Thessalonika, and Istanbul?

  11. Corey, this is so amazing – the pic you have posted of your Dad standing by the house……….if you check my blog today you will see I posted an image of that very same place taken a couple of weeks ago when we visited!!! My entire post today is about that vist with your dear mom, Sacha, the grandchildren, and then Judy and Chris – make sure you take a look.
    Meanwhile, you were a good girl not to be tempted to stuff antiques in the top case…..or to mail big packages home. This means of course you have to return with your car or a large truck next time!

  12. If you take the northern route across the U.S., as Diogenes suggests, remember that Minnesota is nice and cool and you have a place to stay right in the Central part of the state, with me!
    Thank you for answering the questions. I’m not sure I could wear synthetic underwear while sitting on a bike seat day after day…but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

  13. Corey, I have not commented much but I assure you I have been here first thing upon getting out of bed every morning……..You have taken me on a much needed vacation. How can I ever repay you??????????????????

  14. Corey what a wonderful journey for you and FH. I’m green with envy. Where do you find such treasures as the souvenier charm and religious medals? I’ve scoured all the shops I’ve been visiting in Virginia and Pennsylvania and nary a one. Can’t wait to read again tomorrow.

  15. Corey,
    The day after returning you have overnight guests and 12 people for dinner!!! You have more energy and stamina than most teenagers. As an “over 50 yr. old” myself, I have to say you represent us well, my friend.
    The two pictures you took with your eyes sound lovely. I’m sure you will carry those special images in your heart, forever.
    What a marvelous adventure you took us on. I can’t wait for the next trip! 🙂
    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  16. I’ve so enjoyed touring with you! I almost fell over when you said you didn’t even peek into one shop along the way….I’m not sure I could have resisted the temptation!

  17. Glad you are home safe and sound and thanks for the ride,xx

  18. Hi Corey and French Husband! Just want to thank you for sharing this wonderful adventure with us…I did not check in every day but most of them I think. It was truly, truly an enjoyable experience and I feel I’ve gotten to know you a little bit. You are a wonderful writer and your story about remembering your dad and the touch to your knee brought me to tears, because I have had a similar experience and you reminded me of it. The photos are simply glorious but I know your have so many more memories that are not captured in the camera. You certainly have an artist’s eye! Thanks again for the pleasure you brought us.

  19. Thank you for the answers to our questions, Corey, they are a wonderful extension of your trip for those of us who have been with you!
    Where should you go next? Wherever your hearts take you! One thing is for sure, you and FH will have many armchair travelers along for the ride

  20. Awesome trip. It was an adventure my daughter and I looked forward to every day. Thanks for taking us with you and FH. My daughter had visited some of the same places and enjoyed so much seeing the places she fell in love then. As for where… if this was a test run for your trip through the US, I hope you are not disappointed when you ride through this beautiful but very young country. I bet it will be the people who have invited you to stay with them that will be the heart of that trip. We look forward to your stop in Washington!

  21. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. It was wonderful to read about your trip and see the photos. I think your next trip should be to the States and particularly my part of the country – Montana, Glacier Park and Yellowstone Park. Our door is always open for you here…! Jamie V

  22. Kris Grover

    Wonderful! I enjoyed those questions and answers! I have one of my own. Do you have to be mindful of drinking water in other countries?

  23. Franca Bollo

    You parents were in my dream last night. I kissed them both.

  24. Hi Corey,
    Just a thought occurred to me,when you met Yann first,did you know he was a biker and if he had not been would you have continued the relationship?

  25. Stephanie

    A trip of a lifetime. I have just read of your entire, wonderful, time…the sites, sounds, smells…they filled me.

  26. You’re living some of our dreams…
    (I suppose it’s time I wake up LOL)

  27. God, you are brilliant! you so inspire me..
    and where should you go next??? AUSTRALIA of course… I have a lovely spare bedroom with it’s own deck and a bathroom that could be yours and French husbands while you stay… and we know the roads 😉 xoxo

  28. oh and if it is not too late to ask a question about your trip.. you mention French husband rides like a snail.. what speed did you go mostly? I would just like to know in comparison to what we do here.

  29. Welcome home!
    You are a human dynamo Corey! To travel your motorcycle mama rumpus off for twenty one days and not require a period of nothingness and laziness and general lolling about and emoting afterward, is awe inspiring. You are officially ready for the Excursion de Harley des Etats-Unis (thank you babelfish!).
    Please please please bottle me up whatever your secret for stamina is and mail me some, pretty please with lots of chocolate on top. I’m plum tuckered out over here. 🙂

  30. Where should you go next? Well, assuming you take Willow, two possibilities that occur to me are:
    1. West along the Mediterranean coast to southern Portugal (Faro, Portimão, Lagos, Sagres) and maybe even up to Sintra and Lisbon, then back via Gibraltar and across (there must be a ferry) to Morocco, so you can say that you both (as well as Willow) have touched ground on another continent (admittedly I’m a geographical “collector”!).
    2. Up through France to the Low Countries. Easy riding where it’s so flat there, and lots of English spoken.

  31. Corey,
    I haven’t commented for a long time but, nevertheless, have been here with you.
    My husband and I delighted in every post. It has been an honour to accompany you and Jann on your journey. Thank you for inviting all of us.
    Warm thoughts.

  32. Carol Lucero

    Anywhere you go and take pics/blog will be a treat for all of us who followed you on this wonderful journey. if you ever want to tour California on a motorcycle, I have a large Victorian house that’s near San Jose and only 45 min from San Francisco. Yosemite, wine country, central coast are all close trips. I would love for you and FH to be my honored guests.

  33. Your travels are inspiring me to come to Europe!! Maybe I’ll meet you one day ;)If I was there, I would take the bike down the coast of Italy…there’s also a really cool walk that people do from the south of France to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, a pilgrimage of sorts. It’s been a dream of mine to do one day!

  34. Welcome Back! Thank you for such an inspiring trip.

  35. FrenchBlue

    Thank you for all your answers! I focused in on your reply to my question. I SO agree that it is all about give and take. I respect what you did. I know you made French Husband very happy not shopping and holding on tight to him everyday! You are a couple to admire. AND I know he is your priceless treasure….above and beyond your love of precious antiques…

  36. You and your husband are an inspiration!
    Perhaps a tour through Spain or Italy would be another great trip on Willow?!

  37. Europe is so beautiful, all its countries are, you only have to close your eyes, put a finger on the map, pack and go! Thanks for sharing your memories and feelings with us once more (I finished to write down my own, even though it’s nothing compares with yours).
    P.S. I totally agree with you about taking photos, I whish I could have a mini camera attached to my helmet to save all I see along the road…..

  38. Isabel ~ Maison Douce

    Many of those questions I had them myself!!! It’s been so fun to read of your adventures!! Where should you go next? Well, I do not know if you have been there, but you have Portuguese heritage, so why not go to Portugal?

  39. Your pictures are gorgeous, Corey. I love looking at travel photos–makes me feel like I’ve been there even if just for a moment. Thank you so much for sharing this trip with us.

  40. My Melange

    Corey, so glad you had a good time- and arrived home safe and sound! Can’t wait to see more of your trip photos- especially Italy. But of course, you knew that 🙂
    I have Triano on la lista.

  41. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful trip with us Corey. I have been vicariously following along. One day you will have to take French husband to the Azores so that I can enjoy that trip through your eyes. You truly must be blessed to have such wonderful adventures and a companion to share them with.

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