Fig Jam, French Husband & a Special Treat

french antique


French Husband called to tell me he had gone to Mr. Porte's and picked figs.

"I am making fig jam," he said, "How do I know when it is done? And tell me, when to do the figs meltdown?"

I repeated the recipe, step by step, "You're making fig jam, gee honey, that is impressive! Do you have jars?" I asked because before I left for the States, I made fig jam and used every jar in the house.


"Yes, jars. You know how to can the jam?"

"I knew I was forgetting something important!"

I told him to go to Annie's house; she might have jars.

Later, he called telling me he had found jars, that the fig jam beat mine, and then he put Annie on the phone.

"Oh, Cherie! You know I cannot hear," she said 'so I will do all the talking!"


Later today, I will post about New Orleans.




17 responses to “Fig Jam, French Husband & a Special Treat”

  1. Ed in Willows

    I’m impressed with FH. I would never try to make Jam although, I’m very good at eating it. I talked to your mom uptown last night. They were re-dedicating the clock at the mall and she was helping with the refreshments. It’s nice to see her out enjoying herself with friends. She’s been staying quite busy with the antique shop.

  2. Three cheers for French Husband. Annie is just adorable. I bet she had lots of news and opinions to share.

  3. How wonderful
    Glad to hear about Annie too
    Love you

  4. Corey
    Sounds like FH misses you and he even pulled out the big guns’ Annie — and cooking in your new kitchen – a favorite recipe… WOW!
    Oh to be loved and needed… so sublime!

  5. Glad FH is keeping an eye on Annie!
    Hope you are having a wonderful time..


    How nice of him to do that . . . he does miss you!

  7. That is really sweet! My sweet husband thought he would help this morning when he left for work and started the dishwasher. When I woke up there were bubbles all over the floor. I called husband and asked him what he did, and he said well we were out of those tablets, so I just used the regular soap.

  8. So happy that you got to speak to Annie!! Can’t wait to hear how FH’s fig jam turns out.

  9. Jeanette Mc.

    I am also very impressed with FH. When I’m gone my husband will call me to ask what cereal we have! Love Annie to bits.

  10. Dear Corey,
    thanks for your guided tour across half of the US, and your photo documentary which gives a nice impression of the places you saw. Must have been very tiring for u 2 girls driving such a distance. I think I can understand Ellen’s bridge-phobia, I feel like that in tunnels when I’m alone in the car.
    I knew FH was extraordinary when it comes to kitchen work, but cooking fig jar beats it all – he didn’t need to add any sugar ’cause doing it is sweet enough ! Plse save a jar for me as it’s my favourite.
    Enjoy the MF,Corey !
    Hugs, Lieselotte

  11. Carolyn Mallin

    Oh, how sweet. FH must miss you terribly. Nice that he’s spending time with Annie. I’ll bet she’s missing you as well. Can’t wait to hear about New Orleans.

  12. i rise every morning expectant of your marvelous travels…
    you never disappoint Corey
    thank you for letting us all travel with you vicariously
    and yes FH is a treasure
    but Annie made my day:
    “so I will do all the talking!”
    from Kentucky

  13. What a sweet story, I bet they are missing you!

  14. “you know I cannot hear so I will do all of the talking”…Oh that Annie! She sounds just like Favorite Aunty.
    Bravo Yann for making the jam. Don’t you wish you had a video of that?

  15. Marie-Noëlle

    I LOVE this post of yours, Corey !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I DO love it !!!
    I’m surrounded by apples here… making chutney and jarring it … while fig-uring Yann …
    Apple crumbles on and on here …. They’re gone as soon as they come out of the oven …!!!

  16. Lieselotte,
    You are so nice.
    You got there 100 points…. and of course the biggest jar of my “sweet” figue jam.

  17. that’s a great husband

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